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what is up guys welcome back to the video so today we're doing another video on this amazing mod where basically you have every single tower in the game in one game it's actually crazy and today we're going to be making a max temple because of course we have every single tower in the game which means we have every single sacrifice for the temple so this is gonna be amazing i really hope you guys enjoy make sure to like the video if you do enjoy and yeah stick around because we're gonna be getting the max temple it's gonna be doing crazy amounts of damage we're also going to buff it up with the engineer ability with the mib village and yeah we're just going to see how powerful it truly is and of course maker over there i have no idea what strategy he's going to use but obviously it doesn't matter what strategy he uses really because he has every single tower in the game and so do i we can literally do any strategy we want uh actually i think we've got next video on this mod what i'm going to do is i'm going to get every single 40 tower like on my side literally every single one and see how far we can go yeah really hope you guys do enjoy these videos make sure to check out macron's channel i'll put the link in the description of this video uh oh no oh my god you know what he's doing he's literally oh my god oh this is gonna be crazy he's literally stalling every single balloon on his screen right there oh no and then maybe he has the rubber to gold power which basically means if you pop balloons you make a set amount of money like five dollars three dollars per balloon i don't know how much it is but if he stores every single balloon oh my god he could literally make like a million dollars oh and it's gonna like my game so much as well i'm just gonna use improved ecoboost because i can uh and yeah we're gonna put our temple like right here right there because we're not gonna get that many temples we're just gonna get every single sacrifice for this one so i'm just gonna get it ready already oh my god this is gonna literally be the best late game ever and i'm really grateful that he's doing a cool strategy oh my god he's literally getting every single balloon frozen right there that's crazy so yeah what he's gonna do is he's gonna freeze every single balloon and then he's gonna get like a ray of doom or something aim it up here and then he's gonna use the rubber to go power and he is going to pop every single balloon and oh my god it's gonna like the game so much my game literally might crash oh this is gonna be insane anyway let's just get there a banana research facility right there oh my god i can barely even talk i'm so excited also it's probably because i just went on a walk uh and i'm pretty tired i mean i was kind of jogging as well so that could explain why i'm tired i'm not that unfair okay we're in round seven i mean he he doesn't have that many but wait what i should do is i should be sending him balloons and then i'll give him a thumbs up uh there we go not thumbs down i don't want to bm in but yeah i'm gonna send him balloons so basically he freezes those as well so he can make even more money it's actually gonna be crazy oh my god and of course we have to get all of the sacrifices ready for my temple and we're gonna see how truly powerful a max temple in this game is now you can get a max temple in car battles but obviously we're not playing car battles okay let's go on to the yellows right here so yeah there's two things to be excited about we can be oh he's gonna leak there he's gonna leak there yeah the first thing to be excited about of course is the max temple oh he popped everything he popped everything oh that's so disappointing oh it's kind of mindful for setting the yellows and he's sending the thug life but yeah basically he's gonna try oh no he's not gonna try again okay well rip that that strategy is not happening oh wow that's hilarious okay let's get another one of these files because we do need a ton of money yes it's bonanza uh let's use this as well sure okay is he sending me stuff i think he's sending me white balloons i mean we're absolutely fine against white balloons so i don't know why he's sending that maybe he's just equaling a little bit uh okay so let's get the sacrifices ready so we need bomber sacrifice now this sacrifice is for the missiles on the temple which are you know they're pretty powerful i think they're one of the better sacrifices i like i don't know which is the best sacrifice to get i know the blades can be really powerful so how expensive is that so we can sell it for 4k and we can sell this one for 4k as well okay so we need a bunch of these we need like six cannons because we need 30k worth of every single sacrifice guys at least 30k in everything so i believe if we have five of those i will have enough because i it's like i think it's like uh 7k or 6k we're spending on them so you know what i'm just gonna get one more just in case because i i really want to make sure uh that we get the max temple because i really want i've never had a max tempo in this game because i i don't really play car battles that much so yeah i really want to see how good a max temple is okay let's get the glue gunners now okay the glue sacrifice i don't think it's that good to be honest oh it's it's 8k to sell this we only need to get three of those which is definitely helpful and you can see everything in the range of this which is an absolutely huge range gets sacrificed so that's really really great literally it doesn't really matter where we put things okay so you can see now he's got the engineer he had the ice tower he's got the farm he's got the ninja and he's got the mortar i don't know what he's doing with the mortars there though that's kind of weird okay and now we need the wizard sacrifice so this one is for the like the tempest tornadoes or the regular tornadoes that the the temple fires out again i don't know how powerful they are but obviously they do a good job pushing the balloons back but we don't need to push the balloons back right because literally it just demolishes them instantly