10-3-21 Bouldercrest Church of Christ Virtual Assembly

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ow bolder crest church of christ family and the beef fam what's going on it's a beautiful sunday morning god is getting all the praises and glory today and we're going to show love to each other and especially to our visitors thank you for being here be found bolder chris fam what's going on it is so great to be here today we are going to worship our lord and savior jesus christ and give god all the glory today and don't forget to show love to one another in the chat i am your favorite brother in christ ryan wilkie and it is my pleasure to host and moderate the chat definitely make sure you go and like this video share it send it to all of your friends make sure you comment below click the notification bell so whenever we are broadcasting whenever we are doing anything you get the notification so you can be with us and do it with us so make sure you always remember obey and apply the lesson from the week when we study god's word there are things that you need to remember obey and apply throughout the week yes because it helps us build our spiritual character to be more like jesus so visitors you're here because someone shared the video with you someone shared it it's in your newsfeed it's on your timeline you are here for a reason so make sure you click the visitor connection card link that is in the chat right now and we want to show you how to be more like jesus christ so everybody that was here last week this is what we were to remember and recall throughout the week your purpose is to bear the image of god now how did we obey it follow jesus and how did we apply it throughout the week live in light of your image that is a recap from last week now yes we are going to have our call to worship scripture from psalm 7 7-9 we are all going to read this together kids you're going to read it as well and we are going to read it out loud together so let's get ready to read let the assembled peoples gather around you while you sit enthroned over them on high bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure you the righteous god who probes minds and hearts that's your call to worship scripture now let's get into a very good prayer posture position after this prayer we will start our virtual assembly officially your announcements will be after the study of god's word let us pray heavenly father we just truly appreciate how magnificent you are we thank you for this time to praise you and this time that we can lift each other up even if it's through the chat or whether we're on zooms or talking to each other over the phone at this time we just thank you for the ability to worship you we come to you today heavenly father we're going to sing study your word commune give and we're praying everything we do will be pleasing and acceptable in your sight in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen [Music] thank you oh we thank you thank you thank you lord and i just want to thank you lord and so we thank you lord thank you thank you lord [Music] so we thank you we thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you lord and i just want to thank you lord because you've been my friend [Music] lord and i just want to thank [Music] brought me [Music] brought me brought me [Music] and then he saved my soul he said save my save my soul [Music] save my [Music] and so we thank you lord [Music] we thank you thank you thank you i just want to thank you [Music] [Applause] i foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a long time ago [Applause] [Music] and i wasn't worried [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus is [Music] [Applause] acts chapter 20 verse 7 states and upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread paul preached unto them ready to depart on tomorrow and continue his speech until midnight this is the lord's supper it is when we take time to remember what our savior did for us is to remember that he came to this world full of sin and he died for our sins is to remember that not only did he die but he shed his blood on that cross in his death not only do we remember that but we also remember that he got up on the first day of the week this is what the lord's supper is about it's about what jesus has done for us what we cannot do for ourselves in first corinthians chapter 11 beginning with the 23rd verse the apostle paul instruct the church at corinth in a proper manner in which to partake of the lord's supper in first corinthians 11 beginning with verse 23 it states for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night which is which he was portrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me after the same matter he took the cup when he had sup sand this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come waffle himself shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat that bread and drink that cup for he that eat it and drink it unworthily eat it and drink a damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many a weak and sickly among us and many sleep let us give thanks kind and everlasting father we thank you we just thank you and we thank you for what you have done for us we thank you that you sent your only begotten son into this world to die for our sins to shed his blood in his death to get up again out of that grave and say all power is given unto me we thank you and we remember we thank you for the bread which represents his body that hung on that cross and died and we thank you for the cup which represents his blood that was shed when he had died on that cross we pray kind father that we do these things in remembrance of him it is in the name of jesus we give thanks amen [Music] [Laughter] would be [Music] is [Music] [Music] it was [Music] [Music] i am happy all the days luke chapter 6 and verse 38 scripture reads giving will be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over will be put into your lap for with what