Game Theory: FNAF, Another Mystery SOLVED!

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This was good.

I like how he addresses the dysfunctional family themes that keep appearing in these stories. Like the motherhood theme in Dance With Me. And I’m glad he doesn’t believe Mrs Afton literally is Ballora. I’m much more on board with the theory that William created Ballora in his wife’s image.

Also MikeBro is back let’s fucking goooooo

👍︎︎ 185 👤︎︎ u/MichaelO2000 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow, no golden Freddy in the thumbnail.

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/pulsarlocation 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

After watching the vid, I'm very glad that Matpat believes Mikebro again with the parallels between Mike, Foxybro, and Pete. The only issue is at the end of vid where he still thinks the two lines of "The party was for you" and "Does he still talk to you" is towards to the BV/Mikevictim, does he even know the altered text and to where Michael doesn't acknowledge the faded text.

Also, the summary of dance with me is alright as well, he does point out that William created Ballora to resemble his wife which is neat.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/GoldenRichard93 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Matpat believes MikeBro again.

👍︎︎ 128 👤︎︎ u/SmearReddit 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hmm, Michael (oldest brother) in the Thumbnail. Interesting

Edit: He believes Mikebro

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/BlonglikZombie 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/bvisnotmichael 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/-Gnostic28 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Woa, this theory was quite interesting, not to mention the fact that MatPat is now a MikeBro believer.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Tenebrae_Vesper 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

