Game of Thrones: How Bad Writing Used The Dragons Against Us

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I watched this one earlier. Definitely worth it. Highlights even MORE aspects of the shit writing. :/

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FrayAdjacent 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone a quick announcement if you were interested in learning more about me how I became a novel editor what my typical work day is like and a bunch of other stuff head on over and subscribe to the second channel Savage speaks link will be in the description below so I freaking love dragons I have all my life if there is a dragon in something I'm most likely going to throw my wallet at it Skyrim was my first Elder Scrolls game specifically because of the Dragons I bought a ps3 because of layer when I was a preteen I wanted an iPod Touch literally just so I could download dragon wars and watch it on the go one of the earliest videos on this channel is about my feelings on How to Train Your Dragon 3 which I saw eagerly as a grown man I wrote a 40,000 word book simply because I wanted to tell a story with a dragon in it I have a dozen other examples too but I think you get the point I'm an unabashed sucker for dragons and I think millions of you guys are too and I don't think I'm alone when I say that one of the main reasons I was drawn to Game of Thrones was because of the promise of dragons even though the show's casting was spot on the plotting was phenomenal was and the world was huge and the stakes were also very high nothing really lures in people to a fiction like a dragon an HBO obviously knew this they marketed the show confident in the belief that we were all doe-eyed serfs panhandling for even the smallest modicum of on-screen dragons that's why the official season art features Dragons that's why the season 4 trailer has a superimposed shadow of a dragon over King's Landing everyone knows sex sells but big fire-breathing dinosaurs also sell which is why actor Ian McShane called the show and I quote tits and Dragons Danny's hot lizards brought all the boys to the yard and they were in fact better than a bunch of other dragons in fiction and originally this video was going to be about the writing choices that contributed to making the Dragons so memorable and authentic but as I did research for the video it was inevitable that I would have to wade through the muck and mire of season seven and eight which coincidentally were some of the most dragon heavy seasons in the entire show and as I washed clips and episodes through hateful bloodshot eyes I realized that I had not yet made my 45-minute Lindsay Ellis esque video dedicated to why seasons 7 & 8 were tenth to mount two crimes against humanity which of course is strange for me because I have been talking about Game of Thrones on this channel since literally month one so in the spirit of keeping in line with the show I thought to have my cake and burn it to a crisp - this video will not only be a one year late look into the proper execution that led to three of the most incredible dragons in visual media but a one year late look at how the showrunners took those dragons in the final two seasons and purposefully and maliciously use them against us to further their own poorly written narrative but let's start on a good note first because some praise is definitely still in order while it might not seem like it in hindsight one of the most important factors that contributed to properly building up the Dragons was the weight to get to them from the very beginning of season one the shell made sure to dangle the possibilities of dragons in front of our faces whenever it could likewise it also hyped up the Dragons by having characters reference their power all the time this teasing before or reveal is not new either it's exactly what jaws did with its iconic shark the weight build tension and wanting but another key aspect of the nearly 10 hour long wait until the Dragons arrived was getting used to the world as it was season 1 of Game of Thrones is the most mundane of all and I say that meaning it's the closest to our own reality season 1 is really more proximal to historical fiction than fantasy and has more in common with HBO's Rome than Tolkien's Silmarillion but it is the normalcy during this interim of waiting that makes the Dragons so special we of the audience become accustomed to the power dynamic of the conflict being centered around combat assassinations armies scheming etc the one time that the people of Westeros were confronted by a more than mundane force everyone disregarded it as nonsense from the outset everything happening in Westeros away from Daenerys was constructed to acquaint us with the gritty recognizable medieval reality that Game of Thrones played by and because of that when the magic of season 1 finally does come it hits us differently than anything prior specifically because nothing prior has come close to what we're seeing our baseline for Game of Thrones was basically medieval politics and war the world had been absent of dragons for a century but the finale of season 1 the closing moments of the episode delivered an extraordinary event both in universe and out had the Dragons been present from episode 1 that would have been our standard for what to expect but the birth of the