Repentance That Leads to Salvation - Acts 2:37-39

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[Music] friends i need someone who will never let you down oh [Music] and they don't only say it they show it [Music] my stomach [Music] i need someone oh [Music] they show it wow [Music] i need someone who will never let oh [Music] and will tell me that they love they show it good morning good morning good morning and welcome to our 9 15 worship service for the straight elaine church of christ you are our honored guest and we are excited and ready to worship the lord it is wonderful to see all of you out there we're assembling together we're safe and messed up and we're just excited to have you this morning we welcome you we if you are visiting with us you are our honored guests and we welcome you we hope and pray that your worship experience this morning will be nurturing and fulfilling and uh before we get started we do have a few announcements that i'd like to make uh moving forward and then we'll have a word of prayer and we'll be on our way and we got brother booker back here he's fired up and ready to go i'm going to turn him loose and uh we're going to have a wonderful day in the lord together thanks thank you notes have been received from the following members in appreciation for the acts of kindness doing illnesses and loss of loved ones from the family of betty lucille beasley johnson and we just learned on yesterday our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of sister betty hester sister hester passed away on yesterday and after long illness and we would encourage you to direct your acts of kindness and condolences to michelle james and family as well as pamela james i believe their addresses are available to you from our church directory and please refer to those addresses for pamela and michelle in expressing your condolences and we we love sister betty hester and she was a hard fighting soldier on the battlefield and we loved her loved her and she was a joy to be around but she's resting now so let us uh just lift up and lean on one another as we move forward and uh keep that family those loved ones and in your prayers as they uh grieve if all of us grieve don't hesitate vaccinate questions and the answers will be presented this coming saturday august the 14th on the shredder lane facebook page this is a workshop and seminar presented by the schrader care ministry we definitely want you to be encouraged to stream this coming saturday from 10 a.m to 11 30 a.m and we'll be streaming live from our facebook page we have featured speakers uh we have three featured speakers dr jennifer cunningham uh aries and dr jasmine davis and we've added an additional speaker i believe that dr michelle ficus who is a pediatric physician to join us in asking questions and receiving information concerning uh covet vaccinations this is a well-prepared event and we want to encourage you to to stream in with us on this coming saturday giving of contributions the elders would like to stress that if possible when given your contributions and offering do so electronically or by mail uh by mailing that into uh the straight lane address at p.o box two eight one zero eight nashville tennessee 37228 or if you must give or giving in person please give to one of the ushers who will be holding the baskets at either side of me at the end of the service and please note that if you are given in person and are anticipating or expecting to receive a year in summary please use the 2021 contribution offering envelopes we will be making those available if you don't have any or haven't received one of those box and needing those boxes you can find them located at the information desk in the foyer area if you're in need of communion you may stop on any saturday between 8 30 and 11 30 a.m come into the first floor for your lobby and pick up from the grab in basket in the foyer area uh if you stand in need of prayer you may join us monday through sunday uh a.m at 6 a.m or on at the conclusion of our worship services at 9 15 for uh the prayer line and those not that that numbers uh will be showing up on our uh display very shortly we're just excited for you to be here again let us go to god in prayer gracious heavenly father thank you for blessing us watching over us thank you lord for your grace and your mercy upon us and allowing us to be here this morning in in uh assembled as well as virtually lord we thank you lord for all of those who are with us and and uh we ask lord that you continue to bless our families bless our homes bless our jobs and bless our health and conditions and we ask lord as we move forward this day that you will help us lord in all that we do direct our paths in such a way that you'll be pleased and strengthen us in the faith lord help us in our relationships with you and one another we ask lord that you help us to love one another as you love us we ask for the forgiveness of our sins and our shortcomings and that you might build us up in the faith lord we're weak we pray pray for the father for our connectedness together father help us to connect in spite of what's going on in our world with the pandemic lord we know that there are others out there among us who need a phone call a word of encouragement a quick task of some sort father to help them along life's pathway and father we want to stay connected especially here at the shredder lane church be with all those who are sick among us and those who are bereaved especially those loved ones of our dear sister who passed away sister betty hester we asked lord did you continue to comfort and strengthen those who have recently lost loved ones as well help us lord and be with us as we go through the remainder of this service and it's in your son jesus name we pray amen good morning let the church say amen if you are the church that's you if you are a baptized believer that's you if