The Craziest Zelda Speedrun you have NEVER heard of

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there's a long history of extension categories in the speeder community and most of these speedruns are what you would expect total meme categories and have even covered some of the best ones on the channel before and while some of these categories are self-explanatory there is one category in the Zelda Community which is a rich history that stands out Above the Rest and that is the 14 small key speeder in a wind waker now you might be wondering what is the speedrun even well your first guess might be that it's a simple speedrun where you try and collect all of the small keys in the game but if we break it down there are four keys in Dragon roots to one of Forbidden Woods two in Tower of the Gods three in Earth Temple and two in Wind Temple so if we combine all those numbers together we get 12. yeah this doesn't make any sense well what if I were to tell you the the objective isn't simply used to collect 14 keys in the game The Objective is to have all 14 keys in your inventory in a single dungeon and all being available to the player in the bottom right corner and this silly question of how many small Keys the player can hold all at once actually start around 10 years ago when players noticed that the windmaker key counter actually had two digits not just one despite it a normal playthrough the most amount of keys the player can ever hold in one moment in time is a single key and so the hunt began the windbaker speedrunners wanted to know just how many keys we could collect at once and for many years this number stayed at three people figured out quickly that performing a glitchzone is a zombie hover they could reach areas they were not supposed to yet and this allowed them to collect the second third and fourth small key from Dragon Roost out of order while only having to use the first one but later on more people figured out that there was a glitch that allowed you to transfer small keys in between dungeons with some interesting techniques that I'll get into later but even with all of that the number of keys they were able to collect at once was still below 10. so how a speeder is able to overcome this Challenge and how we're able to reach 14 keys and finally enter the double digits well that's what I'm here to show you today without further Ado don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel and let's get right into the speedrun so to start this runoff the very first trick that we have to do to actually get the Run started is to do a glitch known as manual super so now I've covered this specific trick a thousand times so I'm not going to go into too much detail but tldr all you need to know is one thing every time you turn around in the water for the very first frame the game is going to add three units of negative to your value and this was just simply an effect to make you slow down so you can't turn around in full speed however Nintendo forgot to put a speed cap for how fast you can go backwards just like Super Mario 64 works with his bljs so we're gonna use that tour advantage to try and get just enough speed by turning link around hundreds of times so we can leave outside Island early all right so once I have enough speed I'm going to basically enter Target camera so that I can keep charging up speed more but it's going to be done automatically by the game instead and then I'm going to try and line myself up so that I can go to the corner of this beach right here to get an air refill and then I'm going to Super swim away from outside Island and make it all the way to Dragon Roost and there we go hey so once I have done all of what I just did so what I did just now is I basically got I got to Dragon Roost I got my Wind Waker and then immediately I'm going to obtain a glitch known as storage and I'm going to then use the storage glitch to be able to Super swim and this is going to allow me to super zoom just like I was doing with the manual super swim one but it can be done automatically by just holding up on the analog stick and then the wind waker's camera mode is doing the turning around forming I'm then going to super sim over here and the reason I want to go over here specifically is because there's going to be a submarine here and this submarine is very special because this submarine has four bicoblins and these moblins have Lantern and there's something you need to understand about windmaker that is very important which is that if you go up to an enemy with a lantern like a moblin there are two types of those in the game there is the guards and there's the normal enemy but how does the game know which one to use how to decide how they should behave is dependent upon if you have a sword in your inventory or not now I do not have a sword because of all the early game glitches I just did meaning that when I end up going to that submarine and I go up to those guards the game sees I don't have a sword inventory and thanks hold on he must be in forsaken Fortress 1 because there's no other point in time where the player would not have a sword and interact with this enemy so just basically wrongworks mean for second verse was one and now I'm gonna go ahead and just basically beat it as quickly as I can and I hear some other cool tricks are coming up so what I'm going to do right here is first I'm going to just pick up this 10 rupee right here and then I'm going to side hop with my windbreaker in my hand I'm gonna get storage in this chest now storing a chest is different compared to usual storage so when you store when you get storage and you take out your Wind Waker the game is simply just gonna let you walk in the Wind Waker mode now if you get storage and you try and open up a chest it's going to store the element of opening that chest up which is a couple of different important effects you need to understand number one is that the game internally temporarily changes Link's hitbox for how it functions while link is opening up a chest and then it returns to a normal state after it's done but since I store the chest and it could never finish I maintain this glitch date from opening up a chest and because my hitbox is also so much smaller than it used to be I can also walk up walls and slopes that are way steeper than I would you should be able to yeah you might be confused why this sword is even here when I never watched that cutscene of the barrel and losing it that's because this game is very very generous where it does not care like it doesn't physically drop that sword during