Ocarina of Time 3D but ALL the Items are random

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in today's video i'm going to be doing an ocarina of time 3d randomizer and if you don't know what a randomizer is it basically takes every single item and puts it in a completely random location which means you get to experience a brand new way of playing the game every single time but this randomizer is playing played on the 3d version which makes for a really fun experience because it doesn't improve the graphics but also completely changes how you play it because most of the old glitches are not possible anymore and you have to use brand new glitches if you want to go through it quickly and i actually tried to learn most of these glitches live as i was going through so made for some really fun experiences so i really hope you enjoyed the video oh and don't forget to subscribe to the youtube channel and we're off okay piece of heart nuts i already got two of those but thank you anyways five rupees and five rupees you see the color of those two rupees i got chad that's how i feel after having to turn off my sword setting all right well let's head out of here let's hope we get a good item from this cutscene let's go and collect some cuckoo shall we okay let's see someone said that the and the in the 3d aranda you just have to talk to her oh yeah nice come on dude i just want to get my i just want to get my sword there should be a grotto here i can get an item from come on this is it why is it's the most useless item ever in ocarina of time and why does it keep calling me a winner wait i might not be able to even move this grave i think the kid might scream at me they'll cast trouble i'll tell dampi yeah you'll tell them all right all right let me go to the overworld and wait for it to turn night all right come on dampe give me something good dampe we're bros face may be scary but i'm not a bad guy let's find out about that huh okay tampa is a fat liar not a bad guy huh is that where you can be 40 nuts okay let's get out of here he gave you nuts i don't need nuts i was born with enough nuts oh let's do the dogo heart piece crap the wrong dog is following me leave me alone all right here we go let's go richard come on richard [Music] i i can't even i can't even hold those rupees i can only hold 99. all right let's go and check out adult maybe adult is better all right chad i am gonna do something monka w you can't grab this ledge through the roof no my cow i don't know how to play this game without glitches maybe i can actually do the jump here though i don't even care about doing the jump i take it back let's uh let's do damp array shall we now let's talk to the lady all right why why does it keep giving me hearts all right dampe let's do this race boy all right come on please be good please be good please be good [Music] that's fine there's still one more award here you know what i'll take it that's my first attack item is child that is actually probably the best item i have gotten so far which is a very sad statement okay i think i'm actually gonna go back as child i'm great dude since i'm so great how do you say they become buddies and you know you give me like a good item let's go an actual good item dude we truly are buddies all right let's see the sneaker scrub here bald juice okay not bad dude okay i have explosives now and i have slingshot all right here we go chat let's do digitry i believe in the digitry i believe that i'm going to get a sick item here like a sword maybe perhaps [Music] not bad if in case i get lost you know big goron sword you know what that's actually really good for adults and mirror shield hello this feels so casual dude please be a good item oh my god bob bag dude that's a pog that's a big pog wow cool hey we got an empty bottle wait what do you mean empty bottle that clearly has a letter in it let's go to zora's river this is it chad i can feel it come on more hearts how bad does this game think i am one two three come on please get a good item please give me a good item please give me a good item [Music] more hearts [Music] please be good [Music] well that was a great item yeah that's exactly why i didn't pick up the five rupee chad i'm not worthy enough of it this is it two items right here chat let's pop off megaton hammer that's good please work don't walk in front of it big taco don't do it no now i believe i believe i believe let's go let's go well at least we got megaton hammer that's not bad honestly i'm starting to like the look of this uh tracker it's starting to actually have some actual items on the list now all right let's go and do dolto don the dongle's cavern shall we chad let's do it all right let's check this place out come on please have some good stuff dude this is one of the hardest bosses in the game actually all right here we go time for the sword i swear to god if it's another heart i'm going to freak out that's not a sword but that's not you know what i'll take it i'll take it dude that's better than just rupees all right since we have megaton hammer let's actually go and get some pog stuff here let's go that's not even a bad item that actually is gonna help making progress that was not lucky dude that was pure scale i'm sorry but that's literally pure scale right there let's see what song we get prelude of light did i say pre prelude like the word lewd oh let's go god gamer dude big bomb bag let's go all right since i don't have magic i can't use the lens of truth but i will go for i will go for a chess minigame one time there's a one in 32 chance of doing it blindly that was a good attempt though honestly that was pretty close chad don't give up hope yet okay there is a chance that we can still pop off okay there is something called a moo heart piece okay and the mu heart piece can still come in clutch okay and instead of doing a long setup let's just check it first and then we can decide if it's worth it or