Why Toy Story 4 Is the WORST One - NitPix

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Melvin-joker-brother 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by surf shark VPN hey guys it's been a while since I reviewed a film on this channel so I thought I tackle a film that you've all been requesting for a long time that's right the 2018 film Hate Story 4 made by the most subscribe to YouTube are of them all t-series now I got a lot of issues with Hate Story 4 but let's start with why like what video clip it firstly the acting is sensation someone sent me this to blackmail me a lap simbari to the great job in writing the dialogues the manner he switches from English to what I presume is Hindu seamlessly I want to be the face of señorita don't waste any time hey buddy buddy did you is he judy judy bertocchi perfectly good its expert an overall hate story for stays true to the Hate Story franchise is the racy and heartwarming erotic thriller we've come to expect and love from Vishal Pandora wait a second ah I've got the wrong film I'm so sorry I've really messed this up it's supposed to be a Toy Story for review I must have gotten confused by the titles oh I'm so sorry so yeah what do we all think of Toy Story for cuz I felt it went over like soft jam everyone was excited about it not as excited as Toy Story 3 but yeah we all went to see it gave Disney buckets of money handfuls of the stuff and for the most part people came out pretty happy you might have cried a bit when woody left duck and bunny were funny porky was goofy but this might just be me I might be alone in saying this but Toy Story 4 felt dissatisfied and since I am considered the foremost voice on Disney films by the BBC we're joined now by the co-host of film review youtube channel nitpicks written in that some jones and max parsley thanks very much for joining us thank you very much max what do you think of this then this idea of remaking classic you know I feel like they're taking advantage of my my childhood and they you know ruining my childhood that's what I think is most interesting about it yeah I don't think you can make the lions dance Oh No thank you very much because I felt it was worth analyzing whether the sense of emptiness within me was the result of a disappointing sequel or if my breakup with Caroline was just getting to me and what I found out was that it was definitely the film's fault but first I've got a secret to tell you yeah come closer VPN are you staying in a hotel and scared of being hacked by people using the same Wi-Fi as use sir shark VPN are you in a strange unknown country where you can't access your favorite streaming sites surf shark VPN are you trying to book a flight but find the ticket prices keep changing depending on what country you're in and maybe you'd like to get the tickets as cheap as you could possibly get them surf shark VPN take your computer anywhere hypothetically get surf shark VPN at WWF shark deals forward slash nitpicks and to promo code nitpicks for one extra month free an eighty three percent off eighty three percent off that's a lot to be honest you're not gonna get a VPN cheaper than that that is good value number one the year was wrong the wifing Toy Story 4 makes a basic mistake from the get-go and that's the year of its release 2019 now this may seem like a petty criticism and it is but hear me out the Toy Story franchise has always maintained its continuity over its sequels in Toy Story 1 Andy is 8 years old and the toys are mostly concerned about being replaced by newer toys Toy Story 2 is set a couple of years later and now the toys are realizing that Andy's getting older with each passing day and there will soon be a time when Andy will no longer needs toys we see Andy's younger sister Molly taking her first steps as Woody and Buzz talk about their bleak future you still worried about Andy it'll be fun while it lasts I'm proud of you cowboy besides when it all ends I'll have old Buzz Lightyear to keep me company Toy Story 3 came out 11 years later in that time the original Toy Story Stan's have grown from adorable little scamp's too cynical teenagers but the writers cleverly used the established continuity to set the film a decade or so after toy story 2 Andy is now about to go to college and many of the toys from the original films have disappeared the toys that are still around have been discarded in a trunk we see Andy packing his things for college he picks up Woody and Buzz and contemplates which toy to bring with him this is essentially the entire conflict of the first film but the decision is made almost emotionless without any sentimentality because Andy doesn't care about toys anymore it's time to get a job the toys end up in a new bedroom with a new child and some new toys it essentially brings the trilogy to a full circle the toys have returned to having a young child play with them and they have returned to a safe environment where they are once again value to the time span between these free films made the narrative grander and it felt like the films were growing up along with you it was a subtle and unique way to reach out to people as individuals it's not necessarily a huge thing but on a base level with Toy Story for that unique storytelling feature has been done away with