the cutscene it just spawns there if you go around the early parts of the second Fortress one it automatically responds there [Music] before I get through into today's video I want to thank hello fresh for sponsoring today's video you know I'm actually really excited to work with hellofresh because I've been using them for over two months at this point you might not have known about it because I've been trying to lose some weight and be more healthy and using hella fresh has been absolutely fantastic and it is super simple to use each week you're given 50 meals to choose from on their website and you can also customize it by adding extra snacks or swapping out the protein however you like it personally for me I like to set it up so that I choose all my me's on the weekend and then on Monday hellofresh gets delivered straight to Mordor it's that easy and each meal comes in its own package with a recipe sheet right next to it so you can't mix up the product it's absolutely no waste whatsoever it's so easy to follow along and they have multiple options for the meals as well like keto calorie smart or even certain meals to bring in that fall season that we're in right now hella fresh got you covered in all of it and not only has hellofresh saved me not only wasting less food and money but it can for you as well because they'll come up with this coupon code called pog Linkus OCT 65 and if you use that coupon code in link is a description or on screen right now you will get 65 off your first order and free shipping let that sink in 65 off meaning that if you just try it for one month and you don't like it you basically got food for 65 off there's no risk in trying it out I definitely recommend you to do so and if you like it you're absolutely welcome to spend a live server for me so once again it's POG Linkus OCT 65 try it out around for 65 off your first order and free shipping thank you so much telefast for sponsoring today's video alright so now we're finally windfall we're gonna have to do a couple of things the first thing we're going to want to do is we want to collect as many Rupees as we can because I'm going to have to buy the sale so we're going to start by going around here and collecting some rupees all right so by the sale now here's where the sale is super important you cannot enter king of Reliance boat without the sale and we have to enter king of red lines both because there are certain things known as save Flags in this game so if I were to save right now no matter where I am in the Overworld the game will poke me back to Windfall Island and that's because the game tries to avoid it from sequence breaking so it has certain checks in place to avoid it from sequence breaking and one of which Shaq is where should you be respawn however by purchasing the sale it allows us to enter king of Red Lions and since that would be the first point of the game where you actually have freedom over where you should respawn that's where the game just starts checking for wherever you actually are when you're saving and quitting and that is absolutely necessary for this route to function because we're not just going to be hanging out at you know windfall the entire on so the first thing I'm going to do by the way is also this is a little bit of a Time save I really do not want to take time to like watch the delivery bag cut scene go talk to madly talk to her brother get the ball and all that stuff thankfully you can skip all of that sorry medley by super swimming because by super swimming and sequence break in this game you can collect an empty bottle from the Overworld instead first thing I'm gonna do right now is something that's gonna seem very weird but like I said it's very important so remember what I said earlier right that entering king of Red Lions is mandatory because if you don't enter king of Red Lions your save flags are not going to be set correctly because then you're just gonna keep respawning here but unfortunately due to all the glitches I'm doing I can't just simply enter king of Red Lions legitimately the game just would not allow that thankfully if you super swim too far outside of the ocean's boundaries the game has an auto void out area so by getting a lot of speed and by just simply super swimming out here into the ocean now I should be able to just void out because I swam so far out of bounds and then and spawn in the king of Red Lions and we officially fix our saved Flags uh remember I mentioned that I got the empty bottle so that and filled it with water so that I could skip the whole medley sequence while there is unfortunately more glitches to it to be able to skip that entire sequence and that's where we're getting to right now so right now I just performed the glitch on his double storage so I obtained storage uh so I can super swim and then I obtain storage a second time so that I basically can store something while I am super swimming and I'm gonna use this to my advantage right now I'm gonna go ahead and walk up on this island right here with storage enabled I'm gonna try and walk in front of this chest right here and open it then I'm gonna go over here and now have chest storage enabled and I'm going to use this bomb flower right here to bomb boost myself up on this latch because while I have chest storage enabled I cannot climb up a ledge however because I have chest storage I can walk up certain walls I'm not supposed to so I'm gonna climb the mountain of dragon Roost right here and then I'm simply just gonna jump down right here and Bam the delivery bag and all the cutscenes associated with it is completely skipped and we can immediately enter dragon roost just like that super super sick now this is where things start to get a little bit spooky we are going to start having to do a lot of different kinds of glitches so remember earlier in the intro how I mentioned that there's only a certain amount of keys in the Overworld or in every single dungeon I should say so you might be wondering like what's the main objective here how are we supposed to obtain 14 keys well like I said the objective is not to just obtain 14 Keys it's to have 14 keys on the counter at the same time in the bottom left corner so if you check at the bottom left corners or the bottom right corner right now you will see that I have zero keys that has to say 14. it doesn't mean that I can have 14 and then span four that would mean that I only have 10. I have to legitimately have 14 small Keys sitting in that inventory slot which should seem to be absolutely impossible and you might still be wondering how