YouTube Red Finally Made A Great Show? - NitPix

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace YouTube read or better known as we're trying to be Netflix has been around for a bit now and I think it's safe to say that no one really gives a [ __ ] good game came out starring the game grumps and was produced by Dan Harmon and none of us watched it and is now cancelled Smosh made a movie and everyone was like what I don't watch this [ __ ] and locum Paul was in the Finan E but now surprisingly YouTube red has made a show that's not just good but apparently it's [ __ ] incredible 100% on Rotten Tomatoes 9 out of 10 on IMDB and that's a higher rating than the one for stranger things and it's not like it's got 10 reviews by a handful of losers over 10,000 people think this show is the [ __ ] more people watch this show the Netflix is lost in space oh that must sting Reed Hastings CEO of Netflix [ __ ] you YouTube red is driving this cash cow all the way to money tropi --less but this leaves us with the question could this sequel to Karate Kid be the Citizen Kane of YouTube red shows let's peep this out even if you haven't seen Karate Kid you've definitely seen Karate Kid lovely New Jersey kid moves into town he gets bullied he has a crush on a girl he gets bullied even more an old man trains him in karate where he beats up the bullies he wins the tournament he gets the girl congratulations now you're the Karate Kid this is your classic three-act structure good verse evil AC sports movie with a loser relatable underdog becomes an unstoppable tank the antagonists bully also does karate cuz the guest karate just seems to be the trendy thing to do [Music] he trains on the Cobra Kai school who follow the philosophy of strike hard strike first no mercy Zeke have they cheat they're aggressive and the teachers damn right abusive they're shown to be entirely unredeemable but you already know what the [ __ ] Karate Kid is but what the [ __ ] is fabric I well this is the continuation of Karate Kid 34 years later and straight off the bat I'm amazed that this show even exists it has the two original actors who are now middle-aged chicks get chicks the way past their prime and they've had no major acting work since the original film I'm so glad the show was successful because if it hadn't have done well each of them would have had to go home sit down with their wife and children look them dead in the eyes and say listen it fell through I'm so sorry I really [ __ ] up the plot is very similar to the original movie except this time they flip the darn thing on its head the over-the-top 80s villain is now our multi-dimensional protagonist by multi-dimensional I mean a raging alcoholic loser who hates immigrants great more immigrants my hero Larusso owns a car dealership and is a bit of a smug [ __ ] his face is plastered all over LA and it's giving Johnny Lawrence major Karate Kid flashbacks I hope I don't need to tell you why this is really funny so is Cobra Kai just Karate Kid again with the protagonist and antagonist swapped over well kind of it introduces this underdog dweeb who's bullied by jocks and Johnny Lawrence steps in and becomes the mr. Miyagi figure except Johnny Lawrence is the antithesis of everything mr. Miyagi stood for cut out there for defense only in the best defense it's more avant Larusso sees Cobra Kai's back up again and gets majorly triggered this reignites the iconic rivalry of Lou Russo and Lawrence get your house in order Larusso the hell you think you're talking to and it fuels the Russo to train his own student but I don't want to give away too much plot because Who am I to ruin a critically acclaimed show you might be shocked to hear that Cobra Kai is not high art it is a corny dumb show that fails continuously strangely the dialogue in the original Karate Kid is better than the 2018 drama series it seems like they've taken the hammy dialogue of the 80s and just turned it up a little too much to a point where it doesn't quite work and everyone speaks like they're not quite human this means that scenes were supposed to take seriously become unintentionally hilarious are you sure you're ready because once you go down this path there's no turning back they're gonna be my karate teacher no I'm gonna be your sensei but when they actually try to be funny it completely falls flat is he wearing my bathing suit we are all of you guys wearing my bathing suits all right listen party's over let's go take the suits off and leave not out here genius the scene is trying to make you laugh and it does but not in the way it intended to Cobra Kai is full of scenes like this it's taken even further when you see the way that Ralph Macchio plays LaRussa he's first introduced to us in this car commercial and initially you think he's handing it up because of the content of the commercial but later you realize that this is how