you are redeemed by the blood that was shared by our one and only savior jesus christ that's you so let the redeemed of the lord say so amen our first election will be he is exalted he is exalted the king is exalted on high followed by how great is our god he is exalted the king is exalted on high i will praise him he is exalted forever [Music] [Laughter] [Music] heaven [Applause] he is exalted he is exalted a king is exalted online the splendor of the king [Music] [Applause] for he wraps himself in life he wraps himself in light and darkness tries to hide his trunks it trembles at his voice it trembles as is i'm gonna actually go ahead and stand where you are the second verse says from age to age from age to [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] sing with me [Applause] [Applause] is is [Applause] you got it is and my heart will see how brave is is is [Applause] amen good morning concerning our offering this morning each of you should give what you should what you have decided in order uh to the giving of your heart not reluctantly or under compulsion but out of the cheerful uh grateful heart from god loves a childhood giver and that comes from second corinthians verses chapter nine verse seven we are commanded and encouraged to give out of a willing heart recognizing that a generous person will prosper and that's proverbs 18 16. we offer several means for you to give you may give uh to the mail or you can give by our p.o box as was mentioned by brother etheridge uh you also can also can give electronically as well so at this time let us give purposefully from my heart let us pray heavenly father we come humble thanking you for just giving us life to be here today to celebrate you and what you have done for us in blessing us by giving of your son jesus christ father i pray that as we give from our heart that we give in a way that is not reluctant that father as we take the collections uh and use it in a way that is pleasing in your sight and this is my prayer in your son's name amen now concerning communion this segment of the worship service was instituted by the lord and savior jesus christ and we can find reference of this uh giving i'm not giving we find reference in this portion of our service in the book of matthew verses 26-29 further we can see other biblical references especially in the book of acts verse 20 and 7 where the early church celebrated with the communion the bread and the cup in commemorating the death burial and resurrection of our savior we are too according to apostle paul we are to take of these the bread in the cup uh until his return jesus christ and we're to take it with clean hands and pure heart and the bible makes reference in book of uh first corinthians uh verses 11 uh through verses 11 23-30 that in the manner and how we should take uh the bread and the cup shall we pray heavenly father again we again thank you so much for the great sacrifice and giving of your son father we just want to just take a minute and reflect on that time in the death the burial and the resurrection and father we uh want we would like for you to be with this uh the bread uh the cup the bread which represents his uh his broken body and the cup which represents his shed blood that we take the two in a manner that is pleasing and acceptable in your sight this is my prayer in your son's name amen [Music] we have seen his glory [Music] we have seen his glory we have seen his glory the one and only son we have seen his glory we have seen his glory we have seen his glory [Music] the one and only his mercy we have seen his mercy we have seen his mercy [Music] [Music] we have seen his mercy is we have seen his power oh we have seen his power the power that can raise a man from the dead that's power and make a lame man walk again that's the kind of power that we're speaking of we have seen oh [Music] his is we have seen his glory [Laughter] even we have seen his glory [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] the church say amen the song says power wonder working power the precious blood of the lamb who gave his life for us amen and rose again on the third day with all power in his hand amen he walks he talks and he tells us that we belong to him the song says we know that our god is real our god is real join with us as we sing there are some things i cannot go that my god is real for i can feel him deep within don't you know god is real god is real he's so real oh his love for me is like pure gold and my god may strong all can go on [Music] he's so real in is oh [Music] when jesus took your sins away your are [Applause] god oh [Applause] is [Applause] is is foreign [Laughter] thank you brother booker let us all say amen my goodness it's wonderful to see you here this you as morning further adjusted to allow all of us to come at one or the other of our am services and our pm service is such that me and all of us may attend as well it's gratifying god's bringing us back thank god and glory to god your guests with us today just raise your hand where you are we want to see our guests and make sure that you are well welcome thank you for being with us those of you who are our guests viewing today we welcome you we thank you for being here and let me assure you we're looking forward to having you here with us on mercy as well and i recognize that we have guests who are with us each sunday from across the country we have members in san antonio texas for example we have regular attendees in indianapolis and we even hear frequently from members way up in nebraska we welcome you to be with us this morning and you know that some of those people who have declared their membership with us even sending in their offerings it's amazing what god has done with us i want to encourage you to greet those of you who are here today and we can't do that in the fashion to which we were accustomed i'd love to be able to just get in