because despite the 9 year gap between 3 and 4 the fourth film seems to be set a year later at most and with that the film moves a little further away from having that human touch almost as if it was made by faceless Disney Supes who hunger for nothing but money [Music] number 2 but your peeps personality Christ yes Bo Peep is back for Toy Story 4 that's right they listen to the outcry of millions of fans who all screamed out where was Bo Peep in Toy Story 3 she was my fave she was my absolute fave she was sadly redacted from Toy Story 3 because unlike the other toys she's made of porcelain which breaks under high temperatures she would have shattered into pieces during that final acts and it probably wouldn't have been appropriate for a family-friendly animated romp so Bo peeps in Toy Story 4 because there aren't any huge incinerators in this one thank God but she seems to have had a complete personality shift in the first two films she's a hominid sheep maiden and now in this one she's all action ready honk McGrew so what happened where did this complete personality shift come from well I personally think her transformation happened at the end of Toy Story 2 we see all the toys return home from their mission to that women in waiting all the toys are celebrating but Bo Peep seems stiff it's clear that even with Woody's arm around her something fell off it was a few weeks later when buzz told Bo the whole truth about what happened at Al's Toy Barn woody almost left for good he almost went to Japan to be in a museum had he ever fought about Bo considered her in this momentous decision of course not she was just a haamiti sheep woman who'd wait for him no matter what she wasn't decisive she was an assertive she wasn't athletic in Toy Story 1 when woody was crying out for help from SIDS room she didn't run to his rescue she stayed in the back and prayed for the best then in Toy Story 2 she wasn't part of the rescue team she's made of porcelain she's modeled off an old-fashioned sheep Maiden that's her character and it was after reflecting on all these aspects of her personality and after analyzing every facet of her identity that Bo Peep thought to herself my character is not economically viable for a 2019 audience so she changed it she changed everything where she was once porcelain she's now a much higher strength porcelain where she was once meek and mild she is now confident and assertive inactivity has turned to activity an address has turned into a jumpsuit now I don't really care because the character has always been crap but there is way more of Bo Peep in this film than any other one and she's for sure my least favorite character in this whole blimmin franchise even with a new 2019 personality she's just not particularly funny or interesting she plays more of an aggressive voice of reason dragging woody around from set piece to set piece I'm not really sure what her motivation or goals are for out the film she doesn't introduce conflict of a narrative and the only real decision she makes is going back for woody and this scene right here but this scene is essentially pointless because by the time she does get back to him he's already had his voice box forcibly transplanted and there's nothing to save him from week 4 a Toy Story film but pretty inoffensive and standard for an animated kids film so none of this bothers me but what does Acme about Bo Peep is that Disney flippin gaslighted me Bo peeps character change is strange to me mostly because the writers pretend that there isn't a character change and all they tell us that Bo Peep has always been this way and now we're just remembering it wrong Toy Story 4 opens with a flashback to sometime between the events of Toy Story 2 and free in this scene Bo Peep and woody work together to save our see this depicts bo-peep as a calm calculating strategist ordering the other toys and Molly's roam around like she's a general or something woody and Bo Peep turn to each other and say this Wow they have so much trademark chemistry they both need to do operation pull toy at the same time what I don't get is why they didn't introduce her in this flashback as the original character we know and love and then have that character change happens sometime off screen because it makes sense for her to change into a proactive decisive and action ready character when she's been living this nomadic thrill-seeking lost toy life for years imagine if the film opens with a scared and timid Bo Peep on the verge of tears being boxed up and taken away from the other toys then when would he does reunite with her years later he would have been all freaked out because she's changed so much she's independent for the first time in her life and this time she doesn't need Woody's approval I think that would have added some meat to this soft Jam of a film it would have been relatable because we've all had exes that changed over time we've all felt a little worthless when we see how much they've moved on without us but maybe I'm just thinking about Caroline too much and I'd rather the film mirrored my own life instead of mirroring whatever the hell this is but this flashback just goes to show that both peeps personality change isn't something that's been informed by the world of the film at all but it's simply just