Desperate But Don't Know_D Mason Jr_09252021

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[Music] someone who oh [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to our 5 pm worship service at the shredder lane church we're happy to be here gathered together and we hope your worship this evening will be edifying and as we lift up the lord and praise him and thank him for all that he has done and for our speaker this evening brother darwin mason jr who will be coming before us to break into us the message before we go further further in the service i have a few announcements to make and please bear with me as i do so we want to extend our sympathy and condolences to brother maurice phillips and sister danzale phillips in the loss of maurice's brother jeffrey phillips on last friday please continue to pray for maurice and don soleil as they make preparations for those services and we'll be sharing those during the course of the week as they materialize we want to remind you of the method in which we give and we encourage you to give by sending in your uh gifts electronically uh or through the mail to our p.o box and we'll be putting that up on the screen at the appropriate time and if you're given in person we want you to please give to one of the ushers as you exit this evening to my right and to my left we asked if you seek to have those contributions of tax return please put them in the envelope we have envelopes available for you if you need to and please be aware we'll be taking up a second collection this evening for our uh disaster relief for haiti and waverly tennessee and we hope that you will respond appropriately at that time we also want to let you know if you need communion cups uh they will be made available monday wednesday or friday from 11 to two uh or on saturdays from 8 30 to 11 30. uh come in on the first floor in the four-year area there'll be a basket uh as you enter to your left near uh between the two double doors downstairs visitors if you're visiting with us this evening either virtually or in person you are our honored guest and we're so happy to have you uh we always are excited about having visitors uh and please fill out a visitor's card and and turn it over to one of our ushers at the appropriate time at the end of the service if you stand in need of prayer or you need to respond this evening in some way please don't hesitate to call our prayer line or email us at prayer underscore request at [Music] we definitely want to encourage you to do so and on monday through uh saturday and sunday at 6 00 am my prayer line is open and we'd love to have you call up and that number uh will be reflected on the on the screen as well we are starting virtual tutoring this coming week on thursday september september the 9th from 6 to 7 30. you may register at the church's website and we ask that you please continue to refer to the bulletin for all other important announcements that may be coming coming out for your information now let us bow in prayer together at this time gracious heavenly father we thank you for your grace and your mercy upon us thank you for allowing us to assemble here this evening and we thank you lord for those who watching in virtually and those who are assembled here among us lord we so thankful for this opportunity we have to worship you in spirit and in truth and just praise your holy name lord and get a get a springboard boost from uh this time forward into the a new week that you have uh allowed us to see thus far we pray for those among us who are sick and shut in and those who are bereaved at this time as we've mentioned the phillips family and others among us who are still grieving due to the loss of their loved ones we ask lord that you be with our leadership our ministers elders deacons ministry leaders members one by one and all those who serve your kingdom in powerful ways lord to help us continue moving towards salvation in christ jesus we pray for brother mason who will be coming before us this evening as he brings the message of the hour we thank you lord for uh our homes our families and our conditions and we ask that you be with those who are less fortunate than we are who are struggling at this time and we pray that we might respond appropriately lord to their needs and their desires and help us lord to just render uh the love and and and uh needed support for those who stand in need be with us in our work as we continue on on this time side of life and may you find it pleasing in your sight to all the things that we are doing here at the shredded lane church be with us now as we move forward in jesus name we pray amen good evening we have come into this house to worship him today has been a full day of worship that continues on every day for worship is a lifestyle amen we have come into this house to worship him we have come into this house to magnify the lord and worship him we have come into this house to magnify the lord and worship him we have come into this house just to magnify the lord and worship him oh worship [Music] yourself and magnify the lord and worship him so forget about yourselves and magnify the lord and word [Applause] and magnify the lord [Applause] jesus christ we have come into this house by the lord and worshiping we've come just to we have come into [Applause] [Music] we have come into this house just to magnify [Applause] jesus [Applause] jesus jesus [Applause] let the church say amen amen as we continue in worship this day to the lord our god on this the first day of the week we will now participate in giving this was something that was instituted by our lord and savior jesus christ and he wanted his followers to participate in such upon the first day of the week we have scriptural example in first corinthians chapter 16 verse 2 that new testament christians are to lay by and store as they have prospered upon the first day of the week and also in second corinthians chapter 9 verses 6 and following we are to give as we purpose in our hearts not grudgingly or necessity realizing that god loves a cheerful giver and as