Prayer of Thanksgiving_Colossians 1:3-8_McCleskey

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i need [Music] friends i need someone who will never let me [Music] and they'll only say it they show [Music] i need someone oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] never let you oh [Music] they show good evening good evening and welcome to our our honored guest uh if you're visiting with us we want to welcome you and if you are visiting with you with us we those who are present we ask that you either stand or raise your hands if you're visiting with us this evening we want to welcome all of you who are out there in virtual land who are watching worshiping with us virtually and it's just a blessing to be here this evening to worship the lord in spirit and in truth we have a few announcements before we get started and please bear with me we want to remember those who are dealing with the losses of loved ones and our list is relatively lengthy so please bear with me as i read these names off sister amakia gibson who lost her father on september the 15th his services were last wednesday september 22nd in west columbia south carolina some of you probably know her or if you do not she was one of our lipscomb students who came here as a pharmacy student at lipscomb graduated last may and moved on to texas and she lost her father just shortly after she moved within a short period of time rather it wasn't very long ago he was here to celebrate his daughter's uh graduation from lipscomb uh back uh in in the late spring uh brother wesley rouse uh and katherine in the loss of wesley's brother bobby g rouse and that funeral service will be saturday october the 9th in milwaukee wisconsin so please pray for brother rouse and his family his brother passed on september 18th brother william thomas lost an uncle on this past tuesday and his memorial services were today so please remember william and deidre thomas brother randy washington lost her his sister-in-law in south carolina and he was here this morning at the midday service and is preparing for travels sometime in the very near future those arrangements are still ongoing but please remember brother randy washington instead his wife stephanie as he traveled the washington family and also called his brother thomas uh by name because thomas is in the hospital still dealing with his illness that's the husband of the late monica washington sister janet stewart and rachel stewart my sister-in-law and niece lost a sister-in-law their sister-in-law lynn smith and that was also rachel's aunt it lost her untimely and please remember janet and rachel in your prayers brother hamilton lost a brother-in-law in saint petersburg florida and he is i believe his name was dan smith and we just want to lift he and his family up in our prayers as well as brother hamilton's wife harriet um there are others among us uh sister uh ro rolitha pillow ashley pillow and dear clendening in the loss of their grandmother and great-grandmother on monday september the 13th her services were on the night on on wednesday september 9th as well and finally many of you know that we lost our dear brother walter steele this past monday and where there will be no funeral services but the family is asking in lieu of flowers that we they request that we make a donation to the david jones junior assisted living facility or the american and or the american cancer society so those are the announcements that we have we have others among us who are sick and shut in recovering from various health conditions so let us remember them we want to just remind you that as we exit this evening please exit expeditiously the outer hours first and then the subsequently the inner hours and we need to give our men who come in and sanitize the auditorium time to get that done and we'd like to clear the auditorium shortly thereafter worship again we welcome you and let us prepare our hearts and minds for prayer gracious heavenly father we thank you once again for this privilege we enjoy to worship you in spirit and in truth we thank you lord for your grace and mercy upon us be with those families that we've mentioned thus far and others lord who we may know or don't know lord who are dealing with hardship and loss we ask lord that your comfort be with them and that we support them and remember them in our prayers as we pray and request of you lord the things that we need lord we are privileged to have a loving connected church family here at trader lane we ask that you continue to be with our leaders our ministers elders deacons ministry leaders and all who are engaged in the work of the church lord and our members one by one or whatever their circumstances or conditions lord be with us as we listen tonight made the word and the message uh pierce our hearts our minds and our souls and may we internalize the lesson that is will be taught to us lord help us lord as we move forward this week and may your grace and mercy be upon us all in jesus name we pray amen thank you brother etheridge our first hymn this evening before uh offering and communion is holy spirit please join with me holy spirit dwell in me so it's my eyes that i might see all your goodness give me shelter give me [Music] holy spirit come [Applause] let me sweet content holy spirit holy spirit rescue me lay my head [Music] holy spirit holy spirit rest to me holy spirit holy spirit come for me holy spirit holy spirit dwell in me good evening we've come to this portion of our service where we have the opportunity to give back to our lord and savior jesus christ by the means in which he's allowed us to have in proverbs chapter 18 and verse 16 it reads a gift open a gift opens the way for the giver and ursus him into the presence of the great there are several means by which we can give most notably online is what the elders have been mentioned but also bring it to