How Disney Decimated Lion King

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"both are long form videos about the lion king remake... hmm, suspicious"

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/blootology 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
Jon Favreau's ultra-hd Freedy Lion King is the newest in a series of Disney remakes of Animated Classics the original Lion King came out 24 years ago they broke box office records at one Academy Awards I had catchy music fun performances beautiful hand-drawn animations and a screenplay inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet and a story of Moses it still remains number one in home video sales to this day everybody loves lion K and now 24 years later Disney have almost recreated the original film with computer-generated hyper-realistic hates the animals and environment with cutting-edge technological advancements Disney have managed to strip away all the color charm excitement and fun out of the Lion King they took this why if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners and turned it into this well look who's come down to mingle with the commoners ah they took this No I'm trying to enter this they took away the expression the human emotion and just interpreted it in the most literal way they could they only cut two scenes out of the original film every other scene has been preserved mummified pickled hmm I like pickles why have they ruined the very thing they created because Disney's highest priority is money cash profit we shouldn't be shocked though they've practically become a Disney villain themselves and I mean that's all right we're going to Disney i evil phages they were in Dumbo they were in Aladdin and they were in Star Wars twice they bought Fox they own the Simpsons now they bought everything our decision to buy Pixar Marvel and Lucasfilm was made because we believed that great storytelling would stand the test of time so we know the truth now Disney have no idea how to make compelling films anymore but they do know how to make money billions and billions of money bank note cards cash by opening a portal to our childhoods bringing us all back to the days when we were innocent naive children blissfully unaware of how 9/11 would change our geopolitical landscape forever and so just like bush and Blair use the media to subdue the people into an illegal war with Iraq Disney too has subdued us into lapping up the dull and pandering cinematic trash instead of serving anything new challenging or inventive we just get the same but worse and slightly boring a great gruel with the sprinkle of nostalgia which for some reason we slap up indifferently so in this video I'm going to be examining this mess telling you why it's bad and why there's gonna be plenty more of it to come I mean just look at this year's box office it's very telling of the current state of the film industry is like Lion King except scar one only three films in the top 10 on not Disney and that's before the rise of Skywalker gets in here so move over Nizar Disney is taking over scar 1 he owns this joint and helots always prayed number one something is rotten in the state of Disney remakes on a modern invention we've been going to the cinema to watch them since the beginning sometimes they can be pretty inventive they can recreate that classic charm for a new audience and even improve on the original Wizard of Oz Ocean's eleven the thing Scarface Dawn of the Dead and the fly are some of the better received ones but mostly they're just bad imitations that hijack the well-known name and brand for cheap monetary gain who really remembers Total Recall Conan the Barbarian The Day the Earth Stood Still clock Isle Robocop now live-action remakes of animated Disney films on a modern invention Eva the first one was all the way back in the 90s now I wouldn't describe the 101 dalmations remake as a classic but it is an adaptation handled with a degree of care this was a period of time where live-action movies were trying to be like cartoons and they got none other than home Alone's John Hughes to pen the script it's pretty impressive how close they stick to the original story while also having non-speaking animals the film has style and a sense of playfulness and there is a satisfaction in seeing creditable performed in person well if we make this coat it would be as if I were wearing your dog sexual satisfaction cashew Sigmund Freud what do you why do I find relative ill sexy well my little fella you see solo cigarette is a symbol of the subconscious for a penny to see and this is your association warble oh boy the film did well it even got a sequel but that same year Disney had two other live-action films that outperformed 101 Dalmatians in the box office to rock and ransom yeah 1996 was a weird year for movies commander one last time you tell your men to safety their weapons so Disney kept on making bad action movies and stopped remaking its animated films for like 20 years but now there's loads of them we got Aladdin we've got Dumbo we've got a beauty and the beef Aristocats with real life real acting cats little mermaids coming soon know why in the seventh war the jungle brother bear real haich-d freidy bears rendered in unity NJ got the Hunchback of Notre Dame who the 101 Dalmatians again a goofy movie coming soon Lady and the Tramp is in production that looks cute Cinderella goofy and live-action walk on you in your nightmare lilo and stitch with Andy Serkis in a mocap suit playing Stitch Sleeping Beauty Pinocchio The Emperor's New Groove in 3d CGI you won't believe that's not a real llama so where did all this come from whose idea was this who's in charge there wasn't any kind of announcement they just snuck them out they exist whether we like it or not well it started in 2015 with the release of Cinderella it had a modest budget of a hundred million and the biggest actor attached to the project was Cate Blanchett who's great but doesn't have much star power Kenneth Branagh directed the film he's best known for his highly theatrical approach to filmmaking the guy made a four-hour hamlet film and cast himself as Hamlet I may not imagination through the noble dust of Alex what is he like 12 it doesn't really make films for children and if you look at Cinderella that shows gone are the over-the-top slapstick and visual styles of 101 Dalmatians and it's more like watching an episode of Downton Abbey your highness if I may but is but much to everyone's surprise Cinderella made Bank at the box office 540 million it made more than Spectre Mission Impossible and ant-man Cinderella did well because it's a story that has synonymous with our childhoods it didn't matter if the film was any goods parents were gonna buy tickets to watch it with their children and nothing was gonna stop them but because the film wasn't particularly marketed to children and men adults could go see it on their own to relive their childhoods this was further cemented by the release of The Jungle Book remake in 2016 this was directed by Jon Favreau even though I love the original Jungle Book I didn't really mind this remake Favreau tried to make the jungle environment and the animals look as realistic as possible which is a bad idea for Lion King but really worked for Jungle Book the original film is all about the simultaneous seduction in danger of the jungle in this remake the animals look a lot more threatening in comparison to their 2d counterparts especially when you have this little kid out or interacting with these huge terrifying animals that clearly just want to eat him also it's worth noting that the film is wildly different from the animated version there's barely any of the original scenes and when the scenes are adapted there are massive