brother etheridge denoted we have a special collection that will be taking place today the only thing i think the leadership is asking us to do is denote as we always do on our payment methods how we like to apply it whether we apply it to haitia or whether we apply it to waverly and we also want to continue to participate in the various methods of payment obviously the electronic method as well as the mail-in method and it will be is posted as you can see and so let us govern ourselves accordingly and do all things in decency and in order for those that would like to do an in-person collection we have we'll have ushers at the exits here and they will be collecting all in-person collections let us pray heavenly father we thank you so much father for all that you do for us and all that you give to us thank you father for all legitimate means of generating income and we just thank you father for the opportunity to give as we have prospered we pray father that the monies taken up this day will be used in a way that is in harmony with your will and that you may get the glory and that many many souls may be brought to thee heavenly father we just thank you for this opportunity and we pray for many more such opportunities as this in the name of jesus christ we pray amen as we continue in worship perhaps there were some that were not afforded the opportunity to partake of the lord's supper at this time you will be afforded that opportunity in scripture it's also referred to as the communion and also the breaking of bread this is something that jesus himself instituted and he once again wanted this to be observed by his followers upon the first day of the week we have scriptural example in acts chapter 20 and verse 7 that upon the first day of the week the disciples came together to break bread and also in first corinthians chapter 11 paul guided by the spirit made emphasis that as often as we eat of the bread and drink of the cup we do shoe the lord's death or proclaim the lord's death until he shall come again so let us use our mind's eye and go to the cross of calvary remembering that great act of love that christ did for us so that we might have an opportunity for eternal life let us pray heavenly father we thank you so much father for your great act of love personified in jesus christ and that death in which he endured father and for our stead we ask father that we may partake of the two emblems that jesus presented the unleavened bread which he said this is my body which is broken for you and also the fruit of the vine which jesus said this is my blood which was shed for many for the remission of sins we ask that we partake of both father with clean hands pure hearts remembering the lord's death and proclaiming the lord's death until he shall come again we thank you father for jesus who is our propitiation who is our intercessor who is our mediator who is our redeemer who is our advocate who is the author and finisher of our faith and who is our savior and it is in his blessed holy name we do pray amen oh jesus you've been good to me jesus you've been good to me jesus [Music] so oppressed by saying he opened up his heart [Music] so good and strong all i can say oh jesus for you've been good to me you've been good [Music] to me [Music] jesus [Music] so good to me i scripted this afternoon to be taken from the book of mark chapter 5 beginning at verse 25 and concluding with verse 34 and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years and has suffered many things with many physicians and has been all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse when she heard of jesus came in to press behind and touched his garment for she said if i may touch him his clothes i shall behold and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body and she was healed of that pledge and jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned about in the press and said who touched my clothes and the disciples said unto him do i say it's a multitude thong in the tree and says style you touch me and he looked around about to see her that had done this thing with the woman fearing trembling knowing what she had done in her cayman fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter my faith has made thee whole go in peace and be whole of thy pledge may the lord have a blessing to the reader hearers and doers of his word as we prepare now for our hearts to be led to the message by our own brother darwin mason jr gonna sing my god is awesome and in particular the reason why i chose this song was because it talks about healing and we all need to be healed some of us physically but all of us need to be healed spiritually and he has the power to do so so sing with your voices and with your heart to recognize the power of god and his awesomeness amen if you would stand with me my god is awesome he can move mountains keep me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Music] he's the giver of salvation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] name my god is awesome [Music] oh [Music] he is is [Applause] a deliverer [Applause] and he's my provider providers [Applause] protect them [Applause] surely my god is awesome he can't move mountains keep me in the valley hide me from [Applause] strength where i've been weakened [Music] [Applause] [Music] strength where i've been weakened oh oh amen amen church say amen church saying man again isn't god awesome i know that you believe that because you're here tonight you're here to worship him you're here to hear a word you're here to commune with your brothers and sisters and to give so i'm i know that you believe that god is awesome and i'm thankful that you're here tonight thank you brother booker for leading us in our singing and all those who came before him i also want to thank our minister this morning who gave us i think is a final installation of salvation baptism i'm very grateful for his series on salvation and what all the components that are needed in order to be saved and to be a child of god every now and then it's important for us to go back