Baptism Part V_R Gardenhire_09052021

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[Music] someone [Music] i someone who will encourage oh [Music] and they don't only [Music] morning good morning good morning welcome welcome to another large day here at the schrader lane church of christ we are so glad you've decided to join us this morning and we hope that something is said and done to cause you to be closer to our lord and savior jesus christ if you're visiting with us welcome welcome if you're visiting with us out there in the virtual world we are also delighted that you decided to tune in tune in if you are in need of prayers or would you like to know anything else about the straight elaine church of christ please contact us at our website and we will have someone get back with you very soon very soon we will have a few announcements before we get started with our worship service this morning we would like to extend our sympathy and condolences to brother maurice and sister danzale phillips in the loss of his brother jeffrey phillips this was on friday the third when giving your contribution or offering please do so electronically we would urge you or you can mail it to the shredder lane church of crisis address here on the post office box that we have if you are giving at one of our in-person services please give to one of our ushers at the end of the service as you exit the doors thank you today today we'll be having a special offering a special offering today it has been designated for giving to the haiti and waverly disasters if you are giving online or in person please reference which disaster area your funds are for haiti or waverly if you're in need of communion you may stop by on monday wednesday or friday between 11 a.m and 2 p.m or any saturday between 11 30 a.m and 11 30 a.m come into the first floor lobby and pick up from the grab and go basket visitors again please know that you are honored guest if you are visiting with us at this time would you please stand raise your hand and the usher could bring you a visitor card to complete any visitors with us welcome welcome thank you thank you welcome welcome i saw you guys this morning we're so glad you decided to join us welcome welcome welcome our virtual tutoring school is in session school is in session going real strong right now so we will be having our virtual tutoring this will be starting on thursday september the 9th between 6 pm and 7 30 pm if you're interested in having your scholars being tutored at this time you may register at the church website and again please refer to your bulletin for all other important announcements and information although it may be gloomy outside it is bright and beautiful inside welcome again to our worship service let us pray the gracious father in heaven again we humbly by before you thanking you so very much for allowing us another opportunity to come out and worship you lord in spirit and in truth we pray lord that you are with us and that the things that we say and do are pleasing and acceptable in your sight lord we pray now for our families who are bereaved at this time lord we pray that you will comfort them in their times lord we have members we have community members we have people around the state the country the world who are dealing with illnesses at this time lord we pray lord that you will heal them restore them to the most wanted health lord lord we continue to pray that you will keep us all safe that we will do what we need to do to ensure our safety and the safety of others lord lord we pray for this church we pray for this community lord we pray that we continue to just carry ourselves in the way that this world knows that we are your children lord lord we thank you we love you we praise you lord in jesus name we pray amen good morning good morning it is good i'm telling you it is good to be in the house of the lord on this morning but it's more exciting to be in the presence of god's people amen for wherever we are the church is not a building we are the church amen and since we are the church and we have been redeemed by our savior jesus christ let us give him all of our worship on this morning our first election will be entitled total praise i know you may not know that but you will know that very soon and we just look to give god our total total praise amen join with us as we sing lord i will [Music] no [Music] [Music] your peace you give me your peace in times of storms oh [Applause] lord i lift my hands to my [Music] lord [Music] [Music] for we know our health does not come from the hills but we look there knowing that our help comes from god [Music] give himself for he alone is the source of our strength [Music] is [Music] [Applause] let the church say amen whom should we look for whom should we find our help our help comes from none other than god himself anytime we call him as the older folks say he's never late he's always right on time okay okay okay phillips i got you he's always on time waiting on his timing our next question is he is exalted [Music] he is exalted forever exalted and not we'll praise his name he is the lord [Music] [Music] exalted forever [Music] he is the lord forever [Music] [Applause] is is service where we will have an opportunity to give as brother phillips has indicated certain things that i will reiterate if you're giving online or in person please give your offering to one of the ushers as you leave today otherwise we can continue giving according to mailing in your offering as you've probably been doing in the past or electronically as well i'll also emphasize the fact that today has been designated for giving to haiti and waverly disasters and if you so choose please note that in the area on your particular offering or if you're giving online or in person please reference which disaster area your funds are for and as we give we're commanded of course to do so jesus himself