the church and for those this evening that have offering i believe we will have ushers stated at both doors for you to drop those off shall we pray for the offering heavenly father thank you so much for once again allowing us to assemble here and father we thank you for this portion of the service and our father that of offering we thank you for all the many blessings that you have so richly bestowed upon us and your father this section of service has been instituted at this time that we are allowed to give back and show our love to you and father for the betterment of the kingdom we pray over the leaders dear father for the means of the funds and father to be able to continue to have the kingdom functioning in the way that it should in christ's name we pray and give thanks amen next section of our service we come to is the communion we know that our lord and savior jesus christ hung bled and died on the cross for the sins of all mankind at this time we are to remember the death the burial and the resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ for those this evening that do need the bread in the cup if you did not have the opportunity to grab it outside if you could raise your hands and someone would bring you a cup this evening at this time we'll go to our father in prayer for the communion heavenly father once again we approach your throne of grace and mercy at this time thankful to you then father for this portion of your service and father the remembrance the sacrifice of your daughter son jesus your father who hung bled and died for the sins of all mankind we pray to them father for those this evening that will partake of the bread and cup would do so with clean hands and a pure heart remembering that image their father and what was made for all of us to have this opportunity at this time continue to thank you there father for all that you do in christ's name we pray amen as the deer pants fall the water so my soul [Music] [Music] my shield to you [Music] desire [Music] is [Music] [Music] you [Music] you you're my friend and you are my brother even though you are i love you more than [Music] [Applause] may [Music] desire [Music] [Music] you [Applause] to worship you [Music] is [Music] you let the church say amen amen the lesson text for this evening will be taken from colossians chapter 1 verses 3 through 8. that's colossians chapter 1 verses 3 through 8. the apostle paul through the inspiration of spirit is writing to the church in colossia we read we give thanks to the god and father of our lord jesus christ praying always for you since we heard of your faith in christ jesus and of your love for all the saints because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel which has come to you as it has also in all the world and is bringing forth fruit as it is also among you since the day ye heard and knew of the grace of god and truth as you also learned from epiphorus our dear fellow servant who is a faithful minister of christ on your behalf who also declare to us your love in the spirit this concludes the lesson text taken from colossians chapter one verses three through eight blessed are they that hear the word of the lord and keep it amen i can say amen again amen our next election is the great redeemer following this selection brother mccleskey will take the podium show what you got the same how i love the great redeemer who was doing so much for me who went with till my earthly life is [Applause] more and more my soul shall be praising jesus and his love he is everything [Music] [Applause] always always be [Music] [Applause] [Music] soul shall sing god save in love my life and life for me is on beside me growing deer a day by day that is why i sing his brains that is why [Applause] everything to me to me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the world [Music] is [Applause] glory be to him forever he has filled my life with sunshine he has made me what i am oh that everyone [Applause] and be [Music] everything to me and everything shall always be i will never cease [Music] [Applause] he is [Applause] and everything shall always [Applause] here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] enjoy [Applause] thank you brother mason for leading us in those songs and for all of you who are here who joined in and those of you who are at home listening in we appreciate your presence and we pray that god will be magnified through our efforts on this afternoon and that he will be pleased and that the church will be edified and that perhaps some soul out there who is looking for a savior will find jesus in these messages that we present on this afternoon thanks to the brethren who have participated in our worship and got us this far we appreciate them so much and i want to thank brother gardenhair for a heartfelt sermon this morning to title heaven help us perspectives upon seeing the death of saints as we as a congregation mourn particularly most recently the death of one of our elders walter steele with his family we always are sorrowful and grieve when someone passes away but we know that that is the lot of man in this mortal state saved for the coming of the lord and robert we want to thank you for [Music] an outstanding message this morning i don't want to hold you a long long time but i could just from the word of god and just talking about it even though i don't do a lot of talking but there is a lot to be said and every time i handle the word of god and present a lesson i feel like that i leave a whole lot on the table so i am not exhausted in my handling of god's word and i ask god to help me with all of the messages that i give you so he gives me enough just to give you i believe and i hope you receive it in a way that will be of value to you the lesson that we want to focus on this afternoon presents two aspects of prayer from colossians the first chapter and we will focus