measure you use it will be it will be measured back to you in first corinthians chapter 16 verses 1 and 2 scripture states now concerning the collection for the saints as i have given order to the churches of galatia even so do ye let every one of us lay by in store as god has prospered us that there be no gatherings when he come in second corinthians chapter nine verses six and seven scripture also states but this i say he was so experiment should reap also spanish he was so it should reap also bountifully every one of us as god has prospered us so let us give not grudgingly nor of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver at this time we have a chance to submit an offering to the lord let us pray kind and everlasting father we are so thankful for you because you are the supply of all of our blessings and all of the perfect gifts which come from above we thank you kind father that you have allow us to have the spirit of giving kind father we pray that we submit an offering to you that's pleasing and acceptable in your sight it is in the name of jesus we give thanks amen good morning bola crest uh this is brother terry frazier one of the elders i just wanted to ask everyone who's in our audience today uh to please go to the chat and list your prayer requests it's prayer time and we're asking you to any issues any problems any trouble any praise that you'd like to list uh go to the chat and listed now may we pray our heavenly father we are thankful father we're thankful for this day father we're thankful for your love and your mercy father your amazing grace and father as we pray to cover the bowl of christ church and the be fam audience father we're coming in a special way for the nation father the nation is divided by their trouble in the halls of congress father trouble at the local level father we are just praying lord that you will give us direction father you will operate on the hearts of the people who are government officials father help them to look out for the people father not for themselves father we're praying that uh this day father that we will be better in every way as a country father just uh you said in your word in romans 13 that the government is to look out for the affairs of the people and father to help us to be better and father be more cohesive as a nation father may you bless each one father bless the ones at the local level who are dealing with crime and violence and trouble on every hand lord lord praying that you will give them the tools to protect your citizens protect your people lord be with uh the officials in every way help them to govern well father govern according to your will father bless each one father we're praying for the family father many families under attack father because of the pandemic father father there's some time opposition in the home father husband against wife and children against their parents father we're praying for peace that everyone will have peace in their home it'll be a place of joy and love and understanding father just help us to move forward together according to your will father help us to walk with you father give us direction in every way guide lead and protect our homes lord father help our children in school lord to get their lessons the way that they should and not be subject to the covet virus lord protect them from cope from covet and any other maladies father just be with the family father help us to be the people of god that we should be father bless us in every way and father praying for the church father one that you died for father we're thankful for your death father we're thankful for opening the doors of the church opening the doors for salvation and father helping us to father leave earth and go to heaven father we're just praying that the church will be a place where we can have saints sanctity father and not have trouble lord leave the trouble outside the doors of the church and father help us to live in peace and harmony at every level at the national level the local level of government in our homes and in our churches lord help us to come together father and have unity and have peace father this prayer in jesus name father one who took our place in his precious name amen [Music] show me me me show me oh [Music] lord i'm your town [Applause] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] good oh [Music] [Music] just [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] hey good morning and welcome to sunday morning boulder crest family so thankful that god has blessed us to be in this space yet again ready to hear from him and study his divine word special good morning to our be fam our boulder crest extended family that's somewhere around of the world uh whether you are uh in boise idaho or uh or brooklyn new york thank you for being part of this online gathering and this great assembly of the saints of god that are meeting together right now uh we're about ready to hear from god's word uh and uh we are uh we're in a special series entitled genesis grace and glory uh where we're studying the book of genesis in his context hearing from god uh in the way really in which he originally intended uh so we're studying this great and wonderful first book of the bible seeing his grace seeing his glory within the book of genesis to follow along with us uh we have some notes that you can download and and or just kind of look at they're on our app the sermon notes the lesson notes are on our app and as well as our website we invite you to just follow along i'll i'll make mention of a few things that i want you to make note of you can kind of circle them there and you can kind of write in whatever the spirit is revealing to you as we study along so pray that you go go there on the app follow along and and uh have the bible there on the app and you can find a lot of great things there and on our website but let's get into the study of god's word today this is uh this is is an exciting thing to hear from god we're going to be in genesis