Custodes - The True Sons

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I was called to Tara to tell the tale of a hero born beneath different stars in a different time into the Sanctified Stone of this world and will carve the tail of a custodian he was born here it seems strange to say that he was born here if you are allowed the privilege of calling Tara the birth world he was born before so much of our history happened he was born before so much Strife ravaged the universe I was privileged enough to meet him once he told me I do not remember much but I remember my mother's name he would see their faces on statues carved by generations of our masters generations of humble feeble humans who toiled for decades to capture the likeliness of thousands of Heroes I am one of the new generations of stone masons the custodian is a figure from ancient myth in my own way I didn't believe him to be real but ten thousand years he has walked these labyrinthine temples Legends of the faithful word and indeed do give the lives to see even a fraction of what he got many ask how he and his kin the custodus god him on the throne from a Galaxy that ever seeks his demise but I don't believe there's a single atom of this galaxy that the custodian Brotherhood aren't watching they hear every single whisper threat and treasonous plan every smuggled weapon each Drop of Poison pulled into the ears of the faithful if the Inquisition of the eyes of the Imperium the custodians are its mind [Music] if the Estates are the fist of mankind the custodians are the force behind the blow many believe they never leave the grounds of the Imperial Palace however we all learned at a young age that the Universe in its entirety is the Emperor's Palace when we spoke he told me the Mason does not craft a stone but is crafted by it the truth is this they are everyone it's faithful Soul it's retro in his final moment praise to the Emperor as one of them in his own way I'm told they are made before birth he told me that he was born on terror 39 standard years before the final assault on the palace by the trade of forces his father was a stone racer it seems odd to me now somehow his skills afforded his family the licenses needed to breed in perpetuity his father's greatest work the Blessed feather still stands in the palace today it has seen over 90 centuries it has witnessed my whole life and will witness the lives of my children caval witnessed a moment that sanguineous raised the humans upward just as they began to break and those final hellish days before the seeds of The Eternity Gates the custodians saw those humans caught in the updraft of the Angel's faith during my years as a student I was made to study pics of that statue daily by my leftists I was made to behold what faith could create what war made us into and was brought to Terror to set in stone the tale of one of Humanity's Heroes even by a star there's considerations he was taken at an early age but he was 19 standard by the time he had completed his apotheosis his next 11 years was spent hunting beneath the powers proper for beneath his ground still the Beast monsters trait as in worse it is within those Shadows that that Holy order is drained he either leave the dark knowing the truth of the light or are consumed by the Perpetual night it is believed that the emperor himself grants the gifts needed to walk such high the ground he smote his way through who knows how many traitors knows how many Demons of the Void he told me to my face the following beneath compacted streets built by men were smarter than us my order sounded the gall and the hunt began the truest challenge of our martial prowess was the battle against the demon manifest name karathon accursing of things in cause it took us four days of ceaseless conflict to First butcher its odds and in the car of that lumbering blasphemy into scraps of rotten void-borne Meats after we re-emerge from those darkened tunnels we realized that we were part of a new family now four each world that knows the tread of a human foot as a world visited by my family each soldier who screams his hatred into the face of an enemy is my brother he's a lady of each order is a sister of mine she spreads the faith I exist to God I've seen the of the Galaxy and simply Wonder this is that it most singular custodians are the last line of defense but I now believe that they are the first to witness each threat each below leveled against our foes by the sainted order has been in transit for millennia for the universe is a stone niambu is a Mason a master at work his craft never ending his toil perpetual but from his inadiments he calms Humanity's future with faith as his chisel in our Collective hate as his hammer his son is chiseled more by his new father every single day pouring the god Emperor's service the custodies are made completes and with the emperor's patience all of our flaws are shipped away the circumference of Sarah's equator is 40 000 kilometers if I were to say that the custodians knows each step of those kilometers would you believe me a million ships land daily on a million Landing sites their vigilance can never ever end for the god Emperor is eternal despite their efforts however there are a million miles of tunnels that cross this world each day a thousand more are bored into this holy soil they worked ceaselessly to know each Gavin each Stone and patch of moss I'm sure they have witnessed secrets that worlds have died for I myself have beheld relics from Empires that no living human could ever learn of well the Imperial Palace is a world unto itself contained within shame is built 25 000 years ago are the testimonies to Humanity's Perfection the proof of our truthful place as rulers of the Galaxy and deep within those holes behind doors that have laid shut for centuries Beyond a million murder holes Beyond galleries containing the sum of human arms beyond the legions of the terror imperialis Behind that final Golden Portal he lives on and his sons will never rest their blades never falter they are his best and brightest they are all of our faith made real and SB is never dull The Chosen Heroes should you ever cross into the sanctum imperialis should you ever see those vaulted sacred frescoes and monuments to Mankind's greatness and you should see a custodian Regal stoic Fierce and near you'll know you're seeing someone from a myth he has a new family now for he was young when he took up the spear and I believe part of him is still young after so many thousands of years long after I'm dust fired into the sun he will remain and his watch never ceases Eternal in his ancient mountain of golden Power Armor perhaps before I pass into the light of the amboom I will get to see him once more glory to the Imperium and glory to the custodian [Music] [Music]
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 241,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s-Ge4CQ4BhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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