said give and it shall be given it to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure you meet with all that shall be measured to you again so with this in my mind let us pray eternal god our heavenly father we thank you for the opportunity to give we pray dear god that we will grow in our giving as we grow in other areas of our christian life thank you father for means thank you for jobs we pray that this offering be always used to the utmost in thy cause and kingdom right here on the earth this we ask in jesus name amen okay switching focus we now focus on the lord's supper jesus himself instituted a supper prior to going to the cross using the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine and as we take it we discern that is we look back to the cross we focus on the cross we understand the cross and its relationship to our salvation the early church observed the lord's supper as part of their worship service in acts 20 and seven and since each week has the first day we can do no less so let us keep this in mind as we pray thank you dear god for this opportunity to commemorate to remember to focus and to discern your death and suffering on the cross we pray father as we take it we will do so in a manner that's pleasing with clean hands and a pure heart for this we ask in jesus name amen hmm foreign [Music] [Music] glory by [Music] we name in [Music] jesus we love you [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] in all [Music] we pray that you are in our presence on this morning [Music] [Music] in all the earth that means for us wherever we are in all the earth [Music] your name we will be by your name [Music] but we feel god we will glorify [Music] [Music] a the church say amen scripture reading he's worthy well good morning everyone good morning today's lesson is taken from the book of luke i'm sorry the book of mark chapter 16 verses 14 through 16. that's the book of mark chapter 16 and the verses are 14 through 16. i'll be reading from the king james version afterward he appeared unto the leaven as they said it meet and upgraded them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned please prepare our hearts and minds for prayer i'm so used to the old way that's wrong with praying again though is it father god in heaven we offer our thanks to you father for this gathering today we thank you for allowing us to assemble in this room once again father and for those who are still assembling in their in their homes to watch this service be with all of us father as we gather together to worship you in spirit and in truth help the manservant that is to come before us at this time father to preach the word help him and keep him emboldened in the lord that the words that he preach may prick the hearts of those of us who need to hear it and even those of us who sometimes have a hard time hearing it let him preach the word father in a manner that is pleasing and acceptable in your sight be with us now father guide us and watch over us at this time but this is my prayer in the name of jesus amen thank you brother moore i'm never going to turn down prayer sir believe that he asks us to pray without ceasing which being in a position to pray for that is our avenue of communication with our god every praise is to our god i'm going to ask you to stand and i also want to thank you for singing as well as you can with your masks but ultimately god recognizes our spirit being in a spirit of worship is the most important thing amen for he is our audience right other people just get an opportunity to view us in worship but we find ourselves in worship when we're one with god every praise is to our god every praise is to our god every word of worship with one accord is to our god [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] how many need a healer on this morning how many of you need to be delivered this morning hallelujah [Applause] yes [Music] is is glory hallelujah is to our god every praise every praise every praise every prayer let's say amen one more time amen thank you brother booker for leading us in those wonderful selections we have praised god this morning and i know that as you've gathered today you've come with the intention of worshiping god the bible tells us so clearly in john chapter 4 that god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and we have come today for that express purpose i want to thank brother phillips our elder for informing us and praying this morning brother moore thank you as well for reading the scripture and praying and we want to thank also each one who has come brother holland as he did to share with us god's intentions regarding the offering and the communion and let me just encourage us and those of you who are at home as we engage in worship as we engage in the observation the the remembrance of what christ has done for us that we we diligently do so we don't have to rush as we think about what god has done take a moment to soak it in and realize that our salvation was procured it was bought it was purchased by the precious blood of the lamb before i begin today's lesson i i want to share some good news with you in that we have four members of this congregation to my knowledge who experienced the birthdays and they are in their 80s that's those milestones we like to recognize sister annie bass who by the way has been released from the hospital she's being in rehab keep her in your prayers sister dancy sister virginia fisher and our beloved minister brother david jones jr who he won't mind me telling you praise god he's 81 now and god is just blessing blessing each one of us and we're grateful for that another piece of good news that i just can't keep to myself i learned last week from brother and sister starks of a baptism as a result of those who are viewing and listening to our streamed services this particular baptism was in rochester new york where a lady