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i yes spencer time returns it is back and it's back with a sponsor that's better than most of them yes you heard right we're back response time and we're back with a shakingly good sponsor obviously and seriously my favorite sponsor not in kidding and that is the legendary ridge wallet wait what am i hearing you don't know what which one it is you don't know what this is you live behind like a mountain i'll tell you what it is i'm telling you unbelievable rich wallet is the light sleek and industrial brand new wallet it changes the matter there's no folding there's no thickness inside your pants most of the time this is the future the cyber future of the wallet game what you think i'm talking crap here let's ask tommy on the mountain the alpha tommy onboard not behind the mountain like some of you guys with your weird wallets let's ask tommy on the mount beautiful mountains and i was hiking with lisa today and a good friend during the psych was indeed the rich wallet i'm not kidding here i'm not making a commercial imagine having this thing in your pants while you're hiking through the mountains very dangerous or a very flat clunky one which wallet is where it is thank you very much rich wallet back to the video god damn that's a sexy tommy if you ask me and he knows about the wallet game seriously though guys all jokes aside rich world is so far the my favorite sponsor that we had so far because i legit use this thing now i want to be dead honest in the beginning i was a bit like okay what is this but as the weeks and months went by i i came to love this product i'm not even kidding i'm using it all the time now for a lot of reasons so boys check it out up to you once again you will have 45 days of a full refund if you don't like it just send it back up to you guys check the link down below have fun with the video have a good day stay safe still healthy and all the best what i didn't do on friday which is bulgaria bulgaria has a challenge actually someone says hi tommy i love your content maybe a tip for ahoy for noob uh thank you for the five dollars a tip for hope for noob do not play the game [ __ ] leave it i'm just kidding tip for the game don't watch all these youtubers they suck at the game um another tip only watch me another tip do 40 lifts don't do 20 lifts another tip have green air another tip play world of warcraft and and bulgaria let's take a look again iron man mode no historical i like that people are saying it's hard for [ __ ] look we're going to have a late game this game is going to get very long because we have to kill everybody um we could go into politics already but just like last time i feel like i want to rush the research slot first so i think i'm going for the uh explanation of the sofian university first like the last time you can't really do much in bulgaria man yes we have a dlc here for miners but you have to still remember there's not much going on on miners you're just going to be afk long time we're going to build that one thing here but let's take a look at achievements again because i think we have to go communist for all the achievements um kill turkey kill turkey maybe we should wash it down before joins a faction as yugoslavia bulgaria be at war while both countries are ruled by a child that's probably a different achievement today i want to do the communist one but i think we have to replay complete the focus the fate of the balkans well i mean what is the fate of the balkans and before that's not communist meaning we have to play bulgaria three times world achievements yeah communism is over here uh so we have to play bulgaria again yeah as communist bulgaria formed the united balkan federation and own all communist bulgaria okay let's also we're learning we're learning man okay that's already the warm-up for bulgaria there's not much going on man you don't have to prepare like in [ __ ] nc okay let's get some economy going here we go let's see a realistic plan for future lc uh thankful for the sub we talked about this many times and i think we're gonna see it there there's no question about it everyone knows it russia needs a focus tree and italy needs a focus tree that that's and i think they even confirm i mean look at that are you [ __ ] kidding me it's actually almost [ __ ] criminal that hoy that paradox hasn't touched this in in like what three years it's actually kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] up dude so obviously it's gonna be something about italy and maybe uh i think what we're gonna see is um the way you can change um ships you can build your own tanks like that you can put certain plate armor on them stuff like that i think that's what's gonna happen and then you get some more man this is a big focus street it's very nice i'm not doing it just yet i'm getting i'm getting the factories i'm an idiot i [ __ ] love doing industry 20 [ __ ] uh factories already man that's this is how you play bulgaria baby just agrees popularity rising in the countryside should i repress them i'm gonna repress them demobilize our economy oh i wasn't allowed to go partial moped yet oh [ __ ] oh that's bad i'm gonna go back to early mode okay [ __ ] i need i need [ __ ] that was such a nude mistake you need 30 war support or you can't hold partial mode if we want to enter oppressive regime of top boggles we must begin by seeking the necessary support to exert significant opposition to the current government so what happens you get popular you get communism democracy you lose five stability you get minus 15 pp a lot of factions are changing i get a lot of