Can You Beat EVERY DUNGEON Without the Paraglider in Tears of The Kingdom?

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hello everybody so today we're doing our first tears of the Kingdom challenge run today I'm going to be trying to complete the entire game of Tears containing which includes all of the dungeons without ever receiving the paraglider so that's gonna mean a lot of zonai devices a lot of building and a lot of pain so with that being said let's get right into it and let's see how long this takes shall we decayed Master Sword all right we're immediately gonna pick this up because I think it's very important to remember to have pans for this run we do not want to be pantless I should definitely pick up a couple of food objects here I'm telling you even though I think this is probably possible I don't think that this is gonna be a I wouldn't say it's not going to be a fun challenge but it's gonna be like pange in a couple of areas I'm definitely gonna have to do the reader one later because the Rito one is definitely going to require a lot of zonite we're gonna get some equipment I think the game plan is going to be this get through early game as quickly as possible get a couple of shrines in different areas like that kind of get a bunch of good equipment and then start going to the dungeons because I definitely don't want to go to the dungeons without any equipment foreign we are done with the sky island it took us less than an hour let's go down all right so since I don't have a paraglider you can keep re-attacking by entering your dive animation canceling it and then taking out your weapon which lets you move further than you're supposed to without a paraglider which would definitely be very useful and right now I'm just doing it for the meme uh but basically I'm just going to this Pond right here of water instead of the one down there so I have less running distance when I get down to the surface there's definitely going to be a lot of clever mechanics we're going to use to get around the paraglider oh God I messed up I might not make it I should have used user glider I'm not sure why I didn't imagine did all of this and I don't make it no he's so close come on I was over the water man God damn it that's so unfair dude all right we'll jump down normally I think running would have also been faster than the 50 swings we did but come on Chad let's be honest we all loved the sound [Music] I'm gonna let this cutscene play for a tiny bit just because I love this woman respectfully Chad respectfully but first a quick word from today's sponsor you know the student comes a shock to a lot of people but I spent a lot of hours in front of monitors I mean come on I literally play video games for a living and you know what I absolutely hate whenever I get done with like a long Speed Run imagine like breath of the wild 100 and as I get done my eyes are just killing me I have a headache and you just waste the resolution for it well there is what usually would cost is ice cream for a lot of people if they're in front of monitors you know maybe you have a job with it maybe you just play a lot of games you name it is usually due to Blue Light and blue light can cause a lot of things not only eye strain but also blue light worsens Your Sleep Quality if you're checking your phone before bed you name it there's a lot of different situations so GMG glasses is an easy and pretty good looking in my opinion solution to this issue it works on all monitors it helps reduce the strain your eyes are going to get which hopefully if you're having issues like I have sometimes it can help you you know with better sleep and it can help you know reduce some of those headaches and best of all they have multiple different models on their website you can check a bunch answer them out in the link in description and if you check out the link in the description right now you will get 40 off that's right from when this video is live for the next 48 hours you will get 40 off which is basically a two for one deal so definitely be sure to check out a link in the description thank you so much GMG for sponsoring this video so I actually want to get down to the depths which you might think is a very very big issue but there's a couple of ways that I will be able to get down to the depth without having the paraglider one is to have an object you drop it and you hang on the edge the second way is a lot more difficult on my failure a few times but that's what I'm gonna do right now which is fall damage cancel which is a trick that you can do it's more like a trick rather than a glitch what I'm gonna do is I'm going to jump down here and I'm going to be diving and then I need to time this right before I land on the ground I didn't realize the ground came again we got next try we got a next try got it there we go all right now we're in the depths and now I technically unless I go to a new area shouldn't have to redo that because I already have it wait can this seriously not break it I can't it's just very weak oh nice large all night that's what I wanted three large Sonic from one that is some of the luckiest thing I've ever seen what what yeah I'm gonna get a lot of batteries because we're gonna need to use a lot of them for um for gaining height since we will not have a paraglider if you're wondering why I'm going down here right now I basically want to get Auto build unlocked immediately because Auto build is going to help a lot all right we did it we made it to Central mine man one heart huh I might go over to that light root over there to get my health back because I don't want to use this on the line I have though not yet wait I just realized something if I don't care about the mine I do I could technically just like never do this you can simply get Ultra hand and just never do this fight huh do you even think about that the first time I was here whoa that's crazy now try and rebuild it over there you got it boink not the Yuga clan master Koga wow I did not merge any weapons all my weapons suck this is still gonna be really bad but it's better than nothing oh man we're about to run out of weapons dude I guess I use an Amber and this wait can I just like I don't even know you can do that easy clap there we go all right we did it unlocked Central mine baby I think for this one we're gonna get some large crystals and some large zonai because we win a lot of zonai stuff so I'm gonna partially Farm a little bit and partially do some other stuff to give me these equipments fast so let's do it [Music] all right now we got some batteries uh let's go for some shrines bro I'm gonna have to like time this really well and like start running right as it now okay let's get this as close to the wall as possible jump slash oh my God jump slashing there does not give you distance I have an idea what if we immediately take away the weapon and then perform a dive and then cancel the dive and then do a jump slash because then you can do it then you can actually gain four momentum oh I didn't even have to do the jump slash just entering a dive can make you change your momentum oh no okay getting over here should be fine but getting back the other way I'm scared this is going to result in some fall damage uh oh [Music] please don't die oh my God okay I landed on the spike and survived the quarter of a heart I think if it didn't do the jump slash and I landed here I would have actually died [Music] okay that required some brain power dude believe it or not some of these shrines are