changes but most of the film features completely new scenes with a completely different intention behind them I mean it's not better than the original is still quite boring may I say just one thing what I saw you do today I've never seen anything like it I've been trying to get that I fell asleep sorry about that also the kid played Mowgli is terrible acting 12 how old are you but with its star casting a big name as popular as jungle book and some impressive looking visual effects was unsurprising to everyone that the remake was a huge box-office hit it made a billion a billion so what was next for Disney well they probably looked at that catalog of the 20 plus animated movies and looked at the ones that had the highest box-office return and right at the top is of course Dumbo the biggest cash cow of them all only joking I have no idea why they remade this is right the bottom maybe as an experiment well I certainly didn't make a billion not even close [Music] so of course lion king is actually the one on the top so naturally they rush to remake into production if someone have protested if they have pointed out that the original film still held up today and there was no real justification or argument to remake it because there was no hope of improving it the response would have been but we'll make a billion will make a billion billion Michael it made sense to get Jon Favreau into direct Lion King because of his experience making realistic CGI animals while working on Jungle Book and if he's the man that could rake in a billion for Jungle Book then he could certainly rake in another billion for Lion King but the original Jungle Book film was 50 years old when they remade it and it's based on a novel that's even older for so it's not new to see reboots or adaptations of the story doesn't he even made a live-action remake of Jungle Book back in the 90s but I didn't mention it before because it is genuinely the worst version of this story in existence the problem with Lion King is they took a relatively recent film that still holds up today that isn't even based off an original piece of text and heartlessly remade it with CGI is the equivalent of remaking Forrest Gump or Pulp Fiction they also came out in 1994 and there's no demand to see those remade and if you think Walt Disney wrote in his will they wanted his classic films to be remade for a new generation then I'm here to tell you that you're reading fake news stay vigilant stay informed people don't believe them they're lyin thank you thank you so there's no moral obligation to shine out these films and strict deadlines like they're hotcakes and a bakery this is a choice and I think it's the wrong choice in my opinion by the way this is all just my opinion I'm not like a professor in Lion King this isn't film school I'm just a dude I love you comment underneath treat me like I've got some form of validity but I'm just shouting my opinion our wall to be honest number two putting it in the machine in terms of remakes Lion King 2019 as less in common with the 101 Dalmatians remake or the Jungle Book remake and more in common with the psycho remake psycho 1998 aim to be as similar as possible to the original with the script editing dialogue and music virtually remaining the same there were only very minor changes here and there it was essentially the same film again but in color and with worse performances people always mean well I collect ethnic tongues and shake their heads and suggest oh so very delicately people always mean well they collect their thick tongues and they shake their heads and they suggest or so very delicately it felt soulless I was roasted by critics and audiences alike the only saving grace of the Lion King remake is at least Jon Favreau didn't cars Vince Vaughn as Mufasa you know what big boy you're grown up but the direction behind both these remakes seemed virtually the same both directors were enamored with the original film and wants to preserve their greatness by staying as close as possible to their predecessors the original psycho is it exists it's it's a fact it's a classic if there's nothing to be improves nothing to be improved on with Lion King as much as the plot dialogue shock compositions themes music and structure are kept exactly the same but considering the cultural significance of this intellectual property it might have been smart people don't like change we've all been studiously rewatching the original Lion King since we were little kiddies audiences know every scene and every line of dialogue if you mess with those moments the part of the brain that exudes that nostalgia chemical will come to a crashing halt and everyone will just say it was bad because they changed stuff Disney is a business kids they just want Lion King done in super realistic CGI animation just put it through the Machine Favreau put Lion King through the same machine you put Jungle Book fruit don't adapt your story for this new creative direction Favreau just put it through the Machine a bug's life through the machine as well we only have the script and all the characters the flow is basically down for us already we want super realistic CGI hands and get that cheeky James Corden that's that fat slug a numb tongue party as the main guy but how successfully did Jon Favreau recreate the original classic was copying the scenes shot-for-shot enough to recreate feeling and artistic intention behind those scenes well let's look at the opening scene on Pride Rock and vigorously compare every small detail between the two versions with the hope of deriving some form of meaning from this empty husk of the film let's start with the original animated film first alright I want you to close your eyes take a deep breath and pretend you've never seen Lion King before okay so there's blackness stillness nothing and then the Sun explodes into the frame it's huge and right in the center that's how you know it's important we see various animals quickly look up towards the Sun then the scale increases as we see more and more animals get up and move in the direction of the Sun we see an adult and baby giraffe walk with pace up a hill and into the light of the Sun as we follow this baby giraffe we follow its eye line to a huge herd of animals moving towards the sunlight it moves through the vast crowd of animals and tracks Zazu as he flies towards Pride Rock so while these animals acting like the three wise men well it's all there in the opening shop the song playing behind the sequence is the circle of life and the imagery of the Sun is used to represent that cycle the Sun is responsible for all life on Earth is a glowing circle of light that nurtures creatures with warmth and allows the plants to grow this makes more sense later on when we here move faster describe his kingdom to Simba a king's time as ruler rises and falls like the Sun one day Simba the Sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king the animals walk from left to right in the direction of the Sun with purpose is an unnatural event and it feels like it has a religious significance as if they've all been summoned out of this huge crowd of animals a single bird flies towards Pride Rock and towards move fast we've been following these animals since the start but when Zazu stops next to my FAFSA that sequence ends and we the audience understand that this is what the animals have all been heading towards but I know what you're thinking everything I'm praising the original Lion King for doing is exactly the same in the remake the opening sequence is short for short identical in the remake so therefore there's nothing to complain about is there is there Jerry is that pierre is that but let's go back to that opening shot do you notice anything peculiar about this shot does