chapter number two today genesis 2 and specifically verses 1 2 and 3. genesis two one two and three uh we're going to read that and we're gonna kind of meditate on that but before we even do that let's invite god into this time of study because we're trying to hear from him the living the word of god is living is active it's powerful and we want to make sure we handle it correctly you're not hearing from me today you're hearing from god uh god is i'm just simply the the instrument through which god is going to speak but it is he who is speaking and i'm prayerful that that i don't get in the way of that i don't mess up what he wants to say but we also don't want our own distractions to mess up what god is going to say so let's let's go to god right now in a word of prayer god in heaven you are a kind and everlasting and powerful god father we know that you spoke the world into existence we studied that we know that you shaped all things and you have given all things its purpose and so father right now we come to you bowed down humbly approaching your mighty throne asking that you would lead us in the study of gods in your word today dear father we're just asking that you would allow your holy spirit to fill us father that every distraction every weight that's on our mind lord god that you would clear it so that we might be able to hear from you exclusively father that i as as the the mouthpiece today that i don't get in the way that i humble myself before your word as well father that we tremble before your word but that it would penetrate our hearts that it would guide us that it would change us let us be different as a result of encountering your word today speak to us in fresh way dear father in the name of king jesus we pray we say amen genesis 2 verses 1 through 3. here's what the bible has to say thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day god finished his work that he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done so god blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it god rested from all his work that he had done in creation so far in this wonderful book of genesis we've seen the omnipotent and the eternal god the great elohim create the heavens and the earth we've seen him specifically speak his word and the power of his word over the nothingness and the nothingness became something over the course of six human days he created light and sky and land and gather the oceans he populated the sky with birds and populated the oceans with fish he hung the planets in their orbit and the stars the at least septillion star three septillion stars in the heavens he made vegetation and he created the four footed beasts uh of the land and every creeping thing the bugs but the pinnacle of his six-day creative exercise was that he crafted mankind he made it made man in his own image and his likeness he created man to be a volitional organism who had the ability to choose and reason much like the god of heaven and earth he created man with a divine design to rule the earth for god but now with mankind being the pinnacle of the created order at the end of these six days his creative exercise was now complete but though textually we see the finality of god's creative exercise i want you to know that god's not done yet i think someone can find some encouragement in that phrase god's not done yet some of you are waiting for god to do something understand god's not done yet he's done creating but he's not done establishing he's done with the filling but he's not quite done with the forming what god is about to do as you're going to see in this text as we study it god is about to establish a rhythmic pattern for his creation especially mankind it's not just any sort of rhythm when god creates a rhythm when god establishes a rhythm it's a holy rhythm it's a different type of rhythm it's a rhythm that if you're not paying attention to you just might miss it i will even venture to say it's a rhythm that some of you have been missing in your life i would venture to say some of you haven't really felt the peace and the presence of god because you've ignored this rhythm that he wanted to establish in your life some of you are feeling some anxiety in the moment quite possibly because you've been ignoring this rhythm that he wanted you to have even from the beginning what is this rhythm it's a rhythm that i call the rhythm of rest the rhythm of rest now i know when you think about that it sounds oxymoronic it because rhythm sounds active and rest sounds inactive it sounds sedentary they sound like they are two things that don't go together and quite often in our human lives they don't go together but what might seem as an oxymoron god meant to be something that was real something that was valid god has a way of putting some stuff together that you and i would never put together in his infinite wisdom he put a rhythm with some resting he put some resting with a rhythm what i want to try to teach you today for a few minutes i want to try to teach you to learn a new rhythm and we're going to call this this lesson the rhythm that i want you to learn we're going to call it the rhythm of rest the rhythm of rest genesis chapter number two begins with a statement that serves as the perfect conclusion to chapter number one chapter number one was all about the forming and the filling of the earth the what god was creating as a matter of fact in genesis 1 1 sets the theme for the chapter in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but the sentence that opens up chapter number two concludes that creative work it says that thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them god was done shaping the earth he was done with this creative process he was done with the hanging the planets in their orbit he was done with the land and the oceans he was done it was almost as if god looked at his creation took a step back and he said you know what there's nothing else that needs to be done it is finished it's almost as if