decisions and stuff and advisors okay let's take a look here okay let's see where this country goes i actually don't know what's gonna happen i think there's a big civil war gonna hit us and i have to actually turn off i'm gonna have strikes here in a second the government idea theodosi oh i'm doing so many mistakes i lost my military guy god damn yeah yeah condemn seems good stability political power world tension gets decreased it's so crazy that bulgaria can decrease world tension by five that's like so meta multiplayer hey bulgaria can't increase the road tension so the allies can do [ __ ] yeah sure man sure wait are the strikes actually getting worse no they don't get worse they actually get worse oh this is actually restart holy [ __ ] i [ __ ] up on such a high level oh my god holy moly ah this is actually restart i just kind of killed myself you cannot do partial mode [ __ ] it hey we're learning though i'm totally fine with this i'm not like the guy anymore like oh my god we [ __ ] up no i'm such a beta she's [ __ ] learning man it's totally fine use your pp only for the faction decisions first yeah i learned that i'm learning okay i know you guys are all experts i now know how to play bulgaria here we go let's go i will play one serious game now watch this a few moments later [Music] wait he has a huge army i can't even do anything i get three divisions you can't beat them it's impossible thank you jones next restart um well let's rush again okay this time we're gonna rush to sveno so that doesn't happen and then we're gonna rush the nazis and then with the other two guys we should have infinite time i guess i don't know firepower i mean you already seen this this is the basic build up i'm gonna keep all the political power and check not even using it hopefully uh this time no also mostly so they're not gonna appease me i'm gonna improve uh relations so maybe i get my real men through again so here we go before i can do spono i can always help the socialist a bit so here we go i'm actually playing this right now i think once you learn the early game of bulgaria you know what to do obviously it took like four restarts he refuses so it's about us but mostly it's about oswald mostly guys i'm not getting real meant because there's no oh he lifted it okay thank you thank you good pressure good pressure the question is do i push everyone to 50 and then integrate the socialists or do i completely annex venue first so they never rise up against me and i think the answer is you're fully annex meno first and you need to integrate them everyone in chat who says you should kill them is wrong they give you literally the the infantry genius okay now i need 50 loyalty of dog variants and then i have the focus finally after five restarts 50 loyalty for gradients here we go i need 30 communism which i'm getting soon after i integrated the [ __ ] boys so we're just there's not much happening guys we're just chilling out this is kind of what the dlc is about you're just kind of afk and doing stuff like this which is fine i think that's cool it's okay when u4 after all deals after all achievements in her 4 were starting the second part of the mega campaign the mega company will take up to a year in eu4 man after gathering significant support from numerous political groups it is time for our anti-fascist fraud to become a political movement in itself uniting the members of all these different political organizations into a single party determined to resist fascism in bulgaria at all cost really cool actually i actually think this is really cool man this is me look at russia yes they have a revolution isn't that crazy but the liberation always dies here we go we have formed the fatherland front integrated not only by the communist party but also by former members of the sveno broad socialists and the agrarians and other formations which now together oppose the bourgeoisie that dominates the country and that will hesitate to ruin it again 70 stuff oh you get a national spirit that gives you communism forever and very importantly infinite war support nice this is actually fun as [ __ ] man voting right for women okay i'll i'm just kidding just a joke anti-tsarist sentiment is spreading bulgarian we must seize this valuable opportunity to overthrow cell bodies and abolish again monarchy once and for all [ __ ] dirt man after that i'm going to integrate the agrarians and we are fully done with the faction [ __ ] that we can actually play for i think i want that woman technocrat oh dude i'm taking technocrat you hey if tommy sees technocracy he's like wow hey whoa i want to play technology in students from 50 times in a row [Music] little on taunt very very [ __ ] weird factions which is beautiful look at that that's so weird oh i love that oh i love that that's going to be fun game let's integrate them that's all political parties now united on the one banner here we go we're actually making really really sick infantrymen it's gonna be very expensive though but hey tommy needs his 14 fours without [ __ ] force i can't exist imagine doing 20 lifts and here we go the utmost optimization by the way i'm communist i'm a nominee for streamer i'm playing the soviet anthem when i go communist haha let's get this little bonus here there you go man the people's republic my name oh holy [ __ ] leipzig tryouts whoa i lived there where are you what the [ __ ] dude look at him communist support political wow might oh plus no if you declare war on me it's plus 25 that is amazing he what the hero of the leipzig trials i can't do all my cars too expensive and maybe it's time for project yogurt