there who is acquainted with the youngsters of the starks they had recommended them to listen to the schrader lane worship service she's done so and she's heard our series of lessons regarding the path that leads to salvation and thank god she went to the local congregation in rochester and put the lord on in baptism i'm just excited about that and i say this morning that there are many of you who are listening across this land and even across uh the waters the oceans who are hearing the plan of salvation i encourage you if you don't know a a body of the lord's church or where the church of christ is located contact us you have our website information and we will assist you in getting to someone who will help you and make sure that the teaching is necessary and get you not only baptized into the lord but in the lord's church with his people on a continuous basis we want you saved as you know this series of lessons regards fundamental truths from god's word of which we all should be aware we all must know god's plan for our salvation there are many ideas that come from the religious world however there's one god as paul said in his writing to the church in ephesus in chapter 4 of that writing he says there is one lord one faith one baptism one god and father of all who is above all through all and in you all and the apostle paul also said in romans chapter 1 beginning with verse 6 verse 15 he says as much as is in me i am ready to preach the gospel to those who are at rome also and then in verse 16 he said this and this is a always compelling part of the message he says for i am persuaded that means i am convinced regarding the gospel of christ and i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believes to the jew first and also the greek so today as we continue in this series of lessons regarding the path that leads to salvation let us always thank god for the gospel that saves we've heard from the scriptures that we must be taught we must hear the writer in rome said in the 10th chapter verse 17 that faith that's belief faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god we have to hear the gospel of christ we're not going to be saved just by waking up one morning and declaring ourselves saved we are saved by the power of the gospel of christ we must hear that we must believe that and we must repent in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost it was that miraculous day on which the church began it was after the death the burial and the resurrection the grand ascension of jesus christ that peter and the apostles stood they proclaimed this gospel of christ and that audience who heard it cried out and said men and brethren what must we do and the response from peter and the apostles was repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ and he tells us there in acts chapter 2 verses 38 and 39 that this promise of receiving salvation is not only to those of you to whom i speak as peter and the apostles said but this promise is to those who are afar off and you know that includes us so we must hear that gospel believe it repent of our sins in luke chapter 13 verse 3 as well as verse 5 the message is according to luke i tell you this was christ speaking unless you repent you shall all likewise perish and one of the things we have to do is to decide that what i am doing if it is religiously errant it if it is sinful i must repent of that otherwise i'll die in my sins and after repenting of course there is confession as we studied from god's word last week from romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 we saw that confession is not just a formality that we do before men but it is for our salvation jesus said that we are to confess him if we'll confess him before men he said he will confess us before his father who is in heaven so we see from these passages that god's word does inform us does guide and tell us and then what does it say about baptism well inherently as we've discussed belief repentance and confession we could not have done so without those mentions of baptism he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved in acts chapter 8 verse 38 when the ethiopian said to philip the evangelist see here is water what hinders me from being baptized philip the evangelist says if you believe you may see these are intricately woven and it is not something that's to be considered do this do that do this and do that it is the plan it is the process of salvation and not one of them is to be taken on an island or standing by itself it is all part of god's comprehensive plan so here in mark chapter 16 jesus said these words after his uh being arisen and commanding the eleven he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved what a profound yet simple statement there are six questions that we want to answer today and you already know the answers just by reading this scripture to some of the questions is baptism essential for salvation is it an option are there alternatives is baptism essential for salvation the second question that we'll see today from god's word is the answer to what is baptism there are many ideas about baptism there's something called sprinkling there's something called pouring there are and i'll share with you some of the answers as to what baptism is what is soul saving baptism and i assert to you and i i plead with you to to really state with me that there is baptism there are baptisms hebrews chapter 6 but there is one soul-saving baptism we'll see that from god's word what are the effects or what is the outcome that is associated with baptism what happens as a result of that where is baptism in the process of salvation do i get baptized and then go and hear and believe do i get baptized because my friend brother booker says robert you got to get baptized and we'll teach you about christ later where is baptism in the process of salvation for it to have validity