god looked at the sky that he made in his perfect blueness and he said you know what there's nothing else that's needed here this is exactly the way i want it to be it's like he looked at the planets and the stars that that he hung there and he looked at he said you know what right now there's really nothing else that needs to be done this is perfect this is finished the oceans that he had gathered the land that he had made you know what no more land is needed on earth no more land is needed right now this is what i have made and i've made it the way i have made it and nothing else is is is is needed every species of animals like he looked at every species and he said you know what nothing else is needed right now the species that i've made i have made i have made them to be fruitful and to multiply along with the fish and the birds what i've made i have made i'm gonna take a step back it is finished this is the picture of what's happening in genesis chapter number two the word finished as verse number one speaks of it's a hebrew word kala and it means stopped it means came to an end it means completed thus the heavens and the earth were completed and what god is about to do god is about to engage in an action that bespeaks the completion of the earth so we read in verse number two and on the seventh day god finished he completed he ceased he stopped he finished his work that he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done on the seventh day what god is doing god is looking back on the previous six days he's looking back on the previous six days of created work and he's doing something different on the seventh day on the seventh day the text says he rested he worked for this process or over the process of six days but on the seventh day the text says he rested now let's be clear about something god is omnipotent and he has no need to recharge his omnipotence his he's just as omnipotent on day seven as he was on day one through days one through six omnipotence doesn't need a rest as you and i know rest but what the text speaks of is that god ceased from what he had been doing he had been forming and filling the earth through his creative power he had been creating sky and land and trees and people he he had been doing that but on day seven he's doing something different he's not working in the sense of creating he's not doing that type of work but he is still omnipotent but he is doing something different he has changed his rhythm he's changed his rhythm on day seven the rhythm of work he has not changed his rhythm he is now enjoying a rhythm of rest he's changed his rhythm and that he is established for mankind over the course of the previous six days he's established for mankind a rhythm of working evening morning evening morning evening morning were these days and at least a portion of those days were filled with work that ultimately brought him glory what was god doing days one through six he was establishing a period and a pattern and a rhythm of work for six days a pattern that wasn't established for him because god could have done in an instant what he did in six days why did god do it in six days god did it in six days because he was establishing a rhythm of work for mankind that was mankind's rhythm but the text says that he added another day a seventh day a day which had a different rhythm a day which had a different pattern it wasn't a rhythm of work days one through six it was a rhythm of rest a seventh day another day which had a different rhythm you follow me it was a different type of day it was so different that verse number three says this so god blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it god rested from all his work that he had done in creation the rhythm was so different that god blessed it now there's two times before in genesis chapter number 1 where we read of god blessing something the first blessing came in genesis 1 and verse number 22 which reads and god blessed them speaking of the fish and the birds saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let birds multiply on the earth so the purpose of the blessing was so that the fish and the birds would be fruitful and multiply it was for their propagation it was for their thriving as a species the second blessing comes in genesis 1 and verse number 28 in which god says about mankind and god blessed them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth god blessed them and he said be fruitful and multiply the blessing again was for propagation it was for multiplication it was for their thriving now this seventh-day blessing in which god is establishing a rhythm of rest is for the same reason it is for the reason of propagation for multiplication it is the it is for one's thriving all that he made in days one through six he's made to work in such a way or in some way but god understands through his infinite wisdom in order to thrive that his creation also especially mankind must learn a different rhythm they they got the rhythm of work but they've got to learn the rhythm of rest it is for their thriving let me speak to someone today here's the first thing i want you to kind of take note of if you are to thrive for god somebody wants to thrive for god you want to thrive in your spiritual life you want to thrive in your life as a disciple of christ for you to thrive for god you need to learn the rhythm of rest for you to thrive for god you've got to learn the rhythm of rest and that's a rhythm that you gotta learn you don't just happen upon it you gotta learn the rhythm of rest some of you are not thriving because you haven't learned to dance at that rhythm you learn to dance at the rhythm of work and so you work and you work and you work and you work but you haven't learned to rest you haven't learned the rhythm of rest and so god blessed the seventh day for this reason he made it holy meaning he set it apart from the sixth it was a day that he didn't have to create god could have been satisfied with the six days he could