The $1,000,000 AUTO AIM HACK Dartling Upgrade! (Bloons TD Battles)

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what is up guys welcome back to the video so i saw a really good mod for balloon star defense battles and basically you know the dartling gun normally you have to aim on the map so you aim the dartling gun but in this case it does not even work like that also i am a hackster banana farm so it gives you a ton of money because some of the upgrades to the startling gun are really really expensive so let's just get the farm down oh my god as you can see we get 12 000 for every single banana that is just ridiculous and also if we get the valuable bananas how much oh my god dudes 12 18 18 000 for every single banana okay so let's get a darling gun right here in the middle look at this dude it auto aims isn't that amazing so it aims like a regular tower so we don't need to aim at ato and also our opponent david sabri i'll link his channel in the description of this video he makes really awesome hacks and he has his own one extra cards i actually play it quite a bit on the channel uh and yeah basically it means you can have literally any tower in the game and he also put a bunch of other new ones in like for example this red century gun okay he's just team towers on me as well he's gonna have tons of powers as well it's gonna be really interesting to see who's gonna win this obviously we have a lot of money right now oh my god look at this i'm gonna put another one down but the funny thing is if we just go for a regular factory like it's barely gonna dude 1 800. isn't that like 10 times less was it 18 000 dude that's 10 times less oh my god that's so stupid dude okay let's get rid of that actually wait is it ten times it no it is don't worry okay so let's get some upgrades on this thing we're gonna get powerful darts as you can see it actually aims really well the only problem is you can't really anti-still the rounds right now because normally you can just like aim away from the start so you don't pop all the balloons quickly so the so the rounds go slowly but this time the rounds are going to go really quickly because this thing look at it it aims exactly in the right spot so let's get focus firing that's probably going to help a bunch let's get the faster barrel spin this is insane dude i know it's only like a small hack but it makes so much difference i don't have to aim anywhere i'm just free to do whatever i want right now now the only problem with this is you can't use the ray of doom the ray of doom is you you just can't touch it because if you get it it will crash the game instantly so hopefully that's not the case with the balloon area oh my god what this is okay i'm going to sell that i'm just going to sell that for a bit we want to save that for the zmg rushes and stuff oh but that looked ridiculous i just wanted to test to see if it crashed the game because the ray of doom crashes the game also i made it hypersonic as well so it's going to be attacking super duper fast so david over there he is going for the super sentry guns right now look they're actually pretty good there's so much better than the regular green sentries i also really like how he's placed everything uh but yeah you can see these darkling guns are obviously going to be better than regular dartling guns uh because they know exactly where to fire oh wait do we have camo on them okay we do have come on that's interesting oh what the hell is that a cleansing bomber are you kidding me dude look at all the foam on the track right there that's crazy i did not know that was a thing oh my god that was crazy dude okay so let's get a laser cannon i feel like getting a lace scanner we can't click the other upgrade though so i'm not going to go for any more stuff like any more laser cannons because i feel like i might accidentally press it also i apologize for selling the towers and stuff uh but i do just want to test them out individually but yeah so we're playing in speed bonanza so bonanza's nice just gives us even more money even though we don't need more money but the main thing is speed up means we actually get to the later rounds really quickly so we can test them out against like xeomg rushes moabs bfbs this laser kind of noggin light it was kind of missing right there although generally it is doing a pretty good job also this is the longest map in the game i believe apart from the btd6 logs i played which was such a good hack dude okay it kind of looks like he's struggling not gonna lie uh how is he making money right now literally how is he making money oh look at that look at that okay so that's a glaive lord right but it's shooting glaives like like a bionic boomerang but they believe ricochet so look how good that is dude i'm gonna say i'm gonna send tons of rainbows dude oh my god that's incredible okay we're gonna jam pack a bunch of rainbows this is going to look so cool look at that guys it instantly okay not instantly but it really it just demolishes them so nicely oh that's so cool to see and then let's make it regen rainbows yeah i mean i have all the money in the world i can go for endless rushes but yeah just to show you guys how awesome the tower is it literally it can oh wait no this is not good this is not good let's get powerful darts depleted balloon tonium right there let's also get a village over here right there let's just get a bunch of these things uh i guess let's go for an mib dude actually yeah mib would be pretty cool makes it fire even faster oh that's awesome that's so awesome i'm gonna get a bunch of mibs all over the map so let's get another one over here there we go i'm just gonna keep on going for the mibs also put them in the range of the other villagers of course so