Can you beat the Warcraft 3: Scourge Campaign without losing a unit?

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hey illidan those last two dallas videos went really well are you interested in doing a oh oh no hey uh arthas are you interested in doing another deathless video hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the finale of the warcraft 3 deathless series in addition to the normal rules there's one clarification for this ron using the banshee's possession ability is not allowed all the other rules are exactly the same as always so let's get into it the scourge campaign is without a doubt the hardest deathless run i have ever done while there's less things like randomly getting cheesed by stuns than sentinel's campaign the sheer difficulty of every mission means that i could not go in without precise plans the first mission in most my deathless runs is pretty easy king arthus on the other hand is universally seen as one of the most difficult missions in warcraft 3. the map is divided into three sections i have a base in each of the three corners where human refugees can escape if 20 get out i lose refugees spawn from nine villages around the map once the houses in each of the villages are destroyed the refugees will no longer spawn there meaning that once one of the thirds of the map are cleared of villages that area will no longer be under threat kel'thuzad's base in the top right is horrible while the hero himself is incredible he only has access to two units the ghoul which is the weakest frontline combat unit in the game and the necromancer whose combat potential comes from raising timed life summons if the enemies were normal kel'thuzad himself would probably be enough to defend but they send militia commanders an overpowered knight variant who deals chaos damage has a healing ability an armor aura and divine shield sylvanas base is not much better unlike arthas and kel'thuzad who are level 10 sylvanas is level 2. normally her defense comes from the banshee a spellcaster who can sacrifice itself to mind control the enemy unfortunately for this run i held a poll on whether possession is considered losing a unit and the community overwhelmingly voted that yes it is the elite unit that attacks sylvanus is the militia captain a ranged attacker who deals massive damage poisons units he hits and has a damage increasing aura as well as a 20 chance to deal double damage with every attack normally sylvanas forces are intended to possess multiple of these captains to defend instead i have to hide her in a corner and let people through and finally is arthas's base he has abominations which are actually really good in addition to being high damage high durability bruisers they can use the cannibalizability to heal themselves up between fights i don't have to babysit this side at all connecting the three areas is a crossroads with a powerful human fortification including three paladins whenever a village is attacked one of these paladins will teleport in to reinforce bringing troops with him while i don't have to kill the paladins i do have to kill the altars that will resurrect them in order to win with all this in mind my plan is to take the mission one area at a time as i begin i grab arthas and send him to the nearby shop grabbing him with boots of speed a scroll of speed and a potion of invulnerability each of my heroes has three goblin land mines to work with kel'thuzad heads to the north and drops three mines in a village that has all of their houses clumped very close to each other once a villager spawns the mines will detonate taking out all the houses with it i do the same on sylvanas's side with her minds arthas uses a scroll of speed to charge through the alliance base in the middle laying his three mines in another cluster of houses on kel'thuzad's side leaving a single village for the pair to demolish these houses are more spread out so i couldn't landmine them instead i bring in kel'thuzad and use his ultimate death and decay arthas is able to keep the heat off of the ledge long enough and in the first few minutes of the mission the most vulnerable area can no longer be attacked now to head down to sylvanas for the fifth village i use my remaining two landmines to take it out easily in order to keep sylvanas's side safe i put her in the front utilizing her drain life ability to sustain her through the high damage enemies without risking my banshees if i had to stall much longer she would end up getting overwhelmed but this works for long enough that my blitz strategy can pull through once the boys have cleared two villages sylvanas mine's detonated on the third and there's only one area remaining i take my time here the abominations are looking great and nothing else is a threat unfortunately sylvanas cannot come with the other heroes because a level 2 can't make it through the middle base alive for the final three villages i use the tried and true death and decay plus heal strategy the two and a half minute cooldown makes the process slow but it's reliable all that remains are killing the three alters in the main base there are too many forces to keep kel'thuzad alive while channeling this is what i thought until i found this nook at the south where only a couple enemies can hit him at a time i decay the altar and the game fades to black with my two heroes in a not at all precarious position thankfully in between the insanity of macromissions in this campaign comes a few freebies the flight from lordaeron is almost a free win but with a couple hiccups the first being rescuing this necromancer he's ai controlled and runs over to me gets recruited and almost immediately summons time-life skeletons after four or five resets i managed to grab both of them and stop them from summoning this was a very unexpected first roadblock the mission is a very long no-build mission where i rescue allies over time ending up with about two control groups worth of units taking things slow and steady as king here as long as i take