Meme Speedruns in Tears of The Kingdom are Strange?

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today we're going to be speeding tears to the kingdom however the categories we're going to be playing is submitted by you guys and I only had one request make it as silly and dumb as possible let's see how it goes alright so the first category interviewing is called butter dog percent and the instructions is to find a dog and then throw some butter on top of him alright well let's start this in three two one go so the first thing I'm gonna do immediately when I spawn in here is I'm going to ascend up to the top of this island and I'm going to go ahead and grab some of these Wings because it's going to be very important for the Run itself I'm also going to make one thing clear this is a blank file we have nothing in our inventory however I already have the paraglider and the great Skyline unlocked and that's just went on to go through 45 minutes of just literally no content so we're gonna get these wings and I'm immediately gonna warp over here because my goal right now is actually to go through the depths now I know that technically the easiest way to get the butter for this first meme category would be to go over towards tatano however um there is a moving glitch in this game known as Auto build cancel slides and it is going to be very useful for going around quickly in this game so I want to to kind of start by going to get Auto build so I don't have to worry as much about slow overall travel hey link is it's a Tano not hetano got it now I'm not actually gonna fight Koga I do just want Audible so now we're immediately gonna warp it back to the great sky island and then we are ready to set off towards a Tano so we're gonna drop three of these we are going to look this direction we're gonna perform an auto build cancel right there we're gonna push this down to the ground so we can get on top of it and then we just run now this one is more for height than distance but it will still take us most of the way over to the side of the map which is all I care about right now and now hatana should be right in front of us right there perfect there we go okay I need to pick up just something that I can sell for money because I am completely broke let's jump down into this well as well and we're also gonna break this right here Rock I've never actually tried to throw break how many do you think it's gonna take it this is how our ancestors mine Chad yay are you serious all of that for a flint it's okay at least we got a bomb flower from it now we should be able to mine a little bit faster nice Amber let's go into the shop and now we gotta buy some goat butter and now we need to go and find a dog I don't actually think this Village has a dog if it does then oops I I literally don't know so uh we're gonna go to a stable because I know the Stables has them so now let's go back here to the Lookout Landing tower all right we gotta find a dog dog there it is we're gonna grab the butter and then we're gonna throw it on the dog I I guess that's it sure all right that's it butter on dog oh he likes it cool okay anyways that is 15 minutes now you might have noticed that I haven't paused my timer yet and that is because it'll be very boring to his restart so we're moving on to Category 2 on the same file to save some time this next category is called bus driver percent now the category is quite simple I need to build a bus a school bus to be specific I need to get five Clorox put them in the school bus and then drive them to the hatano school so they can attend class this one is going to be a little bit longer but first before we get into it though just a quick word from today's sponsor thank you so much fancy for sponsoring this video you know the summer it's here which means we spend a lot of time outside including the pool and the beach so you know what I think it's really important to keep everything smooth and good looking which is why I'm happy to announce the ultra smooth package now this package comes with three products one of which is the crop shaver which is an amazing three blade razor and you know what goes good with that some accessories to make sure it's a smooth experience which is why you have the crop exhilator and the crop gel which guarantees they can prevent ingrown hair and just a smooth time overall and once all those needs are taken care of you know it's great a nice set of boxers manscape does a bunch of different boxers and it comes in tons of different colors patterns you name it they're super comfortable I definitely recommend them and best of all if you sign up right now to lincolnism you'll get 20 off your first order plus free shipping so what are you waiting for check these awesome products out click the link thank you man skip responsible in this video all right so the first thing I want to do is honestly is get some better equipment because I am honestly as not specked out for doing much in this game right now first things first that I want to do I want to buy some fire fruit it might sound like the dumbest thing you've ever heard but trust me it's gonna be worth it then I'm going to perform another one and I'm gonna aim right here for this side of the castle and whoa that's fast so I'm gonna get this Shrine right here and then we're gonna drop over to where the old kind of