actually more fun and puzzly without the paraglider like I'm having a more fun challenge right now than I would have if I didn't I really thought I could get past him don't I swear to God [Music] yeah no paraglider is actually way more rough than I thought because I'm realizing that the main way I use to do movement was by using Towers flying up and then going around places so not having those is way rougher than I thought you are supposed to have the paraglider and do this launch and then paraglider the last part I'm gonna try and see if you get more speed by using both if not the only other option I have is very very painful but I can technically do infinite jumps it's so close maybe maybe chance right maybe if I stack them it just barely high enough to where I can do it okay all right oh you definitely need to paraglide here I'll try but I think you take out the paraglider in the end wait can I wait can I steal this metal piece and triple stack them okay oh oh God fall damage though oh no I'm gonna [Music] that is true technically did work oh come on I could theoretically do that if I have a bit more height I'm still gonna take fall damage please tell me that's barely not high enough enough to kill me please damn it okay so I actually think I don't have to care about the ball I think as long as I have one and a half I think I can just barely make it in terms of distance and Heights why not do fairies I don't want to do fairies because it would defeat 90 of the purpose and challenge of this if that makes sense like most of the fun Challenge and trickery with this would literally be obsolete by just having fairies okay we're gonna try this chat we're gonna put this here and then we're gonna get this and we're gonna put it on the side about here and hopefully this is good yes okay man I actually really enjoy figuring these shrines out without the paraglider this is awesome hi sidon I never like to think too thoroughly about sidon oh crap getting those fish aren't those up in the sky those fish oh you can get some of the fish from the statue oh really yay Zora armor okay I have to enter the dive animation uh otherwise I can't move afterwards give me the scale oh man it just ends in the middle there uh I think I actually have to build a flying machine to get up there easily wait uh if I you take out a fan then I have to make sure to turn off the fan soon hold on right now I'm gonna turn it off oh no I might have done it too late oh come on oh come on are you shooting me come on bro all right I have a second option we're just gonna go straight for that waterfall with the balloon and just hope for the best okay there we go all right we got this nope oh my God oh thank God yeah you do a dive to move right afterwards okay not the sludge like yeah you go sidon yeah you go sidon oh what a man this item is almost being more attack than I am this boss is a lot easier than I remember when I fought him I definitely does this game definitely does really well when it comes to scaling because the only reason this is way easier than I remember it is because this is my first dungeon nice nice is everyone all right we're okay all right back for day number two uh where we left off we were getting ready to go into the Zora area so let's do it I pressed oh I don't have I come I forgot already I don't have the paraglider I oh I messed up I messed up I should be able to extend this jump over there hold on so if I stand here hey dude huh there we go without the paraglider to get over there huh I think I might have to use some of my zonai devices ah because I think this is too far to make it with your swimming you could also slow swim you know what let's just do this let's slow swim with a speeded up Elixir because that makes the slow swim and not so slow yeah we really don't know if you use the speed up it doesn't just speed up walking and running speeds it also speeds up slow swimming and uh climbing speeds easy easy clap yeah you can do it sidon I hope okay I actually never tried this because casually you would just like paraglider in the middle can you get to do you just get to the middle by trying to swim okay you do okay I was gonna say because I've never tried to swim to the middle I've always always paraglidered and dropped at the middle I was like [Laughter] oh yeah my casual playthrough I cheesed a lot trust me I'm also gonna try and cheese it in this one as well we okay now we're gonna start setting up the chi strats I have an idea for how to cheese this okay so we just have to build a really tall thing like a really long Bridge I have I'm assuming the intended ways to go up there and try and get the water out there but that seems I don't see like easy accessible rocks there so I'm guessing do the ending thing it's gonna be more complicated I think my bridge Strat though is going to work perfectly fine Chad just look at this beautiful Bridge we're building okay I think this is long enough wow that is so deep okay it works so then I can climb and then jump off okay I think I can climb around because there's an opening on the left but I'm just scared I'm gonna run out of stamina here please let me stand on this little corner here okay this will work but I think I just need to make sure it's on the front side instead of here okay we're set up here we go okay so now we just have to go here we have to move this forward then we move this down we move this forward and then we drop it yes the angle is perfectly enough to where you gain height even if you press B to jump off of it and you can still get up we got this just gotta take our time there we go this was definitely the fastest way it was crazy seiden okay I need for some of my plans to get up here I need rocket so I actually can't do this yet I'm sorry Chad but I'm gonna have to debate y'all I can't do this yet I want slash need Rockets because this one requires a lot of height and without the paraglider this one is going to be rough otherwise so that being said we have to get creative here we're gonna go to the depths we're gonna make a flying machine and then we're gonna save the Flying Machine in our history with auto build so we are able to use it in the sky someone in chat said doesn't tarry town suspenser let you get Rockets I think you're right so I might not even have to go up tall a high up into the sky for it all right Chad we're going to Terrytown now honestly this might sound stupid but I never actually thought about how close Terrytown is to Zora's domain have any of you guys realized that before I don't know why but I think of akala as like a region it's so much further away oh baby this is all I've ever wanted bye all right Chad we're gonna do this oh my God this is the vehicle Swan this one is sick we're gonna get a tank hold it oh my goodness here we go time to get a tank I don't even know what to do with all of these things let's just spec it out let's just let's just go let's just go crazy Chad let's show them who's the Boss hey it happened what did The Cannonball just explode like itself or maybe we've been more careful with the Cannons I'm gonna hit him I'm gonna hit him oh dude it it just started it's very fire in my face I was just died dude okay this is very dangerous this auto aim thing is like extremely dangerous stop I died again because the cannon decided to shoot itself all right that's it Chad let's go over here now you know what I'm just gonna aim both of them forward and I'm just literally gonna go for the strad of just straight up running over everything this works oh I