every engagement high health there's nothing to worry about it's worth noting that arthas is level 8 here the scourge campaign has a unique mechanic where instead of leveling up a hero from 1 to 10 arthas starts at level 10 and loses power throughout the campaign unfortunately i can't pick what abilities arthas loses when his level goes down which leaves me with the useless death pact instead of keeping deathcoil's power up after about an hour of trudging through the labyrinthian map i reach the final boss fight there's an elite abomination named blood feast with 3000 hp partnered with a level 7 dreadlord as well as their escorts and a fun fact about warcraft 3 is that siege weapons can use the attack ground command to shoot areas where they don't have vision and all of the enemies behind this wall are melee making this the least exciting boss fight ever at this point the story splits with one set of missions following sylvanus and another following arthas all three of sylvanas's missions are absurd each of them easily lands in the top 10 most difficult deathless missions i've ever done the first is the dark lady normally this mission is easy and awesome when a banshee uses possession on tribe's leader the entire tribe falls under the player's command the tribes can then be used to slaughter varamothras's base verimothras himself attacks early and often with big armies of well-upgraded units of course each of these are also possessable normally giving sylvanas a huge spike in army power any time that he delivers more forces to make things more fair sylvanus loses a majority of the undead tech tree only being able to train ghouls meat wagons banshees and the healing obsidian statue because possession is illegal i'm fighting against one of the most aggressive enemies in the game using a tech tree where every good unit was removed great after practicing and experimenting a lot i found out a couple points about the mission first is that vera mothras joins every red attack wave and he hurts veramothross is bulky can disable my units with sleep and throws out a ton of area damage with carrion sporm i need an answer to him and second is that the only viable unit is the meat wagon nothing else i have can actually fight the enemy my first priority is verimothros i can't allow him to spearhead the enemy attacks repeatedly this is where my experience as a deathless runner kicks in if you've seen legacy of the void deathless you might find this strategy familiar as the dreadlord attacks i use a meat wagon to pull him into this alcove i created an acolyte then constructs ziggurat on the exit and sylvanas used a scroll of town portal to pull my forces out of the trap welcome to veramothros in a box now all i have to do is repair whichever building he's hitting this came with an unexpected upside the way that the ai works in warcraft is that as they are moving their forces around they occasionally stop and rally around a hero this stops fast units from running ahead and slow units from falling behind because verumathross isn't every red attack wave but he's in my base the red attacks now charge at top speed towards me instead of regrouping this congo line is many times easier to deal with than the actual attack waves this doesn't solve all of my issues though both the purple and red bases still strike quickly and my gold mine is running out instead of expanding to a new base and being forced to defend two points at once i decide to take a risk after clearing an attack i move everything i own including alkalites to northwest of the red base that i have to destroy to win the mission i build an acropolis and then go the red and purple both send attack waves against my empty base it will take them time to clear out the buildings i use this time to engage the enemy killing as many of the pre-placed defenders and production structures as i can after my base is eliminated berimotharus returns to defend i quickly construct a wall of ziggurats between his forces and my meat wagons leaving a small opening choke point veramothross tries to force his way through taking massive losses from the meatwagon's splash damage cleaning up his main force then sylvanas hits level 6. many of the ultimates in warcraft 3 are completely useless in a deathless run but sylvanas has charm it's identical to the banshee's possession ability but does not require me to sacrifice a unit as i dive varamothurus's altar to prevent him from respawning sylvanas can now permanently mind control an enemy abomination every 45 seconds once the altar falls the remaining cleanup is simple i don't know why the purple base decided to never act after i lost my main base but it's fair to say that i would never have beaten this mission if they decided to do anything at any point going back to arthas the return to northrend is a two-part mission that's pretty fun first i get some boats to make an amphibious landing against a blood off outpost after it's clear i get a base of my own and must clear through a massive blood elf base a massive nauga base and a bunch of spiders and dragons there's no way that i'm fighting the naga ever again instead of fully clearing the blood off outpost i leave a couple farms alive as long as i don't finish part one of the mission i never get a base and the enemy ai never activates instead i head north there's a bonus quest in this mission and it's really cool inside of this dragon den are multiple high-level enemy dragons clearing them out is slow but i have all the time in the world once i reach the end i fight the elite dragon saffron using the krypfein's web ability to ground the dragons and carefully managing damage with burrow saffron and his guards are taken out after the fight arthas raises saffron into an elite frostwear he is one of the most powerful non-hero units in the game and most importantly he flies i grab saffron send him across the ocean and into the final cave past the blood elf and naga bases making sure to hug the edges and using the high ground to deny enemy