have been and then you just started repeating the six days over and he could have been perfectly satisfied with that but god he didn't stop there god created a seventh god did it as a gift for mankind it was a day he wanted them to enjoy and so the the pattern of this rhythm god himself established said that he rested it is a hebrew word shabbat it means he stopped he came to an end shavat now that hebrew word shabbat is an important hebrew word biblically shabbat rested came to an end ceased shavat would later be transliterated into a word that was significant for the ancient hebrew people that we read of in scripture shavat would later be transliterated into the word sabbath god sabbath on the seventh day he sabbath on that day that seventh day rest of god would later be lived out by the ancient hebrew people as what was called a sabbath day observance the word sabbath even later came to replace the word seventh when they spoke of the seventh day they would just simply speak of the sabbath day because it was a day that was supposed to model a mirror what god had done on the seventh day so israel ancient israel as the image-bearers of god on this earth they were bearing the image of god by walking according to his rhythm or dancing according to his rhythm that he had created on the seventh day god sabbath now god wanted his rhythm of rest to be a rhythm for his people it was supposed to be a rhythm of the kingdom a rhythm who of those who bore his image on the earth so god was so serious about his people learning the rhythm of rest that he wrote it in their law the old testament law of moses god wrote in that law that there was to be a day of the week that modeled and mirrored what he did on the seventh day it was to be a day of the week that was dedicated and set apart for him for the purpose of rest the purpose of shavat the purpose of sabbathing i want you to go to exodus chapter number 20 verse 8 through 11. let's make this clear exodus chapter number 20 8 through 11 here's what the word of god has to say uh regarding the sabbath he says god says remember the sabbath day to keep it whole keep it holy because he had already set it apart as holy remember the sabbath day to keep it holy he told israel six days you shall labor and do all your work why because that's what i did but the seventh day is a sabbath to the lord your god on it you shall not do any work you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant what says or your livestock or the sir journal the visitor who is within your gates why is this god for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and made it holy i want you to do as i have done and i want to give you this day of rest because it was a day that modeled what i did on the seventh day let's go further go to exodus chapter number 31 verses 12 through 17. now uh we're gonna we're gonna be very very clear about who god is is speaking to specifically exodus 31 verses 12 through 17. here is what the word of god says and the lord said to moses you are to speak to the people of israel understand he's speaking to the people of israel god's chosen people on earth at that particular time of antiquity you're to speak to israel and say above all you who's the you israel are to keep my sabbaths why for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations that you might know that i the lord sanctify you who's the you is ancient israel but the sabbath is a sign is a sign of something you shall keep the sabbath because it is holy for you who's the you ancient israel everyone i'm so serious about israel keeping this sabbath because it is a sign between me and them it's a sign that i am your god and you are my people i want to give you this gift but i'm so serious about you keeping it here is what i'm putting on your shoulders everyone who profanes it shall be put to death whoever does any work on it that soul shall be cut off from among his people six days shall work be done but the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest it's holy to the lord whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall be put to death now that sounds harsh but the truth of the matter is if one doesn't slow down they're gonna die anyway they're gonna they're gonna have a different type of death if one doesn't slow down and do what god would have them to do they're gonna physically they wouldn't make it god's grace and his glory are coming through here church i don't want you to miss it i want you to slow down he tells ancient israel therefore the people of israel shall keep the sabbath observing it throughout their generations as a covenant forever it is a sign forever between me and the people of israel it wasn't for any other nation it was for his chosen people at that time of antiquity the nation of israel i've given it to you i've given it as a sign forever of my provision to you i've given it as a sign for of my provision for you that i'm always going to provide i'm so much going to provide you don't have to do any work on this seventh day all you got to do is reflect on what i've already provided in that in that six in six days the lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he rested and was was refreshed now what's the big deal about this day it's just a day off right no it's more than that see the sabbath day allowed israel to pause and celebrate god's provision it gave them time to realize like on the original seventh day that what god had already created was enough now that concept sounds foreign to you and i because you and i we strive and we work and we work and we work we're always on our grind every day we be hustling hustling we're always working but you know what maybe sometimes you just need to stop and pause and realize that what god has already given you is enough that's what he wanted for ancient israel stop all the work it pause concentrate reflect meditate on the fact that what i've already given you is enough you don't have to keep on working and striving and hustling and