Could You Realistically Survive in Hyrule?

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could you an average Joe survive in the Kingdom of hyru let's say hypothetically you were suddenly teleported to breath of the world's version of hyru where would you go what would you eat where could you stay and what could you beat how far can a regular human go in a Land of magic dragons ninjas and Tiny crossdressing Psychopaths that slay all in their path well let me be your guide and we'll find out so there you are playing on your switch you've just been breath world for what is it now the 83rd time and it still feels like the first time you beat it in fact you haven't had enough you want to play it again but just before you can start a new save file you're suddenly sucked into the game now this is where your luck plays in because where you land could mean the difference between survival or instant death so for Simplicity let's say you land smack dab in the middle of Hof field get up look around the only things you have on you are the clothes you're wearing before you got transported and a map that mysteriously appeared in your pocket and also conveniently has all the settlements and landmarks highlighted but now where do you go from here [Music] heading north is pretty much a death sentence as you will immediately be gunned down by the hundreds of Guardians patrolling the area remember you are not the hero of these lands link is and you stuck in your average human body do not have the light speed reaction time required to dodge or deflect lasers so you must avoid Guardians at all costs going west is also a bad idea as the regions you will find out are prone to extreme climate change and I don't think you and your boxer shorts are prepared to handle them South well um there's a little something there called um lightning and a lot of it but it's definitely possible to make it there without getting smited by godessa smited even a word so go for it if you feel like it but heading east is by far your best option as it has the most forgiving lands that won't instantly kill you if you break the dress code now that you've settled on a direction it's time to focus on your basic needs as a regular human you will need many things to survive in hyu such as food clothing shelter weapons money luckily for you you go up more spawn but most of those things can be found relatively quickly for food you'll need to sustain yourself on apples for the time being you'll come across them hanging from trees in the area not very filling I know but it's bad and empty stomach as for weapons you can obtain them from the bins in the area you don't have to fight them as they are very easy to sneak up on now run even for a regular human like you just don't let them surround you take a club a shield maybe a bow if you're lucky and high tail out of there before they get wise as for shortterm money information and possibly even clothing those can be acquired at the nearest stable which in your case is the Riverside stable when you arrive there you should talk to the stable owner Ember try to explain your situation in a way that doesn't make you sound like an absolute lunatic like I don't know get creative talk about how you lost your memory or something like that and he'll probably give you a suspicious look considering that you're oddly dressed and have R ears instead of pointy ones but ultimately I think he would direct you to either kakaro Village or Hao Village kakaro is most likely since it's closer you then want to come and talk to this m Merchant his name is Beetle spelled with a d not a t yes that's important and this guy will basically buy anything of you you could sell this guy literal toenails and he would still buy it so he's a good person to take advantage of sell him those apples you've been holding on to and anything else you might have picked up along the way here that will give you your initial supply of rotas that you can then use to buy food arrows and any other equipment that you might need from this area you might want to spend a few days collecting resources reselling them to get more rupees and buying more supplies spending the nights at the stable in until you're ready to set out best prepare well because a major Tri awaits you next the road to kakar Rico Village is a long one especially considering that unlike someone else we know you don't have the stamina to just Sprint the whole way there so you're probably going to be at this for a few days during this time it's important to start ging some battle experience you need to become more comfortable finding things if you want to survive here start off slow by finding one or two enemies at a time and slowly increasing the number need to learn how the Hostile creatures move and attack take that gear to improve your own so that you can deal and take more damage but don't get Reckless or overconfident because it only takes one mistake to lose everything also pick up everything as you go anything that looks of value take it whether that be ores weapons food pick it all up until your backpack is full you need to become a professional holder because you're going to need those resources and money ASAP after a day you'll come across another stable use this time to sell the stuff that you picked up that you don't need to get those sweet sweet rupees and get a horse if possible before climbing up the last stretch to kakaro [Music] Village congratulations you've made it kakar Rico Village realistically this is where I would ENT for you as you have now made it to to one of the most secure locations in hyu you're decent