hate how the non-op card was easier because it didn't self-destruct all right everybody say hi to Tara town I'm not paying you ain't no way I'm paying that homie let's get some devices shall we I've actually never tried five big ones let's see how much you get from it huh Jesus Christ I'm running out of space I should be able to get some of my Rockets now and steering sticks that was the two main things I wanted oh my god there are more of them now let's go and do Zora shall we all right let's enter our first dungeon oh it still uses up the rocket I was really hoping if you cancel them multiple times that you could like keep it keep it going maybe there's a timing for it who did oh hell no they are way too strong I just want to try and think a more clever solution you just have one like that's why I'm not using the hoverboard build I think it would be a boring challenge if I make a hoverboard build and I just continuously use that throughout the entire thing you know what I mean because otherwise I could literally just reuse the same thing okay I have a really dumb idea what if I use fans as the platform to stand on so I because I need something to stand on that's not weighing too much it doesn't pull me down too much so what if hmm okay wait no this could work if I use a third fan so let's take out a third fan and then you know what I'm a little bit paranoid let's actually take two out on the side here too so it's like a full out platform here okay but then we also need to actually be making it towards there so I'm also going to take out another fan and I'm gonna put it in an angle like this all right let's just try and just go and see what happens oh God oh God ah I have a different idea okay hold on hold on a second Chad what if we just made a 9x9 platform and then we just put a steering wheel in the middle here we go yes oh my God we're going up so fast oh my God I need to make a landing this is gonna take so much battery power the juice yes we're doing it we're doing it yes siren [Music] oh God I need to run out of battery right here because I don't want to take fall damage oh God I don't want to take fall damage okay just stay on just stay on it'll be fine it'll be fine no no okay sorry sidon oh if you want to play that game so can I how does that feel look at this let's do our thing holy quarter of a heart dude I'm ready oh you've got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me I'm gonna have to fly off my face wait wait rocket Shield wait hold on hold on [Laughter] there's so many small things that is intended to have the paraglider for they were like oh no huh no holy all right sidon let's do this I definitely can use a slower solution but I prefer the idea of using uh Rocket Jump so cool oh sh I didn't think this through oh no oh no I'm gonna take fall damage and die what if I land in this part oh my God this cancels your fall damage oh thank God okay I'm gonna do something because I don't want to fight these guys because I'm really low I'm gonna lure them here by the water and then I'm gonna have them fall into the water because they insta die in water so we're gonna go around him knock him bam I wonder if anyone has that's watching this playthrough right now on either twitch or YouTube is going to start doing the Strat now too I feel like it's such a five Edge rather not enough people do the the when it comes to droppings on Ice people into the water for getting an insta kill this one though is a little bit more annoying because this one is a bow guy so I think I might have to do two shots yeah one more and he's good siren you literally made it worse I swear we love you side and come on bro [Music] okay land in this for canceling fall damage man I'm really happy this is canceling fall damage otherwise I'd be so screwed people [Music] oh this is like right underneath the room oh wait does this let me skip the puzzle oh wait that's so good no it closed I shouldn't have left dude I'm definitely gonna do that in the Speed Run Okay sidon wait here hold on we have to do it now [Music] yes nice you did it link I did it sidon I'm sorry but I didn't do it we did it as a team for a team siren all right here we go oh [Music] not a Monster Rock I've never thought this is my first boss I'm really interested to see how difficult slash easy will be because I know this game has a very aggressive in a good way not a complaint uh scaling I need you hey that's not fair he dodged my attack that's like rude and stuff what that literally hit him what I'm not gonna use Flash fruit I refuse to waste it just because this game is being the pagal it's time to show everybody who's the Boss we got this homie come on sidon exciting it'll be nice if you actually try to help me decide him siren please I'm begging you okay fine I'll do it myself all right first dungeon done easy clap honestly not too bad other than having to get up to the dungeon and using a couple of Rocket jumps here and there honestly not too bad [Music] all right we got one dungeon done now let's do our second dungeon shall we but maybe we should do some shrines first actually maybe there's some shrines that could be like on the way or something ah is this one gonna get more annoying without paraglider I don't actually know okay I think if I have forward momentum I could do it okay it does but I'm gonna definitely have to do a couple of extra jumps in the air I know I could leave the shrine fuse a rocket but I want to do it in a different way than just doing that for every solution hold on I got this what if I just go for gaining even more height what if look that's genius speed food if I time it correctly with my run I think speed food would be the solution [Music] okay with speed up it works but God damn it please okay oh thank God okay I'm on a boat wait no sir I'm on a balloon everybody look at me because I'm on a balloon oh no oh no will it oh no oh no do not void me out do not void me out oh God saved but okay dude I have been way too close to Falling way too many times I've this better not despawn until I reach the mountain because I will take fall damage if it does I think I'm fine I think I'm fine I think I'm fine okay all right we're fine we stuck The Landing Chad you think I can make my own little like hovercraft to get up this mountain like if I do this do you think this would work could have used a control stick that would have been smarter I'm gonna build the easier the sign it's slightly less optimal but but no I could obviously use this design most of the time but I'm trying to avoid using this design everywhere I'm gonna use it to get to the Village so we don't have to run the whole way I'm gonna build one of the biggest cars in the world this is going to be the size of a truck trucks uh oh he's pissed his photo that's making looks like it's going to be a real boss fight and then it's about as hard as Goma from Ocarina of Time I Think Ocarina of times Goma is actually harder but yeah you get Chad okay that's a pretty good idea Chad oh no I'm Not Over the Hole yeah I don't want to just do fall damage cancel I think I have an idea chat I'm gonna make a really really really weak plane that purposely doesn't flow okay and then I'm gonna put a steering wheel on it and two fans just let me cook let me cook I know this is gonna sound really weird but let me cook no come on it will work I just need to I just wanted to go more forward what if I try and like grab this ledge this will work just trust me okay we're doing it we're descending the annoying thing is I need