man project [ __ ] yogurt everything is looking amazing there you go here comes population big bonus sitting dude bulgaria is getting really strong now it's looking really good technologically i'm so look at the difference between my turkey on three resource slots and my bulgarian 4. my bulgaria is on the highest level on infinite almost the highest level of infantry possible right now because i have four research slots while germany's turkey was just so behind so behind unlocks the balkan confederation dream decisions and yugoslavia gets the event bulgarian treaty of perpetual friendship our renouncement this is it i also make them all communist as a first step into developing good relations with our neighbors in the balkans we must approach the yugoslav government with a proposal to sign a treaty that establishes the basis for cooperation between our countries and by which the socialist republic of bagheera finally abandons the israel dentist's claim to yugoslavia okay so i'm gonna annex them all or something that's still very political thank you [Music] wait they all just joined the allies why is everyone in the allies hey why did you all join the allies hey can i still switch them hopefully oh okay i have to kill the whole planet again on my own as it's always the same it's totally fine actually it makes a lot of sense to do free traders bulgaria because you lose nothing dimitrov returned to sophia today for a meeting with prince paul in serbia to discuss and posed to sign a treaty of friendship between yugoslavia and the socialist republic of bulgaria at the end of the meeting dignitaries from both countries agreed to the treaty but left some clauses open for the future balkan federation project you get 70 pp i get 10 communism yugoslavia gets communism this is really cool man it's really cool how you influence your neighbors this is more like a pool this is everything i always talk about in a way it's like then land is watching the stream a lot so we just have to wait until i switch yupo i guess not much else i can do i need to finish the balkan influence project hopefully i can still do it even though they are in affection if you can't do it it's just badly designed by the time you reach all this [ __ ] the world is already in a huge world war and sometimes i don't know sometimes i feel like paradox is not testing their own i don't know it's a little bit stupid by the developers because by the time i can't do anything about this because they just it's too late by the time you this is a bit stupid yes hugo is coming but but yes they're underkarmi but that doesn't change the fact they're not they're not gonna join me boys that's the issue of the development here man i'm just super annoyed that that like i think what annoys me that you don't have freedom if you think about it you do not have freedom it's like fake freedom well at least if you want to go the way of the achievement then you don't have freedom well let's restart i have to so we're watching politics now we're we're trying where we're we're doing historical dude let's do old school tommy [ __ ] all this [ __ ] let's go straight up kill everyone straight up kill everyone if you guarantee them they still join the allies we're playing the tommy [ __ ] style man unbelievable dude it's probably going to get guaranteed by uk so we're [ __ ] again but i said i'm ready to kill everyone i'm ready to [ __ ] it all i'm just killing everything and everyone oh [ __ ] romania dying to germany i mean whatever i i anticipated that and i'm ready to kill the whole planet what's the best bulgarian interview template listen man you make a screenshot right you make a screenshot and then you go tell your daddy turkey turkey you need to go i mean don't worry you're gonna get [ __ ] uh helped by the uk but i think i'm just gonna do it and not give a [ __ ] about the uk i feel like hey i'm [ __ ] done with the [ __ ] i think we're joining russia it could be something anyway we are preparing our first war against turkey even though i have no army defend against romania so everything is as always [ __ ] oh well we have to kill germany but we know that we know that it's nothing can hurt me anymore i'm a rock man i'm just gonna kill the whole [ __ ] planet yugoslavia so everybody's in the axis i gotta kill the axe as it's normal it's so normal i gotta kill all of this but i'm totally used to that in germany's against russia i could join russia we actually have a good game here i can join russia and this is actually a good game join russia when hitler attacks russia even though france is alive and then together with russia fight world war ii this could actually be the game guys this could actually be the one well i shall take it there should not be an issue no one should not call him here we [ __ ] go man tommy is taking down the first guy it took us eight games to do that netherlands is dying six uh back to seven okay i need to retreat no matter how good you play this game look it's the most basic [ __ ] division ever just because of this they can hold it man it's always been like this and it's it's okay here we go come in let's go that's some fun there you go it's a lot of turks and yeah very nice ai and there you they go even take the boss balls again well let's just keep instructing them until the end of days and then one day they will be done that feels so exploited the way i played this but you have to look for the clunky pieces okay okay that should be it here so we're slowly gonna finish turkey at least we get our first annexation everest bulgaria thing is i can't take grease it's with the allies i probably gotta kill