back door was in breath of the wild if you know where that is docking stations with like for boats and stuff like that okay I have like no Health whatsoever so if I get grabbed here I'm pretty sure I'm like just instantly dead so let's not okay I think I might be dead so close I just wanted to open that chest up and then warp away maybe the game Auto saved after the chess spawned oh not a bad autosave you know what let's not go up there where the enemies are let's just go around them they will never know that we were here Chad no one will know and now we have the Hylian Shield now this is gonna be very very good because that basically means we no longer need a shield for the rest of the game like honestly that's it now let's warp over here but if anyone doesn't know this platform right here has a few fairies now I don't want to like duplicate a thousand fairies so I can never die however I don't want to spend a ton of time just picking up constant food so I'm gonna pick up a couple of fares around this area okay is the couple of fairies so now once we got the equipment we want to make sure of one thing it has to look like a school bus it is very clear it's not a like car it's a school bus so let's go and get some big wheels and a couple of other zonai devices from some dispensaries now thankfully getting the big wheels won't be too difficult because the one in kakariko Village actually has big wheels and it's also kind of like on the way where we want to be anyways because I want to get as many of the five quarks as possible like closer to hatano now we can drop down here big wheel there it is for future reference a little bit of a tease we're going to also want to go to uh Terry town so I'm gonna do one more long travel to go to Tarrytown because that will solve two things one it will give us a steering stick two by just having access to that area it will speed it up in the future because there might be a little chance so you might want to go back there later I think I'm gonna hit the ceiling of the map I don't know what the max height is but I think I'm getting there 3200 yeah that's it oh my God it didn't fall down no way I'm hanging out on the ceiling oh that's so lucky nice there's a steering stick all right so now we've got the steering sticks I want to obviously build a school bus but as you all know the school bus is yellow which does restrict us a lot when it comes to this game because there's not that many objects that are yellow however there is one work around with this so the steps I'm gonna have to take is I'm gonna have to pick up a bunch of random terrible weapons that includes just like sticks Spears you name it anything and then we're gonna go to the wetlands this specific Shrine right here is deep Force now if you've done this Shrine by yourself you will know that all of these objects are yellow and that's special because they do this point now we don't really care about the property where they don't float however in the next portion of the shrine there is something very important that we need we will have a yellow wall which is the same color as a school bus and thankfully if you fuse because they want to make sure that you know you're not going to be law locked out of the shrine it actually does respawn meaning that we confuse every one of our weapons right here now you might be wondering cool you got a bunch of just basically yellow boards on a stick good for you Linkus what is even the purpose of this basically this is why I wanted to make sure I got the tower next to Terry town we can go up to this Gorham right here and talk to him and what you can actually do is you can pay him 20 Rupees to break something down so I'm gonna pay him 20 Rupees to break this apart right here now onesie does it I will officially gotten a piece of basically I don't know Yellowstone would you name it whatever you want to call this material into the Overworld and we're gonna do this multiple times so we can get multiple parts for the bus let's get a bunch of pieces and uh let's start building now there's one part about this korok Runner this bus bus driver run that is going to be a little bit tedious if we make an auto build with this it will turn green now now I would prefer not having them turn green meaning that we will have to figure out a way to basically Drive the entire distance now I'm going to make one thing clear I'm a little bit limited here on my part so don't judge this build too much okay I'm no I'm no Minecraft expert okay so this is going to be the base but now is when it gets tricky because it needs to actually look a little bit like a bus it needs to have an opening so on this part I need to actually let it be around here now for the front it won't be yellow but that's fine because we need obviously to be able to look out of the bus because otherwise it's just unsafe we're gonna put the steering stick right here because we're the bus driver so we're going to be standing right here what if I put this one like here and I fuse it like here so they stick out equal amounts so it looks better okay let's see if this thing first of all moves nice so we got the outside the sign of the school bus now remember the Clorox needs to have something to sit on so now we have two rows of seats right there for the Clorox we got the yellow school bus we got the entrance and we got the steering