a lazy way to capitalize on a character that could potentially quell our insatiable craving for nostalgia juice number three why is woody weak what do you somehow a more trash character than Bo Peep in this film to be fair was before woody felt like a slightly neurotic but considerate boss now he feels like a senile old man who's always talking about his dead best friends which means you were going to be there for Andi when he was Andi only a year has passed at most between Toy Story 3 and 4 yet for some reason bonnie has gone from loving woody to leaving him in the closet in less than a year after Andy puts special emphasis on how important he was it seemed like bonnie was really excited about woody in the last film especially since she liked found him in a tree and brought him back and then she snatched him off Andy at the end but I guess that's just five-year-olds for you you can't trust the brat not even for a bloomin instant you think you can take care of him for me [Music] so yeah Bonnie doesn't really care or seem to really notice woody anymore after all the work and effort he put in to find a new home he's wound up in the same place he was at the start of the third one but woody isn't even fazed by this whereas before something like Bonnie giving Jesse his sheriff badge would have really bothered him he's just so old and tired now dolly has taken charge of Bonnie's room doing all the announcements and making all the decisions do I need to be worried no no my guys are veterans they'll hang in there good just keep him calm until we get word yes ma'am essentially doing Woody's old job I always thought what he did this in the first one because he was Andy's favorite toy it kind of made sense but yeah I don't know if woody just gave her that job or if the toys have an election yeah I don't know well at school Bonnie put some googly eyes on a plastic spork and calls it for key it's now her favorite toy and she loves it and it's alive any time for key is missing she starts crying and frantically searching for our homemade spork bit weird but okay woody sees it as his obligation his mission his duty to prevent forky from killing himself because if she loses him or she wakes up and he's not there by a side sheer explode or somehow not be able to deal with school this situation has made more tenuous when Bonnie's family decide to go on a road trip because that's what American families do apparently woody spends the whole trip trying to stop forky from running away while all the other toys just watch because I guess woody is the only toy that really cares about this one night where he keeps watch on for ki but he's struggling to stay awake this is the first time they've ever shown toy sleeping because why would they need to they don't have organs or brains so why would they go to sleep in Toy Story one while Sid is sleeping Woody and Buzz are wide awake and then in Toy Story free when Buzz is reset he spends all night watching the toys without sleep anyway buzz sees that what he is struggling and offers to take over his shift to let woody get some toy sleep but woody declines the offer saying that this is something he needs to do alone want me to take the next watch I'll keep an eye on for ki no no I need to do this that little voice inside me would never leave me alone if I gave up well they're talking for ki jumps out the window and woody rushes after him even though a few minutes ago he was barely able to stay awake woody doesn't go back to sleep for the entire rest of the film so I guess the toys only need sleep when it's convenient for the plot anyway why did woody decline buzz his help why does he need to look after for ki on his own well it's later revealed that Woody is obsessing over for ki because it's the only thing he has left to do is the only thing left that gives him value because it's all I have left to do I don't have throughout the whole film woody is constantly repeating the same thing over and over that he needs to get for ki back to Bonnie there is never a moment when that changes it's just that single character motivation that's weakly holding the whole film flimsily together for other toy is trapped in this antique store I have to get that toy from Gabby Bonnie needs him to get through kindergarten just leave me for ki Bonnie needs him but that's fine because this is a film for tiny tiny babies and to expect anything more of this film would be unfair right well it might shock you to hear that Woody's character in the original Toy Story film a film that came out 24 years ago went through character arcs and had motivations that dynamically shifted from scene to scene he starts off as Andy's favorite toy he's like the big man on campus he's got respect you know what I mean and then buzz comes in and Woody's filled with bitterness jealousy and rage this conflict and that builds up - woody attempting to murder buzz then later on Woody's conflict shifts to sit it becomes a survival horror film with woody trying to make it back to the warmth and comfort of Andy's room Woody and Buzz now share the same conflict Sid so they naturally become allies and return to Andy's room with a sincere and genuine friendship that has earned the issue with Toy Story 4 is that the main conflict is always centered around four key and