germany look for the peace deal take romania and hugo and the peace deal then fight all the allies uk meaning i have to take london and the usa i probably even have to kill tokyo because he's going to join the axis but we were i knew that i knew all that would happen i knew i had to kill the entire planet i prepared for it i think we got enough training yeah oh he actually leveled up what did he get infantry expert i have a very strong infantry on me but that's about it that's all i have to show this is about it there you go man actually getting turkey and no one intervening that's beautiful now comes the good [ __ ] now stop i got an achievement already what oh as greece of bulgaria on both sides of the bosphorus hey we got an achievement after 20 hours of trying hey so i need mad police in that state i'm gonna need so much police in there it's just every single game every scenario is just kill the entire [ __ ] planet kill them all the achievement is that you have to take your neighbor oh i don't give a [ __ ] kill the [ __ ] you gotta go to washington dc if you want that achievement s t bet take bhutan how about you go to tokyo and washington first huh so don't join russia until they're here and then i push a bit into hugo actually he's taking care of my border so let's just [ __ ] do it get the [ __ ] in [ __ ] everything maybe at least i can take a chunk of hugo and then i will make russia have a war of the allies that's the goal that's the goal hopefully i can take as much of hugo as i can i need full hugo but yeah we're gonna have a huge war with the allies italy is also in there okay let's see what that peace deal gives us okay hugo is almost there they're done then i can focus on germany then we have a huge peace deal with the end of hitler and then cold war man communism versus capitalism you can even do the cornerstone achievement as as like germany you know yeah actually you can't do the corkstand achievement as everyone yeah you can literally play adolf hitler and get the coldest done achievement dude deep inside i i would like to do a single player germany game again but there's just nothing motivating for there's no achievements for it but actually single player germany could lead to kodestan would be fun hitler the kurt in a weird way guys i i think i'm going to do the cornerstone shift as germany because i'm missing playing single-player germany i'm missing a fun um experience in hawaii four and single player in germany is fun as [ __ ] because you're just so overpowered i just already know that this conference is gonna be so [ __ ] cancer the thing is though every time i restart it's not gonna get better than this okay frankfurt and then let's take a look at the peace conference if i have 30 percent no man we can maybe get something done here there might be a chance we get [ __ ] done [Music] [Music] uh no no just just done just [ __ ] off [Music] oh hitler still allowed to live in hanover dude this is what the [ __ ] yeah boy i thought so we could kill the allies together and then i want them in russia and then i have all the humans yay let's go old in here i'm so [ __ ] done dude look at this face look at my face we're back to hopefully even runs we're fully back dude we are fully back wait am i not getting unite the entire ball come here no because he has zara no belgium has zomber that's this statsman deadline why the [ __ ] is drop bruce not freed by germany so they can make a puppeteer man you need to explain that [ __ ] man so how the [ __ ] do i take that it's impossible i can't get anything i can't even take kordestan because russia took musu it's all [ __ ] what i'm not even wait to have to play again without communism oh man welcome back to achievement runs holy [ __ ] bro we're gonna we're gonna be busy for a while i'm not getting a single human here it's all [ __ ] you know why because of this this right here is what [ __ ] us it's so ridiculous hey we got one achievement uh half turkey as bulgaria hey we got i captured the bosporus and all i got was this lousy achievement you're making fun of me here dan are you making fun of me i'm feeling a germany game just to get some fun back wait let me just check something let's check something let's just see how many one achievement should be shown one achievement should be shown you can actually make the kodestan achievement as germany you can actually do that okay let's do it let's do it let's do it germany into kodistan achievement uh thank you guys for watching tommy is going to play world of warcraft all night and he's going to have a smile on his face when he does it thank you very much for watching check out the follow button check out twitter check out the merch the greatest i've ever seen on twitch and check out loving yourself loving yourself is more important than you think you're beautiful even though you might not think it you're better than you think you are have a good night [Music] now i'm just sitting here
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 107,800
Rating: 4.9564857 out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommykay, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 dlc, hoi4 battle for the bosporus, hoi4 battle for bosporus, hearts of iron 4 battle for the bosporus, hoi4 bulgaria, bulgaria, balkan federation, hoi4 balkan, hoi4 balkan federation, hoi4 bulgaria battle for bosporus, BFB, hoi4 bfb, bulgaria world conquest, guide, HOW BULGARIA TRIED TO UNITE THE POWDER KEG OF EUROPE! BALKAN FEDERATION! - HOI4 Battle For Bosporus
Id: 1sqjnJzKAVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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