stick everything is yellow and everything is looking very very good as you can see let's go pick up some Clorox this is gonna take a while I also love how the vocabulin ran up and he was like oh oh that's a school bus not a normal boss otherwise he would have gotten on hello oh you want to go to school don't worry I got you be homie okay that is the first core rock as you can see he is enjoying it it is comfortable look at that honestly this is going better than I thought the only thing that bothers me is the fact that the camera locks into the inside making a quick stop I need to reach my friend don't worry I will take you to class two students down now friends I have to make a little announcement we are about to cross some mountains meaning that we might have to go flying with the school bus all right but listen I know all of you kids play a lot of fortnite these days so that shouldn't be a big problem for you yes this has been approved by the government don't worry about a chat this is totally fine hey school bus get out of the tree School Bus don't get stuck in the tree yeah I know you need help reaching your friend we're going to school soon I just need another Shield anyone here has a shield any Shields oh hell no no Shields and a Talus no thank you do any of you guys have a shield that's a shield and now we're getting out of here we can do something to speed this process up quite a lot so I'm going to destroy this view so I only have one we're going to drop a rocket on the ground then I'm going to as I'm about to fuse it open up this menu and then change Shields then once it's on my Hylian Shield I'm going to go ahead and fuse it to my weapon now if I do a shield jump my rocket and is continuously gain height now it will eventually run out of durability this rocket but you can see that this is not only very fast but also I can be in a lot of height which is very very good because this is a gigantic Mountain but thankfully because with ABC equipped The Magic School Bus is still with us now you might be wondering okay cool this is a pretty cool trick link is but why are we going all the way up here well I'm glad you asked not everyone lives in a good area some of these koroks live in very unfortunate areas and situations and they need help to be picked up from school look at how shitty of a situation it is to live right here and not be able to go to school well now thanks to the school bus service he can get the help that he deserves hello buddy uh unfortunately I can't fuse him to the bus currently so he's just gonna have to be at the back for now just don't fall out okay trust me it's safe I tested this before it's totally safe uh where's the school bus uh where's the oh no what is it doing all the way down there did it get stuck oh no okay we're gonna have to do a little bit of an emergency stop oh no it's okay it's okay Chad as long as none of these koroks tell the parents we should still have a job we're just gonna have to bribe them with like korok leaves or something now however he can actually get a seat look at the crowd okay the kids are still along with us okay there should be another korok to pick up around here there he is there's the next student okay there we go Chad we got our students now let's take them to school I do appreciate that all of them brought a different colored backpack look at that isn't that adorable honestly I can't believe that they didn't build this road big enough to accommodate the school bus let me put you all down there Oh wrong way sorry listen it's the first day on the job all right it's not as easy as it looks all right stop saying oof all right we made it now trust me when I say y'all aren't skipping school I'm bringing each and every one of you in here and look four seats perfect and four thank you for using the linkuses school the bus system they're really working out here in these chairs hey hey they're sitting here don't you dare don't you dare dude the bullies now I understand why they were so scared all right you get your own row Clorox there you go don't let the bullies worry you yay they did it it Time 1 hour and 47 minutes that took a long time but thankfully we got through it now we're not done there because the next category that was viewer submitted is called heartbreak percent the idea of the speedrun is to go and pick up the five different kinds of Talis Hearts fuse them to a weapon and then break them let's start in three two one bam I mean at this point where we are in the game we can kind of just go to whichever one we want so let's go to Lookout Landing and there should be one right over there thankfully because we haven't killed like anything in this playthrough so far the scaling is really slow or bad [Music] I love that you can use like Ascend through the talus to just get him super quickly and that is the first heart that we need to add okay let's fuse it to a stick there we go so the next one we're gonna go for I think is a rare one okay so now we're gonna go in this direction right here and we're going to ABC the fuses we have or the the the history we have is like so funny it's just a bunch of Clorox and buses all right so this one is like almost completely like off the map so we have to go like all the way over here into like this crevice area right here I think this is it oh I did not realize that this is one of the