we have more range on the actual village itself let's put one over there oh dude this is going so nicely okay yes he has a reactor over there now is that anything special about the reactor it looks like just a regular reactor to me uh he keeps doing that dude why are you doing that dude uh wait can i put that right there okay i can put it right there okay so it's five mibs it's absolutely perfect i'm just gonna go for another farm because i can and i would appreciate the money so there there we go okay let's go for another darling we're gonna sell the lace cannon let's go for our hydro rocket pods right there let's see how good that thing is let's sell the laser cannon okay so we're getting ceramics right there are we going to be okay against ceramic balloons and the answer is well yes we are gonna be okay i'm gonna use a couple of weight i used the wrong ones dude they're not even the right ones but as you can see it's doing a good job it's clearly not as good as the laser calendar but it's still cool oh my god look how fast wait how has he got so much money already i'm so confused how does he have money to get all of these towers because those those are like that's a full full glue gunner he's got really fast spike factories that are shooting out both spike mines and regular spikes i feel like he also has a village right there which i believe is a 4-4 village i'm pretty sure so i don't know how and he's also got a nice towel there as well so i have oh addy's oh my god are you kidding me he's also got this weird sun god tech tara thing which is super duper powerful i don't know where he's getting the money from dude i actually don't okay let's use the mib right there oh god are we gonna die please can we not die i i would really appreciate not dying okay let's get another one there we go i mean look at that okay see that says 900 000 right there in cash but actually if it's not under the village look at this look at this i believe okay how is that still in the range of a village you kidding me how big is the range for the village i don't know why it's like that dude okay can i oh look look i for some reason the range of the village is way bigger than it should be so that that upgrade is in fact one million but for some reason i literally i can't put a dartling ghana anywhere on the map that isn't in the range of the village for some reason i really don't know why that is uh that's kind of where maybe the mib of eligibility increases the range of the villages it's probably what it is i believe maybe i don't know it's kind of weird but yeah anyway it's meant to be one million uh let's get this thing right now there we go oh dude it's so fast look how fast that is if we use all of those what happens if we use that oh my god dude that's crazy look oh no he's there are mobs on this run i completely forgot are we gonna be okay against them it's really annoying that we can't get the ray of doom but still this thing is really awesome look at that it's doing a good job it's taking down the mobs by itself uh but i do need to go for more of them definitely need to go for more of them there we go problem is they're really expensive they are so expensive so let's get another one there okay we've got three of them right there i'm gonna send him the cheeky smile emoji because i don't think i'm losing this dude i mean he doesn't have some awesome towers over there like seriously those towers are awesome i generally like i don't have the extra cards hack installed so i don't know why i can actually see some of the stuff which i'm maybe not meant to see i don't really know i really don't know why i can actually see some of the hack stuff even though i don't have to hack but regardless it's pretty awesome i wonder if you can see my hack like see my darling guns aiming for everything he honestly he probably can oh wait he just went for a temple right there interesting okay so he's got a max is that a max temple i mean it's got the glue it's got the ice it's got the blades it's got the bomb um i feel like that's a max temple dude oh my god max temple in a balloon star defense battles normally you never get the max temple because of course you can only bring three other towers other than the super monkey and you have to get lucky with your fourth tower and you need more sacrifices now because you have the eye sacrifice oh okay it's not quite a max temple it doesn't have the wizard because you need the ice which is one then you need the bomb or mortar which is two then you need the glue which is three then you need the wizard which is four and then you need another towel which can be this monkey which is five so there are five sacrifices uh one of them can be the supermonkey though yeah okay let's go for i'm gonna go for one laser cannon i just want one just want one just one i'm just gonna tap it really slowly just to make sure we don't get the other upgrade part because that will be an absolute disaster that would crash the game i don't want to crash the game let's use every single mib village ability right there look at that look at that look at all the explosions that's crazy definitely not doing as well as i thought it would but it's still pretty awesome okay let's just go for a bunch more of these dude i just need a bunch more of these right here there we go perfect obviously it's not as good as the red doom i wish the red doom worked sadly it doesn't but still it's pretty damn cool and we do have a lot of money to get all of these although we are probably gonna die fairly soon i'm glad i brought the village like the village just is it's just a solid support tower to have in this man this temple is doing so good though that temple is super powerful i'm gonna go for a bfb right here i wanna see how quickly