and who should be baptized should i baptize an infant should i baptize a non-believer who persists in non-belief who should be baptized young men and young women there are some young men in this audience today who i believe god will inspire you to preach the gospel of christ and it's this kind of guidance from god's word that has to be perpetuated one day i'm not going to stand here one day brother mccleskey brother mason and brother mason will not stand here but we have to continue to raise generations that depend on god's word for answers that are pertinent to salvation so listen well please is baptism essential for salvation well we've read the passage already here from mark chapter 16 that says he that believes and is and in there is that in your bible he that believes and is baptized shall be saved there's one evidence that cannot be overlooked in first peter chapter 3 verse 21 the apostle peter spoke to this as well and the way peter stated this it's very clear that he says baptism does now save us first peter chapter 3 verse 21 when he talks about baptism he makes reference to the flood the waters that saved noah and his household now the flood destroyed but the flood destroyed saved because of them being in the ark so he says just like that verse 21 the like figure where unto even baptism doth also now save us that's what god's word has to say and then in acts chapter 2 we saw it very well in verses 23 through 38 and i've already made mention of that when the apostles were asked the question after hearing the gospel message what must i do their question ultimately was not what must i do to apologize for the death of christ that wasn't the question the question was what must i do to be saved and the response clearly and unequivocally was repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins the fact ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters boys and girls is until we are baptized we are still burdened with our sin guilt so we're baptized for the remission of our sins we'll see that so the answer to this question and there are several other scriptures and examples that we can see to this but the answer is a resounding yes those of you who are considering whether to be baptized or not and you're deciding that you know i'm a good person i give to needy causes i'm good to the poor i don't do this and i don't say that and i think this way you are a good person you have a good heart but your salvation is dependent upon obedience to the gospel of christ which includes baptism yes baptism is essential for salvation now were it my heaven perhaps i would make up some other way but it's not my heaven it's god's and god has declared baptism to be essential well what is baptism then what is baptism there are several concepts about baptism let's think about this in acts chapter 1 verse 5 turn with me i want you to to see this those of you who are at home look look at this carefully because this will aid you in in your appreciation and and comprehension as well if you will allow me to say that in acts chapter 1 beginning with verse 4 and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he ye have heard of me this was jesus after his resurrection from the grave before his ascension into heaven he he stayed about 40 days after his resurrection and he was telling his followers something very important notice in verse 5 for john truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence now there are two things here the reason i chose this passage jesus tells them that john had baptized with water we're going to see momentarily that there is a baptism that is referred to in the scriptures as the baptism of john so so note that but jesus also says not many days hence you're going to be baptized with the holy ghost the holy spirit those are synonymous terms so already we see two terms here john's baptism and that of the holy ghost now i mentioned earlier in hebrews chapter 6 that there are doctrines of baptisms plural what paul or the hebrew writer was saying to the christians in hebrews chapter 6 that we're going to move beyond doctrines of baptisms plural you see there were debates among them about baptisms all right so one baptism is the baptism of the holy ghost in matthew chapter 21 verse 25 we also see reference to in matthew's gospel john's baptism that was the baptism of repentance that was the baptism of preparing the way for jesus christ they were taught to repent the church had not been established they were not baptized for the remission of their sins they were baptized symbolizing their belief in the message of repentance that john the forerunner of christ was teaching in acts chapter 13 turn with me there it's imperative that we see how this baptism makes its way through the first century in acts chapter 13 beginning with the 24th verse when john had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of israel and as john fulfilled his course he said who do you think i am i am not he but behold there cometh one after me whose shoes i'm not worthy to to tie or untie in our vernacular here in this verse 24 we see reference to john's baptism keep that in mind and let's fast forward to the 18th chapter of acts you'll understand why we're seeing this in the 18th chapter of acts in the 25th verse well i'll begin reading with verse 24 this is about apollos now the preface here is that we're about to read about a man who had become religiously engaged as a result brother sledge of the preaching of john of repentance and ultimately baptism of repentance this is again acts chapter 18 and i'm going to begin reading with verse 24. and a certain jew named apollos born in alexandria an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to ephesus this man was instructed in the way of the lord and being fervent in the spirit he spoke and taught diligently watch this the things of the lord knowing only the baptism of john