he acts in every scene and that the Karate Kid we have grown up web has been replaced by an overly friendly alien wearing his skin I know it's been a few months but I feel like lately I've let my anger take control and I was a kid he's a kid you [Music] better late than never right Johnny Lawrence is actually surprisingly [ __ ] as well he performs his character of a sense of power Tina Sandra's Venus sort of like he thinks he's a great actor but he's really toned down and an emotive he also mumbles a lot of his lines which are supposed to be taken as impactful I've lived in this [ __ ] for over 10 years pipes don't work fountains full of piss the only good thing about being here is I don't have to talk to anybody this show also does something I really hate in television which is get teenagers really really wrong they don't talk act or even look like real kids why are you wearing a [ __ ] summer dress to school like that what are you a mum the jocks bully the Nerds really blainley in a garish over-the-top manner seemingly for no real or justified reason it's the same bullying that you've seen in every teenage story for the last 40 years and I'm so sick of it if I was one of those kids I just smashed the bully's face in with a mug all the teenagers at the high school looked like they're in their late 20s apart from this guy who looks like 32 now obviously from the footage you can easily tell how cheap and bonds Cobra Kai looks everything is gray and washed out there's nothing dynamic when it comes to the camera one I seriously doubt this is a deliberate stylistic choice as Cobra Kai isn't a gritty believed narrative grounded in realism this is a continuation of [ __ ] karate kids a film wishes brimming with character through its cinematography lighting and says if you want to tell me that this series looks like garbage because of its low budget then I would tell you to go wash El Mariachi a film made on basically nothing and realize how [ __ ] wrong you are but I guess they'd probably just spend most of their budget on plastic surgery another thing that's properly weird about Cobra Kai's that has this anti PC anti sjw theme under laying it consistently Johnny Lawrence says our protagonist is a fully conservative alpha male type who doesn't like immigrants doesn't believe in feminism or gender politics and genuinely believes that the best way to resolve any type of conflict is by punching it in the face lifetime ban on Cobra Kai from entering the tournament what you got to fight this right I'm gonna go down there yeah beat their asses no no no no it's confusing to determine whether the show itself politically aligns with this conservative view of the world or if it's just simply the view of Johnny Lawrence there are moments when Cobra Kai seems to criticize the stereotypical view of the left completely outside of Johnny Lawrence we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive for example instead of sexy nurse maybe try gender-neutral hospital employee however this isn't a criticism of the show these ideals are very rarely seen on TV and Cobra Kai took a risk by incorporating this commentary into the writing this isn't something that's displayed as black and white even his aggressive strike first mentality is shown to be advantageous to his lifestyle and to the students he teaches but is also shown to be detrimental as it alienates a lot of people and could be considered as immoral by the end of the series Johnny Lawrence is not the same man he was before and his ideals have changed he has become more tolerant and less aggressive simultaneously Larusso who was taught to only use karate in self-defense to be balanced and non confrontational is consistently being prodded by people who keep [ __ ] with him as the show goes on he starts to become more assertive aggressive and less like a general [ __ ] so you have one character learning to be more forgiving tolerant a less of a macho dickwad and the other character learning to take control of his life and stand up for himself the two characters that are in direct conflict each go for an arc that mirror each other which in terms of narrative structure is really intelligent so Cobra Kai is actually quite good now you might be wondering why I love this show after talking about how wooden the acting is how cheap it looks and how overall dummy is well amongst the aspects that fail around Cobra Kai there are a number of elements to this show that are well thought out and Letus improper engaging storytelling despite the characters been presented to us in a way that makes them all feel like robots it's undeniable that there's a lot of varied and defined characters in this show they each have core philosophies and ideologies that separate them from others and these philosophies that the characters represent inform their actions everyone has traits that you can connect with