How Can Rack of LAMB be as good as STEAK! I'm Speechless...

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This video has been sponsored and approved by Raycon. If you love lamb you are definitely in the right place. For today's cook my goal is to master lamb chops by finding out which way is the best way to cook them. We all love anything that is grilled and to be fair grilling is always amazing. At the same time some meats are way better when you smoke them. I mean take a look at this. Come on! And lastly we all heard this saying everything deep fried is always better. Well if that's true then lamb chops should be absolutely fantastic. And hopefully by the end of this video my goal is to find out which way is the best way to cook lamb chop. So let's do it! And this is the star of the show it is a domestic rack of lamb. Now i say domestic because there is a difference between domestic and imported, and the biggest differences is that the domestic one is always grain finished. And here's what I mean by that, every lamb always starts eating grass, however the domestic ones are always grain finished that is what produces a better flavor and most importantly it is not gamey. If you ever tried lemon it was kind of gamey I can almost guarantee you it was imported, that's because it's grass fed and grass finished. So if for whatever reason you did not enjoy that lamb I urge you to give a try to the domestic one because as you can see these lamb chops are fantastic. And for today's cook I definitely recommend separating them just like this. Now for our first preparation we're going to be grilling these beautiful lambs. And for that i'm going to be using this amazing marinade which has an incredible flavor and most importantly it is easy to make and here's how. Into the food processor I threw in a little bit of thyme, garlic, sriracha, parsley, worcestershire sauce, cherry vinegar, salt, black pepper and finished it off with extra virgin olive oil. Now all there's left to do is to mix it well and your marinade is done! And as always remember exact amount and ingredients always in the description down below for you. Now I'll tell you one thing this marinade is fantastic, but most importantly it is perfect for our lamb chops. If you happen to have a vacuum chamber i definitely recommend you using that method, this speeds up the marinating process up to three times. But now as you can see we have it fully ready all there's left to do is to let it marinate on my refrigerator overnight once the time was up after I removed them from the bag you can see what they look like. That is a sign that the marinade did its job. ow all there's left to do is to cook them. But first we gotta prepare the other two. And as you can see as i'm slicing this one you can tell how much fat there is, that it's because it's domestic and it was grain finished. And for this preparation instead of using a marinade I'm going to be applying a rub. And as always I like to start with the master of all seasoning and that is salt. Always remove the salt from your rub because if we all know the most important seasoning is this one. That will make sure that your salt seasoning is perfect. Once that's done all there's left to do is to apply your rub. And here's the one I used; I started with cayenne pepper, followed by onion powder, smoked paprika, coriander, cinnamon and black pepper. Now all there's left to do is to mix it well and your rub is done. Just like the marinade remember exact amount and ingredients always on the description down below for you. And as always make sure you season both sides including the edges because by the time you're done your lamb should look just like this. And this one is now ready for the smoker, but before going outside and cooking it we gotta do the last preparation and for that one we're gonna be deep frying. I mean like i mentioned before deep fried is always better right? Well let's find out. For this one you can see I did the same exact thing. And i mean take a look of the marbling of these lamb chops that already lets you know that it's going to be something incredible. Just like before I always like to start with the master of all seasoning and as you already know that is salt. Once that's done i jumped into freshly ground black pepper, followed by a little bit of garlic powder. Make sure it's well seasoned including both sides and the edges. The next thing to do is to coat them in all-purpose flour but at the same time we need some flavor. So after throwing a little bit of all-purpose flour into the plate I followed it up with Guga's rub mixed it well and that's my flour mix. And now for my breading I'm just going to be using regular seasoned bread crumbs. And as you already know you definitely need to use the egg wash. So getting them ready is pretty straight forward of course you first start with the flour, followed by the egg wash and finish that off with the bread crumbs. You want to repeat the process with every one of them until every single one looks just like this. That right there is something you do not see every day and I can't wait to find out how they're gonna taste. But now that we have all of our lamb chops ready all there's left to do is to cook them, and for that i'm shooting for a final internal temperature of 135 degrees fahrenheit. But now I say it is enough talking and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! Before cooking these amazing lamb chops I want to thank today's sponsor Raycon. During the food prep I keep myself entertained and inspired with some nice music or ebook I can't have wires bothering me. With these right here are awesome because they're completely wireless and I can keep on cooking. They come in a nice carrying case that charges your earbuds whenever you're not using them. I work with them, I work out with them and I listen to music with incredible audio quality without driving the rest of my family crazy. I sometimes forget i have them on as they fit in my ears so perfectly. The best part is that these earbuds start at about half price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market. They sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you already know. Their latest models the everyday e25 is the best one yet. With six hours of play time, seamless bluetooth pairing, more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit. It also comes in new fun colors. To upgrade your earbuds today check