Dragons was a literal fantastic event which brought the fantasy of the fiction center stage the vulnerability of the Dragons is one of the more complex pieces that went to making them such a draw for the show one facet of this is actually coupled with the weight because we wanted dragons for so much of season one and season one made us wait so long to get them the newly hatched dragons had immense value to the audience anytime you invest something of yours into something else you care for that thing more deeply and an investment of time is no different spending ten hours or if you're watching the show as it aired ten weeks waiting for the Dragons to come meant that when they finally did he wanted them to stay well George are Martin and the show runners at the time knew this which is why in season two the vulnerability of the Dragons is used as a narrative tool almost immediately we are threatened with the Dragons being taken from us the nobles and Warlocks of Qarth have endangered what we have come to value so much and nothing endears an audience to characters like the threat of a loss this was especially true at the time because the Game of Thrones established its willingness to kill off key pieces of the story back in season one the Dragons being put in danger immediately after being delivered to us coupled with the show's tone of real consequences created a situation where we as the audience cared about the Dragons even more if anything we were just as invested in protecting them as Daenerys and that is actually where the complexity of their vulnerability comes in not only does a threat against the Dragons present a danger to them it creates an emotional vulnerability in Daenerys these dragons are the closest things she has to children and their theft or death would utterly destroy her this is yet another way that the narrative moves the audience to become invested in the Dragons because of our positive regard for Dany this girl who was overcome and suffered so much we do not want to see her in pain that feeling is just natural for a person to have when watching compelling fiction and compelling characters so by extension since Danny's emotions are wrapped up in the safety of the Dragons we not only care about the Dragons safety for their sake but for Danny's as well it's similar to caring about Zuko's well-being because you care so much I row daenerys his relationship with the Dragons her motherly bond creates an air of vulnerability in her narrative even after the Dragons become physically capable themselves we want the Dragons safe because we care for Daenerys coding every instance of danger involving them in true earned worry investing us more deeply in both the Dragons and Dany [Music] the most obvious draw for the audience's investment is the potential of the Dragons the early seasons of the show may have given astro GaN rhaegal and Viserion but we really stayed around to see what they would become tales of great flame spewing monsters abound in Game of Thrones and watching the Dragons slowly inch towards becoming those terrifying goliaths with every new encounter is like a buffet we just know is right around the corner there is obviously no real-world equivalent to dragons which means we as the audience have no real conception as to the limits of what Danny's children will grow into for us the possibilities are literally limitless as such an open unbound narrative future only Spurs us on to watch more we want to see the dragons at their biggest and best and the more time we spend with them the more that desire grows in deepens one of the best parts about the Dragons was their unpredictability many dragons in popular fiction exist in states of extremes when it comes to their intelligence and personalities fantasy sometimes employs hyper intelligent dragons extremely akin to humans in their ability to interact and understand the world on the other end of the spectrum are the vicious feral dragons these usually exist as nothing but angry bloodthirsty predators that stand as an obstacle for our main characters to overcome another archetype are the mystic dragons so magical and above regular comprehension but they appeared nearly godlike then there are the pet dragons who live alongside people as animal companions the Dragons of Game of Thrones sit somewhere in the middle of all of these which makes them distinctly unique and alluringly unpredictable on one hand the dragons are intelligent possibly even more intelligent than we give them credit or dragons are intelligent more intelligent than men according to some masters on the other hand though the Dragons definitely act as animals at times wild unruly and completely instinctual but the Dragons are definitely not just another breed of animal in fact they are spoken of as fire given flesh the physical manifestation of magic a dragon's a fire made flesh in this way they are similar to the mythical godlike dragons of other fictions but conversely they very much behave as close partners to Daenerys maybe not so much pets but definitely as companions this middle ground of being intelligent but animalistic mythical but recognizable makes the Dragons an enigma the audience can never become complacent with the Dragons because we are not sure what they will ever do well they defend or will they attack will they stay or will they leave as