anything about it stand out to you well I tell you what makes it special Leia but staying on track with a comparison essentially the main difference between these two versions is that the son is not given the same significance the landscape is clearly visible before the Sun has even risen and when it does rise it's much smaller and shoved onto the left-hand side there isn't that all-important explosion of light we then essentially get a shot-for-shot reconstruction of the original but with less stylistic lighting effects which as I've just said is one of the most important factors in the spiritual aspect of this sequence we don't feel that the animals are reacting to the Sun more that they're just waking up let's look at the classic giraffes again look at those dreamy eyes luscious lips in the original the two giraffes walk over a hill with determination and purpose the shadows creep off their face as the light hits them they gaze upon the congregation of animals and gleefully join them in the remake they meekly hobble up the mound and you call that the light of God the free Kings didn't hobble we see that herd of animals far away in the distance but without the baby giraffes eye line you might miss it then we get the reveal of Pride Rock this time without following Zazu we just cut to Zazu and I think he bowels well that might just be a bird looking for nuts it's evil really but it doesn't really matter because Mufasa doesn't seem to notice him he's just staring out indifferently vacantly vacuous and empty unaware of his surroundings in the originals as he doesn't just bow he'd reviled and he's happy to do so as well because Mufasa actually looks like a nice guy he acknowledges Zazu with warmth and humility returning with a friendly little head bow this makes it clear straight up the kind of King Mufasa is he recognizes every living creature with respect and in return they admire and respect him he's not king of indifference he doesn't look like a pre-installed screensaver on an old Mac staying on the original we didn't cut to this mandrel walking through the crowds of animals he's holding a staff and there's a beam of light behind him this implies there is some kind of spiritual significance it is also clear that he is a character of high status because the other animals bow he climbs up the rock and affectionately hugs Mufasa it is blatant that these two are old friends and this is a joyous occasion meanwhile on Planet Favreau Rafiki is introduced and it's not as good is it there's no staff no beam of light behind him and the other animals don't bow they just kind of look at him when Rafiki gets up to Pride Rock he doesn't hug Mufasa warmly instead he just touches his nose so maybe this is the first time they've met I mean if you haven't seen Lion King before you can interpret it in lots of different ways it's a broader gesture unless you know a lot about mandrels and though this specific gesture is a sign of affection and Trust among other mandrels but I'm not a mandrill man how am I supposed to know any of this okay let's go back to the animated version Rafiki waives his monkey stick around Simba with showcases there's a playful caring mandrel if they exist he hopes this circular fruit up over the circular Sun and breaks it it's the circle of life he puts the juice across Simba's head like some kind of baptism he then picks up some sand from the grounds and sprinkles it on Simba's head the more steps that we are shown in this ritual the more important it seems to us which was all about small over theatrical actions that's what makes them good we know this one's about the dirt and the Sun and nature and we know this Cub is connected to all of that but with 3d HD 4k hyper-realistic Panasonic Panavision coming to a cinema near you Lion King all retro is gone Rafiki doesn't use his monkey stick to play with Simba because he hasn't got a monkey stick so he just looks at him with indiscernible predator eyes instead of fruit juice something that needs the Sun to grow he uses a root which correct me if I'm wrong is a plant more associated with the underground and sort of you know death and burial in fact if it wasn't for the joyous music this would look more like a sacrificial baby death ritual [Music] see that's more midsummer than the circle of life in the animated version Rafiki picks up Simba and heads towards the ends of Pride Rock we see the animals look up in anticipation as Rafiki lifts up Simba the camera zooms in we get several fast paced cuts as music builds when he's raised all the animals go nuts from the clouds a beam of light bursts out the sky and spotlight Simba and all the animals bow as low as they can we zoom out to an extreme wide shot which reveals the entire set piece and The Lion King the original film has a great opening sequence it tells us so much about the world the characters and the themes without even using a single line of dialogue the film's called The Lion King but it's only after watching the sequence that you really understand what that means that's the Lion King that line up there the animals are all fans of the king he's deeply linked with spirituality in the circle of life we filled a pride and love of Simba's parents it's like watching a huge festival and when Rafiki holds Simba up to the crowd it's like he's firing a gun in the remake Rafiki presents Simba to the crowds but there isn't that use of fast paced movement and everything that builds up the moment so it just feels whelming we get a pan around the animals are excited but the emotion is hard to read Rafiki raises Simba to the roaring crowds with the same level of enthusiasm he'd used to present December if he was a miscarriage then I think we see some animals bow some horns going down at the least and then Lion King so yeah the two scenes are virtually the same aside from some small differences but those small differences are the key to understanding the fundamental problems of this film in this whole opening sequence there is nothing that Favreau has added in himself it's the same but it's missing small essential pieces required to read the scene in other words it's the same but worse one of the most crucial things about Lion King is the grandiosity of the storytelling remember this is an animated film with talking animals like Bambi 101 Dalmatians or the Aristocats yet Lion King opens like something from the Old Testament a grand opera that takes itself incredibly seriously the directors are immediately telling us that this is a film that will fir matically focus on the delicate balance of life responsibilities and what it means to be king in the remake this opening scene is harder to read the spear your fiends and symbolism have been stripped down the relationships between the animals have been minimized and as a result we do not connect with the story in the same way do we really understand rafiki's role in the scene without his facial expressions without his staff the beam of sunlight or the bowing animals is touching Mufasa face as powerful as this warm embrace is this spotlight on Simba really that important yes all this stuff is important that's why it's in the film every tiny decision is a key ingredient for defining the scope that's required to make this hero story feel distinct Lion King isn't Bambi is Lawrence of Arabia it's not Ice Age it's Star Wars this isn't Paddington - it's Hamlet the stories which Lion King are most connected to require a strong visual link with the themes and a scale that fits the depth and timelessness of them so why did for a change it the answer is back at the opening shot the thing that's different about this shop is that this was filmed on a real camera in real Africa it's the only shot in the whole remake that hasn't been computer animated forever I