How Do You See These Clouds?_R Gardenhire_10032021

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oh oh they show wow page [Music] i need someone who will never let oh and will tell me that they show good morning i'd like to welcome everybody to the sunday morning services of the schrader lane church of christ we're so happy for those of you who are visiting uh with us and we're grateful for all of the people all of our members who are here in person and we're especially thankful for those of you who are joining us via streaming we're looking forward to having a wonderful day of song and of prayer and of a wonderful lesson from the word and from fellowship with one another before we begin our worship this morning i have a few announcements that i'd like to make there have been thank you notes received from the following members and appreciation of acts of kindness during the illness or loss of a loved one the martin family for james and riva watkins and we have a special note from sister steele our brother walter steele one of our elders here passed away just over a week ago and the steele family writes it is with deepest with the deepest sense of appreciation that we say thank you for the expression of love that you extended to us following the death of one we hold so dear your acts of kindness render much needed comfort as we continue to experience this most profound loss early john chelsea and jalen sympathy and condolences are extended to the wesley rouse and in the loss of his brother bobby g rouse services will be saturday october 16th in milwaukee wisconsin to randolph and stephanie washington and the loss of his sister-in-law monica washington and i know they've traveled to georgia to attend that funeral herbert hamilton and the loss of his brother-in-law don drew in saint petersburg florida uh janet and rachel stewart and the loss of her sister-in-law and aunt helene smith and uh cordova tennessee graveside service was held on friday in memphis and to ruth young who passed away on thursday and i know this is a real shock for many of us that sister ruth young has passed away funeral services have not been completed at this point but we'll let you know as soon as we do in terms of giving and contribution when uh giving your contribution and offering please do so electronically or mail it to the schrader lane church of christ address po box 281048 nashville tennessee and this is on our web page if you need more information about that if giving it out if giving at one of our in-person services please give to one of the ushers at the end of the service as you exit for those members who are in need of communion you may stop by on monday wednesday or friday from 11 a.m to 2 p.m or any saturday from 8 30 a.m to 11 p.m to pick up communion supplies come into the first floor foyer lobby and pick up from the grab and go basket the metro health department is offering vaccines to homebound residents homebound visits are on tuesdays and thursdays if interested in the service please call 615-340-8705 for details please remember please refer to the bulletin for all other announcements and information visitors welcome please know that you are our honored guest and we would like for you to stand and raise your hand at this point to get and complete one of the visitors cards and i'm especially excited today that the new president of lipscomb university dr candice mcqueen and her husband andy mcqueen are here with us today if you would stand up please and give us a chance to recognize you are there other visitors [Applause] okay let's see if you are in need of prayer please contact us monday through saturday 6 a.m or on the sunday or on on the prayer line at 6 a.m or on sunday at the conclusion of the 915 worship service and you can dial uh 712-775-7465 access code 25613 or feel free to email us at prayer request schrader those are the announcements that i have for this morning before we begin our worship let's go to our father in prayer our god and father in heaven we thank you so much for this wonderful day that you've given us to come to worship you to sing songs of praise to you to hear from your word and to be uplifted and encouraged by one another father we thank you so much for the powerful and wonderful ways that you have worked in our lives over the past uh time and we're particularly thankful for the way that you've helped us during all the time of this pandemic father we pray for all of those who have lost loved ones who are mourning this morning because somebody that they loved has passed away father we pray that you would continue to bless those families give them strength and encouragement and just help them to deal with the circumstances and the situations that they find themselves in father we pray for those who have struggled in other ways who are dealing with sicknesses or illnesses we pray for those lord who have emotional problems and struggles and who are just in need of your help and father we thank you for all of the ways that you have blessed us and answered so many prayers that we have prayed and requests that we have made to you and have just intervened in our lives in ways that we don't even know that you did god we're thankful for this congregation for the influence that it has in the city and we pray that we would continue to be the people that you would want us to be a light on a hill that we would serve this community and not only this community but be a presence and light around the world father we love you we praise you we honor you we thank you and we ask all of these things in jesus name amen thank you brother turner for opening our worship service with me please join us with the first selection of this morning good morning everyone humble thyself in the sight of the lord please join humble thyself in the sight of the lord [Music] in the sight of the lord [Music] thyself in the sight of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Applause] jesus is the son of god jesus is the son of god and he died to make men free and he died to make men free amazing grace how sweet the sound is in grace how sweet lord amazing grace how [Music] is [Applause] i once was lost but now i'm found but now i see some just humble thyself in the sight of the lord [Music] [Music] will if humble yourself my god will lift you up good morning again good morning good morning and welcome so now it's time that we come to this part of a service where we observe our offering in the book of ii corinthians it tells us how we are to give we want to thank each and every one of you for your continued offering that you have been doing around here at the straight elaine church of christ we are so blessed to have members and outside people who are really sending in contributions for us and we as a leadership want to thank you so very much you notice on the screen there are many ways to give you may give online through one of our electronic means also you may mail in your offering or if you drive by we have a box that you can drop it off here also at the end of the service if you so desire we have ushers who will be at our exit doors that you may drop off your offering in one of their baskets let us pray this is father in heaven again we humbly by before you thanking you so very much for allowing us another opportunity to come out this morning father to worship you father we pray father that as we give back a portion of what is already yours that we use it for the uplifting and betterment of your kingdom while we are here on this earth in jesus name we pray amen and now for our communion the book of first comment corinthians book of first corinthians 11 tells us how we are instructed to take of the lord's supper the lord's soul honorably graciously died suffered blood died and rose again so that we might have a right to this tree of life as we take of this loaf and this cup our minds reflect on the sacrifice that the lord made for us let us pray o father in heaven again we humbly bow before you thanking you so very much for your darling son jesus lord we thank you for his loving and care for each and every one of us lord well we pray now that as we take of this loaf which represents his body and his cup which represents his shared blood that we do so in a manner pleasing and acceptable in your sight is in your darling son jesus name that we pray amen god has smiled on me [Music] he has set me free [Music] he's been good to me [Applause] [Music] smiled on me [Music] church he's been good to me amazing grace [Music] when i was lost [Music] don't you know that [Music] me he's been good to me when we've been there [Music] ten thousands bright shining as the sun we've no less days to sing god's praise then when we [Music] first god [Music] me [Music] god oh god [Music] good morning saints i'm gonna get my phone back right the sermon topic this morning is how do you see these clouds and the lesson is taken from the book of exodus chapter 13 verses 17-21 and i'll be reading from the king james version of the holy scriptures and it came to pass when pharaoh had let the people go the god led them through the way of the land of the philistines although that was near for god said lest per adventure the people repent when they see war and they return to egypt but god led the people about through the way of the wilderness of the red sea and the children of israel went up harnessed out of the land of egypt and moses took the bones of joseph with him for he had straightly sworn the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you and they took their journey from success and encamped in etham in the edge of the wilderness and the lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud to lead them the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light to go by day and night may the lord have a blessing to the hearers doers and believers of his holy and divine word thank you brother moore how many of you all know that jesus is the one oh let's try that again jesus is the one correct he's the only one please join us lord the people praise you lift you up and raise your you're the one you're the only one lord the people praise you lord the people praise you lift you up and raise you oh you are the holy one place nobody above you're the one you're the only one [Applause] [Music] oh you are the holy [Music] the only name that reasons and we will bless you as you come here [Music] and if we had 10 000 [Music] oh stand with me hallelujah [Applause] hey you're the one you're the only one [Music] you're the one you're the only one you're the one you're the only one you're [Music] amen say you are the holy one i didn't take this today and my wife the first ones today [Applause] let the spirit of the lord rise among us let the spirit of the lord let it rise let the praises unlocking rise among us let let the spirit let the spirit of the lord let it rise let the praises of our king [Applause] oh [Applause] let the glory of the lord let it rise let it rise let it rise [Applause] let the songs [Applause] come on church let the spirit rise among us let it rise [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] let it rise among us let the praises of let it rise [Applause] [Music] let us all say amen a resounding amen we should have all the people down at the corner on jefferson street to know something's going on here today with a loud resounding let us say amen amen it's so good to see you here today to hear your voices and to know that we have come to worship our god as we often say god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and it's our desire continuously to propagate genuine worship among us and your coming today for that purpose is thrilling it's exciting but even more it's pleasing to god those of you who are worshiping with us virtually today i want you to know that we're delighted that you're with us we're happy that you have come and i encourage you to be fully engaged today although i see you there in your pajamas but be fully engaged in our worship as we have come together for this grand purpose i join with brother turner in welcoming our guests the mcqueens stood earlier thank you for being with us today and i saw a young man christian stand he is a college student he was invited by our college counselors brother barry thank you for