the aisles and hug everyone but i want you to do one thing just stand for a moment and look and see who's there and give away oh [Music] oh family [Music] [Applause] to reach the sky and i am so glad [Applause] i'm i know you know you know you i'm glad you know me you know me know me we praise our god our god we're one big family [Music] family memory [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh i am so glad thank you thank you and thank you brother etheridge for informing us and praying for us this morning as we began i want to give you the exciting news that god just continues to bless us and on two weeks ago we have sister ruth sanders who placed or i may say replaced her membership with a sister sanders a longtime member of the church moved down to tallahassee stayed there for years and has now returned to nashville and is a member of the congregation she was with us last sunday at the 11 30 service sister sanders if you're here just there she is right there stand right there where you are yes and i am equally excited to introduce to you the newest members of the trailer lane church of christ the sledge family i'm going to ask them to stand as well ryan alexandra and their daughter jordan amen they moved from up in columbus ohio and he began streaming with us in january and then sister sledge and jordan moved and they've been with us ever since and have placed membership we're delighted to have them here in person quite often when we assemble as christians we enjoy the blessings of the fellowship we anticipate the excitement of worship and we realize that which goes with the joy of assembling it's no wonder that the psalmist said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord we are glad let all the earth know that we are glad to be here in the house of the lord as we do so never shall we overlook the reason for our practice and the purpose for our worship and it is our lord and savior jesus christ in the past two lessons i've shared with you the path that leads to salvation i don't know about you but i believe that we are here first and foremost because we desire salvation oh i'm good with coming for the fellowship i'm delighted with being here to make connections and be well connected with each and every one of us and i cherish that but brothers and sisters are valuable and certainly most pressing need is salvation the path that leads to salvation on the previous two lessons we've discovered that the past that leads to salvation begins with hearing the gospel of jesus christ not just hearing any old message nor just any old good news but the gospel of jesus christ his death his burial his resurrection his life his sacrifice that was for the remission of our sins and we've seen from scriptures that it is essential along the path of salvation that we believe that we believe that we understand from the depth of our hearts and as a result of that we're well on the path that leads to salvation in the acts chapter 2 the apostles along with peter and the 11 stood before a multitude in jerusalem and they proclaimed the gospel of christ beginning with the 22nd verse saying ye men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth and it was from that point that they proclaimed the precious and enduring gospel of christ those who heard this gospel were moved they were touched in verse 29 he said men and brethren let me freely speak unto you regarding the patriarch david that he is both dead and buried and his grave is with us unto this day and being a prophet even david knowing that god had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins that is david's descendant jesus christ according to the flesh he would raise up christ on his throne when this message was given those who were in that massive audience cried out men and brethren what shall we do and the response from peter and the apostles was clearly repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost and this promise is not only unto you but to all those who are afar off it is that gospel of jesus christ to which they heard believed and now we hear repent today i want to focus the remainder of our time on this concept regarding repentance that leads to salvation now see there is lots of repentance that can take place god himself repented we we read back in the 32nd chapter of exodus that god changed his mind when he saw the evil worship of the children of israel and he was about to destroy them but he repented of his anger and his wrath against them you and i can repent we can change our hearts about actions and decisions that we have made in this passage we find out though that the repentance was for salvation there are five questions that we'll answer in the remaining time one is repentance necessary for salvation two what is repentance and i'm talking about soul saving repentance just what is that according to the scriptures from what must we repent in the process of salvation i want our children our boys and girls brother jones to understand and see clearly what the path to salvation is and boys and girls repentance is important but it's repentance that is part of the process of salvation there is something from which we must repent and i want us to play pray pay close attention to that as we get there and then there's a question that is imperative how does repentance affect our behavior am i going to be any different any different because i repent should i be a changed person or should it be what's called the same old same old what effect must repentance have on my life and then finally where is repentance in the process of salvation let's answer these questions now i may need to go a bit rapidly so listen fast first is repentance necessary for salvation and there are a few scriptures that i would note we've already cited from our text today in acts chapter 2 that when the promise or the question was asked verse 37 now when they heard this heard