to use a lot of batteries because if I jump off of this thing it's going to start gliding which is going to become at a issue very quickly because it will hit the wall come on how are we not there yet oh God okay well this is progress no yeah damn it I was trying to cancel it so I grabbed it instead of hit it because I had to do like the grab animation damn it oh man I just got a crazy idea Chad what if we build a box and then we have we build ourselves stuck inside of a box with a steering wheel so that like we will never fall away from the steering wheel okay box time can you put a steering wheel in the middle you can okay cool no you don't get a chat I'm not actually gonna be using it you you don't see the Strat I'm just gonna be inside of the box and then temporarily every now and then press a to start the steering wheel because that means I can't take any damage I just gotta cook let me cook let it cook chat let me cook okay now we just need a roof what exactly am I doing I'm building a box ascending genius what do you guys think do you think this is gonna work let's save the game so we have it saved in Auto build we're gonna hold it up here we're gonna move it around a little bit recall oh no yes [Music] yes holy crap oh God no damn it okay I used okay I think it could work I think this could work we're on to something all right okay hold this is gonna work Chad trust me just trust all right just trust me no God damn it okay I have a different idea dude this is looking absolutely perfect holy crap we are on to something major right now I think this will be so stable I don't even think I need to cover all the holes let's try this is not gonna work okay we need to we need to go back to the drawing board balloons we can make a box out of the balloons this is one of the best things I've ever seen oh yeah like you just know this is gonna work because think about it balloons are soft they will like they will like soften my Landing I just had a way smarter idea wait okay I'll try this plan this won't work I don't think but I have I just got an even better plan I'm gonna make an actual box but like like this one like will work trust me here we go oh my God wait holy it's wait there's no way this is somehow floating oh God wait does that mean this Wing is gonna despawn eventually it's fine it's fine I have a solution I have a solution wait what if I just purposely hit this wall and let the balloons just like boom boom boom then I go down faster yes yes no do not fall out do not fall out no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's fine I'm just gonna dive and grab this ledge first try right now watch me yeah okay now my ultimate plan this one is actually like next level you no one is ready for this we're gonna make a box out of steering wheels it's so genius because then it doesn't matter if it flips over to the other side I can still control it the fuse limit is 21. no don't tell me that's true that has to be a lie in that case we have to go for the backup plan Chad all right here we go this will work it is perfect in every regard here we go it's fine I'll catch it in midair it's fine I'm gonna catch it in midair okay I'm cooking I'm getting close to choosing the easy way Chad what's the easy way fall damage cancel or a fairy okay I gotta think wait I haven't tried Wheels a box of Wheels why did I not think of this sooner trust me the wheels are gonna dampen my fall this will work thank you holy wait that actually did work as long as they don't fall out I actually think that could work if I don't fall out go over here you can shake off Parts with the motion controls who thought that was a good idea dude that's it I'm eating Taco Bell for dinner I really hate to say this Chad but I think we need more Wheels I just did it again I just did it again I feel like this is a good thing it's like the shape lets you like stick it in places you know I feel like this would be able to cover up the holes pretty well and kind of just like plug the holes like this I think this might be the hole this might be the issue wait wait we might not need all of them I think that's the only area that's open enough for it bam pole covered this is it it's finally gonna work I'm telling you we finally cracked the case oh my God please please oh my God oh my God no that's fine it's just a little bit of damage a b c [Music] it would still be better than the Casual way of getting the fairy a quick little ABCs that's it that's the one this is it yes yes it only took an hour but we got down without using the stupid fairy an hour well spent I gotta go ASAP dude Taco Bell is closing in like 22 minutes right this took me way longer I gotta go all right I'm gonna go in my Taco Bell I'm pretty sure this guy teleports so I don't think I have to follow him along I think I can kind of just run by myself okay let's get some zonite stuff okay it's missing two wheels [Music] okay and then I'm gonna activate my speed up because I'm manually gonna climb without jumping and I don't want to wait A Thousand Years oh okay we're gonna have to build a bridge Chad look this is perfect fill the Box Bridge listen I really do enjoy the box designs but I need a bit of a break from them oh my God I could have just run around and gone up here manually I did all of that and I didn't even have to I could have just like walked around oh my goodness what what go go go dude I get level he hit him and he went uh oh [Music] all right I actually am not super excited about doing this dungeon without a paraglider because I don't know about you guys but I kind of did half of this dungeon intended and then I kind of cheesed the rest of the half by just like flying and climbing my way up to the top so it's definitely gonna take some more brain power to do this one without the paraglider together we did it oh my goodness a diamond yes wait is this literally just a circle damn it he did a climax animation okay I think if I time it correctly I can climb that pillar Up Wait even if I do though I don't have the paraglider I wouldn't be able to make that jump oh my God the cards are never gonna come back are they Man Without a notch this is going to be kind of annoying you can walk on them if you have a very steady hand sure I know I could have Shield surf on it but I want to waste my durability my shield this is the only Shield I have are my friends not gonna do anything thank you okay I think a rocket should do it I hope let's find out hmm I think I can just climb this up we are going to attach this here yeah I'm actually having to think about how to do some of the puzzles because I skipped this all in my casual playthrough I need to get through here I feel like I probably go around the building on the outside here by climbing what is that postseason what the hell am I watching homie wait where the hell is the entrance again oh God wait I thought the entrance was at the top floor and you dropped down is that not it am I stupid is it the floor four one you enter here is that the one point point point point point point point point point point okay I'm guessing he's just gonna be rude and not spawn here I'm guessing there's not enough space for him to spawn here because he's a big boy come on you have plenty of space to spawn here I don't want to go back up oh let's go dude oh no I just realized something terrible about this area oh no this is gonna be so bad I can do it [Music] okay so I want to get back to the floor I was at uh I'm gonna try a jump here but please and now I just have to get over here