are fighting enemies and Collective resources so it would be very easy for you to make a living which would allow you to stay in the in get comfortable with the inhabitants of the village and them to you possibly Forge a relationship with one of them which would solidify your stay here but if you want to thrive here you're going to have to keep going the first thing you're going to want to do is go to the armor shop and get your hands on the highing gear set for some added protection the hian hood will come in especially handy not only for the rain but for hiding your ears which will takes a suspicious glances away from you you'll need to spend a few days here buying supplies such as food and arrows and collecting information from the villagers you probably won't get an audience of impa due to you being an outsider and all but it will definitely be some villagers that are well traveled and who will tell you about the surrounding areas you could also request training from a guard like Steen to improve your combat [Music] skills so you've gotten all you can from cocko Village at least for now now and now you want to set up for heno the road to heno Village is also a long one but with even more dangers so it would be wise to bring a horse or catch one if you haven't done so already make sure to stay on the road upon arriving to Fort atano unless you want to play blu's cluthes with the Guardians the routine Remains the Same build up your experience and collect as many resources as you can remain prudent only pick fights that you are sure you can win and for the love of halia avoid moblins at all costs just one hit from these things will be more than enough to break every bone in your body if confrontation is unavoidable then it's time to practice your archery by sniping them from a distance the road consists of two paths that I like to refer to as the baby path where you only have to be wary of ambushes and staying on the path itself and the manly path filled with enemies ambushes and even a fort but you my friend are not a man you are a dude and if you don't want to become a victim to gang violence I suggest you take the baby path you'll probably see some people getting attacked on the way to the Village but you don't need to worry about them they're not [Music] subscribed when arriving at atino Village you'll want to First sell off all the things that you don't need to get more of those rupes before heading to the armor shop to obtain the solders armor which will grant you more protection in the high in gear set this will allow you to take more risk when you explore and when it comes to combat also grab the war dublet which will allow you to explore in more cold areas which you're going to need for later you then want to explore the village during which you'll come cross this guy called bson who is selling a house for 3,000 rupees and 30 bundles of wood this is a great opportunity for you as having your own place would mean that you no longer have to spend money every night on ins so it's probably a good idea to spend a few days getting the resources required meeting Pro could also be a beneficial experience she'll probably be interested in you considering how you look very different from the typical hen you could even tell her your backstory but I doubt she'll believe you and she'll probably want to study you and potentially even provide you with resources now again you could stop here you you have a home you can easily make an earning by hunting and doing other odd jobs for the villagers sure you'll have to put up with the women of the village gossiping about you but I think that's a small price to pay but you can't stop now in fact you have to stop venturing to places further than you ever have [Music] before can you swim no well now's a good time to learn welcome to zoro's domain the land of the beautiful fish people and if you want to survive here you're going to need gills of Steel as they are currently going through a flooding crisis is caused by a giant elephant but that's none of your concern the real thing you should be thinking about is why would you come here well zor's domain ironically enough is home to a wide assortment of fish that can be caught bought and resold for exorbitant prices each fish has its own unique effect when cooked like granting you cold and heat resistance which you will need to explore the other regions standing between you and zor's domain however are the wetlands a few kilometers of pain and Agony as they are home to the Lazaro slippery little B that seem to move around at the speed of of sound don't even bother trying to shoot these things with a bow and arrow as they have all mastered the ancient art of Sid stepping and will immediately punish you when you miss just like you should be punishing that like button oh and also they can camouflage my only advice to you in this area is to avoid detection at all costs since your human legs will not be able to outrun their lizard ones I would even recommend going back to kcko Village to get your hands on the stuff sets if you can afford it be safe keep low to the ground and highly help you if you're spotted hey I've got good news and bad news the good news news is you've made a path to the wetlands congrats the bad news is you're only halfway done because what lights before you now is a rotor's domain with many twists and turns and a copious amount of danger like the octorok octopus likee creatures that will shoot rocks at you from the water it is best to snipe them before they have a chance to attack you unless you like having a concussion then there's a camp I like