this POWERFUL lategame strategy CRASHED my opponent.... (Bloons TD Battles)

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what is up guys welcome max in the video not today we're going to be doing some bonanza in white wasteland and we're gonna be using the spite factory to try and goal a game I don't know if this is gonna work or not obviously the spy Factory is actually quite a decent late-game Tower this map I really like this pop so let's say late game no you kidding me you actually skip that Bob okay we got yellow brick road which is like another one of my favorite Maps what is happening it but why would you skip yin-yang that's such you cos mob okay so spike fight rip and on a farm let's bring that interest wall and we've got these I should probably bring a better power though like a big blue Buster I feel like that's gonna be better or maybe big blue I don't know which one's better this is for uses and it lasts longer but some of the double damage and this is triple damage for three uses you know what let's just bring that wanna let's see what we get for our four tower wizard that's actually really really good see ya let's see if we can go late-game up with despite fire tree please subscribe if you haven't already to catch the streams oh trying to stream on Sunday see I make sure you subscribed with notifications on it so you watch that and you get notified for that and yeah like the video if you haven't already and yeah let's see if the spite Factory can go again now of course we do have the ninja to help us because to slow down we really need to slow down in order for this to work he has nin Juris wall and it looks like he's farming as well although he is not even upgrading his farms he has just got zeros or phones right that I don't really know why and then he's going for Red's against me okay are you see how this is so what I'm gonna do is I should probably use a lighting against this cuz that is quite a lot of balloons and at the start of the next round I'll use a photo I'm an idiot I just use that at the end of the round over does it last for like only one round now cuz I know it lost two rounds but like I used it at the end of the round so is it just Mike not gonna lost that beast that would suck so much I really hope it does lost we probably have to go for like a wizard here or something because otherwise we're just gonna leak an absolute honour but we can keep farming though because like he's not really doing that much and I really want to get ahead of bombs I really do I'm actually gonna set him a couple of pain steady just really disconnect froa why are you disconnecting it literally nothing is happening it literally nothing is happening okay let's get another plantation he's gonna leak a lot to these dude sometimes I get really worried when people disconnect like that well obviously firstly because like it means they could disconnect later but secondly for some reason I always associate that kind of disconnecting where it likes out for a bit because someone's like hacking and they're turning hack sorry I know that sounds ridiculous Oh like that is not the case here although it could be but like I don't think it is but like I don't know why I probably shouldn't get worried about that but still that's not good though because like I'm using the spine factory and it's gonna like out so much it is really gonna like it so if they're already disconnecting it that is not good I mean let's just see what happens let's just see what happens he is sending us Pink's right now let she's a lightning bolt against that we can go for a ninja as well if we do need to but let's go for the valuable one artist let's just use this right now I know it probably is bad timing to get it but I'm just gonna get it anyway we have really ahead in funds right now we got a factory plus a republic and he's gonna Bank plus three plantations we're doing so much better on the farming is absolutely insane yeah I'm really excited to use the spider factory to go late-game I think I did it before like fairly recently a benign arenas I think it's really really fun doing it in arenas with the Strike Fighter II it's a weird strategy honestly like especially obviously like we need a slowdown we could have gone eco and brought the ice her as well imagine that imagine that so you got a ninja we've got the ice tower and we got the spike factory there will be such a cool strategy we'd be able to slow down things so much and then the spikes tom ability we would just spam that endlessly I wish that was like an upgrade that reduce the cooldown of abilities massively I know that the village probably does that somehow like it's not massive it doesn't makes like a ton of difference anyway listen to a bunch of yellows let's see what he does against this cuz otherwise it's like just gonna kill him dude this is really just gonna do time okay you're just gonna let that do damage to you okay I guess you can do that but like you probably should have okay there we go we forced a blue Jets to upgrade he is just getting banks no he's getting be IAS now won't Donna I really don't understand what this guy is doing but okay okay so he could go for a rush against me hopefully he doesn't let's just go for do tag shoot uh is he gonna go late get with the tack shoot ah bro is he really okay I am so confused right now is he really gonna go late-game with the tacks Rita so what we need to do right now is I'm gonna get five spike storms up I know that seems ridiculous but