How a Technoblade Shoutout Ruined His Career

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from being an unknown college kid to one of the internet's most famous Minecraft players seemingly overnight this is the unexpected rise of I'm a squid kid it all starts back in June of 2019 when Hypixel Sky Block releases to the public finally at that time squid kid was just a normal Canadian college student who happened to enjoy playing Minecraft a lot he was 19 years old working at a summer job a concrete crew where he would work 60 hours a week just so that he can make some money on the side I'm a squid kid at the time didn't even have his username much less any real online presence he was just a kid playing UHC on Hypixel sometimes posting it and spamming in the chat quote I'm a squid I'm a kid and that was because he thought it was funny he saw it on a Splatoon commercial and ran with it as his own username online you're a kid now you're a squid now you're a kid you're a squid you're a kid you're a squid yeah it's a pretty annoying ad to get your username from but he found it funny so I'm a squid kid was born as I said said he really enjoyed Minecraft specifically though Sky Block he played Sky Block every single day in 2019 and was grinding grinding for what you might ask well on Hypixel Sky Block there were tons of categories that you could level yourself up in and I'm a squid kid decided to become the number one potato Farmer on all of Sky Block once again though any normal person would be asking why on Earth he wanted to become number one potato on Hypixel Sky Block and this is what he had to answer that with earlier on in Sky Block there wasn't really much to do I wanted number one in one of the collections basically looking at the options um I saw Hot Potato books they'll always retain some value cuz no matter what gear you have in the game you're you're going to need some for for it so I decided it would be a good choice now nobody could really argue with that logic it was of course up to him about how he would spend his time every day but it turns out that this would just about be the most profitable way he could possibly spend his time playing Minecraft if you know anything about I'm a squid kid and a story that we're going to dive into you will know that technoblade gets involved big time but what's really crazy is that one day just playing Sky Block as he did I'm a squid kid actually ran into technoblade this was way before their paths would ever cross and Squid kid was actually just a big fan of technoblades videos so he took the screenshot but things would not stay like that for too long I'm a squid kid wouldn't remain an unknown college student with no online presence and certainly would not Remain the number one potato Farmer on all of Hypixel Sky Block because coming into October of 2019 our story really begins technoblade himself would hop on Sky Block and decide on an impossible mission that he wanted to make happen he decides he wants to become the number one potato rank on Sky Block you can check your ranking in each individual collection and I was already top 50 in potatoes I decided at that moment that I was going to be the number one potato farmer in Sky Block how hard could it be but surprisingly for technoblade it wasn't going to be as easy of a task as he thought it might be because as we all know I'm a squid kid was standing in his way and a college kid with nothing but time on his hands and a Minecraft addiction isn't exactly the easiest enemy to fight of course techno had to First figure out who exactly this mystery man was after all squid kid wasn't posting videos about being number one potato he just was the number one potato Farmer on Skywalk no no this can't be this man made eight potato 11 minions and then he painted the Mona Lisa yeah that was I'm a kids Sky Block Island he spent hours farming potatoes every single day and even more hours building insane Minecraft pixel art by hand a skill that would actually come in useful a bit later on when he realizes that he's entering into a full-on potato war after technoblade realized exactly what he was up against he quickly found a way to grief on a squid kid and make his potato farm way less efficient I discovered a critical flaw with Squid kid's potato farm his minions were too close together now with any other kind of minion that wouldn't have mattered at all but potato minions are unique when they're too close together they'll start trying to plant in spots the other minions already planted and get stuck in an infinite Loop dragging down the overall Farm's potato output by as much as 90% the reason he hadn't noticed this and was still first place in potatoes is because this only happens when someone is online and on the island anyways he left the door to his AFK machine open so I left my ALT in there Welcome to the Real World squid kid and this is where the whitelisted mystery started along with I'm a squid kid's career technoblades ala count that he left AFK running on Squid's Island was named whitelisted keeping technoblade Anonymous since he hadn't posted the first potato war video yet and he didn't want squid to know what on Earth was going on and let's just say I'm a squid kid had absolutely no clue what was happening one time though technos all and Squid kid himself logged into the island at the exact same time and Squid was able to finally confront him he warned me that there's a helper out to get me and then this nutcase of a person whoever this is decided to go AFK in my Cobble Jen again nothing changed that time around but the next time was going to be different a real lead for squid kid to start understanding what he might be up against I couldn't tab its name so I knew it was nicked but its name was wh listed 3 so that means a YouTuber chose the name as the Nick and it had 700 Health with its armor off and then on top of all that it had a Time doo skin when I right clicked it I quickly verified that there is no account with the name weight listed three I checked the friends list wh listed and whitelisted to and the only people they had friended was technoblade and Jinn scumbag thought he could just leave my Island but I'm a quick thinker he goes back to the accounts Island and it was time Dio which actually ended up tricking squid kid I'm a squid kid at this point just assumed that time Dio was on his Island - lapsing it for a video or something after all squid was number one potato so he had a crazy potato farm and he had all of those pixel art paintings that we saw earlier this was squid Kid's grave mistake though because with his guard down technoblade was able to come in and swoop the number one potato spot right from under his nose what there's no way he's number one right now I'm Number Two that is impossible