primarily on the the very first 12 verses and we won't go into details into those verses but there are some things in there that i think are worthwhile for us to to take note of it and perhaps it will help us along the way we probably have prayed more and more fervently in the last 18 months than we ever have in our lives and of course it's because of the pandemic we've been in for that length of time and there are other things we've had i'm going to say an inordinate number of people to pass away who are members of this church are part of families who are members of this church and in some way we have participated in those particular events with the respective families but they're not only those things but there have been natural disasters that have come upon us it seems like just before the pandemic began we had a tornado that swept through nashville north nashville mania and just a few hundred yards from this facility right here i don't know how many people lost their lives but that's just one event the more recent ones we know about the the earthquake in haiti and we wonder what other disaster will come up on haiti they just had their president assassinated and then there was this earthquake and then there was a storm right behind it and it took lives the earthquake took many lives and then uh there are the many ungodly acts that we are told about in our country and the political upheaval that we are in tune to or exposed to almost on a daily basis and all of these has caused us to pray a whole lot now if you're not praying a whole lot i don't know why you aren't because in my judgment this sort of demands that we go to our heavenly father and pray and pray often as a matter of fact the leadership of this church has been praying with with the church and and the whole uh all of the people who will tune in brother garden higher every day at noon is is giving a short lesson and offering up a prayer and then every morning our elders have a call that you can call into and make your request to them and they will be praying for you and for those that that you ask them to pray for so praying is important to us and i just like to say that we pray we we pray all the time and it doesn't have to be a certain time of day it doesn't have to be you don't have to be in a certain position you don't have to be in a certain place we just pray we just pray all the time there is that old spiritual brother mason that we sing sometimes every time i feel the spirit move within my heart i i will pray and it's one of those songs that i really love you know every time we feel the spirit or or feel a need for god's help throughout the day we open up our our mouths to god our hearts to god in prayer and it did wonderful it wonderful that we can pray and i can't think of anything more precious to me in my life and the things that i've gone through and i know that in your life also is that we can pray the apostle paul wrote this letter to the church at colossae a city in in what is called phrygia which was in ancient age asia minor a part of now southwest turkey and paul did a lot of work there and if you know a little about about ancient geography you know that the seven churches of asia manner that john wrote to and in the revelation the book of revelation are in this location as well the letter indicated that paul was a prisoner when he wrote this epistle in chapter 4 and verses 3. his first words emphasizes his authority he starts out by saying paul apostle of christ jesus by the will of god and so that sort of says to them that yeah i'm speaking as an agent of christ jesus and it's all by the will of god and so what i'm speaking to you what i'm saying to you you really need to pay close attention to it it's not anything that you ought to take lightly because i have been commissioned by the lord jesus christ to preach his word and he has called me according to the will of god and then this is just a an aside that i'm going to say next and i i'm going to point out a couple of things about prayer but this little side i i couldn't keep myself from talking about it just a little bit because i think it needs to be said then he includes and timothy our brother now this doesn't have anything to do with me being named timothy and i want you to understand that very clearly paul wrote 13 epistles he included and timothy our brother in six of those epistles in seven of those epistles he included sausage sausages and sylvanias in just three other epistles but he included timothy's name seven times now what i want to say is is that including timothy's name was not by accident it was no accident that he would write to all of these churches and say paul an apostle of jesus christ or something in that manner and then say and our brother timothy let me tell you timothy was not the author of these epistles but he worked so closely with paul paul at least by the inspiration of the holy spirit felt compelled to put his name there as a co-sender of these epistles he may have converted this young man on his first missionary journey when he came to lystra because on his second missionary journey when he came to the cities of derby and lystra that is where he took timothy along with him and silas on this second missionary journey and the reason he did it is because timothy had presented himself to be a young faithful disciple of jesus christ he just didn't pick up somebody else that he could you know just to carry his bags or something like that but he he took timothy on this journey because he was a faithful member of the body of christ he may have been very very young at this time i don't know how young he was he may have been a teenager i'm not sure but we do know that he was a faithful member of the body of christ he was well spoken of by the brothering at lystra and iconium now he wasn't well spoken of by the brothering at lystra iconium by accident now we ought