out the link on the description down below to get a 15 percent off your order today or visit Thank you so much Raycon for sponsoring this video. But now I say it is enough talking and it is time to cook these beautiful lamb chops. Let's do it! All right everybody here we have our lamb feast. Huh Angel? -You remember when I didn't like lamb? -I remember perfectly when you absolutely "I don't want to try lamb" What happened now? -I had a good one, look in my defense. Yes? -The only time I ever tried lamb was in restaurants. -Yes. -And then you made it, and it's a whole different thing. -It's a different experience, you know most of it is not only because of me everybody, it's also because the type of lamb that they buy it in the restaurant. This one as I explained it on the video is not as gamey you know because it's domestic. So with all that being said this one is your favorite and I know it. What happened you didn't like it but now what? -The gaminess is not my thing. -But these I know that you made them before once I think like that. -Right. -And i loved it so. -You love it? Oh my God he said he love it everybody. -Love! -All right enough talking, so this is an experiment yeah. We have smoked lamb as you can tell this one, right, deep fried and then we have grilled which you already know what it tastes like. But we're gonna go for it again. -I've never had this. I had that. -Yeah of course. -I've never had this. -Yes. -So we're gonna give this. -So this is like, this is like the the lamb world tour? -This is mastering lambs so that they know which way is the best way to do them. Sounds good? -I'm picky as hell so I'll let you know. -All right enough talking let's go with this one here first yeah? Smoked lamb cheers everybody. Cheers. -That's pretty damn good. -I love lamb, I don't know how, I love lamb. I'm not gonna say as much as I love steak but it's pretty close, I'll tell you that. -I feel the smokiness. -Oh yeah. -I feel like the seasoning has maybe some spiciness, a little bit. -There's a little cayenne pepper. -Yeah that's what it is. -It smells like the word delightful. You know what i'm saying like it's not like it's not like, it has a very distinct smell that you can connect with the word delightful. -Like a... -Does that make sense to you? -Yes I understand where you're coming from like...-It's smooth. -It's like you're eating on a fine restaurant. -Yeah it's smooth,it it clicks everything goes together on this one. -That is fantastic and if you've never smoked your lamb do it. You recommend it? -Yeah. -I agree. Okay ready for the deep fry? -Let's go! -All right, deep fry lamb. Cheers everybody! -Cheers. Whoa. -That's, that's really good. -Oh I like that. Oh Angel! -Yeah this is the best. -You don't even want to try the other ones Angel? -This one's good boy. -Why is everything deep-fried better? Why is everything deep-fried better? Are you serious? That is crazy good everybody. oh it's so tender. -Oh I like that. -You like that? Perfectly medium rare in the middle everybody wow. -So let me ask you something. -Tell me. -How you make it so it's not gamey? -Since it's domestic they do what's called a grain finish, instead of grass finish. So they feed it grain, kind of like japanese wagyu a5, -So this is wagyu lamb? -I guess you could say that. Because they have a grain finish instead of a grass finish. Okay, all right i'm excited to try the last one. You ready? Oh no you don't want to stop, you want to keep going angel huh. -All right fine. -Okay that was amazing let's go for the last one you ready Angel? -No I want to keep going. -You want to keep going? All right let's go right here. -Ah! -I'll tell you one thing, just smell it. The marinade that comes through on this one, it's amazing everybody and of course I put a nice beautiful char because I know you appreciate the char. Yeah? -You made this on the grill? -Yes. -A hundred percent. -A hundred percent grilled. Direct grill everybody. -Maybe, maybe this one might not be the winner. -Oh really? -Maybe. -Well let's find out right now -The charcoal flavors is strong. -Cheers everybody! We'll find out right now. -Cheers. Oh -Oh I like that too.- Uff!. I like all of them I can have all of them. -No. -No? Which one's your favorite? -It's a tie.- It's a tie? These two right here? I think that they're so different from each other -Uh I went for the bone. -Oh yea? I almost ate the bone. -I know don't eat the bone bro. That's not good. -That kind of hurt. -That hurt? You actually bit the bone? -Yeah I really did. -I was too excited guys. I'm putting that on the video. -That hurt a little bit. -Angel I know it's good don't eat the bone bro , tranquilo bro. It's good. -You gotta eat the bone guys. The bone is the best part. -So here's the deal everybody I think every single one of them is fantastic. I will pick a hundred percent without a doubt the grilled one. Just because I got to be a little bit healthier. -I'll take this one because it's healthier too. -It's healthier too? -But, but if I if I don't give a dam... -Yeah? -And I just say whatever yeah go this yeah. -Yea me too I'll go with this one if no health is included. By the way they're probably laughing at us right now talking about health. -They're like these guys all they do is eat steak and -All these burgers...-And then they're gonna say that they gotta be healthy and picked that one tell me the truth man! -We actually care about our health, yes Angel? -Listen I gotta do a lot to not get fat working here. -It's not easy. -So sometimes I do care, and I i would have to pick down just so it's not too hard. But if it's like a cheat day and I don't care. -Yes. And I'm getting nasty I'm eating everything... -I'm going for this one. -Deep fry everybody uh that one's hot. -This is one is fire. I wanted a curse right there. This one is amazing. -There you go everybody these are the results. I hope you guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are interested in any of the equipment I use everything is always in the description down below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye, bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 579,178
Rating: 4.9452829 out of 5
Keywords: Lamb, smoked lamb, rack of lamb, lamb chops, how to cook lamb, grilled lamb, best lamb, best, how to cook, how to grill, deep fried, deep fry
Id: cFexBUlxkx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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