now that tells me a lot when i go back as we have done this morning and see what the baptism of john entailed that this man although he was eloquent although he spoke very well and impressively and people listened because he had a way of having them understand but he only knew the baptism of john well was that all right there are some good religious people today sincere devout eloquent religious people today who are familiar with baptism but let's continue to read and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue who when aquila and priscilla had heard they took him unto them and expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly and when he was disposed to pass to ikea the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him who when he was come help them much for he mightily convinced the jews and that publicly you know what had taken place think about it he only knew the baptism of john that tells me that he had not been baptized in to the lord he had not been baptized into the lord's church and aquila and priscilla who were christians took him aside and they taught him and then we see the disciples telling other disciples to accept him just as they had done with the apostle paul when he was baptized that tells me that aquila and priscilla taught him and he obeyed the gospel he got it right we'll see more concerning this in the 19th chapter it came to pass that while apollos was at corinth now remember this man was over in ephesus apollos was at corinth paul having passed through the upper coast came to ephesus and finding certain disciples what do you think the disciples the believers at ephesus may have believed had they been taught by apollos well the scripture is going to show us he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy ghost in acts chapter 2 when we were reading that the apostle peter and all of the apostles spoke and engaged the audience that audience cried out and said men and brethren what must we do the response you know the response well by now was repent and be baptized and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost these people in ephesus had not even heard about the holy ghost and he said unto them verse 3 then to what were you baptized you remember i said a little earlier that we have to link the hearing of the gospel the belief of the gospel the repentance the confession and the baptism and even associated with that and we'll see momentarily one of the outcomes is the reception of the holy ghost they hadn't heard of that and it was evidence that their teaching was flawed it came from an eloquent man who knew only the baptism of repentance the baptism of john and i won't go on with that but i will cite to you i want you to see that these men then paul verse 4 then said paul john truly baptized with the baptism of repentance said unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on jesus christ when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus i couldn't leave that without pointing that out there are honest sincere religious spiritual godly oriented people today whose baptism may be compared to one of the baptisms that we find but i have to ask the question and you have to ask the question is my baptism was my baptism saving baptism first corinthians chapter 15 verse 29 the apostle paul in arguing regarding the reality the the the truth of the resurrection careful now paul in that chapter was arguing that the resurrection of christ was true that it was real but he was speaking to those among the audience who were sadducees sadducees were a sect they were a group of religious people who did not believe in the resurrection so what paul did was was quite dynamic as as a teacher he said then why do you practice baptism for the dead think about that paul was saying you don't believe in resurrection so why do you baptize for the dead now i want you to hear that but the only reason i bring that up is to cite that there is another baptist baptism's brother wade for the dead were part of the practice they were not part of the practice of the church so when you say then what is baptism you see here that i've given several examples of baptisms but i have not said that those baptisms are so saving baptism the original language in which this is written baptism comes from the word bapto and there are derivatives of that word that you'll find in any good greek dictionary or concordance what does baptize mean it means to whelm this is one of the words that you'll find we have the word overwhelm baptism baptized means to cover fully that's that's a a clear meaning of the original word baptism also means to moisten to stain to dip these are words that you will find associated with the original greek word baptized now i don't want to leave it there so we have to answer the next question what is the one soul-saving baptism well i'm going to say three things about this and the first of all is that it is baptism for the right reason if i get baptized because my fiance says if you don't get baptized i ain't going to marry you then that's not the right reason if i get baptized because my parents decide that every child in the house has to get baptized right now and boy sunday morning you're going to go down there and get baptized that's not the right reason but there are many other wrong reasons i've already cited to you ephesians chapter 4. now after saying in hebrews chapter 6 verse 2 that there are baptisms and paul's saying the hebrew writers saying let's leave the doctrine of baptisms we come over here to ephesians chapter 4 and the same writer says there is one baptism one lord one faith one baptism so what he is saying is that there is one soul-saving baptism there is one valid baptism there is one baptism on the path that leads to salvation we find that very clearly so the reason that i want to get baptized is for the remission of my sins for the forgiveness of my sins acts