spider's vision i creep saffron towards the end of a mission there are a few level 6 drakes that hurt pretty bad but saffron can clear them out to end the mission a pack of grounded dragon can have to be eliminated and none of them can attack air i kill all but one of the dragonkin and then i finish off the blood off outpost and get my base i might be done with this mission but i need to prepare for the future i make a tomb of relics the undead specialized shop and purchase a scroll of town portal some consumables for good measure and command saffron to finish off the mission going back to finish up sylvanas storyline is dreadlord's fall this mission is ridiculous it starts with an 8 minute sneak attack against enemy forces the enemy bases take up about 60 of the map i need to them here if i want to make any progress the human enemies are to the left and the undead are to the right after a couple attempts i was able to find a route that was able to destroy all of the human production structures town halls and peasants leaving them effectively worthless the overpowered knight hero lord garethos guards the center of the human base but i found that he can be baited out by varamothras put to sleep and then he'll stay in his corner after that during the attack sylvanas is using her charm ability predominantly on mortar teams for their building kill speed the exception being this one peasant back at my base i'm building a huge number of static defense structures once a sneak attack ends i bolt home the enemy sends every combat unit on the map and sends it to my base including the elite dreadlord death rock and lord garethos the onslaught is brutal it takes me multiple full resets to get everything right including building positioning and charming the right units so i could defend but eventually i'm able to break the wave of undead without a loss with two undead bases remaining i then have to figure out how to win death rock's forces are impossible to engage he constantly stays near or at max supply loves attacking and is a powerhouse himself figuring out how to engage him is tough sylvanas's units just aren't enough even with charming multiple frost wyrms her weird half faction can't bring enough of a punch without the rest of the undead tech tree using the peasant that i stole i tech up to mass griffins the highest tier human unit and had no success after some more flailing and failing someone in my chat had a bold idea and i was desperate enough to try it the siege engine is a weird unit it has a huge health pool a ton of armor and dishes out absurd damage however it can only attack buildings it also has the fortified armor type which with this weird exception is exclusively reserved for buildings it's an up close and personal siege weapon that can't actually fight the opponent's army i make 17 of them death rock's first base is no simple outpost it's as well defended as many of the game's best strongholds and the siege tanks melt through it whenever one takes critical damage i pull it out of the fight and repair it my two heroes slowly and steadily beat the non-heroic enemies who aren't that intimidating when they're lacking the ability to be rebuilt the final base is still too much to handle i can't win with death rock defending so i pull everything out of my main base wait for death rock to attack me and beat the second of the dreadlord brothers while they're not home only one dreadlord brother remains and he's even more overpowered than the first two it's time for a new power in lordaeron and i'm going to need a great plan to beat the final dreadlord baldazar i spawn with two bases an undead in the top left commanded by sylvanas and a human in the bottom right commanded by lord garethos i buy sylwanus a scroll of town portal and send my undead heroes over to the human base the mission is simple the center contains the most well-defended base in warcraft 3 and i have to destroy it my forces are split up the other undead around the map will attack me in addition to the main base's pushes these attacks quickly become overwhelming i have to end this mission as early as possible i build a massive defensive structures on the undead side to keep them safe while popping up some barracks for the humans shortly after the mission begins the bonus quest activates gyarathos is a racist just like sylvanas says so he only allows humans into his faction but this time he brought some dwarves for the fight and then they got lost if i rescue them i get to keep them as well as build dwarven units garethos is a chonker i ride him past the cobalts guarding the dwarves and rescue them immediately and then use them to clear the way back home grabbing some riflemen in cages along the way i start pumping riflemen until i max out the reason that i opted for rifleman has to do with upgrades the ai starts the mission with zero armor and attack upgrades and then slowly unlocks them over time increasing the power of their units in a way that the player can keep up with these dwarven units for whatever reason start with plus 3 attack and armor upgrades this means that if i rush i can strike the enemy with a maxed out 3-3 timing while they're stuck on 0-0 but i can't go yet balnazar is an oppressively strong hero and while he isn't mag theradin or archimonde levels of strong my heroes are significantly worse than in the other campaigns he only has two abilities to worry about finger of death which deals huge damage to a non-heroic unit and reign of chaos which summons multiple infernals either is enough to cause a reset fortunately for me balnazar has one weakness this man loves his evening walks i catch the dreadlord strolling through the park hit him with sylvanas's silence ability and then silence him for good and then i go i have to breach the base before he responds breaking through is tough my units are clumped and the enemy have doom guards a powerful demon with a bunch of area damage abilities in addition to infernals frost wyrms and the typical undead defenses while i