being here but i just suspect that we have some other visitors who have arrived and did not have the opportunity to stand if you're visiting and have not already stood would you be so kind as to do so visitors thank you thank you thank you and those of you who are our guests virtually we are delighted we're happy we're overjoyed that so many of you are now with us and i look forward to meeting and greeting you personally right here at the schrader lane church of christ thank you for being with us today i want to let you rejoice with me in knowing that we have yet another member who has reached the 100 year milestone two weeks ago we acknowledged the birthday of our brother wood brother doyle wood celebrated 100 years he's a resident at our assisted living center but in addition to him sister essie wright on last sunday had her 100th birthday many of you know sister essie wright others of you know her son phillip and we just want to congratulate her and although her 100th birthday has passed it's not too late to send her a card of congratulations i'm i'm just excited about that thank you brother mason thank you brother turner thank you brother phillips for leading us this morning and brother moore for directing us to god's word i share with you in our many many condolences it seems that it's a continuous thing in a congregation of of this magnitude and last sunday we we felt that and we recognized that and we we talked some among us regarding our our losses of beloved members only to have received a call two evenings ago of the passing of our dear sister ruth young and those of you who have known ruth who have served with her know her to have been a stalwart and one precious among us so i just ask your prayers as did dr turner for her family and for those many of you who were extremely as as was i very close to her the passage that has been chosen today from this 13th chapter of exodus is one that enables us to see the clouds i recall as a child and many of you perhaps did likewise playing a game where we would peer into the heavens we would see a cloud and use our imaginations and designate the cloud either to be some animal some plant such as a tree or some other familiar object as children our challenge was to see the clouds for more than what they were as children of god we have clouds that encompass uh surround us and even lead us and the challenge for us as children of god is to see the clouds not for more than what they are but to see the clouds for what they are there are three things that i want to emphasize in this lesson today that the clouds that god has before us are clouds by which we are led by god clouds by which we are covered by god and yes there are clouds that give us hope this passage in the 13th chapter of exodus comes to us in the setting of moses now leading god's people from egyptian captivity after 430 years generations of captivity god has looked down upon the plight of his people and has chosen moses to lead them from the devastating circumstances of their captors to the promised land and to the realization of the promise that was given to abraham isaac and jacob beginning with verse 17 and it came to pass when pharaoh had let the people go that god led them not through the way of the land of the philistines although that was near underline that for god said lest per adventure the people repent when they see war and they return to egypt and moses took the bones of joseph with him for he had straightly sworn the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones away hence with you and they took their journey from success and encamped in etham in the edge of the wilderness imagine this visualize now a throng of people and when you read this the passage says they went up hinged hinged that term signifies that they left egypt as they would have appeared at any other time yes they took some of their provisions and some of their stuff with them but for the most part hinged signifies that they went by the mercy of god they were led by god they were covered by god their hope was in god they went up hinged and here in the 21st verse and the lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light to go by day and night and then finally he took not away the pillar of the cloud by day nor the pillar of the fire by night from before the people they saw the cloud the pillar of the clouds you and i sometimes see the clouds of the circumstances of our lives the question is how do we see the clouds well first of all it's easy for us to ascertain from this passage that not all clouds are bad clouds let me say that again as you and i experience clouds be it known that not every cloud is a cloud of darkness and despair it was by the pillar of the cloud first of all that we see that god led his people god is leading you and god is leading me god is leading us today he led the children of israel by the clouds and when god leads us by his clouds by the circumstances by all of the elements that constitute his leadership god knows what he's doing let me say that again because you didn't hear me god knows what he's doing i love what the roman writer says in romans chapter 11 beginning with the 33rd verse where he says oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of god how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out for who has known the mind of the lord or who hath been his counselor when god sends clouds our way to lead us god knows what he's doing i love what romans chapter 8 verse 28 says and most of you can quote him now we know that all things work together for good to those who love the lord those who are called according to his purpose god leads us and the first thing i want to cite is that god leads us to peace those of you this morning who are troubled you may be at home right now you may be in your vehicle and you're pondering the circumstances of your relationship of your job or even of your association with the church maybe it's your health perhaps it's your finances or maybe it's just the unsettling feeling that we get i i had that most unsettled feeling when i received the call night before last after nine o'clock telling me