is that possible there's not even enough small keys in the game to go around for that and how do you even get small keys from one dungeon to another because if I pick up these small Keys here and go to another dungeon they're gonna be at zero like they don't transfer well this is where the bad stuff starts to come in the first trip to Dragon Roost because I'm gonna let you know a little secret we're not just gonna do one trip to Dragon Roost we're gonna do probably like about seven or eight of them throughout this run but for the first very first trip we're doing here at Dragon Roost thankfully it's pretty basic and pretty normal alright now we have made it about halfway through the dungeon now you might have noticed something if you look at my key counter in the bottom right my key counter is zero because I have had to spend a total of two small Keys already to even get to this point in the dungeon which is a big problem for this run and this is where I like to introduce you to the first glitch that we're about to do in this run to try and get around this and now my friends is a glitch known as back in time now if you watched Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword speedruns you might be familiar with this glitch if you watch windmaker you probably never heard of this glitch because this glitch exists in all three games because it actually stems from Wind Waker on the Genki version because they all use a modified version of the windmaker engine it just happens to be not too useful in windmaker but this category has found a use for this glitch what I basically did there is I stored that chest and that chest was a very important chest that I stored the chest that I stored there was the small key chest so I just stored a small key into my inventory now I'm gonna slowly walk down here and I'm gonna drop down onto this ledge right here and I'm gonna attempt to get storage again and hopefully I get it okay we got storage again beautiful and now once I'm over here I'm gonna go ahead and go up to the small key and store obtaining this small key so looking back at the video itself I felt that my explanation live wasn't perfect so let me break down in post what is going on there are two elements to this trick back in time in small key storage there is a great fit in the lowest percent Channel covering back in time in detail if you're interested but in simple terms by either respawning or voiding out at the exact same time that the player performs a soft reset the player can be put back to the title screen but have control over Link in a playable State and this is heavily used in other games such as Twilight Princess and Scourge sword in Twilight Princess it's very useful because the title screen link already has a pona the shield and the sword just to name a few items so by getting to the title screen and then saving your game from there all of those items you just had will be transferred into your main file but in windbaker that's not really the case and it's not too useful because our title screen link is at outside Island with zero items right after the intro but this is where we can combine this glitch and the knowledge of storing small Keys all into one once you store a small key it sort of enters this limbo state where the game will remember that you picked one up and it should be added to the dungeons inventory but it will just patiently wait there until it has an opportunity to do so so if I were to for example avoid out so it would cause it to reload it will then be added to the inventory but here I will use it in a different way because by storing this small key from this bird and from the chest earlier and performing a game over right afterwards I can then do back in time this will put me back into Dragon Roost but on a blank file while the title screen is going on but if you look in the bottom right you can see that action just transferred the two keys that I just stored over to the title screen meaning that I can now save and quip my game this will basically create a brand new save file on outset from the start with zero items now you might wonder why don't you just do this over and over again Linkus well that's because it doesn't work that way because if I got another two keys now and I saved it I would still just have two keys does that make sense I'm transferring it over but I'm also erasing whatever was previously there now I basically have a blank save file back an outset like I haven't done anything in the game according to the game right now I have done nothing in the game I just got done watching the intercut scene but there's two small keys in my dragon route and that's it that's all the game things I've done meaning that it's back to manual super swim so let's pass it some more all right manual super swim two out of three so for this specific trip because there's more back in time to come actually but for this specific trick that I'm about to do right now we are about to do literally The Identical thing we just did so I am just gonna make it easier for your YouTube content and just go through it okay I get the windmaker super similar for second Fortress I beat for second Fortress I get my sword go to windfall obtain everything I need there get the sale super zoom out void out get the bottle void out sail Back to the Island get double storage climb up dragon Roost enter dragon Roos and Bam here we are now our final back in Dragon Roost and I got two small Keys now I'm Gonna Save here now you might think oh you're just gonna do the identical thing again link is and do this like over and over again until you're 14. I wish that was the case because that would make the speedrun way easier than I'm about to unfortunately no that is not what we're going to do what I'm first going to do is I'm going to go ahead and get this torch and lit up this chest so we can have this chest spawn in and then I'm going to have to get storage right now so I'm going to get storage I'm gonna store this chest and then I'm gonna open this door up right here now this is where one of the worst tricks in all of Wind Waker is gonna come into play this trick is actually one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life I'm first going to go ahead and kill one of the red shoes so that only one red shoe exists in this room and now is where the bad stuff are gonna come up so so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get this red shoe over here and I'm now going to have to damage boost my way up with this enemy because remember I can't climb a Ledge now when I've damage boosted up