How can I Bring Glory to God? - Bobby Richey

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i need a [Music] friends never let you down oh [Music] and they'll they show [Music] [Music] will [Music] and will tell [Music] good evening and welcome to the 5 p.m worship service here at straight elaine we hope that your day has been a blessed one and we are glad that you are able to be with us on this evening i just want to read a few quick quick announcements for you as we prepare for our worship service again we just have a thank you note from the family of michelle kayla and case pritchett during the illness and act uh their loss of loved ones and the act of kindness shown toward them also let's keep in prayer for sister patricia amos as she's asked ask for prayers for sister dorothy amos for health concerns so please keep the amos family in your prayers again sympathy and condolences goes out to uh the lord's laurier goodwin and the loss of her niece tangie hill and again the funeral service uh uh loss of a niece on on on the 17th of august and the funeral services was held on the 26th in decatur alabama to keep the lawyer goodwin family in your prayers also sister frank fryerson in the loss of her sister-in-law jeanette hampton fryerson on monday the 23rd she was a niece of eunice fryes in the honor of siobhan morgan and maya christian and william fryerson the services was held on yesterday in mount pleasant so please keep the fries and family in your prayers again we as we mentioned this morning about the the flood victims in wavelength tennessee as well as their hurricane the earthquake victims in haiti we are have designated funds to help those particular tragedies and and we just want to stay in prayer for for those victims who lost their loved ones and possessions during that time and then on next sunday i know many of you want to participate and help in in various ways we're going to set aside next sunday an opportunity for you to participate and you can earmark your your your gifts your contributions to either one of those events that took place in haiti or waverly so please be prepared if you so choose to give toward those causes also if you are in need of an envelope offering envelope if you are given in person please see one of the ushers they can make sure that you have a end up for the year-end tax purposes for this year so that will keep help us keep record of what your contributions is for this course of the year so if you're in need of an offering aunt bella please see one of my ushers and they can make sure you have that in your possession and also if you're in need of commun communion excuse me communion you can stop by here at the building on monday wednesdays or fridays between the hours of 11 a.m and 2 p.m and or saturday from 8 30 to 11 30 a.m so the communion package will be located on the first floor in the foyer lobby let us pray father god we come to you at this time we thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to come once again to worship you in spirit and in truth we thank you father for just being the god that you are and as we prepare ourselves to worship you on this evening we pray father that the things that we do and say will be done in a manner that's pleasing acceptable unto you and we'll be so careful to give you all the praise all the honor and glory in jesus name in jesus name we pray amen good evening everyone we will sing today the shelter and the storm at the time of storm i know it's been a while since i've been up here singing but let's let's do this okay the lord might rock in him we hide [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] shelter in the time is [Applause] is raging storm made around us being the shelter in the tub of the soil [Applause] jesus is [Applause] oh [Music] good evening church it's time for a collection of the saints uh each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion but out of a chill cheerful grateful heart for god loves a cheerful gift giver ii corinthians 9 7 also we are commanded and encouraged to give out of a willing heart realizing that a generous person will prosper proverbs 18 16. we offer several means for you to give uh you may you may continue to mail your offering to the p.o box drop your offering off at the church or use one of the electronic options outlined on your website this information is also posted on the screen let us let us bow the word of prayer for what are they offering us holding otherwise heavenly father we uh thank you for this offering that would be given we pray to god that we will use it for things needed in the church for benevolence for our mission work for those in need in the time of a disaster please bless us as we continue to work and spread your words these and all blessings we thank and ask you for in your son jesus name amen it's time for the lord's supper this segment of the worship service was instituted by our lord and savior jesus christ recorded in the book of matthews chapter 26 verses 26 through 29. further we see biblical presidents in the in the book of acts 27 where the church observed the lord's supper in addition to the preaching and by the apostle paul there was the breaking of bread and ministering of the lord's supper finally the apostle paul under the guidance of the holy spirit pin the admonition we we find recorded in the book of first corinthians 11 chapter 23 through 30 regarding the improper the proper observance of the lord's supper uh let's go uh to the lord in the word of prayer uh as we remember our lord and savior jesus christ dear god we thank you for the bread which is offered in the representation of your son's precious body uh further we thank you for the