One of the things I disagree with is the fact that Cassidy doesn't necessarily have to be talking to Michael in the logbook. She could be talking to BV, who potentially might be sharing a golden suit with.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/xxx_Dan_xxx 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] and an army hello internet welcome to game theory the show that is without exaggeration thinking of reaching out to scott coffin so that we can jointly buy chuck e cheese's quickly dying restaurant franchise so we can transform them into what they were always meant to be real-world fnaf experiences heck they've already got the terrible pizza taken care of we could probably even sell the idea to youtube originals and make a whole series about transforming the pizzerias into horror-themed dining experiences which would also help mitigate the cost of doing all that no joke in here scott this is something we absolutely can and probably should do i've recreated your games before in real life and they seem to be pretty well received so between my feeder background and your well you know your gobs of money and masterminding of the ip i think we can make something that's really cool and yeah the reason i'm bringing it up here is so fans can start talking about the idea both here and on reddit to show you how excited they are for this to happen anyway let me just leave it at you have my email i early await your response who knows you've probably already bought it at this point you're just waiting to reveal that fact to the world speaking of chuck e cheese restaurants the grand pappy of fnaf i actually have a theory in the works about those pizzerias that any fnaf fan will enjoy the episode will be going live in the next few weeks on my newest theory channel food theory which if you haven't checked out yet you totally should link is down in the description yes it sounds like a joke no it's not we've not only got episodes about chuck e cheese on the way but also horror episodes like how the ghost of kfc's colonel sanders has been cursing people for decades yes it is a real thing that we are currently researching it's the same science math and over research that we do over here except you know on real life topics and for anyone who's hesitant to check out a channel about food we're already winning people over like jack here over on twitter who said he started out skeptical but watched the episodes and immediately got the concept we've got over half a million subscribers in the first 24 hours and we're getting really really close to that million in these first two weeks so please please please help us reach that milestone in record time show the world how passionate we theorists are by shattering that subscriber record and hey fnaf even already has made an appearance on the show it's in every single intro food theory so subscribe to food theory today to get your daily dose of brain food in a sucky sucky no-good awful year seeing so many people excited about this new channel has really helped us all out so thank you guys for your support thank you for your subscription and i can't wait to deliver you more it's been a lot of work but it's really fun alright a new month a new fnaf book a new set of lore reveals earlier this month the latest fazbear fright book step closer hit store shelves and even though it has a super forgettable name the stories inside of it are epic not just because they're some of the most gruesome in the series i mean page one literally starts with a dream sequence where a kid's eye gets popped by foxy's hook but because of the lore drops that are happening in this thing they are huge up until this point the fazbear frights books have given us interesting concepts to chew on fleshing out the world of fnaf and giving us new insights into events that we already had a pretty good handle on it's been useful certainly but nothing too earth-shattering animatronics can have people stuffed inside of them confirmed outright in book one people can have animatronics stuffed inside of them confirmed in book three everything is powered by human agony the missing children's incident probably happened in 1985 animatronics can steal identities humans can be body swapped with animatronics golden freddy might have multiple souls trapped inside of him ghosts might be able to escape from their animatronic prisons to lure more people to them like there has been a lot across all of these stories hence why i've been covering these books so much but step closers lore drops are attacking some of the biggest lingering questions still in existence from these games the ones presented to us by the two most frustrating games in the franchise in f4 and fnaf6 questions that are still hotly debated by the fnaf community so today we're looking at the first of those debates the ones related to fnaf 4 and looking at what those answers mean for the rest of the series today we confirm the identity of this guy the older brother foxy bro real quick though before we get to the meat of this theory let's quickly speed our way through probably the least important story of this new trio the middle one titled dance with me in it we cover casey a young woman who's coming from a tragic childhood she lives on the street picking pockets and nabbing purses one day she robs a mother and a young girl outside of circus baby's pizza world which we're told has itself a big red door potentially important detail alert anyway one of the items that she nabs is a set of cardboard glasses when casey puts him on she sees a hologram of ballora spinning in the distance weirded out by this she has other people try the glasses on and no one else manages to see ballora from that point onward each time she puts on the glasses the hologram gets closer and closer which begins to freak her out to the point of her leaving town and trying to put her life back together in hopes that it gets ballora to leave her alone a couple cities and failed jobs later casey eventually decides to return the stolen items to the mother and the daughter hoping that it'll make amends the family welcomes her in and forgives her but when the little girl isabella puts the glasses on she not only sees ballora but she immediately begins dancing it's a very vague ending because it's unclear whether ballora who was one step away from getting casey instead nabs the girl because she's the one who puts the glasses on next and the dancing is the girl becoming possessed or if it's the girl just excited to be dancing alongside one of her favorite characters ballora anyway there's not a whole lot to talk about with this one the technology is super strange freddy's is apparently advanced enough to have holographics that work in cheap cardboard glasses for kids that would be strange enough but there's also some extra weirdness that the holograms can interact with the physical world we see throughout the story that this ballora hologram kicks up leaves and