okay so how much can we sell these for that's like 6.6k okay four of those should be fine uh 30k plus just have to make sure we got 30k of each but i'm pretty sure we do already uh and then we need of course uh the ice and we need a tech tara so i think there are five different sacrifices and of course in a normal game you can only have four towers so you only get four sacrifices at most because you can have uh the supermonkey is a sacrifice which gives it the blades uh so what actually is the super monkey okay the supermonkey's here there we go so we got a tech term right there so we got the canon sacrifice that's one wizard two tech tara three glue four and then we need the ice tower five and then we are done and luckily i have this as a hotkey so we can do this really quickly and i think this is one of the most expensive ones yeah we only need probably two of those but i'm just gonna get four because i can and just in case i'm gonna get one extra glue and one extra cannon and then we should be good to go oh my god it's only round 19 we're gonna have a max temple right here this is gonna be ridiculous it's gonna be so powerful guys oh my god i can't wait to get this oh wait no we do need more money though i can't get it quite yet guys because look at this we only have 22 000 okay let's use this one last time 300 eco that is a lot what is he doing on his side right there he's got tons of artillery actually no it's only the third tier what is that defense dude macro what are you doing over there okay that's that's an interesting defense i don't know how good that is gonna be i mean it doesn't look very good uh but i mean you do you he has a big one right there always using the mib village okay i i'm definitely gonna get one of those soon oh man okay so how much money do we have 34k when we get to 100k i can use this it might sacrifice a bunch of my farms as well but it's all good and we have the big blue buster dude imagine a max temple with all these sacrifices plus the big boom buster so it does three times damage to more class balloons that would be absolutely unbelievable please leave a like on the video right now let's try and hit 3 000 likes on this video i know we can do it we haven't had one hit 3 000 likes in literally many months but i think we can do it guys for this video because this is such an awesome idea okay let's go for the sun god right there literally we just need one more upgrade the 100 000 don't wait is that 100 000 okay it is for a second i was worried that it was modded to say a million and that would have been an absolute disaster because i haven't been farming very well but no it is a hundred thousand we're almost there guys we're almost there we're only seven minutes in and we're literally so close to getting it and then of course we have to buff it with all the various buffs in fact i i only think there are really two buffs which kind of sucks but it's all good oh my god what is he doing dude what is he doing on his side what is this defense dude i mean they're attacking really fast don't get me wrong like those abilities happen of course because we're using this mod the abilities happen automatically like the game just triggers them when they're active um because we can't actually click any abilities which is fine by me okay we have 100k we have 100k when it gets to 8 minutes i'm gonna do it oh my god this is gonna be amazing okay so temple of the monkey god a max temple in this game i believe i have everything we have glue we have bomb we have ice we have wizard and we have the tech terror let's go this is gonna be absolutely awesome max temple here we go it did not sacrifice any my phone so as you can see it has the blades it has the ice it has the glue and it has the canon one oh my god this is going to be ana has the tornado i don't think i mentioned the tornado either this thing is so good also look at the head it's kind of weird oh my god this is super powerful but we're not just done yet we are not done yet we need to get we need to buff this thing so much okay so i'm just gonna get a bunch of these villagers uh i mean i should wait it sacrificed my father no it sacrificed the farmer you kidding me that's so sad okay let me get the farmer right back there there we go okay we got the pharma back so we're gonna go for a bunch of these mib villages so they're always active oh it's already attacking so much faster that's insane look at that look at that attack speed dude it's amazing okay let's get another mib right there so they're attacking at different times nice perfect okay let's get another one i want this active literally at all times so let's get that right there okay that's active oh my god this is going to be unbelievably powerful like i really hope he sends me a rush soon because i want to see how good this thing is uh okay yeah he just said wait was that a cmg he's sending what is he sending cause that just died instantly did you see that it literally barely got anywhere was that a zmg or was that just a regular bfb if that was if that was a zmg i absolutely annihilated it okay but we're still not done yet let me just finish upgrading this one there we go perfect okay now let's go for the engineer right here now i think he made it so it permanently overclocks because of course you can't use the ability so let's get the overclock right there okay apparently the overclock doesn't work i don't think the overclock works guys oh no that's so sad i don't think the overclock actually does anything in this modder no that's a disaster okay it's fine it doesn't really matter okay so now we go to max temple you know what we can do well we can go for a second max temple let's go for two max temples this is gonna be ridiculous okay so again we need to get the temple up i'm i think i'm gonna put it like it can't be in the range of any of that stuff because i don't want it to sacrifice anything so let's put it like right here i think this is a good placement yeah we're gonna put it right there and we're gonna get a whole new max temple it's gonna be ridiculous let's get the tech terror on this thing right there dude we are up wait what is his defense