here I can't open this chest up because it has a small key so I have to store this chest now there's no ledge where I can get stored meaning that I have to use this pod to do a wind waker dive unfortunately this not only will this chew continue to try and screw me over getting storage while you already have storage enabled with a pod is one of the worst things in this entire game so this might take me a long time I also have a limited amount of tries because he's dealing damage to me every time I fail this foreign I got it but I didn't press B fast enough he hit me I'm so mad last try I have to go and reset it up because I'm running short on lives oh my God I got it holy sh okay thank God it didn't fail that if I would have failed that I would have actually died please drop me a heart damn it saved okay now we're gonna open this chest up to cancel out storage temporarily because I do need to be able to climb objects again so just know that right now I have stored two chests with two small Keys okay got it Chad I if I avoid at any point or if I die or anything like that I have to start all over again so we have to be very careful and now we're gonna use up our second small key that we stored so now we're back to zero piece all right now remember currently what I have right now with all the glitches I've set up is I've stored two chests and they are both containing small Keys now this explains why I did my original back in time glitch my original back in time glitch was so that I could start the dungeon with two small keys and it was for this exact reason to get into this room you need to use two small keys so by having two small Keys already it meant that I could store the original two small keys that I used the first trip to get to this point this is the entire reason I played through the first 40 minutes of the game the first time around now I'm gonna get storage I'm gonna store this chest and I'm gonna go out here now I'm gonna have to do the same thing I did the first time but without failing meaning I have to uh with chest storage go out here climb up this mountain here walk over here storage nice got it beautiful so now we got storage again now we're gonna walk around here gonna walk very slowly there we go and now we are going to store this key and that's it now if anyone was keeping count that means that this trip we stored four small keys right the first room small key the one in the rats room the room in the rat's room and the nest from the nest and now we're gonna perform the back in time glitch now this is why we can't just perform this glitch an infinite amount of times because this is not a duplication glitch it simply just transfers whatever you have stored into the inventory there's a hard cap and that is four that's why we did this twice the first time it was simply just to be able to start this dungeon with two keys so that when we got here we didn't have to spend any because the technically didn't have to spend any of them that are located in the chests but now I have stored four which is the maximum amount that's the entire amount of small keys that Dragon Roost has there's no more small keys in this entire dungeon which is why this is the last trip that we're doing with this clip so you might be wondering okay I thought that you were just gonna do this glitch a bunch of times to get 14 Keys how are you going to get 14 keys in his dungeon though if the max is four well I'm gonna show you but first we have to do back in time again so let's hope we got it beautiful so back in time performed we spawned back into the beginning of dragon Roost the title screen starts playing and if you look in the bottom right corner Four Keys it worked beautiful that's it and save and quit and there we go now we have started the run back it out said again by the way but this time we will have four small Keys starting off in Dragon Roost uh we're gonna have to do manual super zoom again but this time it's not a repetitive that was the last back in time in the entire runs we're about to do the first part of the run again which is manual super swim Wind Waker for Sega Fortress but that's it after that there's no more repetitiveness and the Run changes up drastically [Music] foreign I am finally back to where I want to be I'm going to now try and go to great fish Island great going to great fish island is very important because great fish Island triggers an event known as endless nights that will first of all make it possible to be able to achieve naira's Pearl from outsa but also more importantly it gives us the opportunity to tame bombs from windfall unfortunately when you go to great fish you get slapped with a very long cut scene so I'm gonna attempt to do a cutscene skip right here is really difficult though nice I got it you can see right there I started to void out then he started following me in the cutscene activated I spawned back into the ocean into the Overworld and Bam as you can see absolutely beautiful and we can now head over straight away to windfall uh to get our bombs and now we're about to to start the our favorite thing in this game once we obtained bombs time everybody to grab your Game Boy Advance and your linking cables to the GameCube that I'm sure you all own here it is because this run is gonna be tingle assisted anyways after after getting enough rupees uh we're gonna connect to the GBA and get that linked up and you're gonna see why we need the GBA if you never watch a manuka sooner before this is gonna make a lot of sense very soon why we have to connect this up alright so right now I have double storage and I have Tingo connected to myself and now I'm going to Super all the way across the ocean to go over to Forest Haven and I also made sure to have 70 rupees which you're gonna see why it's so important in a little bit so by having double storage I skipped the cut scene uh of first arriving to uh Forest Haven then we're gonna windmaker dive to get underneath the water and then we're simply just going to swim all the way underneath this island and now one really good mechanic about windbaker is that if you're in a source of water and there is a water source above you it will always is automatically put you at the higher water source because normally the vanilla gameplay would never be in that situation it's just kind of a Fail-Safe to now like be able to get underneath the ocean and we use that to our advantage right there by teleporting ourselves up to the higher water source so that we can immediately enter the loading sound for the day tree uh right here getting the Deacon