to be able to say this about our young people also and i contend that if we work it right if we do it right it won't be by accident that we say that now let me tell you what i'm talking about the bible tells us a little bit about his grandmother and his mother his grandmother and his mother were women of faith and they shared that faith with timothy and he was influenced by that faith and as paul writes to him as a young evangelist he points out this faith was first in your grandmother and in your mother and i pray to god that it still remains in you so it wasn't by accident he was trained to be in the faith of our lord jesus christ and not only that but they had taught him the holy scriptures from a very young age so why is this an aside timothy it's an aside because it's a message it's a message to mothers and grandmothers and all of us who are related to our young people we ought to be examples of faith for them they ought to see a real genuine faith in us a desire to serve the lord all of the time and another thing is that they they ought to be nurtured in god's word they ought to be encouraged and they ought to be challenged to learn what god's word is all about and you gotta start when they are very very young you can't wait until all of this other stuff in the world clouds the crowds out everything else but you gotta start when they are very very young timothy's father was a greek and there is no mention of him nurturing timothy in the lord and so he became one of the great associates of the apostle paul and we don't want to say a whole lot more about that but it's an opportunity for those who are parents to take on that responsibility as a matter of fact paul in in this epistle tells us that in the epistles of the ephesians that fathers have the responsibility of nurturing their children in the lord and not provoking them to wrath and that is one of the things that i wanted to say but also i wanted to say to our young people who are listening whether you're here or you're hearing a worshiping virtually that you need to follow the example of timothy he lived his life and he learned to live his life so that people could say good things about him you know a good name the bible says is better than great than great riches and love and favor better than several go so you need to have a good name among the people of god all right with that being said we'll get to the lesson of the night paul mentions prayers of thanksgiving in 11 of his 13 epistles in most of these epistles he is thanking god for the recipients of the his epistles now just just listen to this he mentions prayers of thanksgiving in 11 of his 13 epistles and i believe it's galatians and titus that it is not mentioned and he is thanking god for the recipients of his epistles in this epistle colossians 4 and 2 he writes devote yourself to prayer keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving and then uh in that same fourth chapter the sixth verse one of the verses that we know too well he says don't be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god there are lots of things we can be thankful for lots of things i noticed that when a lot of our brethren pray they say thank you for this day and indeed thank you god for this day the bible tells us in psalms 118 that this is the day the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it and so it is a proper if we get to witness another day to say thank you lord for this day and then our brothers sometimes pray and say we thank you lord for it being as well with us as it is and that is an expression to say lord i'm i'm satisfied that the things that you have provided for me are good for me and they're not any worse and then we often pray lord we thank you for food clothing and shelter and the sunshine and the rain and we all need that we all these are things that we need and we should be thanking god for those those things we thank god for the health of our bodies and our minds and when we get sick and we get well we thank god for healing us and when we go to school and and do well in it we thank god for helping us to go to school and do well some of us do or we ought to do that and then when we we get through a crisis in life we we thank god for for being there those are the temporal blessings that we we receive from god and and i i didn't try to name them all there whatever it is out there that you thank god for of a temporal nature it's all right if it's in keeping with god's word but there are some very very spiritual things that we ought to thank god for also we need to thank god for his son jesus christ who died on the cross for our sins now i know our brothers say that all the time but as you get into the word and start studying god's word you begin to want you realize how important that is you see god gave his son a a body a mortal body like our bodies flesh and blood and that was necessary for him to come down to become a sacrifice of atonement for our sins and when we think about our sins often we're just thinking about in our present time but when christ came down to the earth and became a perpetuation as it is said in romans the third chapter through his blood by faith in him to show god's righteousness and to demonstrate at this present time that time and now his righteousness and that he is just and the justified of them who have faith in christ jesus it helps you to have a greater appreciation for what god has done and then he tells us there also that that god passed over the sins that were made in the past in order that those who sinned in the had sins in the past would be justified with us at the same time because of what christ has done for us on the cross and so that's that's mighty powerful and so when we say we thank him who died on the cross for our sins and we paint that picture of his suffering his physical suffering which he did and and that is why he is able