oh because oh my god the mortar ability remember the game triggers it automatically oh no so literally he's going to have that ability oh my god he's going to use the ice ability to store he's going to use the ninja ability to store and he's going to use probably the glue gunner as well oh my god he's going to have the absolute maximum stall on his side that is going to be insane oh my god i might actually lose to him he's got the mortar store the ice store he's going to have every single stool in the game he could even go for the like the sniper as well the mob and there's absolutely no way i'm going to beat him if he does that i mean obviously i i can use the towers he's using but i don't want to do that i just want to do it my way with the max temples it's so powerful dude it is so powerful okay so we got the three ice towers okay so we got two out of five sacrifices it's kind of actually wait we can sacrifice the mortar and we can sacrifice less of them instead of the bomb tower i think that might be better so let's get the mortar i think we can go for how much okay 7200 for that yeah i think that's better maybe i'll go for the big one as well though but yeah it's much better sacrificing mortise than the bomb towers uh how much can we sell this for 7 600 7200 okay if i go for one more i i do think that's 30k i just have to make sure it's 30k because i don't want to get it wrong but i think that is so now we just need to go for the glue gunner again and then we need to go uh for what do we need to go for i might i completely forgot oh yeah the wizard we need to go for the wizard as well okay so let's get three more of these and then i think we're done because these are pretty yeah these are pretty expensive as well as you can see i'll get four of them though again just in case his side looks completely ridiculous right now with all those mortars and like the ice towers and stuff uh but it's gonna be a really good defense it's gonna be hard to beat like i might actually just go for a rush against him right now i wanna see how far i'm just gonna send a regular bfb okay just a bfb to see how he handles the bfb uh i think he's wait i can't even see the bfb on his side wait where is the bfb guys where is the bfb it's it's not even on his side wait let me see i'm just sending a zmg that is probably i hope he doesn't die to it but like oh look how slow that is look how slow okay there is the zmg but oh my god he's literally got it perma-stored that is unbelievably slow on his side right there that's not even fair dude look at that it's so slow and he can literally use abilities all the time i mean to be fair the mortar ability it actually because the motor ability is happening so often i think it kind of cancels out because you know the reactor yeah he's saying oops i think it cancels out so you remember when you have the reactor and you have multiple reactors it actually does worse than just having one reactor i think it's the same principle i think he just has too many of them so they kind of can't cancel each other out anyway it takes forever to make these max temples but a hundred percent they're worth it so i believe we do have five sacrifices on this one uh let me just get one more wizard right there i hope he's able to beat that crm g he should be able to kill her i mean he has so much stuff on his side also 90k uh obviously it's in the range of village or something i guess okay so we have the wizard sacrifice here's the bomb sacrifice uh we have the tectara we have the ice and we have the glue so i think that's everything we have the money let's go for another max temple right here two max temples in one game in battles probably never done before but there we go there it is these things are seriously powerful let me get a couple mib villages over here as well there we go oh man this is i don't see any way that we're gonna lose this because yes oh well he actually defended on this side i didn't even see that but he did defend against the cmg which i'm grateful for i'm glad he didn't die i'm going to give him a thumbs up uh thumbs down i'm going to give him a thumbs up i'm going to say well done because this is super awesome guys this is super awesome are we sending me a rush but is it going to do anything no it's not going to do anything dude i have max temples right here remember round 35 zoom g's are actually really powerful but we literally killed it before i even turned the first bend we only have two temples just two they're doing such a good job dude because these omgs are no laughing matter these young g's are really strong yeah we are absolutely demolishing them oh my god this is crazy they're crazy good uh oh here's the chipper that chipper ability is literally the bane of my existence it is so annoying that chipper ability when it like has the auto activated ability it's super annoying okay so what i'm gonna do is i think i'm gonna go for a rush guys because we're almost 15 minutes in we're on round 37 we're obviously not going to die anytime soon with the defense that we have uh i could just go for some slowdowns to be honest you know what let's do it let's do it i'm gonna go for one ice tower just one and we're getting the absolute zero so that will literally occur every like i don't know how long the ability cooldown is but as soon as it's back up uh the game will use the ability yeah these max temples are way too good oh my god so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna sell my farms i'm i'm just gonna do it i'm just gonna do it there we go we literally just had three towels okay maybe not three towels because we have all the villages but i'm gonna go for the rush right now we haven't even used a big boom buster guys okay we're 15 minutes in i'm gonna go for my mega rush let's see if he can defend against this i think i'll be able to send ten zero omg's that is a lot of z omg's ten let's see if he's able to defeat this is he going for a rush against me as well i don't think he is okay so that's 10 zmgs i'm gonna send a couple of bfbs behind it as well there we go send a couple of ceramics just use up every single little bit of money we have and yeah i