Leaf should be a very simple task but it's surprisingly not actually uh so I'm gonna kill all the choo choos to immediately get them away and start the cutscene to spawn the deaconly but if we put our minds together we sort of think about this for a second you're gonna realize something if you're going up the bulbs to get to the DP Leaf there is a part where you need to use the grappling hook to Grapple over to the last Bull and we don't have the grappling hook because we haven't done Dragon Roost so how are we going to get there well that's where the tingle tuner comes into play basically there is a glitch in this game known as a zombie up this glitch is very simple when link gets to zero HB and dies there is a small period of time in between when he dies and the game over screen starts and this is where a fairy is supposed to have a chance to kick in and heal you now if you don't have a fairy there's technique just a small window of time where you have zero HP but you're dead Nintendo thought about this and was scared that what if someone tries to do an input during his time so they made a code that it constantly every frame checks if the player performs any input or action and if he does immediately cancel it but this is where we actually fooled Nintendo because that means that it goes to a zombie hovering as possible because every time you press the B button while you're in midair you do a jump slash which gains you a little bit of height Now by mashing the B button in midair you can theoretically gain infinite height but there's just one issue when you press B in midair to perform a jump slash you can't do another one until you've landed on the ground but since the game cancels your jump slash every single frame that means that you can technically do a jump slash no input jump slash no input jump slash no input so you can take them to 15 jump flashes per second meaning that you're gonna gain a huge amount of hind in a very short amount of time so if you're wondering how that looks like let's do it now as you can see by getting to zero HP and doing a jump slash and me mashing my B button very fast I can continue to gain height faster then the game is pulling me down and I want to average about at least 12 13 times per second to gain high but there's an issue the second land on the ground the frame I land on the ground I'm just gonna die I'm at zero Health that's where the tingle tuner comes in you see I have a green icon underneath my feet well that means my Tingler tuner is connected so right now I just pressed B on my Gameboy Advanced it might be a little bit confused what did that do well if you listen up here and you look right here you see I just got healed well this is where tingle comes in play because the tingle tuner lets you get access to a shot and the shop sells item one of which being potions and unlike a normal potion where you have to physically drink it that tingle tuner potion lets you just activate it anywhere by pressing the B button and waiting 10 seconds for tingle to do a little dance on the Game Boy Advance meaning that we can zombie hover anywhere we want use the tingle tuner to heal ourselves and survive basically any zombie however we want there's also other uses for the tingle tuner as well either way we're gonna absolutely break this dungeon by the way by using bombs bombs destroys this dungeon and now we're gonna get into the Forbidden wood trout so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna store this chest and climb up this stream now I have chest storage enabled as I enter the main room there's one small key in Assumption the first thing I'm gonna do is jump over here and leave to this little area right here and with just storage you can just barely walk up on this thing we're going to walk up here and place a bomb right here and we're gonna get through here now I have to store this chest and unfortunately getting chest storage on a chest when you already have chest storage is one of the worst things in this entire game yes got it okay finally got storage again and I was able to chest storage that one which is the small key chest and now we're going to beat this dungeon now remember earlier how I said that when you store a small key it basically enters this like temporary like void area where it's just waiting to be given to something and by loading a dungeon or reloading a dungeon it it gives that to you well for some reason entering a boss room counts in the same way internally in the game as leaving a dungeon it does not count as entering another part of a dungeon it's considered leaving the dungeon so even though we are technically reloading a room here we are not actually reloading forbidden wood so the small key is still stuck in the the void Zone I need to be really careful here I don't have a lot of bombs to spare one two three four oh thank God three bombs left to spare either way now we are going to go through this cutscene and uh leave this dungeon like nothing happened and the game will shockingly remember the small keys that we stored remember that small key I just stored in Forbidden Woods the game will keep this in mind until I save and quit the game it knows it knows it's waiting to give it to me [Music] and we're gonna go over to Beetle right here our good old friend Beetle all my homies love Beetle we're gonna enter his boat and we're going to leave the boat to get him to respawn where we want it to be and then we're gonna get storage right here beautiful now if I enter here nice as you can see we got five small Keys it actually worked so we just transferred one of the small keys from Forbidden Woods over to Dragon Roost so we now have five small Keys now I'm gonna take a little bit of damage here enough to take all of it and then we are unfortunately gonna have to use one of our small Keys here I know it hurts a lot I know we worked really hard to obtain these small keys so it's very sad to have to use them but unfortunately this is mandatory so we're back to Four Keys now this time though I do have some good news unlike the previous times this time we can just open up this chest without any storage that's right we can just open up that chest in all of its vanilla form and now it is time to go tapa mode I need to get to the very very top of dragon Roost and I need to get there quickly so uh what we're going to be doing is we're going to be doing a zombie Hopper so hopefully we get first try now I'm going to enter this room and then I'm immediately gonna leave it this might sound very strange but basically for later in the run I will need