to sympathize with our weaknesses because he had that physical body like we have and he went through all the temptations that we go through of course without sin but he knows how we feel on the inside and he knows how that temptation nugs at you yet without sin and we also know that he took the power away from him who had the power of death that is the devil and to free us who always throughout our journey we're fearful of death and so it's it's very very powerful when we say we thank you for jesus christ who came down to this earth and died for our sins truly we should thank him for that we should thank him for his love and his grace and his mercy and the peace that he gives to us a piece that he says that surpasses understanding so how can a person be at peace when their body is wrecked with all kind of disease and they know they're going to pass away it's the peace that comes because of what christ has done through god what god has done through christ for the sins of the world so we thank him for his love and his grace and his peace and his long-suffering and if god wasn't long-suffering i know i wouldn't be here today and i don't believe you would either but the lord is long-suffering not willing that anybody should perish but that everybody should come to repentance and then we ought to thank god for the church we ought to thank god for the saints we ought to thank god for the family of god and for the freedom that he has given to us in paul's epistles he's always thanking being thankful for others you'll notice that read his epistles i'm sure he's thankful for all these things that we talked about already but he's always thankful for others as he is in this epistle to the colossians so i am more than halfway through so i will say briefly what paul has to say here when paul prays writes to the church at colossae he tells them we give thanks to our god and father of our lord jesus christ praying always for you since we heard of your faith in christ jesus and of your love for all the saints and he says that that this faith that that he is thanking god for and i notice this he's praying to god he says i pray to god i'm thankful for you and he's been thankful because they have a faith in christ jesus and they have love for all of the saints that is why he is thankful for them then he points out that this faith in christ jesus and this love for all the saints is inspired by the hope in the gospel and so they had heard the gospel someone had took it to them we don't know if it was paul or if it was epaphras but we know that they had heard the gospel and they had regard for paul but this faith in christ jesus and this love for all the saints was inspired by the hope that comes from the gospel and what is the hope that we will live eternally with god that was their hope and with that hope in in them they it with a faith in jesus christ and a love for the brothering all of that was inspired by the hope that is presented to us in the gospel someone will ask you why do you believe in jesus christ why why do you serve the lord it's because and and just like it has been throughout the ages we want to live forever with the lord we want to be on the lord's side and so he talks about that being the reason for that he says because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven of which you heard before in the words of the truth of the gospel which has come to you so the hope that was laid up for them was presented to them in the gospel message and so that was their motivation and it ought to be our motivation for our faith in christ jesus and our love for all the brothers paul goes on to say now this gospel has been preached all over the world and it is growing and producing fruit and so that was his occasion for being thankful to god for the saints at colossae and then in verses 9 through verses about 14 he continues to pray and he he piggybacks off of that this prayer of thanksgiving with a prayer of supplication he started out emphasizing his prayer this prayer of thanksgiving now he gets to a prayer of suffocation and he says in verse 9 for this reason we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so now he he he has he has given thanks to god for them because they are faithful christians and because they love the brother and because they have a hope and and before i pass this there are three things that are mentioned here there is faith there is hope and there is love and paul makes a point of emphasizing this triad often in his writings faith hope and charity first corinthians the 13th chapter now about it these three faith hope and charity and when he writes to the church that that's what i like he says the same thing he's aware of their faith in god their hope and and their charity and now he writes to them he he tells them that he's praying for them and it is a prayer of supplication so what does he want god to do for them he wants god to fill them with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so that simply means that he wants them to know god's word he wants them to come to an understanding of what god's word is all about and shouldn't we also have a desire to know what god's word is all about you know i i have served this church for a number of years and one of the things i try to emphasize always is that we need to know god's word better and the reason i emphasize it is because every time i study it i realize how little i know about god's word and i think if we begin to study god's word more diligently than we do we will come to a greater appreciation of what god has done for us what he is doing for us and what he will do for us and i think we will come to a greater appreciation of who god is sometimes we get a thought in our mind of who god is and it's not bible centered but god is awesome we sing that song but we often just think of the great power that he has but god is more awesome