it destroys this bfb uh yeah you can see uh compared to a regular temple like that's doing really fast damage right there it's really good he's also got that village as well man look how why is it so fast and also the ice like when the ice hits stuff i swear that's like a bigger ice explosion than usual like it definitely looks different to me for some reason don't know why it definitely looks different okay so let's go for another one over here also we had the big boom buster i completely forgot we can use the big one buster if it looks like we're in trouble although for now it looks like we're doing good uh let's keep on getting these balloon area denial systems now normally these aren't that good to go late game with but you can see they're firing considerably faster than they usually do because i made it hypersonic and also they're aiming at everything so we don't really waste that many rockets dude my screen looks ridiculous right now with all these rockets this is absurd and he his defense is doing such a good job right now only problem is i don't know if we're gonna be able to defend his dmg with all of this i i hope we will be able to let's get another one up here dude we'll just keep oh team tower stun don't dude oh my god he could actually kill me with that that's huge i completely forgot he has that oh my god that's actually horrible team tower stunning me when there are like bfbs and stuff on the screen that's so scary okay let's go for another darling right here oh i don't have the money i actually don't have the money it's 900k that actually sucks that's really bad yeah as you can see we're doing good against all these bfbs and stuff there are a lot of regent rainbows on this round actually i think we're just drawing things faster than him yep we are oh so did he see that laser cannon for some reason it stopped firing at the bfb's and stuff and fired at the balloons over here don't know why i did that but it's still pretty smart okay so i'm actually surprised david is alive right now because like literally he hasn't been equaling i don't think he's had farms okay look at that he's got a ninja right there which is a summer ninja plus a bunch of ninja looks like things are getting a bit far on my side i'm just gonna use all of those right there and i believe we do have the money to get another one of these lovely why did i make it so expensive dude oh my god it's so expensive but look at the money though the money is pretty damn good like we're making 18 000 per banana uh let's get another one of those okay it's i'm actually surprised my laptop hasn't crashed i'm playing on my laptop right now with the mouse and it's pretty nice but it's not as good as my pc so i'm really glad it hasn't like lagged out and stuff oh god i'm just gonna use all of these abilities are we gonna be okay against this um i'm gonna use big blue buster i'm using big boom buster please big room buster can you save us why is his dmg so slow literally look at how slow his omg is you use the cleansing bomb for some reason on it don't know why uh he seems to be doing a good job against it you can see all of the towers on the side are like um like four four towers like that mortar is attacking way too fast for a big one water and he also has the mortar ability which he shouldn't have okay do we have any unupgraded ones i don't think so oh man this is not good they're getting super duper fast definitely if i was controlling the darklings we would 100 percent be dead by now also i feel like to end the video if it looks like i'm about to die let's just buy it the um the ray of doom upgrade and then let's just crush the game i feel like it would be pretty funny to be honest okay let's get another one of these there we go oh my god okay no we do have the money please let me get it thank you i definitely feel like we have the advantage i'm gonna go for a rush um on like round 50 something i think maybe like round 52 we're gonna go for a rush i don't feel like we're gonna survive much longer to be honest like oh god oh god this is not good we've got cmg's can we defend the cmgs without using my big balloon buster like if i just use that nope does not look like it does not look like it guys big one buster three times damage three times damage please please thank you okay looks like we can only defend if we had the big one buster active like legitimately we can't do anything we're only 13 minutes in and we're already struggling this much this is not good definitely got not good if we had the red doom it would be a bit easier but still we're doing okay also it looks like he's about to die fairly soon to be honest i'm so glad we have the big one buster man it's just so helpful let's go for another one team talistan no no but the zmg's coming dude david you're a brutal that literally could have killed me it might actually kill me i did use my big boom buster fairly early though so i'm praying that we'll be able to defend against all this and it looks like we're just about okay but that's my last one that is my last one i'm literally going to die to any more cmgs anymore cmgs i'm dead okay there's no way i'm there's no way absolutely no way i'm going to survive against this so guys hope you enjoyed the video make sure to like and subscribe if you haven't already uh there's no way we're going to defend against this because we don't have the big boom buster uh obviously if we use the lightning earlier we would have defended that right guys yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed and i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 899,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: 8l6WqDQ6HGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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