grinding just stop one day a week and pause and realize that what i've given you is enough let me talk to someone today who's striving and hustling and grinding and feeling burnt out i want you to know some of that anxiety comes because you haven't taken any time to pause and realize that what god has already given you is e no we work and try to fill our closets with clothes but you know what you already likely have enough we want more stuff to fill our houses but you know what pause and realize that god perhaps has already given you uh enough we want more and more and more and more and we're working hard to get more and more and more and more and we're tired and weary and burnt out but today i want you to pause and realize has god already given you enough don't you already have enough paul tells timothy in first timothy 6-8 but if we have food and clothing with these we will be content now paul was a tent maker so you could always make shelter and i i would say that if we had if we got shelter and we got food and we got clothing don't we already have enough and that enough wasn't provided by you it was provided by god some of us got closets full of clothes and you got tags on your clothes you never even got into that yet you hadn't even worn it but you're trying to get more don't you have enough a lot of times you know people want to talk you know uh talk about their finances their finances aren't in order sometimes our finances aren't in order but i've grown to learn this that a lot of times our our finances can improve in an instant if we just stop and realize that we don't need anything else we we we don't have money at the end of the month because we perhaps we spent it on some stuff that we really did not need you already had enough see i think it's possible that we learn a rhythm of rest a rhythm of rest so we can focus on what god has already provided that's what the sabbath day was supposed to do for israel that's the rhythm that god wanted to establish for mankind even in the very beginning it's a rhythm that he wants you to learn today next thing i want you to take note of the rhythm of rest was set so that men could pause and focus on the fact that what god had provided for them was enough how much do you pause and focus on what god has already provided god wants a rest let me bring you into this even further we spoke about israel but let's bring you into it this rest this seventh-day observance known as the sabbath for ancient israel was mandated for them but this gift of god's grace actually ended up becoming a burden for them it was supposed to be restful but it became laborious so when jesus came to earth the jewish religious leaders of the day often took issue with him because he would heal on the sabbath and he would serve on the sabbath but because jesus understood that that seventh day was actually an expression of god's grace it showed really how good god is it showed how good he had been so when jesus came he made it clear in mark chapter number two in verse number 27 he said the sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath jesus understood that it was a rhythm of rest that allowed mankind to taste and see that the lord was good and that he continued to be good and so for them it was a day at the end of the week that he proved that a mankind did not have to work for all the good things in his life what he learned needed to learn to do was rest in god's goodness let me bring you into this next thing i want you to take note of you don't have to work for god's goodness but you've got to learn to rest in his goodness you don't have to work for the goodness you got to learn to rest in his goodness if you are in jesus christ today if you've been baptized in to jesus christ understand you are already at the apex of god's goodness it doesn't get better than that there's no more that you can gain that's actually better than being in christ jesus in christ jesus is a place where you can always dance to the rhythm of rest but you've got to learn this morning how to dance the thing about jesus is that he came not only to give clarity on things such as the sabbath but jesus came to fulfill the sabbath day in every other part of the laborious old testament law jesus came to be a breathing and living expression over the sabbath day's rest he came to show that god's gracious rest can be enjoyed not just one day at the end of the week but it can be enjoyed for those who are in christ jesus every single day even though you are working you can be rested even though you're grinding you can be rested even though you're hustling you can still be rested jesus came to teach the rhythm of rest to folks who follow after him he came to show you that the source of the rest is not in a day but the source of the rest for you is in him oh it's such good news jesus said in matthew 11 28-30 come to me all you who labor and are heavy-laden and i will give you rest is there anyone who laboring and are heavy-laden understand jesus can give you rest he said take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart walk with me walk next to me learn from me be my disciple and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light i am the rest that you're looking for i am that rest the rest is for all who believe in christ jesus today that remains a rest for the people of god jesus helps us to enjoy what god originally designed for man and that was um rest see the thing about jesus we don't we're not in jesus just so that when we go when we die we go to heaven what god wanted through jesus was to put some heaven in you today he wants you to be able to rest like the father rested when his work of creation was enough we will rest when we understand that what jesus did for us was enough his last words on the cross were it was it is finished it pointed to the fact that it is enough when jesus got back to heaven and sat down at the right hand of the father what jesus did he sat down you sit down when the work is done when it is