as the other toys don't really care about four key and as bonnie has already shown signs of being a fickle psychopath picking up and dropping toys out a whim it has the weaker stakes compared to the previous three films furthermore woody doesn't come up with the plan to rescue four key beau eeep does he's never in a place of conflict or stress as all the environments even the antique shop are inoffensive and welcoming to woody he never really does anything stand out or exceptional to make us like him or root for him and that's a shame considering it's the guys last film in the franchise yeah that's right woody leaves at the end of this film just like Caroline left me so let's talk about that number four woody voted leave there's no doubt over here in my corner that woody leaving wasn't a touching scene how could you not cry it's woody ah woody and he's leaving whatever but the question I'm asking is why is Toy Story 4 touching us isn't because the film has taken us on a journey and this is our well-earned catharsis or is it because this is a character that's had three films for us to get attached to my argument is that it's the latter because within the context of Toy Story 4 Woody's decision to leave Bonnie and be a lost toy doesn't add up to me I've been crunching the numbers and I don't really get it I mean maybe you can help me out here because in the first two Toy Story films it's constantly asserted that life is only worth living if you're being loved by kids somewhere in that pad of stuff it is a toy who taught me that life's only worth living if you're being loved by a kid the relationship the toys have with Andy is one of unconditional love and that's any kind of love you can interpret it as a romantic love religious love or even parental love the relationship toys have with their kids is a special and intimate one being played with is the only way that their kids can directly express that love which is why these toys are so obsessed with being played with it's everything to them even at Sunnyside daycare the kids that play with them form strong bonds with the toys Lotso says that they stay with the kids until they grow up and then they get new ones when the kids get all new ones come in when they get yeah yeah I just said this but in Toy Story 4 were introduced to a whole new way of life for a toy and that's being a lost toy lost toys don't have a special or intimate relationship with a kid their kid 'less a move from place to place this is how Bo Peep and our friends giggle me dimples live oh and and sheep who now have names for some reason I wonder why 20 quid sold out who's born this rubbish this way of life contradicts with every single thing woody has said done and believed for the last 20 years woody thinks that being played with and loved by a kid is the only thing that matters to a toy whereas both things toys should be free and should explore the world they have complete different ideologies surely they can't both be right you'd think this would produce some debate or argument or conflict between the two you'd think that woody would need to be convinced into leaving bonnie and becoming a lost toy but you could argue that woody just cease bows lost toy lifestyle and convinces himself that it's right for him but I'm not even sure what the life of a lost toy really entails when we're first reunited with Bo she and some other toys are in this park so that kids can pick them up and play with them so I think that's what lost toys do they look for kids and then wait for them to play with them and that's why bows arm is broken off what if a kid like Sid picks them up and takes them home I was driving around in a skunk 'mobile looking for toyless kids a more exciting way of living why would would he want this he's a very insecure and anxious character it seems like these lost toys are in constant danger and stress okay so so maybe woody didn't think it through maybe the real reason he leaves bonnie is so that he can be with Bo Peep the love of his life but surprisingly Bo Peep and woody originally had better chemistry than what we see in Toy Story 4 Bo used to be quiet soft and sweet this worked well with Woody's neurotic anxiety as she could reassure him and make him feel better about himself oh great that's just great this will be the first year I miss cowboy camp all because of my stupid hat woody look under your boot don't be silly my hat is not under my boot would you just look you see no hat just the word Andi boy who wrote that would take you to camp with or without your head I'm sorry Bo woody was proactive and he was passionate he gave Bo Peep something to get excited about he added some much-needed action in her dull and dreary life I mean she's clearly aroused by him in Toy Story 4 all of that has gone he now likes her because she's like a beefed-up version of himself with all the heroism but without the flaws and I'm sorry but that just feels contrived and fake even though they never directly show that woody is dissatisfied with his life in Bonnie's room I think the real reason that woody leaves at the ends is because Bonnie doesn't play with him anymore and his ego can't handle that this shark toy in Andy's room was never played with he was left in the trunk we don't see him whining about having no purpose