what the preaching of the gospel of christ now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart they were touched they were moved they were affected by what they had heard and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do see the question perhaps is more than meets the eye the question is since we have heard that god in his foreknowledge sent jesus christ whom we as the apostle peter said have taken with wicked hands and we have crucified him yet he died for our sins what shall we do you see they recognized from the preaching of the gospel that they were indebted as first corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 says the preaching of the gospel is foolishness to those who are lost but to we who are being saved it is the power of god and i want to say again the preaching of the cross ought to move us it ought to affect us but is repentance necessary for salvation well what must we do the response then came from peter in verse 38 repent and be baptized every one of you that's what we must do so i want to emphasize that repentance whatever that is is essential for salvation not only is it shown there but in luke chapter 13 and the verse is three luke recorded christ saying these words i tell you unless you repent you shall all likewise perish ask me if perishing is an option compared to repenting i'll tell you it's an alternative but not one that any one of us should choose repentance is necessary for salvation it is the opposite of failing to repent and failing to repent results in perishing losing our souls is repentance necessary for salvation another observation that i make on this comes from second peter chapter 3 verse 9. you're familiar with that passage it's where peter said the lord is not slack concerning his promises as some men count slackness but he is long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to there's that word repentance it shows me again that i must either repent or the result will be perishing so i say to you in a resounding confident unequivocal yes repentance is essential for salvation everyone have that repentance i want to know that i have repented the repentance that is necessary for salvation and then the second question has to do with this repentance as well what repentance leads to salvation what is that repentance that leads to salvation well we're going to see some scriptures that help us with that as well going back to the scripture that we talked about in acts chapter 2 verse 38 it was repentance to that gospel of christ in acts chapter 3 the verse is 19 in particular but we'll do well to read the verses leading up to that but in verse 19 the apostle said repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the lord what's that he's saying repent and be converted because this will put you in good stead at the time of the lord's appearance is that repentance that leads to salvation it's repentance that also causes us notice this language he said repent and be converted it's repentance that causes us to change it is a changed mind a changed heart but not just any old changed mind or changed heart it is the changed heart in response to the gospel of jesus christ that's what repentance leading to salvation is in second corinthians chapter 7 we find the apostle paul speaking regarding this as well and when you read the passage it simply tells us that godly sorrow worketh repentance that's the king james language what did that say godly sorrow worketh repentance what he's really saying is there is that the repentance that leads to salvation is motivated by change that is the result of godly sorrow when we go back and look at those people in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost when they heard that gospel message again internalize put yourself in that audience in the day of pentecost imagine yourself being spread out on the grounds having been a worshiper under the law of moses under judaism and having these men these apostles stand before you and having seen that the holy ghost was present with them and having seen men speaking in languages that they had not been studying and being able to understand them as though they were speaking in your own language having seen the power of god in this first recorded miracle knowing that something awesome is taking place and then having this message of jesus christ proclaimed and that message saying that you are a guilty distance from god imagine how that must have felt had they been unbelievers which they had by the way and have seen these miraculous occurrences they knew that god was speaking and they wanted to know what we must do and when they heard that message it hurt their hearts to know that they had sanctioned they had celebrated the death of the very son of god and i want you and me to always be mindful that when it comes to repentance to that leads to salvation to know that we are all lost without christ romans chapter 3 verse 30 verse 23 says that all have sinned and fallen short all galatians chapter 2 verse 21 those by the way of you who are listening and you would ask the question well why don't we just do things as they were done under the law of moses what's wrong with the rituals of the old law and of judaism well galatians chapter 2 verse 21 tells us brother booker what's wrong with that if that had been all right there would have been no reason for christ to come galatians chapter 2 verse 21 says if righteousness is through law brother still then christ is dead in vain know that christ has given all god has given his only begotten son for us and you know what that causes me to do that causes me to have godly sorrow and godly sorrow according to second corinthians 7 10 works repentance it brings repentance in my heart so what kind of repentance is it that leads to salvation it's that that's motivated by the response to the gospel and it is a transformed thinking i think differently when i