causes them to swirl around her to quote from the story there was ballora pure wedding among the colorful fall leaves as she spun the bright leaves were sucked into her vortex for a few seconds casey admired the beauty but then she thought wait if ballora is just a picture a hologram then how is she affecting the objects around her it didn't make sense welcome to the world of being a fnaf theorist casey it didn't make sense prepare to get that one tattooed on your forehead but in all seriousness it does raise a big question is she actually a hologram or just invisible and the glasses are somehow revealing her it's unclear today i'm going to be talking a lot about those weird little details that just seem so oddly specific for a book to call out that it feels like the book is trying to tell us something and this seems like one of them but well i could spend a lot of time trying to figure it out to my knowledge holographic or invisible animatronics haven't really been a thing yet in the franchise so we'll just have to cross that bridge when it becomes important unless oh damn it it might be a phantom animatronic no no they don't interact with the real world do they last point to be made about this story though is its recurring theme of mothers and motherhood a lot of the backstory that we get on casey is our troubled relationship with her mom which has played a big part in how her life ended up the way it did casey throughout the story is also visited by an older woman at a bus station that gives her grandmotherly advice she's saved from the police by another elderly woman she makes amends with that mother and daughter that have a relationship that she envies i mean it could be me thinking too much about this big surprise but it doesn't feel like a coincidence that ballora is the main animatronic featured in a story about motherly relationships i had a theory a long time ago two years ago that ballora was some sort of stand-in for mrs afton not in any sort of creepy way get your mind out of the gutters i mean that she represents the wife that william afton lost or divorced him or most likely that he abandoned in the aftermath of his daughter getting clawed to death by baby i mean just look at the song that ballora sings in sister location why do you hide inside your wall when there is music in my hall all i see is an empty room no more joy an empty tomb aka the bedroom of our tragically deceased child william hides inside his walls by diving even deeper into his work it's something that william's partner henry does in the original novel trilogy when he loses his daughter he shuts out the rest of the world hiding behind his walls and obsessing over his work to try and bring her back and so when william does this in the games his wife is left alone and probably ends up leaving him as such has some sort of coping mechanism william recreates her in animatronic form depicting her with perpetually shut eyes because to william she was blind to what needed to be done to rebuild the family blind to the fact that his work was so important she wanted to move on to do frivolous things like sing and spin and dance or at least that's how he felt from his perspective william afton was mired in his own misery of loss like i said it's a bit of a stretch and something that i've lightly talked about before but i thought the connection between ballora and mothers in this story was particularly interesting and worth calling out anyway onward to the real story i want to address today step closer which isn't just sparking new theories but it's straight up confirming stuff that we've argued about for years in it we meet pete a 16 year old who due to their parents divorce has to babysit his little brother chuck the chump one day while watching him at a freddy fazbear's pizzeria pete annoyed about having to be the responsible one decides to scare chuck a little by taking him backstage to see an out of service foxy pete fires up the machine and chuck runs away leaving pete alone to get seemingly hypnotized by foxy's performance a performance that repeats one line over and over you can be a pirate but first you'll have to lose an eye and an arm and from there you can probably guess what happens over the next few days pete gets into multiple accidents that put either his eye or his arm in danger a scalpel nearly hits his eye in science class a butcher knife almost chops off his hand at the store a buzzsaw blade shoots out at him from a nearby construction site he gets hooked in the face by a fishing line and he almost loses a hand to a chinese finger trap at the school carnival anyway the two brothers eventually make amends and come to the realization that pete needs to face down foxy to break some curse pete rushes to freddy's but in his panic he's hit by an oncoming truck and killed out of nowhere it's this awful awful reveal that you absolutely do not see coming because you feel so bad for this kid you're like oh he's apologized to his brother they have a good relationship they have a plan for getting pete out of this after him being brutalized for the better part of a week he's on his way to close off the story and then bam it just ends and that would be where the story ends except for one thing pete is still alive kind of we pick up back in the hospital where pete's soul is trapped inside of his own dead body pete is an organ donor against his will i might add thanks a lot for signing me up for that one mom and they just got an emergency request for you guessed it an eye and a hand pete is forced to helplessly watch as his body is taken apart by surgeons like i said at the beginning of this episode this story is shocking what's even more shocking is the lore confirmation that we get in this thing pete's story 100 confirms for us that foxy bro the older kid from fnaf4 who repeatedly traumatizes his younger brother before eventually getting him chomped in the jaws of fredbear that is undeniably michael afton 100 no doubt it's something that we strongly suspected for a while and something that later evidence started to throw into question but this story happening five years after that game's initial release finally clears it up for us obviously there are some superficial similarities here pete has a younger brother who's scared of the animatronics just like foxy bro has the crying child his younger brother who's scared of the animatronics pete is connected to foxy throughout the story just like the brother in the foxy mask pete and chuck's parents are divorced just like it seems william and mrs afton are in the game leaving the older brothers alone to care for their younger siblings at one point in the story pete's hand starts to turn purple which points us back to michael afton and sister location physically turning purple and lastly is that final scene where pete should be dead but isn't which exactly mirrors the iconic words of one michael afton father it's me michael i should be dead but i'm not but