like this way nothing is getting past my defense nut Wow okay if you could send the comg and like a few of those then it would get past my defense like rainbow rushes are gonna have absolutely no chance against my defense right now just look at it I have five spikes ah okay okay he has super monkey so this is gonna be a properly in battle if he doesn't disconnect if he disconnects that it's just gonna be really sad so hopefully he doesn't this is gonna be a really really good late-game battle because he has a slowdown he has the temple obviously yes the super monkey so he can go really really late game I just want to see if we can outlast him with the spike factory and now he's using better soil interesting and I didn't I'd never really thought of using better soil on a bi A's I don't really know if it does anything I mean I guess I guess it has to because it's like an ability it's REI power that affects all of the phones but it's really strange but anyway so he's going for the tech tower sacrifice of course he wants to get that 30k of what the sacrifice of the temple which is really really good he's already goes Sabo which he doesn't really need to get but yeah I feel like this guy he knows how to go late-game I think he does want to go late-game with me so hopefully he doesn't do any brushes against me I'm really only gonna use the spiked battery if I'm being completely honest like I just want to use the spike factory and see how far we can go obviously we will we will use the ninja as well slightly and we will use that because obviously we want to use the ninja like we need the slowdown otherwise we will probably die very very soon but well not too soon because like it is not speed I keep thinking Steven answer and then realizing that things are gonna go so slowly then why is he stuck facing a ring of fire you already have 30 key worth of sacrifice you'd literally you don't need to get anything else you just need to take Tara guys if you don't have any other good sacrifices for example like the wizard the ice tower the bomb tower the mortar the glue gun out all of the stuff like that you only need to get 30 key worth of at ektara and then that's like the max sacrifice you can get obviously if you don't have all of the good sacrifices if you have stuff like the glue and the wizard and all that kind of stuff you do need 30k worth of those as well anyway I'm gonna sell all of those we have 20k worth in every single one of these he is going for pinks against me right now is is he trying to kill me with the eco well not really kill me but is he trying to do damage with the eco it really isn't gonna do anything it really isn't although it is getting a bit far I have to be honest it is getting a bit far on my side but let's actually let's get some spike mines up just in case because these are really good at popping balloons I mean then okay so how he's sitting zebras bro he is setting a lot of balloons at us I hopefully will be okay with our defense you can see it's really affecting our mug shot of spikes in fact it is getting past our mob shadow spikes this is why this is why I wanted to spike mines at the bottom right here because they're gonna absolutely demolish all the balloons but yeah it's kind of a problem because the marsh red of spikes they die easily to the balloons and then of course you don't have the mobs red of spikes to pop the mob class wounds so you get into a bit of trouble honestly but I think we'll be okay we have so much money right now it is insane er but let's just go for more spikes Tom's let's build up our defense this is really really gonna be awesome he's sending us some more but dude why is he sitting some more but do you not want to go late game with me do you really not want to go late I just want to go late gamer but obviously this guy he's dude he uses go over so many rushes against me but look at this look at this if I just use a cough or a spike Psalms just watch that look at that look at that look how much damage it does it literally it destroys instantly bear fees and stuff like that but he's still going for his rushes against me it why are you doing this bro raisi I probably set that wrong why are you going for these rushes against me oh my god okay so we're doing pretty well Elise we're oh that is a lot of bees right that is a lot of vo fees dude that is a lot of BFBS oh my god are we gonna be okay against this seriously I'm just gonna use all of those spikes Tom's I'm gonna get some more Szabo's dude are we really gonna be okay against this this is actually kind of scaring me this is really scaring me because that is a lot of balloons right that that is a lot of balloons is he really trying to kill me right now is he really trying to kill me with all these BFBS this is so sad okay so let's just oh my god those balloons getting fall those blooms are getting really far but gonna be okay though because we have a spike factory and spike fetcher is already gonna be yeah I need to concentrate guys I need to concentrate otherwise we're literally gonna die to this like seriously we could die to this fell easily let's get another saddle up there we go I didn't even get big stacks on these oh my god he's just going for endless P FPS against me right now endless pfb is this is actually scaring me so much are we really gonna die to this and he's sitting see own pieces wow he's sending see Jesus well why is he going for this rush okay I'm using big boom buster and I am going dude we've literally gonna