oh [Music] okay I could have definitely gone around or climbed up the floor but I didn't want to take the time to do that so that works infinite jumps baby I'm gonna try something but this might end up being really bad so I'm gonna make a save just in case okay just barely clutched out getting the fall damage cancel out before landing there all right what excuse me you want to tell me that did not hit it [Music] that's all the locks all right let's prepare some better weapons now because I am definitely going to need some better equipment ah it opened no way yeah let's smash those rocks to save Princess Zelda copium oh yeah we're Zelda majek oh no it's a rock oh no it's another rock not the marbled Goma [Music] yourself [Music] easy clap bye okay GG that's two dungeons down without the paraglider oh my goodness the War on Drugs it won we won let's go there's no more drugs in Hyrule oh no not a Blood Moon wait a blood moon for people that don't know if you win the last few minutes before a blood moon happens cook you are guaranteed like a critical cooking or whatever you want to call it okay I don't have too much time but that's fine okay we're out of meal slots we got a lot of stuff now what what do you mean what do you mean I'm link I'm ready I've never done this question one how can you best warm up when it's cold vigorously fan myself pour water in my head stay near a fire I give up stay near a fire what cooking ingredient is effective at fending off high temperatures oh I always mix these two up is it sunshrooms or chills rooms I always I can't ever remember if it's the opposite about the r or if it's the same as they are chill shrooms okay wearing Garuda Canyon could you go to avoid being affected by the extreme temperatures day or night into a cave into the shade near the ruins or I give up okay this one is actually the kind of weird champ I wanna say it's cave oh thanks you can call yourself down temporarily if you split one of those with a weapon and stand in this resulting spray did not know that what if I just strip down naked like this should cool me down this is do you think that if I build like if I use this car can I go over these things they see me rolling they hating this is a Ford F-150 it drinks 50 gallons an hour of gas yeah big truck [Music] I'm so stupid I I literally started and I forgot that this is a no paraglider Rod I am so stupid for clarification in case that makes in the YouTube video I haven't played for a few days so I kind of forgot but it's all right all right now now I know now I know it's okay yeah yeah yeah no I'm not permitted here but I'm a giga Chad foreign have to go down here because I don't have a paraglider oh you've got to be kidding me you know what actually I can just use recall okay I'm actually gonna let this cutscene play because I think she's a giga Chad Linkus would you rate this game is the top three best Zelda game of all time well I actually would have to rank this number one Giga Chad oh man she's not ready God damn it it just disappeared whoa whoa wait can you actually hold on uh so funny with icy meat you can skate without friction that's there's no way [Music] what holy I didn't even know that I see me in a shield as op dude dude another reason I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to become a vegan are you kidding me look at the power of this meat I'm forever gonna uh get frozen meat on my Shields now this is crazy it's also not even like low durability it's a Triforce oh my goodness running around at the speed of sound oh my goodness it's a dungeon I never figured out an optimal way to fight this guy wait I just realized something there is sand already on top of the switch that should be pressing down so we have to blow away the sand to then step on it because of weight what what did the sand that was sitting on it already be pushing that down these Flames make it impossible to go further she did try to warn me that is true I'm actually gonna go and pick up a couple of Clorox seeds I'm actually kind of annoyed about my weapon space I'm actually gonna quickly just go ahead and just zoom out and just get a few Clorox seeds okay and let's get a few more and then I should be able to upgrade just a few of my weapon slots You Found Me all right you know what you're so close I'll help you find your friend all right 11 should be pretty good now let's go and talk to has to I think he's on the path right here from quickly am I stupid is was is Hester not here on the way this is not where he is am I stupid no has to should go to Lookout Landing after you talk to him once here on this hill I'm looking at the picture he should be right here with two trees in front of him it should be dead ass right here I guess it's maybe because of the two dungeons first yeah maybe automatically goes to Lookout Landing yay he has to foreign I literally never skipped this cutscene I refuse to skip the cutscene and tears of the Kingdom I like breath of the wild where I eventually get tired of it this one I can't dude I love this dance all right we got some inventory slots okay [Music] where's the girl where is the girl bro where were you [Music] yeah I think Ryu is actually an adult because of how many years took place in between breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom all right let's do the boss hello Queen gibdo okay I'm just gonna get down the four pillars first and then take out the give though oh my God Riot is a shooting it opens what I did not realize I was gonna go one hit by that are you serious oh my God that one hits me without any Armor All right I actually gotta like pay more attention I'm so used to never having to worry about any fights because in my casual playthrough I did I did a lot of shrines I'm just gonna put it that way so I always had so much health and armor and equipment that I've never had to actually avoid an enemy come over here quickly please bam all right that should be it God damn it bam got him all right dude I love I I love icy Meats oh no are you serious it doesn't go high enough no God damn it good good is this water even deep enough oh I'm dead okay this rock should actually be close enough to where I can get up on it oh okay oh my God fairies [Music] oh God Jesus that was way too close draw your bow in midair well I hope there's something I can jump off otherwise I'm gonna have to use bombs on my shield okay I can do this because here's the thing right once again I'm trying to do as much as I can without using a flying machine because it feels very cheesy but I don't think I can think of a single way without a flying machine in some regard to get off to the one above korok Forest time to use the Flying Machine oh my God I didn't save it in my history this is the worst one I've ever made I'm gonna rebuild it right here because this looks like some flat ground would this work actually I don't know you know what sure I just wanted to gain height I do have to readjust it to the left but you know what this will give me the height I need sure okay I just need to make sure I'm above it when I drop down here so I can land in the water okay that looks good okay all right let's do it new record the reason I'm getting the full Glide set is because I'm about to do the fourth dungeon which will be wind Temple and I think having a better way because currently my way to reduce fall damage is either constantly do a glitch have fairies which is a very boring solution or get the Glide outfits I thought let's get the Glide outfit so I can have a nicer way