completed when it is enough do you believe this morning that what jesus did was enough do you believe that his death was enough that his resurrection was enough that his identity as the son of god with power was enough enough to where sin doesn't rule over you anymore enough to where satan no longer has claim over you anymore enough where death no more has victory over you enough where today you are finally free in christ jesus if you believe that you know what you can do you can rest you can dance to a different rhythm you don't have to wait until the seventh day you can do it every day because see in jesus he's fulfilled the old law and that means as far as rest our rest isn't restricted our rest is open it means that rh that type of rest isn't just for the jew it's for all who believe and trust in christ jesus it's a perpetual rest now in our text we see something different about the seventh day the seventh day is not only different uh from the the other six days because they had a pattern of work and this has a pattern of rest those days the bible tells us that that that those days had a a common refrain it would say it was evening and it was morning the first day evening and morning second day evening and morning third day and so on and so forth but that refrain is not attached to the seventh day symbolically it points to really the rest that god intended that day has no end that day is perpetual that day is eternal meaning we have rest now and we'll have rest later we're free to rest now we're gonna be free to rest later we're free to pause and meditate on calvary and jesus and the goodness and the grace and the glory of god and in so doing we can find rejuvenation for our souls but we also know there's a rest that's coming when king jesus returns to be clear keeping the sabbath day was a law for ancient israel keeping it meant was to mean life and refreshment to them but keeping the sabbath day isn't a law for the church today we're not bound by that law we're not the nation of ancient israel we are a different nation and as a different people we're not bound to keeping a weekly sabbath we're actually free to rest in jesus every single day well what does resting mean in jesus what does that mean it means that we are able to walk in the love and in the faith and in the mercy and in the grace that jesus gives the knowledge of that when i know that he loves me beyond measure and his his mercy endures forever and that i am connected with the father of uh of all the creator of all the god of this universe when i'm creating and i'm connected with him through jesus what's gonna what's gonna plague me i can rest what's what's gonna who's gonna separate me from that type of love i can i can rest man might hate me but i know god loves me and you know what i can just rest in that i can slow down and just rest and i want you to rest today i want you to rest this week carve out some time during your day and just think about and meditate on what god has done for you and you're going to find more rest rest in jesus we're gonna worship him and praise him then i'm gonna come back and close [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] as we close this out there are three things that i have for you as we close out every lesson something for you to remember something for you to obey because it is god's word and something that you would apply it's a practical way for you to live out this lesson here's what i want you to remember what god has provided is enough if you if you remember one thing only one thing of this lesson remember that remember what god has provided already provided is enough what he's provided is enough here's what i want you to obey from the text rest in jesus rest in jesus have peace of mind in jesus have confidence in what jesus has done have a greater sense of faith over what jesus has done for you rest in jesus but now here's how i want you to apply it i i want to encourage you the sabbath day was was one day a a week for the ancient jew i'm not telling you to do one day a week and and carve out one day a week but i'm not necessarily not telling you to do that carve out time time when it's not that you sit back and and kick back and and and you just chill and watch the football game that's that's not what i'm speaking of here take some time out each day and meditate on all that god has provided in your life and especially your salvation in christ take some time out here today on sunday do that do that on monday whether it's five ten minutes whether it's half a day whether it's the whole day just take some time out and understand and meditate on what he's already provided i guarantee you will find some rest for yourself for your soul your body might still be physically tired but your soul will be rejuvenated just think about what he has done and already provided and you're going to come to the fact that you understand what he's done is enough and you'll be able to rest in that may god bless you may keep you and uh prayerfully we'll be able to study the word of god together again next week let me pray over you right now lord we're thankful that what you have given through jesus is enough thankful for revealing that to us in your word today thankful for your holy spirit's guidance father god we're prayerful that we're able to see that that which you've given is enough that we're able to rest in jesus and father that give us the strength and the the know-how and the wisdom to spend a little time each day meditating on your provision and what you've already given is enough we thank you for what you have done not only today but throughout our lives the good and the bad because it's led us to this point thank you father for all you have done guide us again this week and protect us help us to live differently in the name of king jesus we pray amen hey boulder crest before i turn things over to ron wilkie to give us the full announcements i had an announcement uh of my own that i wanted to talk to you about there's a disciple