all of it is just a bunch of weak parallels between foxy bro and michael and michael and pete and foxy bro and pete how do we know for sure that all three of these characters are connected one word gum people ask me a lot how i come up with these theories and more often than not it's small details that just stick out as off for the author or game designer to include as though they're purposely seating these details out there to try and signal something to us and in this particular story the odd character detail of pete is that he chews gum a lot page four he's chewing watermelon gum while watching his brother later when he's scared by the foxy animatronic the book makes mention of him swallowing that gum okay that's fine that's a one-off thing no big deal but later on the way to the butcher shop we're told that he quote pops a wad of watermelon gum into his mouth on the boat fishing with his dad he wishes he had brought his watermelon gum it is mentioned a lot in this short story enough that it sparked my fear senses and made me flag it to look into later now obviously at no point during fnaf 4 or heck any of the games do we see a character actively chewing gum that'd be silly but that's not the only place that we see these characters at this point let me direct your attention back to the fnaf survival log book who knew that a book with dabbing chica as an active selling feature would become the single most important item for lore solving of this franchise for those of you don't remember this little gem it's the log book originally owned by mike as we see on the title page that helped us to solve for cassidy's name and wouldn't you know it but today it's also the thing that's gonna now reveal to us michael afton's true identity page 49 quote list 10 bad habits you'd like to break number one chewing gum excessively i mean there it is plain as day pete chews gum excessively michael afton chews gum excessively pete eventually turns purple and comes back to life after being dead michael afton eventually turns purple and comes to life after being dead pete is an older brother who scares his younger sibling using foxy foxy bro in fnf4 is an older brother who scares his younger sibling with foxy pete equals michael and michael equals fnaf 4's foxy bro done confirmed another character identity locked this detail has been sitting in the log book for years just waiting to be used kind of impressive well done there scott well done and this confirmation tells us everything we need to know about michael's motivation for the rest of the game series he's avenging his brother's death the one that he made happen when gold and freddie appearances are accompanied by the words it's me it is literally the younger brother saying it's me i'm here to his older brother but of course of course of course it is never that easy this same security logbook this thing that has been so pivotal to solving so many mysteries of this franchise raises just as many challenges because sure here it just confirmed the foxy bro connection but then it also has lines like these page 103 the party was for you page 75 does he still talk to you in reference to psychic friend fredbear page 23 was your favorite childhood toy a plastic purple telephone page 20 what do you remember and most troublesome of all page 31 do you remember your name all of these questions seem pointed to the crying child the party was for him his favorite toy was the purple telephone fredbear did talk to him and never to foxy bro as far as we know in fact these are the exact questions that got us to throw the foxy michael connection away so many years ago why would the spirit in this book cassidy be telling mike things that are very clearly true of the crying child if mike was indeed the older brother the entire time like this latest fazbear fright story just confirmed for us it doesn't make sense which is why now we have to solve these last two questions what do you remember do you remember your name i mean yeah i do remember my name it's mike i wrote mike on the first page of the book didn't i unless mike never truly was my name the question that we're left with and the question i pose to you and that i still need time to think through is what did michael forget and how did he forget it was he the bite of 87 victim is that how he lost his memory did some sort of other trauma cause him memory loss and more importantly is there some other strange connection between michael and the crying child like seriously why would the book say that the party was for michael when fnaf 4 clearly tells us that it's not i can't believe that this is just some sort of typo or something this book is so precisely engineered to be the linchpin in too many mysteries of this franchise for that to be the case so could that connection between the two brothers be the reason why michael's name might somehow be different all theories for another day my friends but at least for now we're one more confirmed step closer to getting the answers we've been looking for for so long so maybe that's the reason why the story is in fact called step closer because otherwise that title for a story about a kid losing an eye on an arm just doesn't make a whole lot of sense next time we tackle susie and her connections to fnaf6 in the meantime remember that food theory exists as a channel and you should subscribe to it help us cross a million subscribers i know that you guys can help us do it and if you like what we do over here then you're gonna love what we do over there too so stick around on that channel i'm having a blast with it and like i said if you're into videos about scary restaurants and pizza well we've got episodes coming out about both the dark lore of kfc and heck even today's episode about how pizza is technically a sandwich link is on screen right now it's a channel that's given you lots of cool stuff that you can drop in front of your friends and family so no longer will they just be rolling your eyes when you talk about animatronic murder now you can blow their minds with stuff that they might actually understand and care about so please check it out please subscribe so that way we can get closer to the one million subscriber mark and i'll see you all next week
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 5,416,098
Rating: 4.9423194 out of 5
Keywords: FNAF, five nights at freddy's, fnaf theory, foxy, foxy bro, fazbear frights, fnaf books, golden freddy, fnaf golden freddy, five nights at freddy's theory, five nights at freddys, fnaf vr, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf vr ending, fnaf vr dlc, fnaf help wanted, fnaf special delivery, new fnaf teaser, fnaf sister location, sister location, fnaf world, scott cawthon, new fnaf, fnaf trailer, new fnaf trailer, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory FNAF, matpat fnaf
Id: wt7NbMF2vVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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