Secrets You Won't Let People Know You Discovered (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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NSFW what have you found out about someone that you would never tell them you know [Music] I think I have told this story on here before in elementary school I saw one of my best friends eating pizza somebody had thrown in a garbage can I found out a bit later that his dad had lost his job and his dad his two sisters and his mom were living on the streets but he would have died from shame had I told him that I know but my mom found out from me and she bought him and his sisters lunch cards for the year and breakfast cards the school lunch lady told them that they won them in a raffle edit thanks for the gold whoever you are glad I could make your day a bit better hopefully I found out that my friend got a girl pregnant told her he'd take her to an abortion clinic but then never showed and she had to take herself I learned this from the girls roommate I don't think I'll ever tell him I know that I lost a lot of respect for him I found a stuffed Lola bunny doll with a hole and special glue stains at a friend's house found out more about him than I bargained for my grandma let it slip that when my mom first had me mum started looking for places to leave me because she was going to leave my dad my father steadfastly believes my mother died the day after his birthday in reality she died on his birthday he's blocked this changed the dates to suit his needs and no one in my family has any intentions of setting that straight that they were planning to commit suicide a day after my birthday so I held an extended get-together for that weekend and tried to help make his life better as much as I could without being too obtrusive edit thank you for the gold my best friend once slept over at my house and he slept on the couch he's 18 he wet the bed and blamed it on the cat I knew it was him but whenever it comes up I blamed the cat too so that he doesn't feel embarrassed my boss is freaking her boss and tries very poorly to hide it from me while saying stuff like oh I gotta leave early to pick up my car from Boss house today by helping an elderly friend use her new MacBook Pro so she could look at her son's honeymoon pics that he'd shared with her and the rest of the family after setting things up on a little projector in the lounge we all gathered round to watch the sliver shower which was beautiful they went to Mauritius and South Africa all was going well until we got to the close-up pictures of them doing anal and a special goo shots holy wow the parents are in their late sixties early seventies I didn't even think the father had registered what the hell he was seeing but the mother super proud upper middle class type practically died on the spot the other son swiftly and plugged the projector and we all sat in silence for a moment until the father said well at least we know they had a jolly good time we've never spoken about it again and definitely not told the son and daughter-in-law we know they had anal hanky-panky on their honeymoon when I was 15 my mom asked me to fix her phone because the internet wasn't working after poking around for a while I figured it out and went to test it when I opened up Google her top searches were how to make my husband love me and how to make my husband notice me my dad has been cheating on her most of my life I'm 20 when her and I talked about in cheating she said she was used to it and was just staying with him for my sister and I and that she no longer really loved him I believed her up until that point I never told her I saw that edit Wow I had no idea this would get so much attention my mom is doing amazing now her and I are very close even through I live nine hours away she nearly left my dad a couple years ago after I moved out he then realized how horrible he was to her and he went through therapy and did everything he could to fix it they are really happy now and more supportive than ever I found nude pics of one of my friends online I guess she was modeling on the side my brother is actually my half-brother always wondered why he didn't look like my dad edit to everyone saying he's still my brother yes of course never for a second considered him a half-brother biologically yeah but I would never see him that way especially considering my dad raised him and is his father legally emotionally whatever my mom had a one-night stand a few months before she met my dad that's all my cousin's husband has been having affairs for years he is a high-powered business person travels frequently and pretty much has a woman in every port I know this because I interned at his company for a couple of summers I didn't disclose we knew each other and only a couple of people in the office knew we had ties outside the office and everyone seemed to know what was going on I didn't have the heart to tell my cousin at the time because she was a sin with two young girls but the reality I was young stupid and afraid to tell her the years passed and it became more and more evident she knew exactly what was going on but tolerated it because she enjoyed the lifestyle he afforded her too much to give it up guess we all make our choices in life found out that the parents of one of my good friends from high school are avid swingers and have tried to swing with the parents of most of my friends luckily I have no idea if they have been successful but I'm not gonna tell my friend either way I'm pretty sure my wife thinks I can't hear that she farts as soon as she gets in the shower finally one I can answer I found out my cousin is gay years ago he hasn't told anyone we come from a very conservative southern family and it isn't my place to tell anyone I'd have told him but I found out by looking at his reddit account and I feel bad enough about betraying his privacy I'm sure you're probably reading this now because you're freaking addicted to read it but your secret is safe with me dude I never told my mom that a contact for my dad was called sex God back in 2009 one of my best friends going on 14 years or so Frick's his sister it was not uncommon for me to stop by and just walk into the house knowing the family so long well one day I walk in and bam brother-sister sexual congress going on on the couch in the middle of the day they did not notice me so I just slipped back out I don't pop over there anymore my cousin and I were playing on his dad's laptop when we opened a folder containing a bunch of close up pop shots of a dude getting a [ __ ] from some asian girl we were in the middle of the living room surrounded by family at the time so we quickly closed the folder and shut the laptop without saying a word it wasn't until later that I realized that I had most likely seen my uncle's long at a variety of different angles found out a friend got fired from a job because he got caught jerking off in the walk-in freezer edit his mum was the manager and she was the one who fired him I followed one of my old co-workers on tumblr I know I know several years ago and forgot about it because she stopped using it this year