wanted to sneak it in at the start my guess is a way of gloating I mean literally every shot was animated one well one that's right they were gonna tell me there's one shot that was photographed but everything else was generated the one can't let people trying to figure it out last night that you do get you what you guess one person my office they think it was just the opening shot okay he's basically saying that the computer-generated images are so realistic so convincing that he can put in real footage and you won't even notice how cool is it that that you have to work so hard to figure it out - Favreau that is the most important thing how realistic is Lion King looks what the Sun represents in the circle of life sequence isn't what matters is the realism of the animals Rafiki being introduced as a wise whimsical priest to his close friends with the king is nice and all but there's no way he's going to be holding a staff or hugging a lion that's unrealistic you see Rafiki couldn't break open a piece of fruit in the remake because there aren't any fruit like that in real life so yeah just given that root thing I'm sure that'll be fine up here on the forehead there used to be like a fruit juice creating a we'll mark on his head but in nature that actual fruit is not filled with red paint and we chose to have a pigment that comes from roots and that's how we have a little splash of color there so now we're watching Lion King but virtually every small detail has been reinterpreted in a more realistic less stylistic way and that's the main problem Favreau was solving the wrong problems and not seeing the real problems if Favreau had solved the right problems instead of the wrong problems then this film might have worked no problem filmmaking is all about problem solving when making jaws the robotic shark they were using didn't work very well that was Spielberg's problem he solved it by hardly ever showing it problem solved what a great problem solver we're making the original Star Wars George Lucas realized that after rescuing Princess Leia there wasn't really much for obi-wan to do he just stood around on the ship doing nothing so while shooting the movie Lucas realized that he could kill both his problems and obi-wan on the Death Star but now he's got a new problem what was he gonna do with all those scenes with obi-wan and Luke talking make him a ghost Kerching with filmmaking there are so many problems firing at you all the time and if you ignore one of them or let one slip you might ruin a perfectly good scene or even the whole movie so what were the key problems for how to overcome when adapting this opening sequence one Favreau sighs the problems were how do I make this hug more realistic or how do I replace this fruit with something more realistic but his real problems with the scene were how do I make this moment feel spiritual and large in scope how do I introduce Rafiki as the old wise sage who's going to leave this ritual how do I introduce the key themes of this film how do I do all this whilst maintaining a degree of realism because Favreau truly believed that by just copying the original film shot-for-shot he wouldn't have to worry about any of these problems and maybe he didn't because the audience watching this remake already know this sequence they already know who Rafiki Mufasa and Simba are they already know from the music alone what the scene represents we all have that original sequence hardwired into our brains any gaps in information that are missing in this remake can be filled with memories from the original so we're paying money to go to the cinema and remember a better film this mate how much 1.6 billion is what the new highest-grossing animated film of all time yes Favreau what were you even thinking Favreau thought oh he's in VR again number 3 Favreau doesn't want to direct he just wants to play video games just like the rest of the population it seems the director of this movie craves virtual escapism as well Favreau get out of that VR world and make your movie but perhaps Lion King 2019 wasn't meant to be a film at all it could have been intended to be a video game I mean it was the first film to be made with Unity game engine the same software that brought you such classic games as Slenderman a hyper-realistic video game where you could play as a lion on paper would have been pretty cool because video games were all about role-playing fun gameplay loops and sexy graphics but video games aren't really well known for their storytelling capabilities you probably shouldn't laugh anymore so if Lion King 2019 was a video game I wouldn't have a problem with how it looks but it's not a video game it's a retelling of Hamlet with singing lions what part of that story would be made better through grounding it in realism in most CGI films you've got a highly stylistic expressive visual style you don't really see Pixar DreamWorks Sony animation or illumination making super realistic films with CGI people with animation you have different tools available to you and going down the realism path usually gets you into uncanny valley territory but CGI and live-action films are a completely different story the aim with them is to make it blend in with real footage as much as possible it's like a magic trick if we believe it's real then it's successful if we can see its CGI then it fails this is how the CGI in Terminator 2 still holds up today but the CGI and deep blue sea is nauseating but the way audiences react to CGI can change over time like in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone I don't remember anyone complaining about the CGI troll at the time when I was a kid I believe the troll was physically there but now it looks objectively bad this film is objectively bad now this type of CGI works because we have physical actors who are reacting and interacting with these CGI composites we have a real location to place the models in but lion-king 2019 is a CGI film unlike any other it's using the type of CGI rendering that you would usually find in a live-action film but there's no people around to ground it there are no natural environment and the result is the feeling of watching a videogame cutscene for two hours as you've probably gathered from my previous slide facial expressions are pretty important in terms of reading how characters feel the way I see it the Lions in Lion King 2019 are bad actors they all remind me of Ben Affleck's acting in Justice League just staring vacantly off in the distance looking like they'd rather be anywhere else they're probably thinking about how they're gonna spend their massive paychecks and big stockpiles of me large scratching posts and of course booze anything to forget anything to figure Justice League Favreau steam cycled through hundreds and hundreds of video clips of animals and put those clips into different categories this is a happy lion this is a sad line and this is a line plotting to murder its wife you can tell by the eyes if they actually went to the effort of going out and getting their own footage of lines so it could be used to inform the CGI of the film then I'd probably be a bit impressed but it seems like they've just lifted all this footage online I know in like they made Bambi Walt would bring in animals for the animators to sketch but now thanks to the internet you have libraries and libraries of footage of animals so you have all the reference you could ever want for example if we wanted a bow in giraffe it would start with pencil drawings to indicate what the action should be and then we would go through the library of reference video and that we would include thumbnails of ones that seem like it might work within this and the animators would then hand animate the characters that we've designed