of dealing with it oh I haven't even gone to hatana I just realized let me go on actually to get the shrine so avatano unlocked sure Chad do you want to know what one of the saddest things I've noticed in this game is by the way in breath of the wild if you owned the Twilight Princess wolf amiibo you were able to spawn the wolf in the game if you scan the Twilight Princess wolf amiibo in tears to the kingdom this is what happens just a bunch of meat man it's not even like a chest or anything like you don't get a chest no other items you just give meat all right I'm just gonna I think for this one I can't see anyway without using glitches or a flying machine to get all the way up there out there so I'm just gonna use my flying machine to get up the broken one that I probably should fix but whatever it will do the job what what I guess I'm just gonna make a new one that's actually better the sign and more flat dude this last dive one is so high up Jesus Christ I guess we have the paraglider it's not bad to get up here but without the paraglider man do you have to fly for a while oh God oh come on let's go again okay we did it all right [Music] oh I never registered a horse I need to get a horse yeah I accidentally made a speedrun profile over my main profile on breath of the wild so my horses are not gonna come over I'm just gonna let you know that save file is long gone oh I need to actually have this unlocked from Doritos oh that's silly all right I'm actually just gonna take out my hovercraft here I don't quite feel like running all the way to Rito you know what I'm gonna do the thing I'm just gonna call this out wait hold on I'm gonna get over there with the out actually using a hovercraft I'm gonna try something just simple Chad let's just try a simple idea first how about rocket tree I feel like it would work how about we just put this here and then we shoot the Rockets see it worked all right let's buy some cold clothes so we're gonna have to keep bothering with food all right let's go and get this upgrade now perfect time to do the horse quest Yeehaw partner Oh wait we're not at the horse quest yet hold on we can't do it too soon we can only do it when we're doing the horse quest all right horse quest all right it's going awry here we go we're on our way boys oh man there's a Dude down here in the sound sorry Chad we're done with the we're done with the horse quest meaning Cowboy Hat's coming off is it it's the second one when they go down left to the map but you can't do it because you have to go and do the fireflies quest to get them their third one right I think that's the order we have to do right you can do it out of order really are you sure all using the right band member unlocked okay gotcha I can't believe she is blindly trusts me hey follow me okay where are we going runs out into the woods with me okay [Music] oh my God I went to the wrong one oh my God I'm so stupid uh where are they oh my God I think they're locked in there because I talked to them [Music] we're here we can start upgrading stuff oh I forgot oh no whoa good good ride good ride everyone Hee-Haw I have never done this on my casual file but according to Chad if I get level two on the Glide outfit I should be able to have no fall damage so let's see if Chad didn't troll me impact proof yeah I think it works true you know what Chad Let's do an ultimate test let's jump off of the sky island and just like bam on the ground it looks wrong that looks wrong I'm happy it works but it looks wrong let's beat a couple of shrines so we get some more health because I will definitely need it ride with the winds yeah okay I might as well just leave the shrine uh bye yeah okay I'm just I'm just I'm just gonna leave like immediately there's not even a point of trying all right it's just that ain't happening I just thought of something instead of following the intended path of going through all the caves do you think I could just try and run up to quote-unquote where I'm supposed to and it would just like left me please bear it's all on please don't you bait me oh thank God oh no the monster took your good bow I don't have a paraglider to get over there do you think I can just like snipe him from over here and it will teleport me through the cutscene oh genius Chad use an eye you guys are smart I like you uh a wing but yeah let's use a wing because then we get a straight shot nice thanks Chad thanks for your suggestion now for wind Temple I'm gonna attempt to do basically as many original strats as I can what I mean by that is I do not want to just have a flying machine and just like fly through it because that would literally defeat the purpose of the challenge so I'm not saying that if something is not possible I would not resolve to using an auto build but I want to try my very very best to figure it out and get through it without I made sure to get the full Glide suit meaning that when I jump on one of those trampoline things I will be able to move around a lot better and let's see if we can just make it to the first part here by just doing a rocket shield and then let's try and do a jump Shield jump do you not gain High doing that without low gravity oh no okay so in Low Gravity if you do that you actually still gain high so I thought I could do that as well here okay in that case how much do I actually gain in terms of high tier let me see I have an idea how about we take out a wing we have it angled like this we keep it here and then we move it up as high as we can then we drop it recall while it's recall and we take out our Ascend ability nice okay that's the first part we just got up on the first platform okay for this I actually do have some things to work with actually I think I can just send up here okay I don't know if I can make it over there with a full Glide outfit or if that's too far of a distance I'm gonna make a save and then I'm just gonna see okay I think I can actually make that I think I don't have to do anything super crazy there or actually wait I could just do this I think dead ass I am so close to reaching it I actually think this would be enough didn't get a run jump from it okay what if I just like make the tiniest okay wait oh my God there's another platform above me I didn't even see that well that was a good misclick I think for these platforms because of how much height you gain I actually think we're just a wing suit I can make it yeah the wingsuit was definitely a good play yeah I can just jump down there [Music] I definitely want to unlock the shrine hey nice all right confirm you can actually do that Shrine without the paraglider by just using the wingsuit nice oh God uh I actually don't know if I'll be able to make this jump okay here we go well I'm hoping that the easy solution works for these parts can I technically just nope it's not enough I think definitely some spring Shields would be very very useful you know what I'm gonna go get some Springs quickly spring is in Gerudo Canyon pluta sky and the nehru sky Gerudo Canyon sounds easiest but I don't know where that is all right the Zona dispensary is supposed to be after this big rock here on the other side all right let's get some Springs all right let's see if Springs can give us the four momentum we need to do this now otherwise I'm gonna be a little bit sad okay it does give you the four momentum but not enough for this specific one but that's good to know okay so that actually does help I think what I can do is put this out here slash it and walk forward as it activates um