of the sudden passing of sister ruth young i want you to know that even in the clouds of life god leads us to peace when we go back and and look at this passage in the 13th chapter note again that which is said in verse 17 it came to pass when pharaoh had let the people go that god led them not through the way of the land of the philistines god could have led his people through any means which he chose but god the god who performed miracles the god who created the earth the god who had just allowed them to cross the red sea on dry ground that god chose not to lead his people through the land of the philistines and when you continue reading this although that was near why for god said lest per adventure the people repent when they see war and they return to egypt god said i'm not going to lead them the short way to the promised land i'm going to lead them a longer way i'm not going to take them through the land of the philistines because when they see the mighty philistines in spite of what i've already done for them although i've already caused pharaoh's army to be drowned in the sea although i've already brought them over on dry land god knows how much they can stand and he knows how much you and i can stand so god led them around and passed the philistines i'm asserting to us that god leads us to peace and it may seem like a cloudy path it may seem like a distant journey to us how many of you are saying in your hearts and your minds i just don't know how long god is going to keep me in this circumstances i don't know about you but sometimes i pray for relief i pray god help me through this and and sometimes when i pray that prayer just as paul did when he asked god to relieve him of his his thorn in the flesh i get impatient you may get impatient about that wayward child you may get impatient about that circumstance that has tried you for years that boss who doesn't do you nor mean you any good and when that boss leaves you get one who's twice as bad and you pray about that but god knows exactly how to lead you and god can lead you to peace there's a peace that comes to us and if you would just turn with me to philippians chapter 4. in the king james language it's referred to as the peace that surpasseth understanding but i like to call it improbable peace you and i must recognize that god has a way of leading us in spite of the clouds in fact by the clouds to peace that surpasses understanding it's improbable it's peace that we would not likely ascertain or obtain without it being in the hand of god i've shared with you before just one personal example of that i recall one time in my career when i had an advisor who was from japan and he he didn't understand some things about the american culture and he was very abusive to me he was even physically abusive in in a small way i don't want you to fret about that he he actually hit my hand on one occasion as though i were a child as you would suspect he was promptly sent to asia okay he he made the best restitution that he could he apologized somehow against probability i accepted his apology some of my coworkers said robert instead of the company's name being and the name of the company he says your name could be the first name up there you can just sue them no no that's that that's not my intent at all i i accepted his apology against probability and i want to tell you those of you who know me well it's not because i'm that good not because i'm that nice and not because i'm that easy but it's because of the improbable peace that god will bring you not only did i accept his apology but two years later on a business trip to japan when i got into the corporate office there remember he had been relocated back to japan he heard that i was coming and when i walked into the building one of the first people to meet me with open arms was yoshi it was him and somehow in my heart i too had open hearts i was glad to see him and we embraced there i'm telling you that even in the clouds of life god has the capacity the will the desire to lead us to peace improbable peace whatever it is that's wearying you know that god can bring you to peace when we are in positions of authority when you are the person with whom the book stops so to speak there will be some people who no matter what you do are not going to understand not going to appreciate ridicule backstab undermine all of that will happen but never refuse nor fail to do that which is right because god will give you peace even in the midst of that it's what he does the psalmist said it well david said it the 23rd psalm he leadeth me beside the still waters the still waters are symbolic of of peace sheep just as we are sheep are nervous animals they're not inclined to drink nor to graze near troubled waters but god leads us beside still waters where else does god lead us well the 23rd psalm also says that he leads us in the path of righteousness have you all ever heard that one of the things that happens when there are clouds about when we see clouds billowing perhaps we have to recognize that quite often god is sending clouds before us to lead us in the path of righteousness i believe that it's a scriptural concept that sometimes we have to experience some hardship just to be safe i would rather go through a lifetime of hardship on this earth and have that correct me have that humble me have that keep me walking according to god and then live eternally with him than to have everything rosy and have life as a crystal stare here and not see god eternally god leads us in the path of righteousness psalm 23 3 as well as psalm 31 3. god leads us to truth john chapter 16 verse 13 we will find that god gives us and leads us the scripture there points out specifically that god leads us to truth there are those of you right now please hear me well who are searching for truth and i quite often hear that expression well this is my truth what is your truth there is one truth and it's the truth of god i want you to recognize that god will lead you to truth just two weeks ago we received an email and a phone call from a lady and i and i trust that the you you know who i'm speaking of i won't call your