ones on the shoulder that's actually really bad I don't have any Spears I think I'm gonna have to fuse some bombs or something and do like arrows fortunately my bow kind of sucks so this is gonna take a while man why are heartbreaks always so painfully slow I swear dude would the gems do more damage Linkus Maybe I'll try it but I'm feeling I might die here let's find out I guess oh yeah they'll definitely do more damage I guess thankfully we have fairies all right we should be able to take him down right now bam and now we're gonna fuse it to this ooh a diamond nice that should speed up our combat quite a lot perfect okay three more I can't think of good Frost ones that are not on the top left side of the map so I think we just have to go over there uh so let's warp to the stable and just go up left I guess I just gotta Panic blood the game did not like that can I just like throw one of these to warm them up nice I think I can do a few hits with this weapon the rare one without it breaking and speed this one up a bit I'm smushed that is three out of five Hearts now I don't want to keep repeating it but this is just a really good location to get to many so we're gonna go back to the stable again it's just like a really good convenient place to go oh my God it's underground I'm so stupid oh my God it's underground okay this one is in the water right here by this thingy right there like right there I want to keep using this one but I'm terrified that it's gonna break let me switch to the frost ones a little bit I can use them I just have to make sure I don't overuse them so they break okay that's four of them now we just need the fire one there's actually one coordinates wise that is pretty close to where we are but I'm not sure if it's in the depths or not I mean I might as well go to it it would be over there oh yeah it's actually here nice all right here we go there's the last one I you're too hot cool down they're too short all right we did it okay look at this Chad all five individual Hearts now unfortunately it is time for the more sad part of this run which is the Heartbreak I do know a good place and how to use this up because um if you've ever played tears of the Kingdom you will know very well one of the worst things in my opinion in this game is mining it takes forever dude and it just wastes so many of your weapons and here we go all right Chad time for heartbreak starting off with the first one a stone Talus heart yeah that's right take out your frustration on some rocks Chad one heartbreak two heart breaks three heart breaks oh my God I'm running out of things four heart breaks my heart is literally on fire and time heartbreak percent done all right so now for the next one this was one of the most requested one from Twitter which was pizza percent pretty self-explanatory just make a pizza as quickly as you can so that being said let's start it in three two one go all right first thing we're gonna do immediately is we're going to go ahead and warp to the west side of this map again I'm sorry I know we keep warping air but I need some wheat I actually have to cut some grass now I know I know you gamers are scared about touching grass but we have to do it here we go now once we have that we're gonna warp over to hitano now she wants some cheese she wants the recipe right here so we're gonna talk to her to activate the side quest aiming without motion controls is so difficult yeah check out the secret recipe cheese yeah all right now let's go and get some tomatoes oh okay cheese cherries wheat cook Highland Tomato Pizza in eight minutes and 22 seconds baby that's right now for this next one it is probably one of the more straightforward months seiden percent it literally is just time ends when you talk to Simon it's just talked to silent as quickly as possible because chat loves sidon seiden my beloved so let's go ahead and uh talk to sidon shall we now I think the easiest place to go to be able to get access to sidon is probably to go over to this Tower right here next to Tara town and then just do an ABC straight forward and um go up to ziven and time that's probably the easiest category so far it's good to see you too my friend now that is all of the best meme categories that Twitter can come up with but I know YouTube I know you guys are better so if you want a follow-up video to this then drop down below in the comments the craziest weirdest funniest strangest Etc meme categories that you can come up with and I will pick some of the best ones and I'll make a follow-up video of that that being said I really hope you enjoyed today's video please don't forget to subscribe to YouTube channel for more awesome content like this if you want to see some more awesome videos and you can click on the screen right now one of them is a 1.0 speedrun breakdown of the crazy new ride for the years of the Kingdom how to beat it in only 45 minutes and the second one is a cool just little Zelda randomizer so if you want more content you can click on those with that being said thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you all in the next one later everybody bye-bye
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 121,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ABy8n-pNvvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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