like him out we are gonna like him out that would be so funny if his own Inc internet connection killed Emmett that would be amazing okay so apparently with all of that we absolutely demolished that oh my god that's amazing okay those balloons are getting very very far though which I am kind of scared about but it's okay it's okay let's just use more spiked storms I believe he stop rushing me I think I hope I hope he stop rushing me he's been going is roughly rushing me for so long oh my god okay so we need to get some subs down here there we go let's use this he's just gonna keep on rushing us isn't he he's just gonna keep on rushing us this is so frustrating cuz I just want to go lay game I really just want to go lay in with him but he's not having any of it he just wants to keep on rushing me let's look we have so many spike stones right now we have so many okay the balloons are getting a bit fog which is worrying but like against everything else do 30 spike storms surely it that is enough to take out all of that yeah that's gonna do a lot of damage my god we have so much money right now as well I'm I'm not even going to collect the money out to them I apologize if that annoys anyone I just want to make sure we get a bunch more spike batteries pop because I know it's not really doing anything but the his rushes are kind of worrying me if I'm being honest and especially especially with all of those regen balloons okay has he finally stop rushing me now does he finally stopped he probably doesn't have any money he probably does not have any money right now okay so let's use all of those spike storms well not all of them oh that is enough right now either we have just defended all of his rushing that was kind of stressful if I'm being honest but we managed to defend against all of it we have not placed our towers very well at all because like we were trying we were panicking a bit because we just wanted to defend against that but there we go we did defend we can't really fit any spy countries there I guess let's just keep on building them up let's just keep on building them up this is great cuz he just wasted so much money on that and it did not do anything and if I wanted to kill him right now I could I could just go for a rush and just take him out but I won't I don't want to I just want to go like him if he does rush me though and it like it looks like it's gonna kill me I will try and defend in them rush him back but for now I just want to go late-game I'm really not gonna do anything to him did I say late-game in the lobby I can't even remember but like I mean see he's trying to get temples up again as you can see he's got a song up there annie is gonna sacrifice some stuff so he's going for some more temples over there it really isn't gonna do anything though like you don't have enough money to get a whole map filled with temples which is what you need to beat me I think and if I go for a rush your two temples really are gonna do anything he wasted so much money on those VF bees no good lie it looked pretty close there for a second that's why I have to have despite mines despite mines literally save me they they did so much good right there because those Blues were getting very very close to the exit let's go for another one of these you got 60 water because 61 spike storms right now that is enough spike stones that's definitely enough strike stones let's just try and fit in oh the blue no no no the blue juice is let's try and fit in the Szabo's wherever we can because I really I like having tons of subs because I like spamming them when he rushes us and stuff like that just so I feel extra safe anyway you can see all these ceramics you can see how far they go to my side like the moisture spikes are really not good at popping balloons but they are good against popping bombs and spikes tom is amazing ability can we fit one more up there I believe we can fit one there we go there we go there is a 62nd 63rd should I say yeah spikes Tom right there amazing this is really good I was a bit worried for a second that we wouldn't be able to go late gamer but it looks like we are definitely going to go lay gamer and there isn't any where I can place this any disconnects that will suck so much but it's probably because I have so many spikes Tom's on my side like you saw how much it liked him out earlier not gonna like that would be kind of funny if he rushed me and then he I like liked him out with my spikes Tom's like that would be pretty funny it's kind of a cheap way to win though like locking out your opponent like I can't help it if my defense likes abouts anyway we have eight suppose we have 63 spikes Tom's and we have one two three four five six seven eight I believe nine spikes mine five trees so our defense is really really good here on the other hand has a bunch of PAS he has two temples he has two Maelstrom she has two bulges Sue's and I just wanna Sabo and you can already see without using my abilities a taller we are taking out things a lot quicker than ever we really are our defense is pretty damn girder I'm really happy with her defense I probably could have done a bit of a better job fitting in all of the spike countries but he did rush me he really rushed me when he went for that rush so we just kind of swamped everything but it's okay it's not bad at all is he gonna go from rush soon though is he gonna go for a rush sooner well happens if I say destroy it if I say destroy a is it is that gonna bait him into like