cup which represents your son's precious blood we pray that each and every one will take them with a clean hand and a pure heart looking only to jesus the author and the finisher of our faith let us all say amen what is saying how great thou art the first and last stanza that's all we'll do oh lord my god where i am [Music] i see the stars [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] my soul i say your heart to me [Applause] when christ shall come and take me my [Music] [Applause] my soul oh [Music] thee [Music] good evening this evening's sermon and scripture reading will come from the book of john the chapter is 17 and we'll be reading verses 1 through 5. again that's the book of john the chapter 17 and we'll be reading verses one through five and it reads and jesus said this he looked toward heaven and prayed father the time has come glorify your son that your son may glorify you for you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him now this is eternal life that they may know you the only true god in jesus christ whom you have sent i have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do and verse 5 and now father glorify me in your presence with the glory i had with you before the world began we just read john chapter 17 verses 1-5 may the lord add a blessing to the readers and doers of his holy and divine word jesus is coming soon troublesome times are here filling in hearts with the freedom we didn't [Applause] away is [Applause] [Music] is problems will soon [Applause] when we meet on that show [Music] rising up in the sky telling this is [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] oh like say good evening good afternoon rather to everyone who has assembled appreciate your coming to be with us in this afternoon service hopefully i will not hold you very long and of course you know when preachers say that they don't mean a word of it but i'll try as best i can to be aware of the time i want to express my appreciation to the ministers and the elders of this congregation for allowing me the privilege to come before you and hopefully bring a message to us that will help us as we seek to serve the lord and give him the best of the things that we have we are not we're not in this to play or for show but we are in this business to be pleasing and acceptable in the sight of god and i hope that's everybody's purpose as we continue to serve the lord in this part of the of the lord's vineyard i want to thank brother gardiner for a powerful message on this morning and i i get excited when i hear our ministers expound the word in such a way that i can understand it and we should really be thankful that we have the men that we do who are able to spread the word and teach us as they do we pray that god will continue to bless them as they carry out this work that has been assigned to them it's good to be back in in this building uh it's good to be standing in this in this area it's been a while and you know the devil will do things to try to keep you away from the things that you love but thanks be to god that we have men who have the foresight and the knowledge about doing things that are not common are not ordinary we don't ordinarily worship in in the fashion that we have been for the past a year and a half or so but one thing i have found out as we have gone through this process no matter how the devil tries he's not going to stop the progress of our lord and savior jesus christ and he's not going to prevent those of us who are members of the body of christ from worshiping wherever we are and those of you who are tuning in by whatever means social media streaming whatever we want to thank you for tuning in and i pray that you won't turn the tv off or your your uh machine out before i get through uh if you hear me out hear me to the end i prom i promise you i will not take a very long time thank you again for being here and we pray that god's blessings upon the lesson that i'll try to bring to you and that he will give the increase and that those of you who are already thinking about becoming members of the body of christ that you would take advantage of the opportunity to do so at the time appointed i said i wasn't going to hold you too long so i think my children who are sitting upstairs have a stop watch on me so i have to go on and finish what i have to say so that so they won't throw anything at me up from up there but keep keep your stopwatch going and i'll probably be through before it runs out call your attention to the scripture that was read to us from john's gospel in john chapter 17 and we want to think about the subject how can i bring glory to god as i stated we are not in this business we are not serving as we do for just for the praise of men we have been told many times that god is the audience and what we do here and what we do not only here but everywhere in our christian walk should be to the glory and the honor of god there are five things i hope you can see them that are listed on the screen that i want to try to express to us that'll help us in our efforts to bring glory to god i want to serve a disclaimer before i move further i'm not going to be as loud and as boisterous as i have been in the past i can't do that anymore i'm getting too old but hopefully in the volume that the god of heaven has given me that it will help us to understand the lesson that i'm going to try and bring to our attention jesus told his father in john chapter 17 beginning with verse one i have brought you glory i'm paraphrasing what's written in your bibles i have brought you glory here on earth by doing everything that you told me to do jesus honored the father by fulfilling his purpose here on earth