not but before we get further into this video i'd like to thank a fantastic sponsor of today's video sir shark 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chad pause champ [Music] let's go you know what i'll take this as a w still probably faster than if i would have tried to play this dungeon casually even though it took me a lot of attempts all right let's do it chat here we go holy crap this boss on the 3d version dude please be a good item please be a good item please don't tell me i did all of this for nothing [Music] huge ruby we're gonna go chat adult and we're gonna pop off be ready [Music] minion deforest nice my next item check actually got a lot faster just now all right let's see what the song we get rec room of spirit that's another song that we just unlocked all right let's get the fairy while we're here too another piece of art i have had a piece of horse from every single fairy all right here we go here's the hook shot [Music] oh my god let's go literally called it that's it baby i think i need three more items in theory oh yeah and magic good point don't worry i'm gonna get magic right here [Music] hey you could almost say that that heart was magical right all right time for this stupid mace i don't even have to beat fire templates realized i better get an item that i need dude otherwise i'll cry wait did they actually patch this no way no way they patched this you have to do a hook shot clip how do i do a hook shot clip let's go i think we should go for his temple because we have all the required items for forest temple at this point oh let's go chat this is not looking good i'm sorry but this is not looking good oh no that was a bit risky silver scale nice okay that's progress okay one more chest location and then the boss and then we're done with forest temple holy crap i forgot how bad this dungeon is dude [Music] yay i guess this is it this is the magic chat here we go long if we waited for this here we go this is the magic you can check prelude oh yeah forest but you're right chad epona finally dude we got horse okay time for gerudo training ground there's like 10 checks there chad that we can do we fire arrows that's completely useless but let's go do you guys believe in magic literally come on dude no wait no no i'm not crying you're crying i want to believe oh that's at least an item no no i have 13 hearts i don't even know if even know if there is any other checks that is not keys in this place okay well let's hope that a archery minigame i guess is the one i have to beat it twice i think oh god on and oh god i have to do oh god though it's going to be really bad to do this oh this is going to be rough dude in the 3ds the 1.5k i'm not looking forward towards it dude okay i need two heads of 100 here [Music] there we go we're gonna check this and then immediately go to ice cavern i guess [Music] so much pain there's also a fairy fountain left oh yeah i could do that too all right come on let's get the big fairy chat i believe no this is not gonna be a heart every single pair of fountain has been a heart this is not gonna be a heart oh my god that's a good item though okay i only need magic now that's the only item we're missing we have every single item to beat the game now except for magic please be the heart piece right here please be the heart piece that just hangs out here [Music] that's a rupee here we go it's fine it's fine it's fine this could still be the song of storms just please do not for the love of everything be a red ocarina i swear to god please the song of storms [Music] king zora does king zora give you an item oh you're right king zora gives you blue tunic uh next time prediction let's do seven hours and ten minutes but it's we don't even have to do it because this is gonna be magic right here oh my god finally oh my god okay i'm so done i'm so god done let's go beat for four and let's go beat the dungeon dude okay i'm gonna break this dungeon dude oh sorry i forgot to press the button bam okay so to my understanding i think you stand here and then you drop a bomb easy clap all right and that is it that is all the medallions we're ready to do this chad all i want to know is where the hell is my sword i still don't have the sword for child where the hell was it oh long shot hey i can do water temple now you want to go water temple chat all right let's see what the final item is here [Music] damn yeah someone said there was a way to check the spoiler log so i'll check it later to see where the hell my sword was whoa did they redo the bridge in the uh on the 3d version what the hell it's not wiggly it has a railing what they had some safety regulations over the years kw dude hell no i'm not doing the trials dude i'm seven hours in there's zero percent chance i'm doing the trials actually you know what chap because i found a heart piece but i should i chose to not pick it up that means that the total amount of hearts we actually found was 15 because i'm one piece away from a 15th heart so that's the final count 15 hearts 15 out of 20 hearts dude insane chad i'm not sure if i'm gonna make it in time i'm kind of scared right now i honestly don't think i'm gonna make it in time yeah i love that zelda's magical power is opening doors very pog chat i'm gonna be honest i think there might need to be some construction work after this i think it's going to be hard to live in in hyrule castle after this looks like the taxes might be increasing in hyrule for next year yeah they got to pay for it somehow let's go oh my god this scene could have been so fast if i just found magic earlier but there it is dude there it is gg dude seven hours nine minutes and 37 seconds oh my god oh that's it i'm done i'm done
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 741,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KuG3lXNz2vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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