rushing me or something not gonna lie that would be really funny okay so what does if I go for one zmv against him okay so it looks like he's trying to get more temples up he's gonna sacrifice oh he's literally actually no I don't think it's no he's just getting uptake terrors what is this guy doing I am so confused he really hasn't found that wallet - he is not gonna be able to go with that late game now these frowns no kamae even with my defense kind of worried me because so many of regen balloons I just worry that will somehow cause a region fun I know that is impossible when I have like you know I shouldn't even worry I have 63 spike stones to use I have 63 spikes dogs if he goes to Russia get sweet weight let's see how much this is lag eval does not like him out a lot using one of those spikes Tom's okay it doesn't because we're not popping anything but it's me using those gonna like bait him into rushing me that is the question I don't think he's gonna go for a rush against me although if he did I'm not sure if I'd be able to defend even with all of this because it is round 37 things are a bit more powerful we do at the Sabbath of course we do have the spikes Tom's but still it is a tall order to take out all of those BFBS and zoom jeez if he did go for rush I think we'd be ok but let's just see him he's just building up tech Terrace he's really gonna die man he's really going to die soon because he probably will defend against around 43 like stuffed pasta he's not gonna be able to depend on I am going to go for a rush against him yeah guys if you go to this point in the video please subscribe I would greatly appreciate her let's try to hit like two hundred and fifteen thousand subscribers by the end of next month and also like the video if you haven't already let's try to hit two thousand likes on this video yeah really hope you guys enjoy the late game videos I really enjoy making them it's kind of funny because I used to like watch molt like three years ago and then I got into competitive balloons and I thought late game was stupid amenda a year later or like two years later maths I start to make a late game videos myself it's kind of ironic yeah but I guess like it's just what I enjoy in the moment anyway let's see some of us sub oh this is around 39 right now as you can see things are getting a bit further and he is in fact destroying things faster but do remember Agana I haven't really used any yeah I haven't used any of my spike storms so it doesn't really matter how far they're getting right now because most of our defense is honestly reliant on the spike songs we are they think they're pretty far away that lead to get for this rounder has a bunch of region rainbows as you can see plus PA fees so this round might be a bit hard I'm just going to use one spike stormer doesn't make much difference let's just use a couple of spiked stones against these BFBS but yeah you can see when we used to spike stones we do a lot of damage he is obviously defending things a bit faster because he does have all the tech terrorism temples but trust me my defense is way better than this if you had a home up full of temples then maybe I'd say he's that his defense is better okay so he's coming from Rush against me now he is going from Rush so that means I'm gonna go for rush against them that coos oh god oh god can you see those reach and rainbows on my side right that those reaching rainbows were getting very very far on my site that's why I'm so afraid of the region rainbows they were getting really fond now I'm probably gonna like him out I'm literally I'm probably gonna like this guy out with whom I strike stones I'm gonna save just a few because I'm I don't want to take away actually we may we may take out the CMG's and die to the balloons especially on this round I didn't think this through actually no we do have 18 spikes Tom's that's okay I think we'll be okay but he's really he's not gonna be able to defend against I he is not gonna be able to defend her I think I'll be able to defend entire I hope oh my god I'm kind of scared now I am but my boost is coming back I do have my big balloon Buster just in case I need a everything's getting very very far on his side though I really don't think he's gonna be able to defend I really don't he is I don't even know why he just used right that but I don't think he's gonna be able to defend and if we wanted to I'm not sure if we could defend this I really don't but so what we're gonna do is we use big boom Buster we're gonna use all of us spiked storms against this we're gonna see how much damage this does it's probably gonna do a lot of damage and is causing so much lag we may even like him out with this oh my god but yeah he's gonna die he's gonna go down to my brush it's really slow right now it is really slow because I have lacked out everything oh my god I just crashed this gimme I just crash this game Oh Mike I was gonna win anyway but I just crashed this game with my spike storms oh my god I was just trying to defend my rush I don't know his rush yeah he rushed me I tried to defend that I need disconnected guys I hope you enjoyed the video and see you in the next one
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 1,277,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, ssundee, ssundee btd, ssundee bloons, ssundee minecraft, minecraft, ssundee battles
Id: zjsGNAix408
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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