to refer to as Zeus's wrath because every enemy here is an Archer with an endless amount of shock arrows remember you are a normal human sure you you've gone tougher since coming here but one good shock arrow to the chest will be more than enough to send you into cardiac arrest the best thing to do is to sneak your way through the camp maybe collecting a few shock arrows in the process before making a Mad Dash out of the camp before they have a chance to aim at you the enemies after this point you should be able to take down now that you're more comfortable with fighting progress steadily until you make it toor's domain ignore the occasional elephant sounds you'll hear it's probably not important I promise and for highest's sake please don't spend too much time looking at the fish [Music] the gon region arguably the most hostile region for Life due to the teeny tiny fact that everything's on fire and you will be too unless you prepare unlike a certain hero of ours you don't just have the power to regenerate from flame damage by eating food so it's better to bring a few flame God portions with you so you know you don't instantly turn to Ash and have at least 3,300 rupees with you trust me your life depends on this upon entering the region your main priority is to get to gr on city as fast as humanly possible you need to run like your life depends on it because it does those potions you B won't last forever follow the road and run past all the enemies in your way they are not your priority right now cuz if fighting them doesn't kill you the heatstroke will upon arriving at gr City the first thing you want to do is head to the armor shop and buy this guy's flamebreaker armor with the 3,300 rupees that you should have wor with you now that you don't have to worry about catching on fire you can focus on the reason why you would even risk your life to come here in the first place and that's because the G region is a central hot spot for all things valuable scattered across these lands are ores containing gems like Amber rubies and sapphires in other words this place presents you with an excellent opportunity to fill your pockets and you came at the perfect time too because all the gr seem to be too busy having heat Strokes to M anything meaning that you have no competition all those sweet sweet ores are all yours so spend a few days mining the gr region dry of all its resources also ignore the giant lizard climbing up Death Mountain whatever it is it can be more important than your financial well-being [Music] Goro retto Village the home of the flying bird people and this path is quite chilly so make sure to wear that warm dublet you bought and also cook up those Sizzle fin trouts that you got from Zoro domain with that extra cold resistance when arriving here your priority will be to get your hands on the snowquill gear set it will allow you to safely explore even the coldest regions that hyu has to offer sure it's a bit pricey but after your um Financial ventures in Goron City you should have more rupees than you know what to do with so it shouldn't be too much of a hit buy some ingredients arrows talk to or RIS up the locals say goodbye to the giant flying death machine that's been terrorizing Dorito because repeat after me it's none of your [Music] business the gudo region the most um bipolar of all the regions as it can seem to make up its mind whether it wants to be hot or cold as such you will need to prepare for both this desert landscape is home to a beautiful Oasis with a market that you can take advantage of but by far the crown jewel of these lands is the exclusive gudo town home of the tall dominant m i I mean the gudo gudo town is exclusive in the sense that if you don't have the right set of chromosomes you will be denied entry so for the ladies following this guide um all you have to do is walk through the gates like you own the dam place because you kind of do but the guys you're going to have to resort to more um questionable means if you want to enter as trying to enter as a man could be um deadly and not the good kind as these Amazons won't give you death by snoo SN but death by impairment instead so tread carefully once you're in grudo town you should explore the market he has much to offer like food arrows and certain gear that you won't find anywhere else but for those you're going to have to speak to some unsavory individuals perhaps take some time for some recreational activities like sand surfing just make sure you don't stray too far from town unless you want to be dragged to a Sandy grave after coming so far also don't mind the giant camel in the background causing sandstorms and chucking landing at people get too close to it because what's our Mantra congratulations you did it you didn't just survive you thed you ventured into the most perilous regions hyu had to throw at you and came out on top you were smart with your time and with your life you knew your limits and took no unnecessary risks you've acquired wealth skill power and much much more sure hru is in chaos but again that's none of your business I'm sure someone else will wake up and handle it you've survived and that's all that matters so here take the certificate of survival know that no matter what hyu has to at you next we'll be [Music] fine maybe I spoke too [Music] soon
Channel: OniForYou
Views: 249,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the legend of Zelda, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda, survival guide
Id: 4-YZ72FANtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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