to have this warpod unlocked so I'm going to open this warp pot open and then void Out and because I open and close the door at the top I actually respawn at the top which is exactly what I wanted and finally after two hours of playing this game and playing through Dragon Roost three times we can finally obtain the grappling hook grappling hook dead wow also vanilla Chad what are the odds all right right here we do not have the boss key and I also don't plan to get the boss Gates very slow thankfully this is one of the easiest skips uh for skipping a bossy in the game if you get chest Storch you can just run up that wall you clip out of bounds immediately and then you can just roll in between the the out of bounds wall and the door frame and uh bam grin and uh now we just have to beat the boss [Music] anyways so now when we've finally beaten Dragon Roost and I've gotten the second Pearl what my objective is right now is to get all the way to outset now outside has a cutscene when you get to that Island meaning that if I super swim normally my game will actually softball so I have to do double storage I need to store the cutscene basically skip it when I arrive to the island also it's on the opposite side of the ocean which causes another issue if I were to get there right now I wouldn't make it it's just too far it's as simple as that thankfully there's a really cool trick which I'm going to perform right now so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to Super swim to the corner of the sport net and then charge up even more speed and then I'm gonna activate a tingle balloon right now it's basically being activated and I'm pause buffering the game right now to get it to load this island faster and then bam I can fly I can literally walk in midair get an Airy fill and not sploosh be meaning I maintain the majority of my speed and I got an air refill and now I can use the remaining speed I have a momentum to go down to the very bottom of the ocean and go to win and go down said uh unfortunately hit one Island so well there's 10 seconds of that but at least we basically made it there we go go to the middle of that Wireline to void out go put back into king of Red Lions all right and now let's get the last third Pearl and there we go all right gonna super swim from outset all the way to place my my second Pearl all right now we just have to do one more Super swim and place the third and final Pearl to be able to get access to the Tower of the Gods now I'm not actually gonna beat Tower of the Gods ever it actually loses a lot of time so I have no interest in beating Tower of gods but we still do have to actually go there though because we do need the bow and arrow and we also do need some small keys from that dungeon foreign Gods finally there are actually two small keys in this dungeon however I'm not going to obtain either one of those two keys for this trip I actually don't give a crap about small keys I am only here for one reason and one reason only and that is to get my bow so first things first I'm going to do a clip known as a ledge clip by basically placing a bomb right next to that wall and then going against that bomb it's going to push me through the wall and then go into Leaf out of bounds and get into this Corridor right here and skip the first half of this entire dungeon all right let's go get that Heroes Bo now I'm going to do something on purpose I know people are gonna say so bad but I promise you this is on purpose I'm going to purposely take down my health so that I almost die right here no I'm not bad I have to do this all right finally got our heroes bow and now we have to do one more thing before we leave we have to lead the statue that I have here into the main room before I leave I should not leave it in this current state that it's in pick this boy up carry him into the main room and now we are going to die so once I am here right now I literally just want to get out of this dungeon as quickly as possible and the fastest way to get out of here is to have a link die because if I do a save and quit I will lose my tingle uh tuner connection and I will lose 30 seconds having to reconnect it and then we just leave now there are still a couple more things in Tower of the Gods that I do want to do but it is much faster for the route to do it later on so we're just gonna come back and do that later we're gonna sail up left right here to head over to uh Northern triangle aisle because we want to go ahead and um get Ballad of gaos as quickly as possible which you don't know is what you get from being Cyclops and this is something that lets you warp anywhere just gonna save a lot of time for end game [Music] all right so now when we're over here we're gonna sail over here and I'm gonna have to get storage twice here one time for a chest storage and one time so that I can super swim and you're gonna see why this is one of like in my opinion the more cool sections of the run so I really hope you'll enjoy but first things first explode those bombs so that this chest drops down then I have to get a storage here this one is unfortunately really awkward to get and oh my God I actually got a second try that's absurd anyways so we're going to charge up a super swim right here now I'm going to immediately leave here and I'm gonna go to these little Islands right here and if you super zoom against these pillars right here you actually get Airy fills meaning I can charge up an absurd amount of speed and have a Max maximum amount of air which is exactly what I need for what I'm about to do because I'm about to super jump all the way to forsaken Fortress okay then I'm going to clip out a bounce right here and since I have chest storage enabled I should be able to do this very quickly because what I can do now is I can go up on this corner clip up on this rock climb up for second Fortress over here and then we're gonna equip this and then with our chest storage we're gonna climb this wall right here and thankfully because you're never supposed to get too high up on forsaken Fortress the very very top of forsaken Fortress has no Collision so we can simply just go at the very very top go into that loading zone immediately and Skip oh Phantom Ganon and uh everything leading up to helm Rock and now we're in the beautiful part I like to call cutscene Haven that's right we're gonna get a long cutscene here then we're going to get another long cuts and go into Hyrule and another one in Hyrule itself foreign now you might be wondering why did we go here by getting the light arrows early we also obtained