okay nice all right the Springs are definitely gonna help a lot we're definitely gonna have to use a couple of Springs I do need to actually uh get some better weapons the scaling in this game is very very rough otherwise okay so for this so nice spear we're gonna get the horn this one is durability up so we'll do this okay for this one I think a spring jump will do the job okay we're gonna land here and I go here hmm for this one there's no purpose to go up here I think it's better to just go straight for that and I think I should be able to make that jump by just putting these here together uh yeah just a little bit of height here on these blocks should be enough honestly attach this attach this [Music] all right a spring will not do the job here okay I think we can combine multiple things here I'm thinking this Chad let's take out a rocket we're gonna fuse that to our shield and then we're gonna walk and I think and now we're gonna take this out we're gonna drop a wing so to get the distance perfect here I wonder if I can make my life easier instead of having to get perfect Distance by instead just doing this and then could I just like recall and then just like Drop it while it's here yeah I can I just need to not be stupid and use my shield why did it take so long that time what okay I have a different idea Chad it's called take out two rockets and a go and a wing and just hope for the best if this doesn't work I'm literally quitting okay it's gonna say dude where do I go here again uh okay I'm going right here for anyone who wondered how are you gonna get past these sections this is why I got the wingsuit hey air balloon time I love the air balloons in this game okay I'm just gonna go as high up as I can because there's not often times where I have a chance to do this much height oh God oh God okay I'm gonna have to land on this boat right here and then try and fly over there oh please okay nice this might be the easiest Shrine that um I'm ever gonna do here we go this is where things are gonna get really annoying I'm gonna try to use go forward as much as I can with a wingsuit but I don't think it will be enough Hmm this is where things are gonna get a lot more difficult can I launch a wing on this trampoline do you think I wonder no it's too heavy it doesn't actually properly launch okay what about if I attempt to as I'm going upwards take out the wing wait what if I then land a second time and then catch it oh okay okay okay okay I think we can do this we launched up the first time we drop the wing we go back down we launch a second time and try and make it to the wing because that would be closer than the platform and then we use the wing to make it to the end and then I recall through the bottom of the platform that might actually work hold on let me cook let me cook holy holy yes okay that works okay I can get on this one I think on the next one I'll be able to make this jump gonna go for it all right it's also flying away from me that's going to be really difficult how close is the closest one behind me it's not that close I don't think I'll make that I'm gonna try I'll try I'm just gonna have to jump around and wait for Cycles to match up more but I think like this is as far as it gets unless those ships are fast oh my God wait okay okay oh no I missed okay Chad we're gonna have to do a whole lap I'm just gonna get on it and we're just gonna wait for a full laugh almost there all right oh my God thank God I didn't die I forgot because it's cold I unequipped one of mine and you don't take you take fall damage if you do that thank you for having so much hearts that would have been so sad if I just died because I ran out of health and I took fall damage let's pray that we can make it far enough into the middle on one of these jumps here all right we did it we actually made it into the dungeon oh no it's not an opening no whoa it looks like a giant fan this is the only time I'll ever use your ability God damn it okay I'm gonna try and get the one on the top as quickly as I can because that would require me to use these side ones okay you can just barely make them okay good I keep forgetting about the fall damage part worst door I need to line up very well for these doors and Bam no fall damage we're just gonna climb around it's taking our time all right it's time for the boss Chad I don't know how this is gonna go if I'm being honest with you I'm giving this one like a 50 50. all right let's do it I think the only way I can actually have a chance I think I think I have to run to the sides and try and use these ships to launch myself up I can't think of another way to gain High damn it all right there we go first phase done honestly because of the spring on the side this is not too difficult actually especially because of the Garuda first I have like the really good zooming bow ouch that should work tornado dude the tornadoes deal a lot of damage I think I did it easy Clap That is poor dungeons complete now I just have to figure out how the hell I'm supposed to get up to the fifth dungeon I know how I'm feeling like we can get through doing the admit objectives for the fifth dungeon without too much difficulty but getting up to it is what I'm really like kind of uh about right now [Music] hmm let me see how how close can I get damn uh maybe if I had maybe if I knew it was gonna drop and I had a spring ready on top of it I could have maybe made it work that rock that dropped earlier might be my best chance honestly yeah I can't start properly the quest because I'd have to continue my progression with Pera and that would require me to get the paraglider I hope this one goes as high up as the other one nope it did not that's unfortunate that one isn't good enough wait am I seeing another one drop that one is also closer that one could work not high enough I Really Wanna I really wanted to actually use a rock and not just a balloon or a flying device but I don't know about getting the correct Rock drop hold on I just got a different idea Chad hold on let me get one more Falling Rock hold on hold on and then right as it ends we're gonna activate the Rockets foreign okay I couldn't probably I could have almost made it up there too but that's fine at least we made it halfway which is what matters wow this area is terrible oh my God it is the right Island holy sh what what I thought this was only halfway up never mind we did it dude okay I thought that the tallest one was the one we needed to get to wait what I did this early on my playthrough let's try and beat the shrine dude imagine if you actually need the Quest for the paraglider to do this maybe you have to get the paraglider Quest I'm gonna try and save and then I'm gonna go and get the paraglider and then teleport back and see if you can do it do you just and if it's not that then we know there's something else so I'm gonna make a savior so I can reload before I get the paraglider okay so now we got Regional phenomena let's see if that's what's it connected to you there's no actual way there is no way it's connected to that no it's connected to the paraglider you have to start Regional phenomous I'm gonna try this what if without getting the paraglider we maybe are able to activate the quest with the impa for activating tears maybe unlocking that would flat would have would set a flag that lets us do this dungeon without getting the paraglider yeah I went back to the save before we got the paraglider I have another thing that I'm wondering right now if this doesn't work which is I