and root for as well as aspects that make them flawed there isn't an awesome cool guy in Cobra Kai everyone is pretty much a vulgar and slightly pathetic loser when characters are in conflict you are able to empathize with all of them and understand their viewpoint these moments of conflict are high in emotional stakes as you can no longer define who it is you want to succeed just like in Game of Thrones however unlike Game of Thrones there isn't any filler in Cobra Kai each episode is a tight half-hour and every scene will contribute to the story in a way that gives the viewing experience real pace even if you're completely disgusted by the poor scene construction and performances if you are even slightly invested in this bizarre story that will be enough for you to keep watching all the way to the end as you are briskly swept along from scene to scene and brought deeper into the surprisingly layered storytelling oh and the cliffhangers are like deep-fried pig feet they always leave you wanting more but if you don't take Cobra Kai too seriously you're going to find a great deal of entertainment in the failings of it they regurgitate conventions and throw generic one-liners at you in such a heavy-handed way that you can't help but laugh for how dumb this show can get nothing says so bad it's good more than a completely serious dramatic scene and which Johnny Lawrence gets so angry at his old karate rival that he smashes his bonsai tree the show gives you such low expectations that when it does decide to break narrative conventions and surprise you was something actually interesting you become fully invested in the story as it happens the show is never quite what you think it is and there's plenty of twists and turns along the way as well as inciting commentary on the original film you end up being pleasantly surprised as Cobra Kai regularly shows itself as being more than what you give it credit for so start giving it more credit guys but not that much credit that's a bit too much credit just like a level bit of credit because it is still [ __ ] in a lot of ways however the things that make issue it's unlike boring [ __ ] it's [ __ ] in a charming way I recommend watching Cobra Kai all-in-one sitting with a bunch of drinks and your friends that's how I did it and I have never laughed so hard you'll find yourself cheering as some character comes out with yet again a hilariously written and poorly delivered line of dialogue you'll take great joy in trying to predict where the story is going it gives you a perfect mix of hilariously bad with an engaging narrative nuanced themes and really well choreographed fight sequences ultimately the reason I think the show is so well reviewed and enjoyed is because it takes risks with its ideas and characters they could have given us a straightforward karate kid' television series which follows the same beats note-for-note but instead they gave us something that subverted the original film's ideology Cobra Kai shows us that there's no such thing as good versus evil it addresses ideas around bullying in a refreshing way and also has a lot to say about masculinity in 2018 it does all this while being a soap opera with karate which makes it even more unique and perplexing this show isn't a cash grant it's not YouTube read trying to use a franchise to finger your wallet there's clearly a lot of passion and enthusiasm in this show the crater's had a story they were dying to tell so badly that they were willing to make it with YouTube read probably after Netflix said no Cobra Kai is lightning in a bottle there are so many aspects that shouldn't work but they somehow managed to fit together into something cohesive resulting in an entirely unique experience that sets itself apart from earnestly being the best it can be but what do you think of Cobra Kai let me know down below or try to tell me about your experience with YouTube Bret if you enjoyed this video please press all the buttons and look at my Twitter but don't forget about Squarespace why would you want to forget about Squarespace Squarespace is an all-in-one platform which offers easy to use and customizable templates allowing you to construct the website that's perfectly suited to you you don't even go to install patch or upgrade anything ever and without award-winning 24/7 customer service you know you're in safe 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Channel: NitPix
Views: 347,233
Rating: 4.7180743 out of 5
Keywords: Cobra Kai, YouTube Red, NitPix, Nit, Pix, Review, Karate Kid, Show, Finally Makes, A Great Show, Video Essay, Funny, Angry, The Worst, I Hate, Why It Sucks, Is It Good?, Why You SHould Watch, Karate, Logan Paul, The Thinning, Vsauce, Mindfield, Smosh, Ghostmates, Game Grumps, Good Game, Netflix, Rant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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