wait what she's number one potato now what at this point the potato war was made public with technoblade posting the first video in the series November 13th 2019 technoblade uploads Sky Block The Great Potato War showing him taking squid kid spot and the war officially begins it wasn't until he told me that I wasn't number one potato anymore that I realized that I wasn't number one and then it all it all hit me and then yeah it was just tragic I'm a squid kid though sees just how big of an opportunity this is for him and he makes a Twitter account 4 days later technoblade nicely enough also had an idea about how squid kid's Channel could get a boost from this war he sent me a message in game telling me to comment on his video so he could pin it helping drop traffic to my YouTube channel that only had 67 subscribers at the time it helped me out a ton and at the end of the month I had over 30,000 subscribers and yeah that's right just from this one technoblade shout out and posting his own video 2 days later I'm a squid kid gained 30,000 subscribers speaking of subscribers if you are enjoying the video I'd greatly appreciate a quick sub it's free and you can always unsub if you stop enjoying the content back to the video though his video was posted on November 15th 2 days after the technoblade video and was titled the Whit listed mystery I've had my fair share of odd things happen to me while playing Minecraft and nothing comes even remotely close to the whitelisted mystery which you're going to be learning about today the video managed to get over a 100,000 views in the first two days of being posted and technoblade himself of course dropped a comment on the video saying if you wish to defeat me farm for another thousand years and that's exactly what squid kid would plan to do from here on out along with the success of the video I'm a squid kid reached the Infamous 30,000 subscribers marked so with that he got the YouTube rank on Hypixel now this was certainly the start of his career he'd gotten a huge Boost from technoblade and was entering a fullon war with him that would amass over 110 million views on YouTube alone even though he was growing his YouTube channel squid kid started running into some big issues with monetization and school just wasting his time he even tweeted out one day offering $50 to anyone that could help him get monetized after all he was losing out on a ton of potential money also as I mentioned he was still in school at this point and studying in exams was actually hurting his progress he could be making on YouTube somehow with all the distractions and issues coming up in his life he managed to play 42 days straight worth of Hypixel in 2019 grinding originally to keep his number one potato spot but now with the goal that was even more daunting to steal it back from technoblade himself quickly though technoblade realized exactly what I had just explained that school was a distraction and a weakness that he could actually take advantage of I'd been stalk in Squid kid Twitter so I knew he was a college student and it was late November exam season squid kid would be at his weakest we had to get as many fly catches as we could before winter break technoblade had already dropped out of college so he had nothing but time to farm potatoes and make his lead in this potato War even bigger squid kid though after techno posted his first video seemingly thought that techno was going to chill out maybe he'd go work on other videos and not care too much about potatoes anymore but boy was squid kid wrong I'm a squid kid started hosting random events and just wasting time to be honest while technoblade was doing nothing but Farm potatoes all day long towards the end of 2019 here as well I'm a squid kid started getting some real hate in game and on social media techno though of course wanted to make sure that things were clear that they were in war in game but not in real life after the first potato war video Squid got 40,000 subscribers in the YouTube Rank and ever since then he's been getting hate because oh my God he just got YouTube ranked because of technoblade it's all luck he sucks I just like to take a moment to defend squid kid and say it's not all luck I mean luck was obviously a big factor nobody's denying that but the thing is most opportunities are created by luck it takes skill to grasp those opportunities and turn it into success as we mentioned earlier I'm a squid kid had started out by playing UHC that's where he got his username if you remember and at this point he started getting really determined that he would return to those UHC videos right after he won this war tweeting out things like I think Boomer blade is miles ahead of me and potato but I'm going to mine potatoes at least 4 hours a day until I pass him I'm going to end this war for good little though did squ good kid know technoblade was mining potatoes a lot more than 4 hours a day try 12-hour days on the Minecraft potato farm March 7th of 2020 came around and technoblade posted his second video out of nowhere Sky Block potato War II and only 6 days later on March 13th squid kid posted his video as well technoblade was supposed to get rank one for his video and move on to something else which isn't what happened going all the way back to November immediately after technoblade and his Co-op made fun of me on my own Island I knew it had to be done I needed coins hundreds of millions of coins that I didn't have and that right there was the big issue technoblade had so many more fans resources and tons more money to be able to buy resources but squid was determined to make it happen there was more at stake than just a potato title this was his career on YouTube and social media at stake I'm a squid kid quickly got people together and was fighting back with the help of tons of other people I'd seen a new sign on Squid's Island advertise in his new Guild so I did what any normal person would do and bought another alt account and then I infiltrated The Guild but what I found confirmed my worst fears people were helping squid kid I'd Cyber Bullied squid too hard people had seen the video felt bad and gone to his Island to hand him the spare items he needed to make more slots or in some cases just pay a millions of coins all with the express purpose of defeating technoblade once and for all squid was building statues on his Island for coins making pixel art murals for people people and flat out getting donations so that he'd have a chance in this potato War he was making some pretty interesting artwork for coins at one point but nonetheless he was dedicated to winning this war the number one potato spot is going to be mine and I'm going to get it even if it takes me a thousand years finally though after they had both posted two YouTube videos