to be as photo-real as possible they stuck this disparate animal footage into their movie as a way of attempting to match the original motion of the scenes so of course it looks realistic but does it look good visually pleasing no not really it's like listening to a Lion King audiobook with HD 3d 4k footage of animals that vaguely match the dialogue that is being said it's not like they didn't have the option of animating the faces themselves or changing the biology slightly to make the animals more emotive they chose to do this they could have even put the actors in mocap like they did an ad li circuses jungle book which Jon Favreau wishes he could match Christian Bale Puma oh shit they compensate for this lack of facial expression by making the dialogue more surface level and obvious Simba if you don't do something soon everyone will starve I can't go back why you wouldn't understand wouldn't I understand no no no it doesn't matter Hakuna Matata what Hakuna Matata it's something I learned out here you need to challenge scar I can't go back ever why because of what happened at the gorge scart oldest said you wouldn't understand none of it matters okay Hakuna Matata what it's something I learned out here okay all the characters have to wear their feelings on their sleeve now duplicitous internal struggle can't be pulled off with realistic animal animations my father you knew my father correction I know your father he died a long time ago he's alive and I can take you to him scar is no longer the charmingly cunning and manipulative uncle to Simba that would require scar to have charisma to be able to deliver jokes and give a varied facial performance because how can deceptive character traits be Illustrated to us when you can't even animate a smile to hide an elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince oh you know that what Wow yeah I've said too much well I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later you being so clever and or an elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince an elephant graveyard well oh yeah I've said too much I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later you've been king and all so scar is just very blatantly bitter dismissive and evil to everyone around him he doesn't show any degree of affection or happiness anymore he's just a miserable sulking lion muttering weird sarcastic insoles it's our little secret your majesty dad will be so proud Wally it's a gift he'll never forget this in turn makes characters like Simba and Mufasa seem Dumber as they keep falling hook line and sinker for scars plans even when it's clear that scar has sinister intentions and is unlikable and unforgivable from the very star in the remake it is Simba's fault that Mufasa dies like your uncle is so obviously a shady dude to follow along with anything that he suggests isn't very far from being complicit in the consequences kind of like me watching this movie I've got no one to blame but myself I'm complicit in my own pain ironically despite Jon Favreau's clear intention to interpret every scene in exactly the same way but sort of dying them emotionally yeah she adds a couple of scenes one of the free scenes he adds shows Nala escaping Pride Rock at least think it's Nala her and Surabhi look very similar but luckily Favreau for about this and has a solution to the problem yeah just get Sarabi to say Nala's name right at the end of the scene so we know who we've just seen genius I think this scene was put in to empower Nala but what does the script actually do with her character well they've changed her character from a tomboy a sarcastic lion cub hey genius it was my idea and turned her into Nagi we've never been that far before what if we get lost version of Nala but without any of the adventurous risk-taking and the tendency to constantly demand things of Simba Simba get down it could be dangerous when classic Nala goes to the other fan graveyard she's all excited even the idea of getting caught gives her a thrill isn't it great we could get in big trouble I know but when Maggie Nala gets the other fan graveyard all she can do is knock Simba about how worried she is they get caught Simba were way beyond the pride lands we found it mother you know what this means it means we can go home in the original Simba distracts the hyenas from eating Zazu why don't you pick on somebody your own size and then he goes back to save Nala at the end Nala says this I thought you were very brave in the remake Simba doesn't do anything like that he just runs away but they still keep knowledge lying for some reason I thought you were very brave but you warned him this would happen Maggie gnarly why are you now acting like classic Nala when classic Nala see Simba for the first time in years she's so excited to see him she can barely organize her forms when a key Nala sees Simba her best friend for the first time in years all she can fixate on is the bloody prides now are you gonna love it here this place is amazing it's everything you could ever want Simba we need to leave scar has taken over with the hyenas you have to take your place as king these changes make it harder to connect and relate to a character how should we feel like it's the right thing for Simba to take his place as king when his best friend sees him is such a dutiful and inconsiderate way like seriously think about it what would you do if I was your cute guy friends like everyone says we are basically made for each other I mean you have been friends for ages and just before things can really kick off between us my dad dies and my uncle tells you that I also died you're alone for so many years and the UK becomes ravaged by war everyone is looking weak and gone and the land is desolate I'm just a distant memory at this point in years after all of that you run into me and I'm like this really hot stoner hippie with this cute sensitive side and I am so happy to see you and I'm staring at you of my dopey sensitive eyes would you be more like this I've really missed you I've missed you too or more like this symbol we need to leave James Earl Jones is back by the way it's been 24 years since he last stood Mufasa and it shows don't be afraid come to me son come to me no in major ways but the lines feel reach rotten done and plain Simba I'm very disappointed in you you could have been killed you deliberately disobeyed me and what's worse you put Nala in danger you deliberately disobeyed me I know you could have been killed and what's worse you put Nala in danger less energy is given to old because the guys seventy-three years old now come to me and to make things worse his character now looks like a shy football so he really could have used Jones and top form to try and help this all come together but alas we now have an old Jones and a crusty Mufasa and because Jones's Direction was probably - just do what you did in Lion King but now imagine it realistic sadly the end result is a character that's broadly possible the film isn't completely devoid of value I don't want everyone to get the idea that I'm completely empty and without joy I like Timon and Pumbaa I feel they work quite well mostly because Seth Rogen and Billy I can now have a really good rapport with one another their characters deviate the most from their original counterparts and observing the changes gives the brain something to do I think it's still alive oh no it's a little lion that is not alive well then go check out what it's not a lion it's a furry bird what you're going the jokes they crack and general relationship has now taken on a much more homoerotic neurotic and existential path there's ad-libs which sometimes actually land much less has been removed and more has been added they even add in a whole additional scene