when Andy grew up and stopped playing with his toys none of them even considered or fought about leaving because being there for Andy was more important woody could have gone to college with Andy but instead he chose to stay with his friends I guess all that stuff about sticking together through thick and thin all those years of friendship and hardship get thrown out the window when your owner doesn't play with you enough that and meeting a thick-ass hot-ass porcelain babe is your cue to dip according to Toy Story all those arduous experiences and lessons that the characters went through seemed to have been forgotten and the cast has been replaced with Dumber simpler versions of what were quite multifaceted characters take Buzz for example in Toy Story 2 buzz used his space Academy training as a tool for detective work and to organize a rescue mission with planning and strategy now he's running around on his own with no clear set purpose because he thinks his voice boxes his inner consciousness how could Buzz be aware he's a toy but still misinterpret his voice box to be his inner consciousness a movie for when Woody doesn't come back with forky the toys weirdly turned to buzz for advice on what to do next Plus what do we do we do but they've already established that dolly is the new leader of the toys and she's right there doing nothing so the film's even inconsistent with things that are set up in itself these things don't bother me that much I mean there were only small details but it's exemplary of my issue with Toy Story 4 is the imagery without the substance and I guess that's why to me Toy Story 4 was just nah it looks like Toy Story in fact is legit the best-looking Toy Story we've had I mean it does look beautiful but under the surface the film doesn't offer a whole lot the effectiveness of the film relies entirely on our attachment towards what we've had before it is still effective we still have an emotional response and we are still invested but this response doesn't match what is achieved when time effort and passion is put into saying something new either that or this is all just about Caroline I've sent her to emails just explaining everything I'm feeling and stuff about our relationship the other one was about Toy Story 4 and she she's not answered any of them either way comment down below and let me know in the comments section what you think of Toy Story 4 or wash do to get over Caroline and while you're at you might as well punch that subscribe button as well and follow us on Twitter we're almost on 5,000 followers and women reach 5000 followers I'll do something mental like eat a KitKat and if you already have if you're a fan of this channel I'm gonna do a bit now where I talk for one minute and I tell you about all the stuff that's to do with this channel know if you're not about that now is your time to dip the last video we uploaded on this channel was cooked the journey of John which was a nitpick short film and 10,000 of you will watch that as some of you guys left comments which were really sweet and I just wanted to thank everyone who has given it a watch and who did leave a comment it's really great to feel supported on this channel you guys are thank you so much making films is something that me and Max are really passionate about if you want to see some of our other films there's a playlist on our channel we're very excited to announce that bangers and mash which is just the first two minutes of journey of John has been selected to show at shorts Film Festival in North London on the 3rd of November you probably know by now we do have a podcast as well it's called bleeding on the page we've changed it quite a lot since we first brought it out we're now putting out weekly episodes we were talking about the Joker the Breaking Bad movie the Netflix show criminal that our last episode we did a competition where you could win a Genie and the Bowie t-shirt it's been one year now since we released that short film you have bought an item of clothing from us thank you so much it really does mean a lot to us that you would wear something on your body that would reflect the content we make it's a gesture of love and we genuinely really appreciate it because you're supporting the channel and you're encouraging us artistically and a lot of the t-shirt sales a lot of that money went towards making our short film journey of John so thank you so much really I can't thank you enough so yeah if you if you did want to get a t-shirt snip WWE pixel code at UK thank you very much for listening to my diatribe more videos coming soon I don't know what to do next not sure what to review so please do leave some suggestions in the comments and I hope you guys have a wonderful time thank you for listening bye
Channel: NitPix
Views: 358,078
Rating: 4.6094627 out of 5
Keywords: NitPix, Review, Film, Movie, Essay, Video Essay, Criticism, sucks, the worst, I hate, analysis, complaint, problem with, disappointing, nostalgia, Disney, Toy Story, Toy Story 4, Woody, Buzz, Bo Peep, Angry, sequel, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, Pixar, 90s, childhood, remakes, member movie, animation, animated, 2019
Id: 0kqsOHyfgsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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