realize why i call myself a christian being a christian is not just a popularity statement it is a purposeful statement because i am ardently following jesus christ makes all the difference in the world word from the original language matineo is is one that is vibrantly used and frequently used in the new testament for this word repent and consistently it means transformed thinking transformed thinking and i assert to you that it's in response to the gospel the third question that comes before us is from what must we repent from what must we repent now i often repent this morning i wanted to to really go out and check out my garden i didn't get to do that yesterday it was it was too busy and i went out there this morning and i looked it over and i i watered part of my garden then i wanted to harvest some things but i looked at my watch and i had to repent from that i simply changed my mind but that was not repentance that leads to salvation quite often people repent but it's not repentance that leads to salvation so what is repentance that leads to salvation well we go back in acts chapter 2 verse 38 they were told to repent and be baptized for what the remission of their sins brothers and sisters i assert to you that repentance that leads to salvation is repentance changed mind transformation from sin from sin keep that in mind repentance that leads to salvation is a mind that has been changed it is transformation from sin in acts chapter 17. as well verse 30 the bible tells us that in these times of ignorance god winked that is he he overlooked that but now commands all men everywhere to repent now when you read that passage acts chapter 17 in its full in its context as the apostles talked about the practices for example of of of religion that preceded christ religion different from christ the apostles said we need to repent from that listen carefully there are those of you who are religiously inclined perhaps you have religious beliefs and faith quite often we hear the concept it is a popular and even ecumenical concept that says something like well whoever your higher power is just worship that no sometimes because we are a nation in which we rightfully respect the beliefs of people and them practicing their beliefs i don't want to disrespect someone who believes differently from myself differently from christianity and allow them in turn to disrespect my practice of christianity they can do that but i tell you when it comes to salvation i would not be worth my salt as a minister of gospel to tell you that in these times of ignorance verse 30 god overlooked he winked but he now commands all men everywhere to repent there are those of you who are of sincere heart perhaps you are in our audience today you're streaming with us and you decided that you know that church seems to be an interesting place and i'm going to to just view i'm going to watch that sunday after sunday but allow me to challenge you i want you to know from god's word that it's essential that we worship jesus christ and not only that we worship jesus christ but ladies and gentlemen friends and neighbors brothers and sisters we must worship him according to spirit and truth john chapter 4 verse 24 the bible says god is the spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth i tell you we must repent of misguided religious practices there are those who say what i can do on sunday is simply bring out my my my good intentions and say i know god i talk to god and that's it i won't commune i want fellowship i want worship and giving i want to assemble with the saints i won't do any of that i'm just going to do my thing i'm going to do me that may be depending on your circumstances i know there are health circumstances so don't misunderstand what i'm saying here but those of us who blatantly choose to not be associated with the people of god i thank god that we've been able to assemble through the medium of of technology god knows that's the right thing to do but i also thank god that he gives us his scriptures and presence of mind and the ability thank god for allowing us gradually to come back together and those of you who have health conditions that merit you're staying at home stay at home god understands that and even i in my futility understand that there are those of you who have uncertainty you have fear i understand that but what i'm talking about here is the fact that we have to repent from misguided religious practices you know there are over 300 protestant religions so-called protestant meaning different from catholicism in the usa today and then there are many many many religions that do not claim christianity at all acts chapter 4 verse 12 tells us that christianity is the salvation it's the means through which we will be saved the bible says there is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved and that name is the name of jesus christ there are some misguided religious practices and i'm simply saying from god's word repentance that leads to salvation although i am a sincere person is repentance from misguided religious works we saw that in acts chapter 8 with ethiopian then other examples of that it's called in hebrews dead works that we are to repent from dead works hebrews chapter 6 verse 1. there are some things that we may do in the name of religion that are not of god you know in matthew chapter 7 verse 21 jesus taught the lesson he says in that day many will say lord have we prophesied in thy name haven't we cast out devils in thy name lord have we done many wonderful works in thy name wonderful works in thy name and the lord will profess depart from me ye that work iniquity i never knew you there are some dead works we must examine that which we're doing and and substituting that for obedience to the gospel of christ but realize that that doesn't lead to salvation we must repent from dead works and we must realize that repentance i don't