the Fire and Ice Elemental arrows and by watching this cutscene we're not going to beat up again because the objective of this category is not to beat the game right now but by just watching this cutscene the game is actually added into our inventory the fully charged Master Sword and the mirror Shield it does this every time an item is used in a cutscene usually though you don't notice that effect because it just replaces the same item you already had but since I've done so many sequence breaks to get here early it's very noticeable because I'm going from literally a Master Sword to a fully charged one and from no Shield to the mirror Shield so thankfully that is going to open up a lot of possibilities in this end game alright now when I finally enter the Overworld again we're going to do something very important to be able to actually complete this game I do need the skull hammer and I purposely did not fight Phantom again when I was here the first time because I didn't have a master sword but now because of all the glitches I did I was able to receive one from my hero sword meaning I can I can finally actually defeat Phantom Ganon nice not bad RNG we take those all right now I don't have the iron boots yet but thankfully uh you can actually get here early because by taking out your Wind Waker it resets the cycle there's like an internal timer on like one second and how long it can be in the wind until you start sliding so by continuously taking out the Wind Waker over and over again you can reset this timer until you're close enough to where you can just turn around and do a jump slash with a skull hammer to break it early all right I'm gonna get storage right here and I'm gonna supers Into Fire Mountain now there's nobody to climb up to Fire Mountain or even star Thailand or finish it for that matter without being in the boat because you have to shoot if ice Arrow to actually like freeze everything thankfully if you drown against an island you respawn on that time Island so my objective right now is going to be to use get to Fire Mountain and actually drown on purpose in this case it's actually usable [Music] and now we have everything we need to be able to progress to the next part of this run which is Earth Temple now Earth Temple is going to get absolutely absurd with its route uh it's gonna be a lot of fun and also very difficult but hopefully we should be able to do well here uh but first step is to Simply warp to outset and head over to headstone and this is also where one of the more difficult glitch comes into play uh this this trick slash glitch that I'm about to do is very difficult and it is known as early Earth Temple I actually covered this on my YouTube channel for the old dungeons category a couple of months ago if you're interested in checking that video out but we are going to have to do that trick for this category as well oh yeah I cannot believe I got that wow okay [Music] and first try on this room too beautiful so you might see a couple of really strange strats right here in this dungeon and that's because I do not have a medley that's one of the only few negatives about entering this dungeon early with glitches is that you're basically locked out of using medley so you have to do a lot of really difficult tricks to get around this I'm about to make a safety save right before I open up this chest here because once I open up this chest into small key spawns this is when things starts to get very spooky because once I start picking up small Keys everything has to be Flawless until I go to Dragon Roost and this is a long sequence in between when I start and when I would be done and now we are off now because I have chest storage enabled I can get through this dungeon but it does not mean that it's any less scary because not only is it difficult to get through this there's a very high chance that like if I fail something I will avoid out or something else like in those like that kind of feel will happen and if that happens my run is just like I have to start over so I just have to hope I can do everything perfectly first try uh here we're gonna have to take out the Deacon leaf oh barely made it up thank God okay time for uh time for this room this is one of the rooms I'll look for towards the lease because I don't have any good bomb drops around here and this is another one of these I have to get chest storage uh on top of a chest when I already have chest storage which is like one of the worst timings ever so we just have to hope that it doesn't take too long yes all right so by getting storage there again on top of that chest I was able to store that chest which has the second small key in this dungeon and by storing that I now have two small Keys stored which is very exciting if it would have hit me there and I would have waited out my ROM would have been dead I should have taken that more carefully and there we go we are done with Earth Temple yeah say goodbye to our fully charged Master Sword it will temporarily be downgraded which means that if I save and quit our game over any point in between now until I've gotten pretty far into wind Temple we are completely and utterly screwed we're almost done Chad now remember we still have stored keys in the game in the background right now from Earth Temple yeah I haven't forgotten about those and if we did everything right hopefully God please Tom I didn't do anything wrong we should have seven small Keys Next time we enter dragon Roost if not I'm gonna be very very nervous but first we're gonna get these iron boots all right there's Darren boots it's time to do it let's go to Dragon Roost and see if our key transfer glitch worked if we did then we only have wind Temple left please show me seven small keys in the bottom right corner okay let's go yeah those keys are locked in now they can never leave that all right now you might think oh this is the last dungeon it's straightforward we're just gonna do this and he's gonna be done right no because I have some really cool routes and stracks that I guarantee you you have never seen before beautiful so by doing a really precise shot right there you can open up that warp pot early and then you can with chest storage clip through that door frame clip out of bounds and then I'm Gonna Leave to be right above this loading zone right here and if you're if you're flying with your Leaf over a loading zone and there's no Collision in between you and the loading zone you automatically pop in there the reason why that's a mechanic is that like you can for example like Leaf over a loading zone