chapter 2 verse 38 i want to get baptized and you'll see examples of this in acts chapter 22 verse 16 as well as acts chapter 19 verses 1 through 5 which i've read that's why we get baptized for the right reason and i always note that for me to be baptized for the right reason i have to be taught about that reason friends if you were baptized with erroneous teaching like that of apollos were you baptized for the right reason there's more than that also i must be baptized by the right authority we see that in the passages jesus pointed it out here in his writing in mark chapter 16 matthew chapter 28 verse 19 acts chapter 19 verse 5 as well as first corinthians chapter 1 verse 13 we are baptized in the name of jesus by the authority of jesus we're baptized and you'll see in the passages such as matthew 28 in the name of the father god the father the son the holy spirit we have to be baptized by the right authority we're not baptized because robert said so we're baptized by the authority of christ and i always appreciate the elders the deacons the ministers the brethren who when we baptize sight that i am baptizing you in the name of by the authority of our lord and savior jesus christ it's not just a formality soul-saving baptism is by the authority of christ and it is of the right mode and the right medium what do you mean by that well it is burial in water and i i i realize that time is passing quickly but if you'll look at colossians chapter 2 verse 12 you'll see very clearly that baptism is a burial baptism is a burial in colossians chapter 2 beginning with verse 11 verse 10 talked about christ and being in christ in whom we are complete verse 12 says buried with him in baptism wherein also ye are risen with him through faith of the operation of god who hath raised him from the dead the right mode of baptism is burial it's immersion in water for the remission of our sins colossians chapter 2 12. romans chapter 6 verse 4 says the same thing you are buried with christ now i i'm sympathetic with the diversity of beliefs regarding baptism but i'm not in agreement with those diverse beliefs because the scriptures are evident we've just cited two of them that baptism is a burial in mark chapter 1 verse 5 the bible speaks of the water of baptism in acts chapter 8 verses 38 and 39 listen to the language there the bible tells us about the ethiopian who i have referenced many times in these passages and i've cited the fact that the bible says when philip asked him do you believe and the ethiopians said yes i believe the bible tells us that they thank you philip and the ethiopian went down into the water and he baptized him and then the bible says and they came up and you'll see this same connotation in mark chapter 1 verse 5. it's evident that the mode of baptism is in water it is burial baptism it's evident throughout god's word and i'm going to share a little bit more about this in just a moment i i believe it's in these slides if it's not let me just go ahead and tell you now when did sprinkling begin sprinkling began in about the year 250 a.d who began sprinkling was was the apostles no the apostles were gone by then sprinkling began as an innovation by a man who who was in the catholic church but he opposed many of the doctrines of the pope and i don't you don't want me to start on that his name was novation and what novation had done he was over 50 years old he became very ill he had not been baptized although he was in the clergy of the church and he decided that because he was very ill and possibly could not withstand immersion which had been the practice of the church he decided sprinkle me and let that do he had several other innovations his name happened to be novation no relationship i went back and looked at the etymology of of the word innovation just to make sure it didn't come from him but that's that's how it came in baptizing babies that began at approximately 130 years after christ same kind of thing it was an innovation by mankind so i cite these things to have us note that not just any baptism there is one soul-saving baptism and it must be in the right reason it must be by the right mode that is water and the outcome is the remission of our sins finally here uh although i have two points but i'm going to say finally okay what are the effects of baptism well we see in acts chapter 2 verse 38 it's for forgiveness of sins in acts chapter 2 verse 38 it ushers into us the opportunity to receive the holy ghost we receive the holy ghost as a result of our baptism galatians chapter 3 verse 27 paul says ye are baptized into christ it is through baptism that we enter christ romans chapter 6 verse 3 tells us that as well and please get this ponder and pray over this acts chapter 2 verses 41 and verse 47 deal with people being added to the church when they heard the gospel of christ in acts chapter 2 they were baptized and the bible tells us that the lord added to the number in verse 38 39 then verse 41 then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3 000 souls added unto who well we see in verse 47 they were praising god and having favor with all the people and the lord added to the church it's undeniable the lord added to the church such as should be saved i am saying to us today that our baptism causes our forgiveness it gives us the holy spirit it places us in christ and being placed in christ i must be placed in his church after all the church is according colossians chapter 1 verse 18 the body of christ now why do i go to all the trouble to say that in that way because there are some folks today who say well you know i'm just going to get baptized and i'm going to be a part of the universal church we don't find that in god's work i'm going to get baptized but i'm not going to be in the body of christ i'm not going to be in the church i'm not going to be in the fellowship i'm not going to be among the believers i'm going