think that's it um let's just go for a couple of these one dollar we have one dollar with four eco that is amazing oh my god okay he's setting a rush against me now remember we only have two temples just two against all of these enemies i'm around 40. this is a big round we're like way past round 32 so the ramping has started let us use actually no we don't even need look at this that's so good they do so much damage let's use the big blue buster let's use it how good is this oh my god it's actually fighting back around 40 cmgs okay not quite it's doing a good job though yeah actually it doesn't even seem to me okay no it is definitely making a difference now guys these things are absolutely annihilating the crmgs wow i really hope he dies to my rush because i don't really have any rush left he is doing a lot of damage right there he's microing the tech terribility as quick as he can oh that's obvious because uh of course the uh the abilities are auto activated so he can literally if he just places down a tower it will use the ability automatically which actually makes this really good dude imagine a micro challenge with every single tower in the game that could be so much fun so it looks like he's he might actually be able to defend against this like this is an insane defense right now oh my god if he's actually able to defeat this i will be so sad they're getting close those mobs are getting very close but nope he did defend he gets that he defended my rush i have 64 dollars right now that is literally nothing it's around 42 you're sending me another crmg rush i'm not even gonna use the big one bastard because i think i can defend against this with just two temples remember i only have two normally by at this point in bonanza you have a whole map full of temples i have two temples and they're still doing a good job against around 42 0mgs this is just so impressive like if i had a full map of these we could probably get to like round 90 or something like no joke bloon circles max temples every single one that would be such a good video but yeah we're about to go into round 43 with of course the natural omgs uh we're just having an absolute blast this is so fun we are kind of struggling now though they are getting kind of far on my side but it's all good it's all good i think we're gonna be doing yeah we're doing fine we're able to push back that rush absolutely fine uh i do wish we had more money though i really do wish we had more money uh we could sell these to send another rash i might i might sell a couple of the mib villages because i really do need to send another rush again so because you can see it when he's not my crank his like defense is really bad like look he's barely even damaged the cmg look look at the damage on my zmg it's about to turn into bfbs he has not even damaged his dmg right there look bfbs no damage whatsoever so if you don't use your abilities like him spamming the tech terribility he basically does no damage to zoom g so i think he's going to die fairly soon he's actually going for some farms right now look at that i think he's run out of money oh he's run out of money okay this is risky this is risky i literally just stole my temple oh my god i'm an idiot oh i'm an idiot i am an idiot let's just quickly get a sabot oh my god please get a sabbah right there there we go let's use the sabo uh please can you actually use the sabo it's not using it okay big blue buster we only have one temple versus one around 40 40 mg he doesn't have any money so i'm just going to rush him because he does not have enough money to to micro his towers this is going to be intense i use selling towers to be able to micro the tech terribility but i think he's gonna go down dude and this i only have one temple but this one temple is doing so good with 19 minutes at round 45 this is so fun oh my god look he only has a robot monkey he can't even afford it and i literally just have one temple but it's absolutely rocking everything it's got 242 000 pops that is a lot of pops dude that's so many pops he's selling every single one of his mortars he is able to get that tech terror up multiple times but the problem is it just costs way too much dude that tech tara is like you're losing 10k easily every single time okay that's emg's kind of getting far right there which is kind of a worry so let me just use a big moon buster right here uh because i think he's gonna die very very soon so let's use the big boom buster i think we're gonna be able to defend against that absolutely fine however we won't be able to defend another zmg because if the big one buster runs out yeah we're not gonna be able to defend so hopefully there aren't any more zmgs because otherwise i'm pretty much gonna die but it's all good this has been such a fun game you've seen how powerful the max temple really is he has not developed my rush he's about to go down he is so close to going down he must be running out of money by now like he's probably sold every single mortar on his side okay this is the end for me as well if that's the energy guess at the end i am dead but i think maycrom is sadly going to go down it's been a really good effort like look at this micro oh but he's still alive he is actually still alive he's pushing it back he's using the ability that is getting really far on my side that's the omg oh my god i mean we are damaging it let's just use a lightning i mean the lightning is there to use let's just use it he's using a tower boost let's keep oh my god if he actually if he actually wins this if he actually wins that this that would be unbelievable oh my god this young is really far on his side though that chipper ability is literally helping him so much the cmg is getting to the end of my side is literally getting to the end oh when he's dead that was so close guys i really hope you guys enjoy the video uh and yeah i get i will see you in the next one peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 279,872
Rating: 4.916328 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: bCmn2M3vjcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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