wonder if I can get around the flag for the paraglider if I get the master sword first okay so now I have activated the Quest for Tears the main quest let's see if that lets us open it [Music] all right we're gonna attempt to get the master sword [Music] now we got the master sword is that enough to be able to activate the fifth dungeon or is it just completely screwed there is basically nothing else I can do did Nintendo seriously lock the fifth dungeon behind the paraglider but none of the other four please well I guess basically that means you get to stay in the depths you know what if you literally don't want to be saved because I have a paraglider keep your soul in this thing yeah go right ahead dude if you like being a floating head on this pedestal for the rest of time you do you alright well in that case I guess it's time to head to Howard Castle quick a little side note by the way I'm gonna be honest with you before I started this challenge I actually tried offline to make sure that you could do dungeons without getting the paraglider because I actually thought it wouldn't even let you do that but I went into the readers as a test off line before I started this and I found out you could and I was surprised by it so I don't get why Nintendo lets you do the other four but not the fifth one like it makes no sense why four out of five all right for this last part let's actually have the Champions unlocked wait that actually does a pretty good amount of damage man I don't want to fight this enemy foreign right Now give me some good loot you know what I I'm just gonna do this there we go we do know the speedrun strap for this room bye oh my God Chad it's like the start of the game coincidence yeah I think so oh hell nah I don't want to fight him uh let me just do this well I no longer have a ferry for the final fight okay I just gotta prepare some equipment here we go time for the one and only boss I could not do without the paraglider I don't even know how I'm gonna fight this without the Mac oh I just like hit it maybe electric arrows what thank you really that still hit what kind of a hitbox is that here we go try number two on the boss I'm actually gonna be honest this is way harder to fight without the construct uh let's try and use a shock fruit okay let's just unobo during the attack that works can I knock him back with bomb arrows all right there we go all right that should be it GG all right now we just have to not die against Ganon and we're good what you have to fight Phantom Ganon too dude I'm really happy I got this Lionel bow killing the Lionel was definitely the Strat I'm out of arrows I actually really want that Gloom spear okay that's it we did it all right so is it actually then true that if I drop this Gloom Spear and then put it on this I will have the attack but I won't get the Gloom effect is that basically it yes okay I'm not I'm not even keeping it I literally just want like I want this gone I don't even want to see that thing ever again in my life all right let's hope we don't die how is that not a flurry Rush thank you I don't even know what the attack that is but I'm getting out oh you're supposed to fly up into the air yeah I'm gonna die I'm dead I'm dead dude why is Gloom resistance not resistant towards Gloom attacks all right time to just do damageless last face one heart and a dream I have nothing in my inventory that would let me do a Gloom effect oh you respawn here oh thank God okay that was better than the first time now he has to get through second phase without taking too much damage well that was a good start well great start it's okay this will at least make me incredibly good at parrying this fight so anytime in the future we have to do a challenge I will have a lot of practice in this fight now all right one more face what you have to do two floor rest in this one yeah I beat this game I was able to tank it because of how op I was in my playthrough part of me wants to leave to get better food so I don't have to do this without it being able to take any damage but pardon me also kind of don't want to leave so I don't know what to do damageless first and second phase holy sh all right that was perfect okay we have full health for the last face I literally it does not work to flurry rush out of his slurry rush I swear to God it just doesn't work the timing doesn't work it's always too late I can't it's just like it doesn't even look like the timing right away it doesn't work you still have to wait it makes no sense oh my God I did it that's my first one foreign [Music] all right let me check do we have any attack up oh wait we can do defense cooking that could actually help and we got some strength okay let's let's let me cook let me cook let me cook okay I'm gonna save that for last face all right there's we're waiting we're gonna wait and keep it into last phase okay okay so we use defense up on phase two and then we do attack up on phase three all right this is the one this is the one terrible start but that's fine I have never even seen that attack before dude why on the one where we finally have a strat do we like mess up on the first one why whatever dude I'm just gonna rush through it at this point this attempt is our I've already given up on this attempt meet Shield it's your time to shine or even is he foreign here we go I'm just going to apply the attack up and I'm just gonna hope for the best I don't care I we're just gonna do it [Music] dude just go just go just go all right attack up is so Opie okay oh we just brewed forced the end there I was like all right screw you're dealing so much damage we're gonna tank it and go for it man now we know attack up is always the answer now I don't know how to do this part without the paraglider but I hope our little dragon friend will pick us up whenever I Miss Gannon and I'm a little bit Papago hey good thing we got the master sword Chad that fight without the master sword rip here we go oh dude attack up is so Oaky it's insane foreign and there it is time ends once we save Zelda and time yeah without the parasite quest to get the paraglider four out of five dungeons are possible you can get the master sword and you can get the tears but uh yeah that's pretty much it but if you guys are watching this on YouTube right now definitely don't subscribe to the YouTube channel for more awesome content like this more speed run condom or challenge content and more awesome glitch videos are coming out on tears of the Kingdom so do not forget to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and even one of two other awesome videos one is a breakdown of the any percent speedrun and how we beat it in under one hour and the other one is just a cool little glitch video some of the best glitches of 1.1.1 then you should click in the screen right now that being said if you want to be here live you can also check out my twitch Channel linka7 So yeah thank you so much for watching I appreciate you all and I will see you all in the next one later everybody bye-bye God
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 284,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of The Kingdom, Challenge Run, ToTK, ToTK Challenge Run, Tears of The Kingdom Challenge Run, Tears of The Kingdom No Paraglider, Tears of The Kingdom without paraglider, Tears of The Kingdom Glitches
Id: DgIvquNmGys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 50sec (5630 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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