they please the Dragons never truly fit a specific paradigm and an inability to predict what is happening is the key to producing tension in a narrative all we could do as the audience was watch the Dragons and be at the mercy of what they decided to do and that only caused us to hang on their every action even more the last major factor that contributed to the success of the Dragons fittingly is the payoff seeing all three dragons take to the skies for the first time fully grown acted as a payoff to literal years of narrative build-up if even just for a brief moment this was a sign that the show would make good on all the spectacle it had promised with the Dragons fully grown and properly powerful not only would they have a larger impact on the narrative our most baseline carnal desire of seeing stuff get burned by an Apache attack helicopter with scales would be fulfilled and who wouldn't want to see that but as I said this is the final section of all the things that went right with the Dragons meaning I have no choice but to start talking about season seven and eight the use of the Dragons against us was a descent that started slow subtle and sinister but one that eventually plunged into pure abject nonsense that was buying and insulting huge swabs of the last two seasons problems are actually centered on the dragons and the show using them as tools to knowingly manipulate the audience in fact many of the same narrative tools that worked to endear us to the Dragons were used to make us accept the bad writing in hopes of something better on the horizon with hindsight being 20/20 I'll just say it there was nothing better let's start with the initial way the poor writing used the Dragons against us it was by the show basically acting like episode 9 of season 6 didn't happen when Danny comes from Essos she has a massive army of Dothraki a fleet backed by the Tyrells and Martel's and again three fully grown dragons Cersei by comparison at the end of season six has just put Westeros in its weakest state in decades arguably centuries Cersei incinerated dozens of powerful Nobles along with basically the new Pope and the Vatican and it's not like she tried to pass it off as someone else Cersei immediately ascended to the throne without a legitimate claim mind you essentially banshee screaming to everyone that she was behind the worst attack in modern Westerosi history if you want to get really specific about the upheaval on the continent the King defenestrated himself which is always great for public morale I guess Cersei has a Sith Lord revenant wandering the streets killing people who speak out against the state and the northern half of Westeros has completely seceded any idiot watching the show what understand the people of Westeros would to put it lightly not be enthused with Cersei and jump at any chance to get rid of her which in the moment appeared like good writing just as Dany was at the zenith of her power wanting to win over the people of Westeros Cersei had created a dictatorship I would inspire the people of Westeros to accept an incoming challenger following that line of progression on a narrative level Dany would land in Westeros in season seven with her overwhelming military might battle against Cersei while winning over the people of the kingdom finished the Battle of the humans fighting so that season eight you know the finale could focus fully on the cry o Lich marching forward with his army of the undead hoping to wipe out all life on the planet but as we all know none of that happened instead the show kept the Dragons around as a focus while also in the same breath going out of its way to say that they couldn't be used the show's logic of course is that using dragons to burn battlefields and cities will not inspire much loyalty in the populace which on a certain level makes sense but that's not what Danny needed to do all that was required for Daenerys was for her to fly her dragons to King's Landing immediately sees the Red Keep and capture Cersei this could have been done with no leading or no planning whatsoever and the worst fact is that the show recognized that this was the best logical option because it specifically mentions this route and gives possibly the most piss-poor reason imaginable about why it couldn't work we have an army of fleets and three dragons we should hit King's Landing now hard with everything we have the city will fall within a day we turn the dragons loose tens of thousands will die in the firestorm the defense that Tyrion gave here is the mantra of season seven and honestly parts of season eight Tyrion warns that using the dragons against King's Landing would kill tens of thousands of innocent bystanders but what that statement does is wipe away all the previously established nuance that the show went out of its way to create I know the running joke in the fandom is that the Dragons are the medieval equivalent nooks but the show inexplicably is literally treating them as indiscriminate killing machines when there is a plethora of evidence to the contrary in season two the Dragons are shown shooting fire past Danny to specifically hit the Warlock of Qarth now I know what you're thinking the Dragons are super small Danny is off to the side and the warlock is plainly in front of them this isn't good evidence of the Dragons being discriminated their