have time to teach this this morning but the bible talks about repentance and even john the baptist john the baptizer when he preached was preaching repentance we find this in matthew chapter 3 11 mark 1 4 john 1 7 as well as verse 23 he preached a message of repentance but it was not repentance that leads to salvation and we know that because of acts chapter 19 when those who heard paul come along paul said to them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said we've not as much as heard whether there be a holy ghost and then he says then unto what were you baptized they said unto john's baptism and john's baptism was the teachings these verses cite was the teaching of repentance preparing the way for jesus christ but that was not repentance that leads to salvation otherwise they would not have been baptized again so we must repent from sin we must repent from dead works we must repent from misguided religious affiliations and we must repent from procrastination procrastination i i pray frequently by name about some of those of you who are listening who have for quite some time now heard the gospel of christ who have found yourselves comfortable in the fellowship knowing that you have a good heart realizing that you believe in god but you have said i'm not going to finish the walk along this path of salvation just yet i'm not going to get baptized just yet i i i i i'm thinking about that i want to encourage you with all the love in my heart to repent from procrastination today is the appointed time and then there's the question when we talk about repentance is how it changes our lives how does repentance change our lives do you believe that you should be different because of repentance i do well in acts chapter 2 verse 38 repentance prompted them to baptism that was a change had they not repented they would not have been baptized that was a change in acts chapter 2 verse 38 when the promise was given by the apostles and said ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit their repentance was part of facilitating their receipt of the holy ghost don't go around claiming the holy ghost working in your life if you have not obeyed the gospel of christ if you've not repented it changes our lives in acts chapter 3 verse 19 the scripture that says repent and be converted be changed oh don't you know that when i repent in my heart i'm a changed man i'm converted i'm transformed as the roman writer says by the renewing of my mind and my works are different in acts chapter 26 verse 20 the scripture tells us to repent from dead works i change i've been doing good things you know it's hard sometimes for us to change from what we've been doing bear with me if i have been going along the road i'm i'm married i've been married come the 20th of this month for 44 years and i've made a few mistakes along the way brother etheridge quite often i'll be driving down the road my wife sits there patiently while i drive and i'm going the wrong way and as gentle and kind as she is she'll say where are we going and when she says that i know something's wrong but i don't and men y'all can say amen i don't always want to say that oh i took the wrong turn i said you know yeah i'm going to go this way it's really beautiful if you go along that road or i haven't seen what they're doing over on franklin road lately i heard they're doing some new construction or widening the highway i thought i would just go that way you see what i don't want to do is admit to her nor to myself that i'm going the wrong way i just want to cover it up and say yeah honey thank you i know where i'm going sometimes religiously we know there is something wrong but we don't want to admit that we're going the wrong way and as a result of that we don't change our works i implore you today so often i i have people to say to me you know when i came to that church and when i heard the preaching from god's word and when i saw the sincerity of the singing and that which is taking place it just told me that something was different about that from the religious practices of my past admit in your heart that somewhere along the way you took a wrong turn and repentance will bring you on the path that leads to salvation the question again is how does repentance change our lives it causes us to have sorrow as i've said and i want us to really understand this that repentance hear me well repentance is not mere regret you see when i've made mistakes i have come to the point of regretting that i made that mistake i wish i hadn't done that i have said things that i regretted you can't unsay them but that wasn't repentance that was regret people have done things there are people right now who are imprisoned who regret what they did and there are some who are in bad circumstances who do not regret what they did but regret that they got caught neither of those is repentance that we're talking about that leads to salvation the repentance that leads to salvation comes with remorse if you don't get any other word lock that one in as i come to a conclusion remorse remorse associated with the recognition that what christ has done was necessitated by the sinfulness in my life how should repentance affect my life now if i sin against you brother stalker seven times would you forgive me sure he would forgive me if i sinned against you seventy times would you forgive me yes he would forgive me right brother stalker please say yes he said yes but i want you to know this if i repent if i have remorse because of my wronging you and go back and see that repentance is a changed heart a changed mind somewhere along the way i'm going to stop offending you because i've changed repentance brothers and sisters should affect us such that we don't keep wallowing in the same mire it's a changed heart as a man thinketh in his heart so is he repentance changes us godly sorrow does that and then of course where is repentance