where they eat bugs again this line is kind of fun though oh yeah the circle of life I don't know where you're getting circle no it's the opposite yeah it's a line it's better than making them Maggie or boring which is what I despise most this in a large part is because Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner are quite distinctive unique comedy writers who ended up coming with a lot of the dialogue themselves I guess they just looked at the script and went now we can do better and so they rewrote everything every scene they were in so the reinterpretation of Timon and Pumbaa can't really be credited to Jon Favreau so what were Favreau's big ideas Jon Favreau had in fact one big idea ala ground legume as the say for adapting lion-king and that was making it feel like a documentary but for me that was my take it was like let's try to make this look like an Attenborough documentary let's try to I don't think people want something that appears to be an animated film because the 90 the the the the original animated film from 90s still holds up incredibly well nature movies you're used to seeing it from a distance but reading so much emotion to it you don't see a close-up of a baby elephants going up to the other you know you see it from a distance always and yet it's heartbreaking so how could we father would go to great technical lengths to achieve this vision the animators constructed a virtual African landscape this was all one large game map you could walk from Pride Rock all the way to the shadow lands you can explore it all freely with the controller sort of like Slenderman you got the woods then they drop the character models in with the dialogue recording synced up to the rough animations Vavra hide cinematographers and made them all wear VR headsets and they shot the scenes with virtual cameras this was complete with virtual dollies virtual lenses and a virtual hentai waifu who would give them titty jobs on the go yeah that's nice yeah like this and even if you go up high and look down at them there it's kind of cool a lot of the film is shot with long takes from down low in the grass and he's added some non dialogue sequences that were modeled from real documentaries he'd seen Favreau even played with using different frame rates this was all to better stimulate the conditions of shooting a real-life documentary film and much like a documentary we chose to make it appear long lens because with documentaries often you can't get close enough to the subject and so as you see here's here's the subject in the foreground and the background is all blurry but all this work and effort seems to have been completely in vain as the 1996 101 dalmations remake is more effective as a documentary than the Lion King remake purely because the animals don't talk or sing or dance around they don't plot to kill their brother or speak to their dead father they act like dogs because they are real-life dogs they achieve a better sense of realism than Favreau's Lion King and then weren't even trying because this is the 90s a weird period of cinema where live-action films were for some reason trying to be cartoons but it still feels more grounded we believe we are watching something real and we can grasp frat row doesn't even fully commit to making this film feel like a documentary he's still recreating the important Lion King sequences shot-for-shot and having the animals perform Shakespearean dialogue he still includes all the songs and the comedic relief the original Lion King knew exactly what it was a grand animated story for all ages whereas the remake has this weird duality to it where half of it is trying to be an animated cartoon and the other half is trying to be David Attenborough because it lacks consistency it fails to do either and becomes a bland mix of the two being too realistic to work as a fun animated film for children but too surreal to believe we're watching something that exists in our world Favreau wants every shot to feel like it was filmed with an actual person behind the camera as opposed to the usual sleek computerized camera movements you often see in other CGI movies this is because he thinks computerized camera movement will break the immersion but what he fails to understand is that virtually every scene in the film breaks audience immersion just on its content alone dumb to me son job is so unnatural to see animals interacting and expressing themselves in this way as I've been known to say making films is like performing magic you want to trick your audience into believing what you're presenting them no one has been fold into thinking they are watching real life lines in real Africa it's not even like they take the original film and interpret it as a documentary they do the scenes virtually the same as the original and then add in documentary sequences whenever they can fit them in in the original film we see this mouse for a couple of seconds and then splat it just got crushed in the remake we see this mouse move around and just be a mouse for like a minute yeah it does look like a nature documentary but I want to ask how important this mouse is in the story of Lion King how does giving this Mouse more screen time move the story forward it doesn't it's just an opportunity for Favreau to do a little animal sequence which makes him feel like he's adding something as a director ah Favreau this Mouse sequence is really neat really gray you made this Wow I'm gonna put it up in the fridge so everyone can see it now go on go back to remaking a timeless classic then you might be allowed to direct that star we'll show you one what's that sign your t-shirt genie and the boy nitpicks merch did you get that from WWWE pic stock code Oh UK you'd have you seen chef Lion King 2019 was the first film made on unity they literally have a 360 degree open space they can shoot this in any way they like anything is possible there are absolutely no creative limitations but the first thing Favreau does is put creative limitations on himself doing everything in his power to make the film as conventional as he can it's mad to me that the shots from the original 1994 film are more varied like this scene where Simba means Timon and Pumbaa for the first time in the animated version we have an extreme close up on Pumbaa which shows his intrusiveness and boorishness in the remake it's shot like most of the rest of the film two-shot reaction shot handheld camera that tracks the movements of the animals we do get some virtual GoPro shots but that just makes me feel virtually sick then actually the animations they're basing these camera decisions on aren't fully rendered or in any way finished they don't have the final lighting or the details of their fur or faces they're just rough shapes also it's not like Favreau can direct these rough animations to change their performance for the sake of the camera so it's not like shooting a real-life film no matter how many virtual drones and dollies they put in there this is especially disheartening when real-life nature documentaries clearly have more visually stimulating environments and animal sequences when I cut from The Lion King remake to real footage there's a clear difference so it looks like Favreau failed to capture the very thing he was going for apart from mandrill documentaries I'm glad forever I didn't base his version of Rafiki on realism those things look like deadly evil monsters that would tear off your face in a heartbeat number four graffiti should have been a chin right so this slide is just a little detour some micro vents bleeding because Rafiki should have been a chimpanzee in the remake okay hear me out Rafiki in the original Lion King is like a goofy wise old chirpy mandrill which is fine for the original lion king but mandrels