and we honor him in the same way that is by fulfilling the purpose that god has set for us to fulfill while we are here on earth we honor him the same way that jesus honored him by carrying out those things that god had set for him to do jesus came to this earth born in a manger born of a lowly birth stayed here on earth and and carried out works for some thirty and three years but all during that time whatever he did was to give glory and honor to his heavenly father to his father and we are here today as followers of christ to bring honor to bring glory to carry out the things that jesus would be carrying out if he was still here on earth when anything in creation fulfills its purpose it brings glory to god anything birds bring glory to god by flying chirping nesting and doing other bird-like things birds are not humans you don't expect them to do to do human things they are birds they bring honor and glory to god by doing what birds do even ants bring glory to god even when they come and mess up your picnic they bring honor and glory to god by doing what ants do and we bring glory to god by doing the things that god has asked us to do now there are many ways that we can bring glory to god but i want to for the next few minutes express to us just a few of those things number one we bring glory to god when we come and sincerely worship him as the bible points out in john 4 24 when it says that god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and i know we we all know that verse we have heard it over and over and over again but i think sometimes we get out of the notion of worshiping god in spirit and in truth and we sometimes do things out of habit but the bible says that god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth it was the psalmist who said in the 122nd psalm in verse 1. i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i wonder i wonder are you glad to be here this afternoon now i know there are many other places you can be you could be at home watching the pre-season football game the between the dolphins and and the cincinnati bengals but those guys are there making money we are here to make god be honored to make him be glorified by the things that we do and that is the reason why we are here worshipping him as he has commanded i want you to know something that worship is far more than praising singing and praying to god it's far more than that however those things are all necessary when we come to worship we carry out the five items that you know of that makes up worship singing praying preaching communing and giving we know of those things but i want us to know that worship goes far beyond that worship is a lifestyle it is a lifestyle of enjoying and loving our father it is him who has placed us here and as we serve together and as we worship together we should remember that god is watching us and we determine whether god is glorified by the sincerity that we put into the worship that we are involved in worship is a lifestyle as i stated when we leave the confines of this building of this area and we go about our daily tasks whatever they are when you're at work people should know that you are a worshiper of god you serve god people should know that by the lifestyle that you and i live you see worship is giving ourselves to be used given ourselves to be used for god's purpose when you use what god has given you to his glory and to his honor it brings glory to god he is happy he is honored he is proud to be your heavenly father when you worship him as we should and then number two we bring glory and honor to god by loving other believers i wonder sometimes uh and i'm speaking of myself now i wonder how truthful it is what i say to anyone who listens to me you know i love everybody you know that's that's an open blank statement i love everybody now i'm supposed to do that but i wonder sometimes if it is true of me because i know sometimes there are things that people do that i just don't approve of and i know that sometimes i don't like what i see but i'm still supposed to love mankind especially my brothers and sisters in christ i'm supposed to love them as i love myself you see when you're born into the family of god god made you a member of his family so he wants us to love every other believer that's in the body of christ i know sometimes sometimes it's difficult and i know sometimes we just don't like what we see but our love for each other as it is recorded in the book of first john chapter 3 and verse 14 our love for each other proves that we have gone from death to life paul said that we are to accept each other just as christ accepted you and i that god will be glorified according to romans chapter 15 and verse 7. everybody wants to be accepted is there anybody here who does not want to be accepted we all want to be accepted by someone and it brings glory to god when we accept each other as brothers and sisters in christ i don't mean we have to go around hugging and and kissing on everybody but that's nothing wrong with that as long as it is genuine love but i want us to know that it is our responsibility to love as god loved because it honors him when we love each other bible says as i have loved you so you must love one another by this by the love that we show for each other the bible says all men shall know that you are my disciples if you love one another as we move further we bring glory to god by becoming like christ once we are born into god's family he wants us to grow to spiritual maturity he wants us to become active in his service but he wants us to grow what does this look like spiritual maturity is becoming like christ in ways that you think how you feel how we act that's how