push through the choke i send my siege engines on a mission to demolish the altar in the north and then i push up to the demon gate that warps in infernals and doomguards taking it down as well at this point it's a free win the enemy can only rally meager defenses and balnazar has a second altar at the bottom of the base he respawns and kills me in my next attempt i kill the north altar with the tanks clear south find and eliminate the second halter and then push my way up before they can rebuild an altar and revive balnazar and with that the trinity of dreadlords have been beaten without ever allowing them to take part in any legitimate engagements these missions were insanely difficult to figure out between studying practicing theorizing and executing these missions the three of them took me over 15 hours there are two more missions to finish out of arthas's questline before i can officially say that warcraft 3 can be done deathless thankfully mission 7 is a series of three no build missions back to back and they're all pretty easy into the shadow web caverns is the easiest there are spiders and angry dwarves the starting force i have is all i get and it's more than enough to clear to the final boss room the level 10 mountain king bail gun might have been an issue if there was not a fountain of restoration right next to the boss area most of the forgotten ones is the same i rescue fiends add them to my army get stuck in a crab trap and kill spiders at the end is a hallway of wacky inflatable arm flailing tube tentacles and then a boss fight the fight against the forgotten one is disappointing he's supposed to do stuff like use spells and abilities or something but this is warcraft reforged he just doesn't do that he auto-attacks and summons the occasional monster to kill but that's it i was honestly looking forward to this encounter as me pulling out all the micro stops for an incredible showdown against an old god but instead i was left disappointed to finish things off the sent to the upper kingdom is a mission where i control only arthas and if he dies i lose so i play the mission normally the most exciting thing that happened is that i got stuck on this stupid puzzle that isn't actually a puzzle but instead completely random platform movements at the end i get an escort of fiends to fight my way to the exit and then have an actual boss battle sort of the fight isn't hard but i got stuck on the floating floor puzzle for so long that i'm running out of time after losing to time twice i figure out the fight well enough to take it quickly and head on to the final mission of warcraft 3. a symphony of frost and flame is the end game the entire map is covered in naga and blood elves led by illidan vosh and kalethos the objective is to control four obelisks simultaneously both illidan and arthas spend half a minute channeling at an obelisk to claim it when they complete the channel the opposing faction's buildings take 500 damage a quick side note this damage trigger actually existed in the original warcraft 3 but it was broken this is one of the few things that reforged actually fixed properly so that's neat on hard the enemy ai easily repairs through the damage with their infinite money while a couple activations will level my entire base i can't let the enemy claim them when channeling at the obelisks arthas takes drastically increased damage naga have the power to kill him in seconds the blood all forces are not particularly threatening but this is the strongest naga attack force in the game coddles royal guards vosh and illidan himself are too much to engage head on instead of fighting the nearby naga base to claim it i plop down an acropolis to start grab my entire army and head to the first obelisk the core of my army eliminates creeps while arthas quickly dashes from one obelisk to another the northern obelisk is claimed by illidan he defends it with royal guards and builds a base around it but the remaining three are only guarded by some creeps for now after claiming the third obelisk i move arthas up and wait for illidan to move towards the right objective if i control three obelisks and start channeling even one second earlier than illidan does i will control all four for a brief enough time that i will end the game with a victory but how do i channel for 30 seconds at an altar that's so well guarded when arthas takes extra damage this base is far too strong for my army to break with arthas let alone without him the answer is that i don't i channel somewhere else the way that the activation sequence works is that once arthas touches the circle he's teleported into the center of it given a damage taken debuff and has the ability to use items and abilities taken away but i found a trick if you activate a scroll of town portal on the exact frame that arthas steps onto the objective it will start the countdown arthas will begin channeling and then he'll teleport to the main base while still channeling but hitting a frame perfect trick is pretty hard particularly in such an old game that runs at hundreds of fps but in the weirdest twist of fate for some reason unknown to anyone blizzard added an fps slider bar to reforged that can drop the game to as low as you want i can't believe that anyone besides me has actively wanted to cap their game at an incredibly low fps so i will thank blizzard for personally adding this feature for me i set the slider to 20 fps low enough to easily hit the trick but fast enough that the game isn't unplayably choppy send arthas in hit the scroll and teleport home as i wait for the 30 second countdown to conclude and the mission to end i can't help but think one thing that it is in fact possible to beat warcraft 3 and the frozen throne on hard without losing a unit
Channel: GiantGrantGames
Views: 477,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warcraft 3, warcraft 3 reforged, warcraft iii
Id: 7djrrqBoG_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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