aggression alright fine I will grant you that but how about in season 3 when Danny gives a single command and drogon only kills the men loyal to craziness avoiding the unsullied the other slaves and her own group but even to this some people might say sure this could mean that the Dragons can show distinction but drogon is so small here if he were bigger the destruction would obviously be less controlled Danny wouldn't have been able to stop the collateral damage you know what I hear that criticism loud and clear - but I raised you season 6 episode 9 here Danny uses all three dragons all of them effectively full grown to burn the ships of yunkai and asked for however the most important aspect of this is that Danny limits the dragons to only burning a very small number of ships this is because the remaining ships surrender and she incorporates those ships into her own fleet so in case that wasn't crystal clear Danny was able to coordinate all three of her dragons at once for a precision attack against a very specific set of enemies were after the dragons ceased their destruction and allowed the remaining enemies and their armaments to be captured huh I wonder if this nuanced control of the Dragons would become relevant somewhere down the narrative line huh the bad writing of season seven takes we of the audience hostage from the very beginning and uses the Dragons as a storytelling weapon against us the show turns these complex intelligent nuanced creatures that we have spent literal years with into theoretical caricatures of themselves the entirety of season sevens conflict is based around the idea that Danny cannot use her three dragons to take King's Landing without causing massive collateral damage the real kick in the crotch though is that this is literally what happens Danny uses her single dragon to successfully take King's Landing without massive collateral damage the only reason civilians really even died was because she had an impromptu comic book villain psychotic break the reason for season 7 being crippled by this ridiculous narrative restriction of not using the dragons after building them up for so long is obvious now the showrunners wanted this conflict between Danny and Cersei to last as long as possible the show performed olympic-level narrative gymnastics to justify and force-feed this long boneheaded war to us simply because an easy logical takeover of King's Landing wouldn't allow them to execute their prospected nonsense for season 8 but again this is just the beginning from the moment john set foot on Dragonstone the show did everything in its power to draw a connection between him and the Dragons and I mean everything this really isn't a negative either it makes perfect sense both in universe and for the narrative John is a Targaryen making him on some level linked to dragons John's relationship with the Dragons is not my issue my issue isn't even that John doesn't end the show with a dragon my issue is that the show uses the potential of John's relationship with the dragons to purposely build up the power behind John's parentage and his ability to act as an alternative ruler to Daenerys but then does nothing with it the show has him touch drogon ride ragel twice once for pleasure and once for combat and then nothing happens the entire purpose of dragons being in the show even in universe is that the people who control the dragons control everything Dany exclusively because of her dragons was able to take a small band of a dozen Dothraki and slowly add to it until she had a military that would make Palpatine blush the show went out of its way a number of times to impress how dragon riders were the great threat that Westeros knew the world had ever seen having command of a dragon automatically puts a person in a position of massive authority a million men could have marched on these walls and a million men would have been repelled then an attack from the air with dragon fire but in the narrative Daenerys is the only person who's been able to tame a dragon meaning that specific type of authority was unique to her but lo and behold the literal Christ King main character has been shown to have a legitimate claim to sit on the Iron Throne that's like how you win the game advancement man acclaim sure is useless if you don't have the power to back it up what the Christ character also has a rare genetic heritage that allows him to successfully interact and command the most powerful living beings known to man Wow it sure would be helpful if this Christ leader character had access to one of the three three of them are coming to him interesting this is almost like a very meticulously concerted narrative effort built up over multiple years to organically bring John and the Dragons together to justify and make Abel his possible ascension to power golly and just to be clear here my qualms isn't that John doesn't become king or that he doesn't in the show with a dragon or that he doesn't do significant things with a dragon my deep-seated problem is that this connection between John and the dragons is made creating a tone where such a connection would be pivotal to the outcome of the plot only for nothing to come of it and I'm not talking about nothing happens as it subversion of expectations or twists hey you thought this is going to happen but it actually didn't I mean the