to the beginning and hear you know what it is that we should be doing or we need to do to be children of god so i'm just thankful and grateful to be here on tonight i know that it is labor day weekend uh and tennessee state is on is playing on national television so y'all don't want to hear me for a long time so we'll get right into the sermon turn your book your bibles to mark the fifth chapter the 25th verse mark the fifth chapter thank you brother green for reading that for us mark the fifth chapter the 25th verse and we'll end at verse 34 and it says a woman who had a hemorrhage for 12 years and had endured much at the hands of many physicians and has spent all that she had and was not helped at all but instead had become worse after hearing about jesus she came up to the crowd behind him and touched his cloak for she has been saying to herself if i just touch his garment i will get well and immediately the flow of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease and immediately jesus perceiving in himself that power from him had gone out turned around in the crowd and said who touched my garments and his disciples said to him you see the crowd pressing in on you and you say who touched me and he looked around to see the woman who had done this but the woman fearing and trembling aware of what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth and he said to her daughter your faith has made you well go in peace and be cured of your disease from this passage of scripture i would like to offer you the title desperate but don't know desperate but don't know the bible this this idea of the hymn of his garment is a line that has caught the attention of the world there's many many sermons and songs and poems that that address this passage of scripture i remember growing up with my father and his group of singers bobby and beatrice and and denise and my mother they would sing a song by sam cook there was a woman yeah some of y'all got excited when i said that and and the song said if i just touched the hem of his garment i know i will be made whole so the story is a beautiful story and i want you to understand the story is a story of faith and compassion it's a story of faith and compassion now in order for us to really make sense of what's happening and to understand the importance of what this woman was attempting to do we need to understand and look into the significance of the hymn because when we're talking about this idea of the hymn it's not just about her touching any piece of god's clothing or touching any piece of jesus clothing now let me say this i believe that that even without the significance maybe or the power that jesus had still could have healed her but i want you to understand what it is that she was aiming for uh and why she wanted to touch the hem of his garment or the tassel of his garment why that was significant if you turn your bibles to numbers the 15th chapter go to numbers the 15th chapter and we start around the 37th verse you realize that the hymn had significance uh it says in numbers 15 and 37 verse it says then the lord also spoke to moses saying speak to the sons of israel and tell them that they should make for themselves tassels on the corner of their garments throughout their generation and they shall put on the tassels of of of each corner a violet thread it shall be a chasm for you to look at and remember the commandments of the lord so that you will do them and not follow your own heart and your own eyes which led you to prostitute yourself and that you will remember and do all the commandments and be holy to your god i am the lord your god who brought you out from the land of egypt to be your god i am the lord your god so so this this these tassels have a significance in the faith uh part of the the reason why why why the rabbi wore the tassel was because they signified that they believed in and were following the commandments of god y'all still here with me all right so so this was not just any tassel if you've ever seen a jewish rabbi you often see they have what we call now like a prayer cloak and it wraps around their shoulders and then at the end of the the prayer cloak there are tassels looks a little bit like a shawl that a woman will wear there's there's a little tassels at the end that's what she was aiming to touch but i want you to understand that these tassels have religious significance okay uh but not only that if you go to first samuel the 24th verse uh the 24th chapter and beginning in verse 4 you realize that this is when when david uh is going to to to to uh take over or or has the urge to kill saul you notice what he does he cuts his robe y'all see that we won't have time to go through it but he cuts his robe and by cutting saul's robe he is in essence saying i have the power i am the king now we know that david ended up changing his mind and said no we can't mess with saul because god has anointed him and it's not our time to bother saul but but when he cuts the road what he's showing to his soldiers is that i have power so so so the tassels represent a following of god's commandment it also represents a power uh the robes have a power represents power and then finally if you look at the book of matthews you even see uh uh in the 23rd chapter that the pharisees enlarge their hymns to show status so i want you to understand that that this woman when she is attempting to touch the hem of jesus garment she understood the significance of the hymn well what does that say to us that means that more than likely because she made that attempt more than likely she had religious history y'all y'all following me man y'all making this hard it's night time she had religious history so she was making that intentional more than likely she was jewish and understood the importance of the hymn of the garment and by touching that she was saying that i understand the commandments of god i understand the power that god has and by touching this i am i am this is my sign is saying i want to be connected to the power that god has amen all right so she was desperate