name here publicly or are being led by the truth of god's word her words to us were i have visited church after church after church and i am confused i don't believe some of the things that i see and hear and i recognize that some of what's being said to me by preachers is different from the lives they're living and all she wants is the truth thank god she's reached out to us but i want you to know that god leads us to truth john chapter 16 verse 13 god leads us to repentance romans chapter 2 verse 4. god has a way of taking those of us who have heir those of us who have gone the wrong way to repentance we just read here in the 13th chapter of exodus that god led his people the long way around because he was aware i don't want to say he was fearful or estimated god knew that if they saw the the philistines that they would repent repent here simply meant that they would turn that they would go back to egypt but in romans chapter 2 the bible says or despises thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of god leadeth thee to repentance what did you say preacher i said the goodness of god leads us to repentance when we see the clouds and sometimes recognize and have the the the presence of mind to see that even the circumstances the clouds in our lives are expressions of the goodness of god we ought not just walk away and say god did it again we ought to walk away changed people god's leading us leads us to repentance how can i keep sinning how can i keep dishonoring god as romans chapter 6 tells us how can we continue in sin shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid no god leads us to repentance and not only is that true but god leads us to good judgment this is psalm 25 9 there are those of us who may be lacking in judgment in discretion choices that we make tend to be consistently errant and problematic we need to be led by god occasionally as ministers and elders we are engaged in counseling and quite often praying for members of the church and there are some members of god's family of our family of my family who say week after week pray for us pray for my family because and i want you to know that if you're one of those families we are praying for you and i also want you to know that as we pray that god will lead you and that god will lead us in judgment there are some things in life ladies and gentlemen that we do not have to experience there are some experiences that all i have to do is look and say you know i saw darwin do that i'm not going to do that i can learn by observation god leads us to good judgment psalm 25 9. and god sometimes leads us through what's called i've called the school of the wilderness in deuteronomy chapter 8 verses 2 through 5 you'll you'll see this spelled out a bit more clearly i won't take time to to delve deeply into this but allow me to begin reading with verse 2 and thou shalt remember all the way which the lord thy god led thee these 40 years in the wilderness and check out why to humble thee and to prove thee to know what was in thine heart whether thou would escape his commandment or no and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not neither did thy fathers know why that he might make thee know that man does not live but by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god sometimes god will lead me through the wilderness as it were i'll have my droughts my dry spells my hard times my indecision ambivalence regrets and through it all god is humbling me god is teaching me to depend upon him god is proving and testing me and allowing me at the end of the day at the end of the experience to know that man does not live by bread alone man does not live by his own inventions nor by his own strength nor by his own genius but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god god leads us sometimes on a wilderness journey in that way not only is this true but i shall conclude by sharing with you how god leads us someone would say well preacher i hear you i understand and i recognize that god led the children of israel by a cloud but when i look up at the clouds i don't i don't necessarily see those taking me anywhere so help me to understand how it is that god leads us well first of all i want to suggest to us that god leads us by his scriptures by his word as the psalmist said in the 119th psalm verse 5 god's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway that's leading us the hebrew writer said god's word is quick that means it's alive and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit joint and marrow and it is a discerner of the thought and intent of the heart god's word ladies and gentlemen will get you right let me say that again because you don't believe me god's word will get you right we have to just as uh one of our six cultural aspirations is is to be a church that engages in the study of god's word i was so pleased to receive an email from one of our members telling me about her study with her sister we must study god's work if you want to be led if you want the answers to which way to go observe and obey god's word all scriptures are given by the inspiration of god and they're profitable for us not only is that true how shall i be led by god we are led by the holy spirit romans chapter 8 verse 14 says that specifically and explicitly we are led by the holy spirit galatians chapter 6 verse 18 says it specifically that we are led by the spirit if we are children of god we walk not after the things of the flesh but after the things of the spirit the roman writer says we are led by the spirit it's what christ promised us john chapter 14 i will send to you a comforter a paraclete one who will go beside you and he will lead you you and i today brothers and sisters are led by the spirit sometimes we think that being led by the spirit is something that's just for the apostles just for the prophets and maybe for one or two preachers in acts chapter 2 when they heard the gospel message by the apostles on the day of pentecost they cried out to peter and the apostles and they said men and brethren what must we do and the response in chapter 38 was repent and be baptized to every