in real life are terrifying predator Apes with big teeth and aggressive asses chimps on the other hand are a much funnier expressive ape race look at these pictures next to each other which monkey do you think looks more like a wise goofy sage comment yes if you think it's the old chimp and comment I'm a fool if you think this terrifying deaf ape is in any way more charming or funny than the humble chimp I'm just pointing this out to you - cool Favreau out for not having the balls to take any risks and instead giving us a garbage jutsu Rafiki that should have been a chimp that's it really that's the slide number five if music be the food of Favreau then I'm Phillip Fang but at the end of the day we're plebs lunatics loose witted apes with overactive tongues and so you give banana me give eat banana me eat banana give me eat banana give me you all us Homo sapiens want to see in this audio-visual simulation of Lion King are the damn songs virtues of the vibe first all we want we want to bop our heads to those classic songs we already know that we like I think even I probably wouldn't have spent two weeks watching Andrey watching Lion King and writing this script if I felt at the very least the songs have been done with honor the musical sequences in the original film were by far the most cartoony and surreal it's when they really experimented with different art styles with choreography and making the environment spot this is where the photorealistic CGI becomes one of the biggest detractors to the very John rrah of this film because according to Jon Favreau when animals express their emotions through song in a fictional musical made by Disney they just do exactly the same as what they do in real life walking walking in arbitrary directions stopping lying down or running then walking again in the original version of I just can't wait to be king simple analogue walking away from Zazu yes but they do more than just walk they interact with things each set piece has its own joke or way of directly incorporating the other animals into the action the artists who worked on the sequence drew influence from African patterns this highly colorful blocky design visually shows Simba's childlike in simplistic view of the world it characterizes his naivety and adds to the sense of chaos in the scene as we see the animals stand on top of each other like they're in a circus in the 2019 version all we have a simple running around a lake with other animals they look at the lion cubs with their dead eyes but all this sequence is telling us about the characters is that they're trying to get away from Zazu which we already knew this is the same with the other music sequences we no longer get the Nazi s marching of the hyenas and be prepared or the vivid lighting effects and can you feel the love it's just animals in photorealistic terrains running through biomes like they're in a Minecraft play fur this is nice up here too I don't know what this is for for come up come up here guys Here I am the coach truth is that real-life photorealistic 3d ultra HD 4k Panasonic Panavision unity powered animals should not sing not in something that's aiming to be a nature documentary anyway it looks weird at least I think it does what do you think common yes if you agree with me be prepared has had all of its bombastic punchy performances sucked out of it now it's supplemented by a brooding narration from chiwetel ejiofor who despite being a good performer doesn't take the segment beyond being one note exposition really he sings the words be prepared twice and then they call it a kick up their feet and begin dunking their digestives where's the marching where's the sound of gas exploding out the ground in order to make the river no mate it's all gone now it's just talking this dialogue Alice and it's half the length and hardly any of us complains it's like a slam poetry version of a good song it's like watching an email middle schooler trying to work out the lyrics to his fear at MC our song after his mom said he couldn't go to the concert hakuna matata is made less powerful by the fact that Timon and Pumbaa keep ad libbing in between the musical segments about arbitrary and stupid things Billy Eichner is a good singer makes it work but poor seth rogen can't carry his voice ain't no passing craze [Music] ain't no passing [Applause] musical more like music call me later seth rogen because you can't sing Hakuna Matata ain't no passing craze i don't mean to be unkind but you have one of the worst singing voices possibly in miami was now becomes she has got less punched less panache less cream in the cannoli one of the most memorable moments in the entire franchise is Hakuna Matata and again its strength is sucked out of it like a vampire Victor Donald Glover does save it right at the end slightly because old Tom douche Gambino does got them pipes I mean come on we know he's got them pipes but it's only briefly at the end and sadly this is the only instance in which I think Donald Glover singing skills are showcased effectively in the Lion King remake because despite Beyonce and Donald Glover both being incredibly talented singers in their own right once we get to feel the love tonight I don't feel the love tonight I feel mild wolf like the beginning of a crush tonight their voices have not mixed together in a satisfying way and the overly breathy performance from both artists detracts from the crisp simple melody which was present in the original the song doesn't sound awful by any means it's not as disheartening as how they treat scars so though however this is Beyonce and Donald Glover this song should have felt like the most transformed and impactful song in the entire film but instead it's just beyond saying Donald Glover doing Lion King karaoke not bringing their own unique artistic voice to the table I find it so odd that there are so many distinctive musical artists who were involved in this film not just beyond saying Glover but chance the rapper was also on location for Lion King as well that's right he was with the crew in Africa in VR and yet the production on each track is almost always bland dialed down and unambitious when Elton John was brought on to write the music for Lion King he was in many ways of the music that was popular at the time gay 90's rock and rock however styles have shifted since then and instead of trying to infuse the music with a more contemporary flavor to make this Lion King stand on its own and be representative for the generation that it's for instead we get the most minimal in simple renditions we've ever heard almost as if the songs were an after four I mean to be honest I think the most uniquely produced song in this remake is the lion sleeps tonight and that's not even an original Lion King track I know it was in the original Lion King but it's not originally Lion King [Music] in the 2019 version they mix it up they change the sequences or a cappella and they show off all sorts of different animal life is like for one minute the film comes alive with this energy [Music] then it's gone it's just back to Racine four-seam recreation of Lion King that was fun though I guess I just get wound up you know annoyed when the second most successful film of this year does so little to earn that place The Lion King Broadway musical added new pegar songs it brought its own unique and creative production design to the table that accentuated what it was a musical the 2019 film had as many opportunities to bring an adaption of the Lion King that felt as classy and progressive as the other offshoots in the franchise it doesn't even really know what it wants to be as an adaptation and so no feature of the movie becomes memorable or makes an impact you're just left mildly subdued because there isn't one