but she was desperate for jesus and i want us to really understand what it means when we say desperate desperate says the tired in despair or when everything else has failed having little hope of success yeah anybody ever been desperate i i want you to understand that your life outside if you live a life outside of christ you are desperate that as a matter of fact you're worse than desperate because desperate is having little hope of success life outside of christ there is no hope of success but let's get on into the text so the woman was desperate why was she desperate she had an incurable sickness and she was unclean she was broke she had lost all of her money or spent all of her monies on physicians so she was physically desperate because her health was gone she was financially desperate because her money was gone and she was unclean which means she was spiritually desperate because she could not even enter the temple y'all follow me here she couldn't even internship and for 12 years she was i'll get to that in leviticus a little bit later for 12 years she was hemorrhaging which means that she was outside of the temple outside of a place where she can re receive spiritual restoration for 12 years so she is desperate i contin even though her context when she came to jesus was different than those who were in the crowd inevitably she was like everyone else in the crowd she needed the power of god the difference between the woman with the issue of blood and the rest of the crowd is that she recognized she was desperate see everybody in the crowd needed christ everybody in the crowd needed his power however she was the one that recognized her desperation and did something about her need for jesus so she was desperate see what have i told you that that many of us are crowd christians what do you mean we are close to jesus but we're not seeking a healing we press up against him but we're not seeking salvation we call upon his name but we're not seeking deliverance i'm telling you here that many of us come and try to be in the crowd or amongst the people but we look at the crowd just like we look at homecoming we don't come for any other reason but to be in the crowd but this woman was quite different she came to where he was and instead of using the crowd for cover she used the crowd for deliverance see many of us get in the crowd and like to be in the crowd because the crowd is our cover we can get away with not doing we think if we just show up and are amongst the people that people won't really realize what we're dealing with but so we use the crowd for cover she didn't use the crowd for cover she used it for deliverance and because many of us are using the crowd for cover many of us are bleeding out i don't know where you are in your life right now but i know that if you are close to god or if you are in the god's vicinity but you are not seeking him for deliverance if you are in his vicinity but you're not you're not seeking him for salvation then in essence you're bleeding out but this woman was desperate she was she she had a desperation about herself but not only was she desperate she was determined can you imagine how she felt she knew she had to get to jesus she had to have looked pale and poor and pitiful can you imagine having an issue of blood for no with no cure for 12 years but her look did not deter did not deter her from getting to jesus she pushed through the crowd even though the crowd was crushing him despite the attitude of the disciples despite the importance of jesus mission what was his mission he was headed to go kill hill jerry's daughter despite all of those things she was determined to touch jesus i just wish that we were more determined to touch jesus and to be with jesus because we need the healing that comes from from jesus i sometimes i just get the mental picture of of the president of the united states being being walking through a crowd i'm talking about a good president not the one we just anyway the president of the united states walking through a crowd and he has his security all around him that would have been his disciples peter and the entourage and then on top of that there's all the rest of these people and then there's this woman who was feeble poor sick little energy but she found a way to get past the security pass the secret service pass the crowd probably on her knees because she didn't try to touch jesus's face she didn't even try to touch his hand she got whatever she could just to touch the tap the tassel of his garment what am i trying to tell you she was determined enough to push towards jesus what would happen if we pushed towards jesus many of us need to be in a place of our life where we are pushing towards jesus we are desperately leading jesus but we just don't know it we're not acknowledging it so she was determined she was desperate and as a result of her determination and her desperation she was delivered see she wanted to make contact with jesus and she had faith that her contact was enough y'all see that see she did she didn't even attempt the bible says she said that she had thought to herself if i can just touch his garment that would be could you imagine the kind of faith that this woman had she did not exceeded even tried to get face time with jesus she didn't even she didn't even attempt for him to know who she was she had enough faith to say if i just touch the thing that he wears i'll be determined some of us won't come to jesus because we need face time some of us because we need status we want somebody to know that we're here we want somebody to see that we're in front of christ no that wasn't what she she said i need him so bad i don't even care if he recognizes me just let me touch him oh i'm trying to tell you this is not a story about a woman hemorrhaging or issue of blood this is a faith story she had more faith than all the healthy people that were around him everybody was around him but she was the one who showed faith and watched jesus response he says to her he says who touched me and and so so well i want you to hear this ray shawn