to get baptized and it's just going to be me and the lord that's not consistent because baptism places us in the body of christ in the church of christ this is some of the information that i shared with you who then should be baptized well it's very clear from what we've seen that those who have not been baptized yet you have heard the gospel of christ believe it and willing to repent and confess jesus christ you should be baptized you should become a child of god who should be baptized well as we've seen in acts chapter 19 those who had errant baptisms you should be baptized with the soul saving baptism if you were christened as a child and i could tell you the history of that i won't do that today but if you were christened as a child that was cute but that was not soul-saving if you were sprinkled as a child or adult that was not soul-saving if you were having water poured upon you that was interesting but that was not saving if you had any of the kind of baptisms that we've cited today that were not baptism in water based on belief in christ for the remission of your sins i suggest that you make sure and get it right who should be baptized and of course the answer is those who are not baptized those who are not saved according to the scriptures now where does baptism then come in the the path that leads to salvation you know the answer to that you see it on the screen it follows hearing belief repentance and confession you can be baptized today what have we concluded we have concluded that baptism is essential for sin we have concluded that baptism is wetting moistening dip dipping overwhelming but that soul-saving baptism we have concluded is for the right reason by the right authority and in the right mode we've concluded today that there are some effects that come as a result of baptism that it is the forgiveness of sin that it empowers us with the holy ghost that it places us in christ in his church and we've concluded clearly that baptism follows confession and belief and by doing so you become a child of god and we've concluded that there are many who should be baptized the question is you among them those of you again who are in our viewing audience you may contact us the information will be on the screen momentarily that tells you how to do that our prayer line is going to be open right now you can call us our email is prayer underscore request at and there are those of you even in this audience today who come recognizing the need to obey the gospel of christ you have heard the word of god for the people of god would you stand with me and those of you today who desire to put the lord on in baptism if you would just just come down to this front seat we will assist you brother booker have you been to jesus [Music] all you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you brother robert for the series of lessons that we've had on what to do to be saved our prayer is that others have heard this that it's out there so if anyone would love to contact us because you want to be added to the lord's church we are here ready willing able to bring you into this congregation or any congregation lord we pray that you continue to listen spread the word put it out there so others may become a member of this church thank you thank you thank you our visitors crystal and paul mason welcome welcome and jessica catchings so glad that you are here well raise your hand let us see where you are the masons right there right here catchings back here welcome we're glad to see you welcome welcome when it's time for us to dismiss please remember that we want the outside pews to exit the doors first and then the inside views would you please wait a few minutes until it clears out because we still want to be as safe as we can this virus is still out there it is there and we have deep discussions all the time on what we're going to do and how we're going to continue to practice practice safety with our members and with everyone else so please keep listening reading the bulletins any questions please feel free to contact us on how we're continuing our operations around here let us pray the father in heaven again we thank you so very much for giving us another opportunity lord lord we pray that you continue to just watch over each and every member each and every family lord that we continue to be safe during this special time of this holiday season lord we pray that we all look to you look to you for our guidance and for our continued safety it is in your darling son jesus name we pray amen god be with you until we meet again god until we meet again [Applause] [Music] god be with you me [Music] me as we stand as we close we thank god for his presence we thank you for his protection we ask him to continue to walk with us and be with us but we must make the choice to walk with him as well and if we do that and we're faithful unto death surely he will watch over us all the days of our lives this is our prayer this is our plea in jesus name we pray [Music] [Music] oh amen [Music] thank you for being with us hello i'm robert gardenhire minister of the straighter lane church of christ i'm thanking you for taking time to have participated with us in today's worship service good news we have now reopened the church building for indoor in-person services and we invite you as our guests to participate in person you may do so if you would like to contact us email us at office our service times are as follows sunday mornings 9 15 a.m and 11 30 a.m sunday afternoon at 5 00 pm members please continue to follow the published schedule such that we can maintain great worship and safe social distancing thank you for being with us hello i'm robert you
Channel: Schrader Lane Church of Christ
Views: 389
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 2sec (5342 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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