making tool that we're working to to start and create it's a group it's a facebook group simply and the group is called seeking what we're trying to do i'm working with a group of graduates from the school of disciple making and hopefully on an ongoing basis hopefully that can be kind of an extension of the school but it's a group that's designed to reach and attract seekers people who are seeking jesus they might not necessarily be seeking after a church but they are seeking after jesus and we want to engage in virtual disciple making relationships with them to show them all things jesus to show him who he is to show what he commands to show them what it looks like to walk in obedience to jesus christ and ultimately that will lead them to the church we do believe and we do hope and so we want to invite you to join this facebook group called seeking uh as part of it we're going to engage in some times of teaching on sundays and and then we will have a group specifically dedicated to disciplining women during the week in a group specifically dedicated to discipling men during the week and we want you to be part of it so there's there's a link that's coming up uh in in the chat right now if you would uh join this facebook group i think you'll find some benefit out of but even if you don't at least you can be uh responsible for sending it out and inviting others and letting others know and sharing it with other people who are seeking to know jesus is what you could do today to begin making disciples in your spheres of influence so join this group uh we're going to populate it it's not populated yet but we're going to populate it over the next few weeks and on october the 17th if the lord says so we'll start with some some teaching so join seeking uh help us reach seekers the seekers that you know in your life all for the cause of jesus christ and now i turn things over to ron wilkie yes yes yes that was great thank you dr teamer everybody make sure you shout out dr teamer in the chat great job we really truly needed that now let's recap do you remember remember this is what we're going to remember throughout the week what god has provided is no how will we obey this we're going to follow jesus and rest in jesus and how do we apply this take some time out of each day and meditate on all that god has provided especially your salvation in christ that was right on time dr tema we appreciate you and everybody in the chat we really appreciate you in the chat as well you were just chatting it up showing love one to another continue to do that you put in your prayer requests continue to do that we are recording all of those prayer requests we are sending them to the prayer warriors and to our elders to pray for you throughout the week and you all continue to pray for each other throughout the week now these are your closing virtual verbal announcements all right who's birthday is it gerald simmon pamela williamson and derrick montgomery gerard simmons pamela williamson and derek montgomery happy birthday to you happy birthday to all of you all everybody shout them out shout them out right now that's going to be so cool you see you see your names you see your names everybody shouting you out that's what's up awesome make sure you show them love throughout the week to cash out them do all that stuff blow up their timelines send them messages all of those different things all right so now what you've been waiting for your topic three announcements hurricane ida relief last week we sent a donation to the american red cross to assist with the relief efforts currently going on for those families impacted by the hurricane thank you so much boulder crest for your sincere efforts to help others that may be suffering at this present time that's number three what's number two you already know october 9th 2021 it goes down fueling our minds and bodies for optimum living virtual symposium october 9th you can see right there the meeting id and pass code for the zoom we will talk about grief stress trauma addiction self-image healing powers and suicide provision prevention you can see the great moderators and presenters on the screen right there so we truly appreciate all of them and make sure you join october 9th at 10 a.m eastern standard time that's number two and our number one announcement covet donations the covet donations were used to support and feed the first responders firemen and police during the month of september thanks to lynn vaughn and abraxas pickens for heading up this project how wonderful is that that's how we show love boulder crest that's what we do that's what we do we truly appreciate you all for all your donations and everything you've done and now the prayer requests that we have prayers are requested for gwen towns during the passing of her sister gail sheard also please pray for brenda tate and her family during the passing of her brother john davis you can go to our website and go download the bulletin it has the address where you can send notes of comfort and make sure you continue to show them love our website boatacresclc.com what bouldercrestcoc.com to get all of these and many more announcements also go to our app there it is right there on the screen for you it shows you how you can do the connect card how you can do many different things and don't you don't forget next sunday october 10th there will be a congregational meeting immediately after the 9 a.m worship bible study will start soon thereafter the meeting has concluded and now do not forget throughout the week remember obey and apply and in all things strive to do what be different i am your favorite brother in christ it is my pleasure to speak with you all and have a great week
Channel: Bouldercrest Church of Christ
Views: 714
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4Y5Bxp-l-0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 28sec (4948 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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