when when there are millions of i don't know what means but when there's a crowd around jesus and someone didn't touch him they touched the hem of his garment and he turns around and says who touched me what is that letting me know about jesus that that that that tells me that jesus is sensitive to the touch of the faithful come on see see and his his his uh his disciples and even understanding lord all these people bumping up against you and you had enough nerve to say who touched you jesus said no no what he's saying is that touch was different that was a touch of faith that whoever touched me this time touched me with intention they touched me looking for something he said power has gone out of me he was acknowledging her faith let me just help you understand he knew already who touched him he knew who was in the crowd if he had the power to heal he had the power to know he knew what they needed but he still said who touched me why jesus because jesus was looking for her declaration and and with her trembling voice then came her testimony she told him the truth why she touched him she declared to the crowd what happened and out of all the people that were in that crowd today on that day her words have endured only one in the crowd whose words are known on that day she was already healed y'all y'all don't really get this the bible says that when she touched him she was healed immediately so she was already here she could have left she could have gone she could have touched jesus and got out of dodge but she understood that that that when i touched jesus that she had the kind of faith to be able to not only touch him and receive healing but also to declare that you are the one that did it for me god she already knew she was already healed yes she confessed and touching jesus she was able to touch others but what i'm trying to help you understand is that many people on that day just like today missed the opportunity they were unclean too what do you mean how do you know because she touched not just him she touched them go to leviticus 15. go to leviticus 15. get that for me sean leviticus 15 uh and verses 22 to 27. i need y'all to understand i need you to get this the vegas 15 verses 22 through twenty seven what's your savior sean shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until evening okay whoever touches go go back up to verse 20 i believe what start there what does it say everything uh-huh okay so so what are we talking about we're talking about what happens when someone touches a woman when she's hemorrhaging y'all see what that this is what's happening if you so so when when we're talking about hemorrhaging what has really happened is that this woman has had a blood flow a menstrual period for 12 years and the bible says that when you have his that anybody who touches her is unclean y'all keep on reading go go ahead go keep on reading and everything everything she touches everything she sits on is unclean go ahead anyone who touches her bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until evening until evening [Applause] [Applause] what am i trying to get you understand i'm trying to get you understand that if if they were not clean if they were clean when they came to jesus all of those who around him were unclean when she came by because when she touched them see they were still only unclean y'all follow me so that was the opportunity for no other reason to be clean if with them touching jesus if they had no other reason but then being in her facility they should have taken the opportunity to be cleaned by jesus come on come on well they already brought by the ethics they were already unclean they already had issues they already had sins they were dealing with they already have bad attitudes they already were selfish they are how do i know because they are already human so when they came to jesus they were already unclean but just in case he had happened to be in a crowd full of perfect people when she showed up all of them were unclean but they missed the opportunity see see jesus it was i mean see they were unclean because she touched them so what are you trying to say i'm saying they were close but they were unclean and they were close and they were unclean they were desperate they didn't know they need deliverance so as a result they missed the opportunity all of the opportunity to be with jesus it wasn't just about being around a person a man who had gained popularity if you read back in chapter five you realize when he returned they said that the crowd received him well they were there for the popular response of jesus and she came for the savior now it's our time now it's our time not to fake our desperation now it's our time to get the deliverance that we need it's our time not to just be in the crowd it's our time to seek salvation see the bible says he says when she touched him he said your faith has healed you if you look at that word in the greek which is what he's actually saying is your faith has saved you her faith saved her because she came and she touched jesus in faith she just didn't come to be a part of the crowd she came to see the savior what am i asking you i'm asking you to push through to jesus come as you are pitiful sick hurting bleeding out come to jesus right pay no attention to the doubters or the critics or the crowd just come to jesus and do what be healed become a child of god make your faith heal you what what what does faith require us or or and uh what does it require us to do faith requires us to hear the word of god to believe it to repent of your sins to confess and to be baptized why do we do that because we believe in the saving power of faith become a child of god she came for healing and if you look at the book of lucas she came for healing and she got a healing and a relationship what do you what do you mean she got healing and the relationship and the same thing in mark she came as just a person trying to get her life trying to get the issue of blood but what did jesus call her when each other when he said daughter you are healed she came