show literally just does nothing it's completely neutral with the outcome of all this John dragon build-up it's not even a subversion so much as an absence I mean when Rhaegar was shot out of the sky in a surprisingly grotesque way I don't even think there was a scene of John mourning this dragon named after his father and that's because it John didn't care about these lizards John would have fought against the army of the Dead without them John would have fought against Circe's army without them in fact he did both of those things the dragons were underhandedly used to hype up John's narrative potential while ultimately having no impact on his personal journey John didn't become interested in flying or dragon studies or even finding drogon they didn't matter to him but the show knowing full well it would never deliver kept showing us John and the Dragons as if it was leading to something you would think that above all else this factor would be a pivotal aspect in the souring of Danny's enthusiasm for Westeros and John not only is her unique qualification for power not unique to her anymore the person that is rivaling her is using one of her own dragons I get angry just picturing how incredible it would have been for Danny's jealousy of John and her royal insecurities to have gotten to such a level that she uses drogon to kill regal just so John wouldn't have his own dragon just just think about that instead of showing Danny's descent into madness in fascism by burning King's Landing to the ground for no reason her mental instability could have been so clearly and poignant Lee displayed by having her use one of her own children to kill another just to get a leg up on John's claim to the throne she already had to deal with Viserion being used against her by the night king and this scenario Daenerys is paranoia heartbreak and quest for power would lead her to kill regal just so she wouldn't see that child used against her - and even though the benefit of this prospected path is the opportunity to show Daenerys his mental and moral degradation in a more nuanced less GI Joe villain way the real gift of a narrative choice like this or just a choice similar to it is that John's relationship with the Dragons would mean something for the plot the story would change and be impacted by his relationship with regal but that's not what happened instead nothing happened with the John and the Dragons and the show seemed darn proud of it too as I mentioned before across the show there was a bond created between we viewers and the Dragons part of that came simply from how cool they were part of that came from years of waiting for them to mature and another part came because we understood them as Daenerys children and what was important to her became important to us and again the show goes out of its way to impress upon the audience just how much Danny loves these dragons gorgeous face they're not beasts to me no matter how big they get how terrifying to everyone else they're my children so with all that said it comes off as even more manipulative that the Dragons would be the tools of so much of the show's poor writing take beyond the wall for example look at these characters that are an imminent mortal danger they are facing an actual zombie horde it will be completely reasonable and justified for one of these men to die here but instead none of them died the Dragons come to save the day John for some reason becomes overcome by an orcish blood rage then allowing the night king enough time to skewer vissarion so just to recap these guys lived but the dragon dies alright fine so this seemed like a planned ambush anyway let's roll with the punches we just watched one of the rarest creatures in all of existence Daenerys his child died gruesomely in front of her based upon everything else we've seen in the show this has to be a huge character moment for Dany or she will have to wrestle with the grief sorrow agony and rage of witnessing a child perished on the battlefield but wait what what no there has to be more don't get the right-click this is right click no more she's crying the one she's crying it was a child murder what do you mean it's time to go your grace a bit longer huh actually can we get the clip from that other thing where the mom is crying over the loss of her child but no it's it's not drama the horror movie okay all right could you did you get that clip with that other mom who lost their child was morning she was good for my first breath she was so sweet I don't know where she came from ha all right so it is just Danny and that's a huge problem across season seven and eight there isn't a single dedicated scene or moment that properly explores Daenerys his feelings about her children dying or her coping mechanisms or lack thereof in fact almost the opposite happens shortly after the death of vissarion Daenerys takes the dragons and John out for a spin seemingly without a care in the world and before anyone gets their knickers in a tizzy I recognize that people cope in their own unique ways not everyone is an ugly crier but in the same respect it is hard for me to accept Danny's subdued reaction to seeing her child murdered when the show has previously and plainly showed us how emotional she becomes when the situation concerns the safety of her dragons Daenerys has in multiple instances completely