in the past that leads to salvation well we know from our previous lessons that we must hear the gospel we must believe it and then there is repentance and from the scriptures you'll see in acts chapter 2 verse 38 for example that they were taught to repent after hearing and believing in acts chapter 8 verse 37 chapter 8 verse 37 the ethiopian was taught that confession came before baptism so repentance comes between those and there are a lot of other scriptures that help us with that our conclusions from the lesson today in closing are these one repentance is essential two repentance is the transformation of our minds in response to the gospel of christ three we must repent from misguided religion from dead works from procrastination from sin four we conclude today that repentance affects us it causes us to be baptized there are those of you who may wish to do that today it causes us to be guided by the holy spirit it allows us to be converted and to have the works of repentance and yes we've concluded that it is a part of the process of salvation it is along the path that leads to salvation if you're here today and you repent of your sins you've already obeyed the gospel allow me to clarify that the repentance that we're talking about i've already mentioned regret it's different from that may i mention reporting it's different from that when you repent yes acknowledge that confess confess our sins but our repentance isn't our report our repentance is the change of our hearts and there are those of you here today who have changed hearts you repent and you want to confess sin we encourage you to do so the word of god for the people of god softly and tenderly jesus is calling calling for you and for me see on the portals he's waiting and watching watching for you and for me come home come on who are weary come home is calling calling oh sir we want to thank brother gardiner for an outstanding lesson on repentance that leads to salvation several of you may stand in need of prayer and repentance and you have that opportunity by emailing us at prayer underscore requests at or calling in to our prayer line as reflected on the screen already brother dwayne waller has expressed his repentance of his sin and he needs our prayers and there may be others who stand in need as well we want to thank you for being with us today please join us again at the next appointed time when we will hear a message from god's word we're excited today to have some of our college students among us we have some college students present i understand those of you who are worshiping with us who are college students please stand and be recognized if you don't mind i heard several yeah there's one right there and there may be some others who were present we want to recognize particularly george pickens who is among us who is one of our college students and also the brother-in-law of our own brother justin gill and unfortunately brother george's grandfather passed away and we want to keep him in our prayers as he travels next weekend to friend around frontalize his grandfather so let's keep george in our prayers and keep all our college students in our prayers and we want to encourage them to connect with our i connect ministry with our college students it's led by uh brother and sister uh chris berry and and his wife and and all the college uh counselors we want to encourage you to pray earnestly for our children who will be going back to school this week pray for the adjustments and the provisions that have been made to keep our children safe we want you to be safe as well and join us again this uh coming weekend for our uh don't hesitate vaccinate seminar that's upcoming it's going to be very informative and we want you to tune in to our facebook page with that being said there we all stand in need of prayer we all stand in need to encourage one another and lift up one another in the faith let us all together stand and let us prepare our hearts and minds for prayer at this time i want to remind you as we prepare to exit the outer rows need to exit first to my left and to my right there are baskets prepared for you to deposit your communion trash to the in the trash basket and for those who would like to give their offering their baskets there as well let us all pray and bow our heads humbly gracious heavenly father we thank you again for this privilege of prayer that we and worship father that we have experienced this morning thank you for the messenger brother garden higher and help us lord as we move forward this week and in the future lord as we uh go our separate ways guide and protect us and be with us and our families be with our children our college students and all those fathers who will be going about our task this week guide us and protect us lord and keep us in your care as we go our separate ways in jesus name we pray amen god be with you god be with you until we god be with you god be with you [Music] until we'd be [Music] until we [Applause] [Music] dirty [Music] hello i'm robert gardner minister of the straighter lane church of christ i'm thanking you for taking time to have participated with us in today's worship service good news we have now reopened the church building for indoor in-person services and we invite you as our guests to participate in person you may do so if you would like to contact us email us at office our service times are as follows sunday mornings 9 15 a.m and 11 30 a.m sunday afternoon at 5 00 pm members please continue to follow the published schedule such that we can maintain great worship and safe social distancing thank you for being with us you
Channel: Schrader Lane Church of Christ
Views: 534
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FcM0zihK53Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 58sec (5938 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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