one of you in the name of jesus for the remission of your sins and then the promise was and ye shall receive the gift of the spirit and this promise is not only to you but to those who are far off that's us we are led by the spirit galatians chapter 5 when you see the fruit of the spirit you'll see how we're led by the spirit and we're led by godly leaders it's no accident that god has placed leaders in the church in hebrews chapter 13 verses 7 and 17 we we we have to at least respect what god has said and what god has done in hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of god whose faith follow we have nine we have eight elders in this church right now we pray to god that we'll soon have more we're making plans for that we'll share more with you about that as the time approaches don't you know that god has placed them they didn't have to be elders they didn't have to desire to be elders they didn't have to have the qualifications the characteristics to be elders but god has deemed it so and the least we can do is do as this passage tells us remember them which have the rules the oversight the leadership over us who have spoken unto you the word of god whose faith follow considering their conversation that is their lives their way of lives in verse 17 obey them that have the rule over you this is hebrews chapter 13 verse 17 and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls how can i be led i can be led by those who god has designated to lead his people to feed his flock to have the oversight there are many other examples of this and finally don't you know that we can be led and we are by the providence of god i i would consume far too much of your time were i to try to tell you today about the many many instances in which the providence of god has brought me here i i didn't have to to to be anything or do anything that's been done god is one who leads us along his way i didn't have to marry the wonderful sensational but it was god's providence i didn't have to have the career that but it was god's providence i didn't have to come here as a student right out of college and still be here after all these years but it's god's providence and we have to know that god leads us even in his providence he did that with joseph joseph when his brothers finally came to him and recognized fearful because they had cast them in the pit he had been sold by the ishmaelites and into the midianites and ultimately into egyptian captivity but joseph said to his brothers you meant it for my harm but god meant it for good it was just providence it was god providing i pray that you and i will always see the clouds in our lives for what they are god leading us and i'll share with you on another occasion god covering us by his clouds there are those of you here today who should look to jesus in acts chapter 1 verse 9 after jesus resurrection from the grave his 40 days upon this earth jesus was seen by his followers ascending into heaven in a cloud and they were told don't be fearful because just as you have seen him leave he shall return again there are some clouds and as we follow them i can't stop conclude without saying let's follow jesus those of you who have not obeyed the gospel of christ how do you do that you hear the gospel of christ the fact that he came to this earth died for your sins and mine he was buried in the tomb and he arose victoriously hear that gospel believe it repent of your sins your procrastination your self-confidence confess your belief that christ is divine that he is the son of god that he is our savior and be baptized today for the remission of your sins i invite you to do that you'll see on the screen means through which you may contact us if you're in our virtual audience those of you who are here today you may also follow those guidance that are on the screen but we also welcome you to these well socially distanced front seats and our elders will attend to you if you're to come today we will be rejoicing you may come to obey the gospel of christ you may come to request prayers and you may come to submit yourself to the leadership of god and the ability to see the clouds for what they are will you come as we together stand and sing [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can hear my [Music] with him [Music] i'll go with [Music] through [Music] i'll go with him [Music] through our god i'll go with him [Music] with him [Music] like to uh thank brother garden hire for such a powerful uh sermon this morning he's given us all something to think about and to meditate on and apply to our lives as we go through our week we're going to be doing things a little bit differently today than we've been doing them we will have um our brother lead us in a in our final song and then we'll come back and have a closing prayer please join with me and stand if you will we'll be singing god be with you share together god be with you god be with you [Music] until we [Music] again god be with you [Music] god be with you [Music] until we meet [Music] until we until until we [Music] um [Music] you may be seated we've had a couple to come forward this morning to ask for our prayers to calvary hello i'm robert garden hire minister of the schrader lane church of christ thanking you for joining in to today's live-streamed worship service i'm also elated to tell you that we have resumed in person worship services on sundays at 9 15 11 30 and 5 pm guests are welcome we are practicing protocols including social distancing mask wearing and sanitization vaccinations although not required are encouraged please consult our website for more information regarding our worship services our prayer line and other offerings of the schrader lane church of christ again thank you for joining us today i look forward to connecting with you and may god be with you until we meet again i must win you
Channel: Schrader Lane Church of Christ
Views: 398
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: t041CVbaij4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 23sec (5123 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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