just as a regular person but she left family she left with a relationship with with jesus jesus didn't say poor little pitiful woman that has been hemorrhaging for 12 years he looked at her and he called her by a name of love he said daughter you are healed when you come to jesus when you seek him for salvation and he heals you you also receive a savior a friend a father a brother because you came in faith are you desperate but you don't know this is the time to do some reflecting and come to jesus yeah yeah i told you this woman had religious history which means that she was like us she wasn't just an outsider she understood religion she understood faith like you and i do many of us understand what jesus can do we have history with god but we're still not seeking him in faith this is your opportunity to come if you need prayers of the saints you can come right now we'll pray for whatever it is that you're needing if you if you're physically healed need need uh healing if you're desperate uh spiritually if you're desperate financially if you're desperate emotionally whatever it is come to jesus get close enough to touch him touch him through his word and he will he will he has no other he will heal you you can come right now as we sing the song of imitation [Music] yes i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know that i am [Music] yes [Music] yes i am learning i'm learning to live all of my life [Music] i am learning i'm learning [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] oh jesus we want to thank brother mason for an outstanding lesson this evening brother mason that was encouraging and we hope out there encourage you to establish a stronger relationship with the lord and if you don't know the lord you can respond appropriately to our email and our prayer line for the things that you need we're just thankful that we've had this opportunity to hear a portion of god's word to encourage us and lift us up as we move forward and take heed to what we've learned tonight we want to thank you for being here tonight and being assembled with us both virtually and in person we also want to thank you for the way in which you have responded to our call to respond to those who are in need due to to the disasters in haiti and in waverly you have just done an outstanding job and we want to thank you for that we'll have uh the exact number is forthcoming and we'll make those known but we really want to thank you and uh let others know that we don't take lightly the things that are going on in haiti and waverly and around the world as we try to carry out the lord's work and be supportive to those who are in need and express the love that we have for our fellow man and the love that christ gives to us we can't do anything else but respond and that's that's in our hearts and in our minds and you've demonstrated that on today we want to encourage you to continue to call in on our prayer line continue to email us and we will respond to you in a timely manner and we want to encourage you to be safe out there as we approach this holiday join us during the course of the week we have bible classes and means by which you can engage in the study of god's word and we look forward to connecting with with you as we move forward now as we prepare to go our separate ways let us be mindful of those who we've mentioned earlier who are among us who are bereaved brother maurice phillips and family and others who are sick among us and those who are experiencing health issues and financial issues and and all kind of trials that we often come in contact with on a regular basis let others know that you've been with the lord today by doing your best to love one another as the lord loves us let us go to god in prayer gracious heavenly father thank you for this opportunity we've had to spend together lord to worship you in spirit and in truth we again thank you for brother mason lord who's delivered the message this evening we thank you father how he spoke boldly and we thank you lord for what we have learned and that we might internalize the message lord and that we might be able to reach those who are desperately seeking you lord as their personal savior we pray lord that something may be said and something may be done lord and something that we can do to encourage those who are seeking you father to surrender their lives and obey the gospel of jesus christ by putting you on in baptism for the remission of sins we pray lord that you will guide us safely to our destinations help us lord as we seek to do what your will is for our lives and and work toward establishing a greater relationship with you as we move forward in life thank you for this privilege we've had this evening and it's in your son jesus name we pray amen as you depart this evening please be mindful of our exit uh by accident to the the outer aisles exiting first and subsequently the inner aisles shortly thereafter and thank you all for being here god be with you until we meet again let us be standing god [Music] be with you [Music] god be with you until we meet [Music] [Music] [Applause] god be with you [Music] be with you until me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] thank you for being with us hello i'm robert gardenheier minister of the straighter lane church of christ i'm thanking you for taking time to have participated with us in today's worship service good news we have now reopened the church building for indoor in-person services and we invite you as our guest to participate in person you may do so if you would like to contact us email us at office our service times are as follows sunday mornings 9 15 a.m and 11 30 a.m sunday afternoon at 5 00 pm members please continue to follow the published schedule such that we can maintain great worship and safe social distancing thank you for being with us hello i'm robert you
Channel: Schrader Lane Church of Christ
Views: 379
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: LRn1EuX_PqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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