than he can remove a mountain god can change a heart god can remove sin and he can remove it forever and he has his own plan for doing it it is not something that man concocted it's god's plan and it is revealed to us in the bible and it starts from the very beginning and it is laid out for us so paul is telling them i a prayer of supplication i want you all to know the will of god come to be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding and why do we need this and then he gives several reasons as to why this is very very important and i think it is very important for us to understand what he's saying here we need it so that we can live a life worthy of the lord there is no way you can live a life worthy of the lord being ignorant of the knowledge having very limited knowledge of the will of god so that's that's very important that we might live a life worthy of the lord and then he says that we might please the lord in every way and let's just notice how the language is here we will be pleasing to the lord in every way we need this knowledge of his will in order to please the lord in every way then he goes on you need this in order to bear fruit in order to bear fruit and and we think of uh the fruit of the spirit as as related to us in galatians the fifth chapter in verse 22 that list of things there but in but if we have that we will bear fruit that is a good understanding of god's word and then he says so that you can grow in the knowledge of god being strengthened with all power to have patience and endurance and so he's saying that a knowledge of god's word in all wisdom and understanding is to help strengthen you in all patience and endurance and as a child of god we need patience we need to be able to endure all of the things that come up on us without losing our faith without sinning and then he says to give joyful thanks to god the father who has qualified us to share in the inheritance in his holy people in the kingdom of light and paul captions all in this section of the book with these words he tells the church that that's not like of this for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son of his love in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins so when we pray remember to be thankful and we don't have to be thankful for one another until wait until a person passes away we can be thankful while they are alive i suggest we think about thanking god for the leadership of the church for the wisdom that he has given them i suggest we think about thanking god for [Music] dr david jones jr for what he has done in the kingdom of god right here at this place i suggest we start thinking about thanking god for brother robert gardner who filled his shoes for the last few years i suggest we start thanking god for the deacons who serve sacrificially and have served that way for many many years i suggest we start thanking god for one another because we all are part of the body of christ and we need one another we need to thank god for each other and the good things we see in each other and when we do that it it takes away all rivalry and the notion to outdo somebody else and we just want to say to god thank you for what everybody contributes at this time think about thanking god for those who who partner with us in spreading the gospel of jesus christ throughout the world we have a lot of things to be thankful for but we need to be just thankful for one another and the contribution each one of us makes to the kingdom of god we're not perfect in our contributions but we're trying to get that way and as paul prayed a prayer of supplication we need to become very familiar and acquainted with god's word that we might walk worthy of the lord that we might know how to please him in every way and as he gives us the final words here he has transformed us translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of our sins perhaps out here in our audience on on this afternoon there's somebody who is not in christ and and know that that you're not in christ i believe that when the lord comes there he's going to separate the people of the earth into two camps those who have obeyed the gospel and been faithful to him and those who have not and if you cannot say that i'm in the camp of those who obey the gospel and and whom the lord will say well done a good and faithful servant if you can't say confidently that i'm among those then you are not sure if you're saved and if you're not sure you're not saved in all probability you're lost but god stands ready to receive those who acknowledge truthfully where they stand and you can come to him the apostle john writes in the 6th chapter verse 45 and 46 no one can come unto me unless the father in heaven draws him and i will raise him up in the last days it's written in the prophets they all shall be taught of god every man that heard and learned of the father cometh unto me and so if if you're not sure if you've been saved you need to to hear the good news about jesus christ you need to learn of him believe that jesus christ is the son of god you need to repent of your sins confess your faith that jesus is the son of god who died for your sins was buried rose the third day ascended to heaven at the right hand of god we need to confess that and be baptized we are baptized into christ we're baptized into the church peter says baptism saves us it's not the washing away of the filth of the flesh but the hands of a good conscience in the sight of god and as we study god's word we understand how important it is to have a good conscience in the sight of god so we plead with men and women to come and obey the gospel you may be far away in listening and want to change your life and you want to be sure that you are saved and when the lord comes he will say well done you can be sure of that by just obeying just what i told you just believing that jesus christ is the