we begin to grow if we are still acting like children it means that some growth has not taken place so what needs to happen those of us who have grown those of us who are grown should take the responsibility upon ourselves to help others to grow and develop maturity as we serve together in the body of christ the more we develop christ-like character the more we bring glory and honor to god according to second corinthians chapter 3 and verse 18 god has given us new life a new nature when we accepted christ as our savior now for the rest of our lives for the rest of the time that he leaves us here on earth he expects us to bring glory to him by changing into the image of jesus christ our lord and savior according to philippians chapter 1 and verse 11 and then we bring glory to god when we serve others with our gifts brother and sister garden how did some extensive uh study and and and uh helping us to understand our spiritual gifts i didn't know until i went through the process that was given that i could do as many things as i could thought i was all right in what i was doing uh before this was pointed out but i understa i came to understand that there were some different gifts that i have because of the study that they put into showing us what we can do and how good we are at doing that if we continue to develop it and carry it out each and every last one of us in this room and those of you who are listening and tuning in to us by electronic means you have a gift and each of us were uniquely designed with those gifts with those talents with those skills with those bill abilities and they were given to us so that we can serve god as we display our gifts one to another now we all don't have the same gifts but your gift whatever god has allowed you to perfect whatever he has allowed you to be a part of and carry out for yourself to his glory and honor of god that's exactly what he wants you to carry out and not try to do what everybody else is doing one of my favorite old testament scriptures you remember when those of you who are bible students and especially those of you who've ever been in a class of mine we studied in the book of judges where the lord told gideon that he was to go and and utterly destroy a nation now gideon thought in in in in order for me to do this i got to go out and round up some help so he went out and he rounded up 32 000 men he thought they were good fighting men but when the lord told him gideon you have too many tell the people that if you are afraid go home well you don't ever tell anybody anything like that because your armies will be diminished greatly 22 000 left so he was left a pretty good-sized army 10 000. and the lord tells him then getting you still have too many well gideon probably thought what do you mean i have too many you you want me to go out and and fight a nation but you you lord you you are taking all of my help away from me well the lord says to them you still have too many and then it says i want you to take them down to the water give them a test give them a drinking test and it says if you keep the ones who lap like dogs that would be a sufficient army for you to do what i've asked you to do well he ended up with 300 brave men now they weren't given a bow and arrow they weren't given us a spear they weren't given any kind of weapon except for a picture a candle with a light to be lit up and a horn you know the guys who are fighting over in afghanistan they wouldn't win too many battles with that kind with those kinds of weapons but the lord gave this to 300 men and told gideon i want you to place them in different areas 300 on the right side right side 300 on the left side and you lit uh 100 on the right and the left and 100 come up the middle he placed them in areas that they would be needed to join in the battle now i told you all this to tell you that my favorite part of this was the verse that said and every man stood in his own place god has given you a place he has given you an ability he has given you a task and he wants us to use our spiritual gifts in the place that he has designed for us he wants us to carry that out to his glory and to his honor elders are elders deacons are deacons you know i heard it stated long time ago in churches of christ all over this country that the deacons are not that important they're they're only little elders they're trying to be an elder that's not what that's all about be conserved in such a way as to bring glory and honor to god elders who lead serve in such a way as to bring glory and honor to god ministers serve and preach and teach us to bring glory and honor to god and it behooves us when we carry that out to carry that out of the place that god has designed for us and he will be glorified and then finally hope i haven't held you too long finally we bring glory to god by telling others about him it brings joy to me that's just a warm feeling that i get and i hope you get that same feeling when you see someone being added to the body of christ i've used all kinds of different means i've i've had people to respond to the invitation at my preaching and i am humbled by that kind of involvement because i understand something as i read the scripture it's not what i said it's not what i did it is what god has been able to put into making what i did come out to his glory and honor again that's what makes it all worthwhile it was the apostle paul who said it like this i have planted apollos watered but god gave the increase when someone comes and obeys the gospel i i even sometimes shed tears of joy my folks look at me sometimes say what's wrong with you i'm happy to see someone decide that they're going to follow in the footsteps of jesus