and get out of bounds super easily but with glitches you can make that much faster as well which is really cool and there's the hook shot now this is my last safety save for quite a while so we're coming back up again on one of these moments where we better not mess up I'm a car don't worry I'll save you I'm just gonna bring my car down with me baby all right we're gonna use my car to activate this uh this fan right here because there's two small Keys one is at the top and one is down here at the bottom so by activating this sand right here we should be able to get both of them no problem so once I've activated that and that's going on I'm going to enter this room and I'm gonna try and do a bomb boost to get off on the lights here next to these spikes and then while I have vulnerability frames I can do another jump slash beautiful then I'm gonna get storage and literally first try that is so clean I am popping off then we're gonna go here and we're gonna fly up go link go now we have to do one more of these horrendous storages on top of a chest with storage oh baby that was actually really fast third try is really good all right now we have officially stored the two keys in this dungeon all right hopefully as long as you didn't do anything wrong once we entered Dragon Roost now we should have nine Keys come on nine small keys beautiful all right that's nine we're almost at double digits and this will be the first time in your life for probably 99 of you watching us right now that you have ever seen a key counter in a Zelda game go to like two digits in vanilla without modifications or cheat codes in the game alright so now we're back in Dragon Roost we are going to go for two very difficult tricks and this is in my opinion really cool and really fun so first things first we have to get to the two small key chests now one of them is down here at the bottom and we're gonna get to that one later and you'll see why the second one is at the very very top of this dungeon to kill this guy and I'm gonna shoot that eye okay now step number one get storage so this is the small key chest so we're gonna store the small key chest then we want to lose our storage which might sound weird but I have to like climb a bunch of ladders and do a bunch of stuff to get back and the easiest way to lose storage without like voiding out or accidentally like giving you like the key back is remember if I like void out here or reload this dungeon in any way I will be screwed because the dungeon will be added to this dungeon and the easiest way then to lose chest storage is to open up another chest we're then going to climb this up right here and here is a cool little strap by the way so I'm actually stuck here I cannot leave this because there's a water pressure that's pushing me out do you see how like I literally can't leave I'm stuck you might be like Linkus you're completely screwed here well think again because when the water goes up here king of Red Lions will be spawned here and then pushed to the side and you can hook shot hook shotting pushes through the push part of the barrier allowing you to escape it and get back back to the first floor which is very important because remember I need to not void out or save warp in any way to not lose the state brand but now here is where we're coming up on some really cool attack all right first things first we're gonna clip out of bounds here all right we're gonna store this chest now I'm not gonna risk this because we are right at the end of this run Chad we are not risking anything we are gonna kill these guys because I am not messing around here okay don't fail this Linkus it's really bad if you do do not fail this okay hold it everybody [Music] let's go boys let's go okay so basically what I had to do right there is I got chest storage and then I climbed at that pillar and what I had to do was do a partial ledge clip because I had chest storage and then do a frame perfect roll clip to get into the pillar now when I'm inside of the pillar I'm still screwed because the pillar has Collision for the actual wall meaning when I'm in the pillar I then have to do a partial clip and do another frame perfect roll clip to get finally out of bounds so I could then Leaf out of bounds to get back to the main Hub area to then leave the dungeon and now everything should have gone correctly and we should have 11 Keys when we enter this dungeon let's see beautiful that's it look at that look at that double counter dude all right three keys away first key is the very first one in the game remember earlier I did back in time to be able to transfer a couple of temporary keys so I could unlock these doors without actually using the key it's intended for meaning I can get this one which is the 12th one then I'm going to enter this war pod and earlier by a zombie hover I open up this warpod here in the middle now this is where things start to get spicy normally you have to use small keys to get through this dungeon right well that's why it's so useful now when we're coming back when we have all of them because if a door requires the use of a small key and you open it from behind it doesn't take a small key from your inventory but as long as you have at least one in your inventory the door will still be open meaning I can go from behind and get the 13th key and then I can open up this one from behind go over here break this barricade and time that's it four hours 14 minutes and 18 seconds and we have 14 small keys in the bottom right corner of a screen that is the maximum amount of small keys that you can hold at one point in a singular dungeon now I think there's only one question you guys might have left Linkus why did you go through all this time just to get 14 small keys I'm answered to that is why not thank you for watching it's been really hope you appreciate it if you want to see more random content like this or randomizer videos or anything else you should definitely click on the two random videos on the screen right now and don't forget to subscribe to YouTube channel for more awesome content as well thank you so much for watching today's dude I really hope you appreciate that and I hope you enjoyed me speed around the outro as well this is my first time I was featuring as well if you enjoyed anyways that's gonna be it thank you so much for watching later everybody bye
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 396,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7zSGrO7Bbd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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