disregarded her own safety to keep her children from pain as a mother would so it becomes hard not to feel at least a bit strange when the death of a dragon is passed off so easily the draw of having dragons come to Westeros was their ability to assist in the war against the white walkers the audience cared whether or not they would live and the show knew we would but in the same respect we cared just as much about how Danny would react to the dangers facing the dragons how vulnerable she would be the struggle of her coping with the deaths of her children would have been yet another way to properly show Danny's transition from a benevolent ruler to someone more sinister and yes Danny is shown being dejected before her complete snap in the penultimate episode that really is because of all the things that have happened to her missandei dying varus betraying her John being unreceptive etc this is yet another way the show just yada yada is the meaningful character moments we expect these character reactions not because we are nitpicky but because the show has told us they would come the vulnerability that was created by the relationship between Danny and the Dragons was built up for years but never actually manifested in the most pivotal necessary narrative moments since the show wanted to purposefully prolong the war between Daenerys and Cersei major changes would need to occur to sustain the conflict as I said before Danny had an overwhelming military advantage when compared to Cersei in fact just the dragons alone made Daenerys a huge threat to even the playing field which would allow the war to extend Cersei needed her own weapons to match the dragons this of course came about in the form of the Scorpions the introductions of these weapons created a situation where Danny needed to be much more careful in her attacks against Cersei because now the dragons were in real danger everything mentioned here well not the best path the narrative could have taken is honestly pretty reasonable all things considered where the logic of the situation goes completely tits up is season 8 episode of four and the most ridiculous moment maybe in the entire show [Music] Euron manages to perfectly snipe an airborne dragon while firing medieval ballista from a moving ship on the open ocean this might be the single most stupid and insulting moment in the entire program this scene is so infamous that people have literally created edited diversions just to have it make more sense I could honestly talk about this for another 20 minutes alone but I'm going to try to stay on script as much as I can anyway what this scene has done is cement an understanding that the dragons in flight can be accurately gored by scorpions it's still dumb but this is the precedent that has been set scorpions now Trump dragons which creates an entirely new dynamic in the narrative if Cersei has scorpions at King's Landing which we'd note she does Daenerys and John will have to invent some new plan aside from the Dragons to take the capital this is the typical narrative moment where the protagonist overcomes the villain against all odds by using their cunning and ingenuity and except that doesn't happen as a matter of fact the opposite happens King's Landing is stockpiled with more scorpions that we had ever seen before remember the first time the scorpions were used and they hit a dragon and the next time even when there were more scorpions used in they hit a dragon you see a pattern here but this time in the most pivotal moments of the final season the scorpions are being manned by a bunch of stormtroopers and as much as this seems like a writing problem with the scorpions it kind of is it's still very much a problem with how the writing used the dragons or drogon since he's the only one left since drogon is the biggest and scariest dragon we're just supposed to accept that he alone has this capability to make the scorpions ineffective drogon is able to destroy every single scorpion in the capital and we're just supposed to accept that his fire is not a lightsaber because reasons this is the equivalent of Jon getting injured in a battle against a white Walker and then soloing an entire army of them when next they meet the show seems to be riding on this condescending notion that we always told you how powerful dragons are this shouldn't be a surprise to you Daenerys flew in with the sunlight so her enemies couldn't see her drove on us so fast and so strong he's always been this way you get to the yokels you were stupid for thinking anything is wrong with this scene you remember how just a few months ago all three dragons hurled fire on a single ship and didn't destroy it well now dragon can laser slash through a castle wall the showrunners wanted the entire city to be ash for their epic Nazi finale so they just made Rogen's breath hot enough to incinerate stone I can't prove it but I guarantee you this fire breath powerup came as a last-second attempt to justify the previous foreshadowing that appeared earlier in the show they wanted to pass this all off as ash instead of snow they wanted to be able to say see we plan this from the very beginning but that doesn't work because the script itself says snow is falling this was a gutter brained last second attempt at connecting narrative elements that never needed to be slammed together