she started using it again but her Tumblr turned into a porn blog for her DD LG relationship with her husband I would be cruising down my dashboard and suddenly see a video of her in a frilly dress getting reamed in the ass or what-have-you until I remembered to unfollow her I found my brother's reddit account he tried some stuff sexually that I would rather not know and definitely would not want him to know that I know I knew that my husband's former boss was getting pricked by a police officer at work while her husband listened in on the phone her husband is the one who usually set it up my husband and I never told her we knew that but it taught me that even the most vanilla couples on the outside can be real freaks in the sheets on the inside not me but my friend I lived in Central Missouri during high school and I wasn't out of the closet yet they are not too friendly to my kind random parts I tell you what anyway I was at a play rehearsal and backstage getting ready I left my phone up front in my seat where everyone would hang out waiting for their part to rehearse my boyfriend at the time texted me something that would obviously out me my friend grabs my phone calls it goes off and he thought he'd play a little joke on me and reply something funny in my stead when he saw what was texted he just locked my phone and put it back he never told anyone and kept it to himself until I came out three years later I've had the most profound respect for him since maybe not what Opie was looking for but he never told me or anyone about it props brother that I stole my best friend's keys she's belts and shaving razors in order to save him from attempting suicide he was incredibly drunk and in the worst mental state of depression and anger I've ever seen and he was searching for his keys so he could drive home for hours but while he was on a tangent in a different room I stole his things shoes because shoelaces he was searching for those keys for hours in the early a.m. and I searched with him all night when I finally got him to bed I returned all his things he's much better now and has gotten help that they were named in honor of someone who killed his wife and then himself leaving several kids behind as orphans edit yes the parents who did the naming knew full well what he had done the dad of one of my friends is terminal she already lost her mom when she was younger and she has a younger sister still in high school she hasn't told anyone but I found out because my cousin dates a younger sister she still seems so happy all of the time he wasn't supposed to live to see 2018 but he's still around which is nice but it still pains me whenever I see her coma accidentally stumbled across news on the internet from a girl I know some properly kinky stuff and requests etcetera we were never particularly close but it's still something I'd never say in a million years my boss's daughter is a stripper and has no clue that I know my boss doesn't know either I found out a married woman at work was having an affair with an ex-coworker she'd go out for lunch and get laid pretty regularly apparently I was helping her with an outlook problem one day where one of her emails wouldn't send and outlook would crash she asked me to fix it since it wouldn't open properly anymore and she couldn't get any work done so I started working on the problem conveniently right before lunchtime all I did was removed the account from Outlook then restarted the client app Reata the account and everything was good the offending email was in her sent items instead of stuck in her outbox and referred to the guy wanting to special GU on her tips she said he could special go anywhere he wanted on her face on her tips in her [ __ ] in her ass wherever so long as they got a room this time instead of freaking in the back of a car I was caught a little off guard with that and confused when she got knocked up a few weeks later with another co-workers kid I once stumbled upon my little sister's browsing history she was around 11 years old at the time most of the searches were porn related nurse at work was having a problem with her phone being a tech guy she asked me to see if I could look at it honestly have no idea what I did to fix it but um guy found so much porn full videos etc recently found out that my grandmother has cancer I don't want her to know that I know because I want her to just enjoy my company and take her mind off of it free cancer that their dad cheated on their mom and they have a half-sister they don't know about edit for people asking how I found out I went to high school with the girl her dad worked with my mom for about 20 years my mom told me for some reason the girl very much dislikes me anyway his brother was the one who posted a picture of him on our O's there are did usernames wife hates having hanky-panky with him and they haven't done it in almost a year I found out that my mom starred in some porn at least once and probably worked in prostitution in the past to edit I've been gone all day and just absent mindedly typed this out on my phone and now I come home to this being my top comment wonderful XD for those asking how I found out I found out pretty much how might think I was browsing videos and saw her name in the title and her in the thumbnail this was several years ago so I don't remember what site I found it on but your best bet is probably yeah porn if you wanna try and avoid aura searched since that was the site I used most back then as for the prostitution part my sister ended up finding out herself and just told me I honestly don't remember how she found out but considering what I found I believe it while at my house playing D and amp D she abruptly went to the washroom later that night after people went home I found dried poop on the wall and floor surrounding my toilet how such a short girl could get fesses up that high I'll never know it must have been some detonation but I will never ask her about it or tell anyone else I stumbled upon my older sister's diary when taking care of her dog flipped through out of curiosity and found out that her first boyfriend refused to use a condom when he took her virginity and she ended up getting pregnant before having an early miscarriage she's 20 working two jobs and going to Community College all this has happened around Thanksgiving when I saw her at dinner I didn't suspect anything but she left early due to stomach pain I can't imagine what she went through but she's flawlessly acting like nothing happened nobody knows but me and she doesn't know I know and I plan to keep it that way TL DR found our sister had an early miscarriage after losing virginity told no one hi there look if you enjoy the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to Reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and I look forward to seeing you next time
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 14,694
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Id: hjr0KoVQS90
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Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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