son of god repenting of your sins confessing your faith in him and being baptized into him the lord addresses church he gives you the gift of the holy spirit and you live faithful to the lord and he promises you eternal life there may be somebody in our country in in the audience who is a member of the body of christ and know that you need the prayers of the saints this is an opportunity to request the prayers of the saints if you need them if you sin the the remedy for that is that you need to repent you need to have some godly sorrow that turns your heart away from that sin and then acknowledge it and confess it and the saints will pray for you and the bible says you will be healed if we confess our faults he is faithful and he is just to forgive us of our sins you can respond in the manner that is shown on the screen if you're in our viewing audience someone will be responding to you if you so desire to respond and if you're here in the audience on this afternoon you can come forward someone will assist you at this time may god bless you jesus [Music] watching [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] we'd like to thank brother mccleskey for the outstanding lesson this evening prayer of thanksgiving we heard from our minister brother gardenheim this morning heaven help us prospect us upon seeing the death of the saints i i don't know about you but i've been encouraged today and i thank these brothers for their work and their service in the lord to put these heartfelt messages together to help us all we are blessed here at the straight elaine church we are blessed and we must not take that for granted god loves us he's taking care of us he's watching over us and i'm so thankful to be a part of this church family as you prepare your for your departure and going to this week internalize what you've heard tonight the message the message of encouragement encouragement share that with others we are living in a world that's lost that needs the lord and in every opportunity we should share the good news the gospel of jesus christ with others there's so many who don't know him who diligently need him there's so many who've fallen away from the faith as well who need him we need them so let's not lose sight of what we've learned today continue to pray for those who are sick among us those who are bereaved and those who are just struggling with as brother our minister brother jones would say the vicissitudes of life because we go through it each and every day god bless you and god keep you as we prepare to depart just remember as you exit some of our men will have baskets for those who have offering to drop off you may do that love one another love your neighbors pray for your enemies build up one another in the faith as you move forward this week may god bless and keep you let us pray together most gracious and always heavenly fathers again that we come before you with our heads humbly bowed thanking you for this opportunity that we've had to worship you in spirit and in truth we thank you father for your servant brother mccleskey this evening who has delivered the message and all those who have been a part of making this worship and this service to you possible and as we continue on father to fight the good fight of faith and as we journey through this time side of life help us lord to love one another as you love us be strengthened and guided by your word apply the knowledge of your word and the wisdom that comes from it to our lives help us to be mind for those less fortunate than we are who are struggling all over this land and country and in the world lord we as your continued blessings upon them and lord help us as we move forward from this place be with our children our young people lord as they go out this week to take their rightful places places in the world and grow and develop and we pray lord that something might be said something might be done to encourage them in the way in your way or toward righteousness for your name's sake and they will ultimately obey the gospel jesus christ there may be those among us lord who stand in need of prayer and your prayers lord help them to know that we are thinking of them and praying for them lord and praying for your work here upon the earth that we might carry it out in such a way that you'll be pleased guide us protect us and strengthen us lord is our prayer help us lord in areas in which we need help and forgive us of our sins and our shortcomings strengthen us while we're weak give us joy give us hope in christ jesus our lord and savior for his in your son jesus name we pray and ask it all amen please stand with me show everything i'm saying god be with you [Music] [Music] [Music] god be with you [Music] god be with you until we oh [Music] until until we meet again [Music] [Music] tea [Music] good evening as i journey through this land singing as i go pointing souls to calvary hello i'm robert garden higher minister of the schrader lane church of christ thanking you for joining in to today's live streamed worship service i'm also elated to tell you that we have resumed in person worship services on sundays at 9 15 11 30 and 5 pm guests are welcome we are practicing protocols including social distancing mask wearing and sanitization vaccinations although not required are encouraged please consult our website for more information regarding our worship services our prayer line and other offerings of the schrader lane church of christ again thank you for joining us today i look forward to connecting with you and may god be with you until we meet [Music] again i must win singing you
Channel: Schrader Lane Church of Christ
Views: 224
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TRu6GsTdZ5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 57sec (6717 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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