big problem with this film is a whole series of little things that lead to a major problem criticizing this movie feels like trying to get knit stuff festering in your head at first it seems like there's only a couple but the more you pick the deeper you go the more you find and then you find the eggs and so what was once a small and simple problem becomes billions and billions of tiny minuscule knits all gnawing at your scalp without any access to a bar for contemporary knit shampoos no matter how many you managed to pull out and comb through there were always more the deeper you go one there isn't a problem but billions trillions of them biting and festering on your scalp becomes unbearable and no matter what you do how hard you try there's no escape or redemption or freedom to stop my head from scabbing over horrific aliy so what do i do number six what do i do i went on national television the week this film came out and begged you pleaded with you not to go and see it and everyone all around the world went to the cinema anyway the film still made billions and billions of money moolah sterling Hoshi station power converters the film store made more money than all these countries annual budgets one film made more money than they cost to run all the government services in Barbados for a year the original Lion King is special not just because it's good this was the b-team of Disney animation no one thought this film was going to do well on release they could have just half-assed this movie and taken in an easy paycheck but instead they banded together they created a unique environment where everyone who had a hand in making the movie was invited to collaborate on its entirety there was no single a vision but a team of people all contributing passionately and having the complete freedom to follow their creative instincts they weren't pandering to any type of fandom it weren't strategizing about reaching out to the broadest market possible they were all coming together to make a film which they believed in and in that vacuum people managed to create a simple story that deeply resonated with everyone on a worldwide level that's what makes it special it's a way of making films which is rarely allowed to flourish and it's one of the primary reasons it's so precise now you might think saying Disney decimated Lion King is a bit harsh but the decimate literally means to remove 10% and that's what Disney did they didn't reconstruct something from the ground up or add any new ideas to the film they just took out 10% the facial animations the music sequences the characters the nuts and bolts of this movie and for the type of film that the original Lion King is one in which every single frame has been doted over analyzed and cross-reference with every plot point consider than developed removing 10% of that seems like a pretty stupid idea in retrospective if it's just a light mimicking of Lion King then what value is it providing that the original doesn't already so what we end up with is another half developed expensive movie that was made on a precise deadline which meant none of that genuine spontaneous creativity got to come out in the final product there are pop stars with tour dates comedians with TV shows and a studio that wants to appeal to as many people as possible this is no longer about winning audiences over by igniting their imaginations it's about making them as comfortable as possible giving over their money in the 90s Disney were a company synonymous with childhood whimsy and beautiful filmmaking but over the past thirty years they fought more and more assets as part of their monopolization of Hollywood and have shown us time and time again that their sole interest is in profits first an artists expression second The Lion King remake didn't ruin my childhood it didn't particularly upset me but what it did do for me was alarmingly display Disney's callous this it showed their disregard for one of their most celebrated and loved films it reveals them as cold and calculating a company no longer interested in taking risks or making films that resonate with children and adults alike with this Lion King remake it seems transparent to me that the sole motivation behind making this film was financial and have nothing to do with anything artistically or even morally driven is vacuous and it's a shame that our time of such divisive nough sin greed in our reality but cinema instead of offering an escape from my anxieties simply mirrors it by not having the interest of the audience of its heart anymore when the original Lion King was released it became the highest-grossing animated film of all time it acted as this amazing testament for how good animated films could be and it felt like Lion King really deserved to be at the top of that chart but now 3d ultra HD unity rendered hyper-realistic recreated remade Lion King has taken over as the new highest-grossing animated film I don't think this is filmmaking that should really be rewarded and it's for that reason that I'm giving this film a 4 out of 10 that's my review done that's what you all came here for people have you got the gun today has the countryside ways let the don't consume you that your life be about it get that's what you're here for gunky gunky gunky can pick up on my lips my eyes I have got the gun [Music] yeah [Music] got the gunky fuck it's got the gum that's fucking its in his trunk and he smokes way too much tongue he's got to come he's got the gum not the comfy beer you can't got one today boy can't go to school today why not sorry I can't go out and drink this with you baby [Music] do anything [Music] I've got to go got the gum gum you go pinky fingers his Heather girls sweaty forehead he's got the ghosts nothing my nose yeah you got the gum and it was a hydrating it's gonna come they're sweating up so much you've got the gum covered and all that I've become all of the gunk go junkie gun for life go catch dunk till I die I just wanna beat up it in the gunky gunky gunk God my eyes swell up [Music] my legs go Shona eyesight is blood and my feet are passing oh I've got the gummies baby collies Oh gum gum yeah he's got the gun down through here that gum looking in feel like he's gonna die oh yeah that gum he's got the gunk all up in his trunk all up in his face he son she disgraced he's lying about all over the place oh I'm so come here I'm the gun case man you ever did see coveting gum from my head to my knees oh yeah nobody can top me off cuz I'm filled with tasty tasty gunk crispy of my eyes maggots in my wounds fire is falling out it a rich business owner came to me he said boy that gonna make us lots of money join my train enjoy my chain restaurant selling guns of babies selling we go oh the baby gunk will turn your baby into a chunky chunky chunky baby ain't gonna care chunky chunky junkie baby and conky other days and other ways everybody baby's got his place oh yeah but I'm in charge what would you like small medium I like the large gum with the gun chips can I get a gunk gunk shake [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: NitPix
Views: 290,434
Rating: 4.900105 out of 5
Keywords: Lion King 2019, Lion King, Lion King Remake, Lion King Live Action, Review, Thoughts on, I hate, The. worst, angry, sucks, bad, rant, movie review, funny review, YMS, IHE, RedLettermedia, Mr Plinkett, Disney, 1994, Animated, cartoon, Simba, Mufasa, Nala, Scar, Zazu, Sarabi, CGI, Remake, 3D, Live action, How Disney `decimated Lion King, NitPix, DikPix, The problem with, Rafaki, Unity, Pride Rock, Hans Zimmer, My Name Chef, Chef, Have you seen chef?, Comparison, old vs new, changes, difference, UK, Cinderella
Id: IAvxy4djVUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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