and sadly drogon was the tool they used to do it the show built up this fantastic air of unpredictability around the Dragons the characters sometimes Danny included didn't feel at ease around them meaning the audience that cared about these characters couldn't feel at ease either this unpredictability gave narrative justification for drogon to come and go during the events of season five and six and Rogen did what drogon wanted and this feel of mystery extended on the Dragons surprised us constantly with their actions because unlike the humans of the story we never obtained a firm understanding of them however the writers chose to bastardized this mystery of not understanding the Dragons minds and motivations by having drug on inexplicably burned the Iron Throne some people have put for the meme tastic idea that drogon saw a knife in his mother found the nearest pile of knives and burned it to subdue the threat and honestly I wish this were true but the logic that the show is trying to use is that drew Kahn is intelligent enough to understand the symbolism that the throne meant and the power struggle that it represented that played a part in the death of his mother and the audience cannot argue against intelligence because the dragons are unpredictable and mysterious since we slack jawed morons don't fully understand the complexity of drogon we cannot possibly say that his recognition of the iron Thrones philosophical meaning is unearned and on a certain level they are correct we ask the audience don't really know how smart a dragon is so we can't really say dragon hasn't cultivated this type of comprehension but be mistaken not this is still bad writing funneled through the Dragons why you ask because if we were to disregard the meme root of drogon attacking the blades and go with this serious interpretation of his intellect and philosophical reasoning that would have dire implications for everything that happened prior to this moment if drogon and by extension the other dragons are as intelligent and intuitive as the finale would have us believe that a bunch of the Dragons actions should be judged on a scale of human intellect rather than animal instinct when drove on burned that little girl to death it wasn't because he was a hungry apex predator on the search for food it was because he was an amoral psychopath that knew the consequences of his actions but chose to do them anyway when Viserion and Ragle were trapped underground in pitch-black darkness slowly dying in cold ice elation they didn't stay down there and starve nearly to death because they were animals too ignorant of the weaknesses of stone working to understand that they could break out with minimal effort as demonstrated they chose to stay incarcerated and starve themselves because they wanted to send a message by slowly dying in total darkness underground you might be starting to see how making the Dragons anything more than really intelligent predators is stupid it shifts drogon from a beast of war instinctively following the orders of his matriarch into a sycophant simp that understood the moral ramifications of murdering a million innocent people but still chose to be the sole architect of the Westerosi Holocaust anyway because his mother was big a mad could you imagine the hate thrown at any human character if they slaughter an entire community because their parent was angry Joffrey and Ramsay never came close to doing the things that dr. Drogo has done but we hate them far more why because they are people drogon while magical and mysterious and powerful and intelligent is an animal but the show in its one final act of twisting the knife couldn't help but turn our beloved dragons last moments on-screen into some theoretical repudiation of the underlying chaos and unintended death that comes from a power struggle and just to reiterate this complex nuanced theme and tone defining action was not made by John the main character who has arguably lost the most because of this war or made by Tyrion the quote-unquote smartest man in Westeros or made by bran a literal time-traveling philosopher it was made by an animal and I mean I just wanted to like the ending of this show it was it was supposed to be good it was it was supposed to be this week's average that's what we wanted we just wanted something average just like just don't mess it up we didn't we didn't keep breaking bad didn't we didn't need anything that was gonna blow our socks off this show was good and and we got worse we got we got all-time bad it was just I waited so long I put so much time in it you know what no we're not doing this thank you guys for watching to the end if you want to check out the second channel see more of my content please head over there link will be in the description if you like this video please like comment and subscribe I'm willing to do a bunch more videos like this if I don't have an aneurysm before then as always it was a pleasure and I'll talk to you all again soon
Channel: Savage Books
Views: 506,590
Rating: 4.9025578 out of 5
Keywords: game of thrones, dragons, drogon, game of thrones season 8, game of thrones ending, game of thrones bad writing, savage books, how to write, how to write dragons, Jon snow
Id: BklK4oRtSaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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