once we know this truth once all of us have been exposed to the truth the lord expects us to share what we know with others this is a great privilege that we have it's not it's nothing short of fantastic when i can take what little i have and use it for god's glory for the greater picture something that is done to bring men into a relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ it brings glory to god i've had the privilege of baptizing people i remember there's there were two young ladies that i've studied with some years ago and they called me i had i don't know what i was doing it was on a saturday uh probably at home looking at some football game but they called me their their parents these two young ladies parents called me and said my daughters are ready to be baptized i said when they said right now and i looked outside and it was pouring down rain you talking about flash floods there were flash floods and accidents all on the interstate and i was thinking how am i going to get to these young ladies in time to do what they want me to do but it seemed like uh you know i i believe it was god's providence that this happened i was directed i believe around all of the accidents and the flash flood areas and made it to this house to this house in record well the house next door in record time so that i could they wanted me to baptize them and i you know i felt it was an honor to do it my wife says are you going to get out there and all of this rain and try to get over to that church you you make sure you take your time i said well i'll do the best i can but you know i thought of myself as a professional driver i know exactly how to drive i know how to get there i know exactly what to do i found out i didn't know too much because i hit a boat a body of water or of an area of water and the car started to hydroplane i'm there with the steering wheel trying to steer it in the right direction and it just wouldn't go that way but just in the nick of time i believe god reached down and moved an area of water out of the way so that i could pass through on dry land what a good god we serve and when we bring others to him explaining to them of the great god that he is it's a great privilege that we all have the privilege of involving ourselves in it's time to settle the issue of what must i do to bring men to christ what are you going to live for are you going to live for yourself or god our purpose here on earth as we serve together is to bring glory and honor to god i've just mentioned to you a few of those uh things that we can do to bring glory and honor to god now it's it's up to us i'm not going to say it's up to you because it's up to all of us to involve ourselves in carrying out those things that i've tried to point out to us this afternoon that will help us as we try to bring glory and honor to god you have the chance if you are tuning in to contact the elders of this church the information is posted on the on the screen behind me but all you have to do is put forth the effort and you'll have someone to respond to you before you know it they promise to do this and they have lived up to that promise as far as i know from the time that they made the promise even up until now if you're in the audience and you feel like you want to respond to the invitation to come to christ you have that opportunity just because we are socially distance distancing ourselves it doesn't mean that we are not baptizing we are still baptized because god has commanded us to do that and we take pleasure we take pleasure we are glad we are just so excited when someone responds to the invitation to accept christ as their savior so i invite you to do so even this afternoon and we'll be glad to serve you in whatever way that we possibly can how do we bring glory to god i've mentioned five things and i think if we carry out those five we will be one that the lord can look down upon and say that's my child i love them i know they will do what's right i'm proud of them when we bring glory to god in response he blesses us god bless you as you have listened to what i've had to say and i hope trust and pray that at the time appointed we all will be able to when we stand before christ to hear him say well done thy good and faithful servant may god bless you [Music] let the church say amen again we thank brother richie for that fine message of the hour uh we just uh we're glad to see him up and and delivering his fine message on this evening again let us be mindful of those who have suffered the loss of loved ones and their families just keep them in our prayers and we just want to again just thank thank you for all that you do as as members of this body here at schroeder so let's go to god in prayer father god we come to you once again thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to once again uh worship you in spirit and in truth we thank you father for the message and we just pray father that uh we'll once again be able to apply those things that have been taught on this evening uh to our daily lives be with us and watch over us protect us until we meet again in jesus name we pray amen god [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] god be with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] god be with you [Music] [Music] until we meet [Music] [Applause] meet up again [Music] we meet [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see um [Music]
Channel: Schrader Lane Church of Christ
Views: 319
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nwJWjoAitsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 46sec (4126 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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