across many many months they set an end goal but at this point squid and I had been farming potatoes for almost a year and we were still farming hours every day with no end in sight neither of us wanted this to continue so we came to an agreement whoever got to 500 million potatoes first would win the potato war with their eyes set on 500 million potatoes squid kid got to grinding well not quite yet he actually first made an April Fool's video saying that he'd won the Potato War but then it was time for him to get grinding technoblade had established a huge lead in The Potato War but squid kid was ready to get in the potato farms and work all day at this point in 2020 squid kid had not only dropped out of college to focus on his social media career but also started streaming on YouTube and twitch every single day he obviously saw the potential in this opportunity and was ready to take full advantage of it after all he had always disliked school and this was his path out unknown to anyone besides squid kid himself though he'd actually be starting a really interesting side project he decided not to tell anyone because it was a backup for if he somehow lost this potato war with techno the side project all started when he and some other creators got together for Sky Block white elephant and by pure chance out of all the different gifts I could have ended up with I got one full of pork it was already known I hadn't had the best experience with a pork in the past so everyone had a laugh oh God and at the end of the day when I was figuring out what to do with the equivalent of 361,000 pork chop an idea came to me pig minions I decided I wanted to not only keep fighting for rank one in potato I also wanted to go for rank one in pork that's right he was chasing rank one in two categories but he didn't tell anyone and it might have just been his biggest mistake squid kid's time was now split across potatoes mainly and also pork on the side whereas techno was just farming potatoes all day like a crazy person making sure he got to 500 million first but it wasn't looking bad for squid kid himself at all because he finally had a chance to make some real life money off of this potato war of course his twitch streams were probably paying the bills but this was even bigger getting his own bad lion cloak you know what else is worth taking a look get my bad lion cloak link top of the description use code squid for 10% off it looks really cool and uh go buy it but with all of that said squid kid was by no means slacking off on his farming potatoes in fact he was going to levels that I could not even imagine doing tweeting out yes I sleep with my headset on I get up multiple times a night when my guild officers spam call me on Discord to let me know when my rabbit pet is not on my Island I tell them to do this whatever it takes I guess on top of that saying update on the the potato War my left Mouse button is starting to not work from holding it down so long but even with all of that Focus effort and time spent it still wasn't quite enough for squid kid to come out with a victory in this war there's nothing left to do except celebrate my victory with Grace and humility oh my gosh he's doing a little emote on me oh my not like this come on was was this necessary Watch Me dance squid kid you lose you lose the war and obviously this sucked for squid kid but it wasn't over just yet well the potato war was but his career was just getting started it seemed like you see nobody plans to lose I had this big thing written out about how I didn't read the Art of War and instead I farmed potatoes squid went and commented I tried my best on the technoblade video but the war was over and it actually was a bit refreshing for squid also of course he had a huge career Boost from all of it so it wasn't all that terrible for him while he may have lost the war he's gone from 70 subscribers to having tens of thousands of fans so it can't be said that he's lost completely I'm a squid kid went on to post his final potato war video getting 1.8 million views but what was next for him and what could he do after this war ended well things were more chill for a while but secretly behind the scenes he was still working for pork number one on Sky Block which he had made as his backup plan if you remember that he kept streaming five or seven days a week to his Newfound audience and soon it was time for him to finally and officially face reveal all right it's me I'm I'm a squid kid all right but at this time squid kid still wasn't posting YouTube videos it seems that his Focus was on a few main things though of course streaming Minecraft being one of them grinding for pork number one off stream and then apparently playing chess and valerant in his free time crazy enough at this time just from his streaming he managed to secure a few more business deals showing just how impactful one moment like the potato War can truly be he got himself a Facebook gaming deal which easily could have been over $10,000 a month itself and he secured feed a deal for a lunar cloak financially his life was looking up until we all know tragedy struck out of respect I'm not going to make a whole big dramatic thing of it but we all know that technoblade did in fact tragically pass away of course being a huge figure in squid's life it was hard for him and he tweeted out rest in peace technoblade thank you for making a positive impact on so many people at this point in 2022 I'm a squid kid really wasn't playing much Sky Block at all his por number one goal that he had was still running in the background but not a focus in anyway he didn't have any idea what content he could do on the game to bring back his YouTube channel I don't like playing Skylock anymore there's there's nothing to do or there's stuff to do it's just I've done it all I have 3500 hours on my one profile so it gets to a point where I'm just walking around in circles and it's not making any meaningful progress one thing that squid knew for sure though is that he was not going back to school he would find a way to keep streaming and YouTube as his career I just don't want to go to school you don't have to go you don't have to do anything I'll work at McDonald's the rest of my life if I if I want to but just a little while later a couple hundred daily streams down the road the im a squid Kid YouTube channel would see a return he'd come back with a Sky Block video claiming his deserved spot of number one in pork on top of that the video was set as a donation to cancer research along with his Hypixel supported Creator code Revenue going to that everything they make off my Creator code code squid for the next 30 days I'll be donating to the saroma foundation which is the charity I attached to this video I also reached out to Simon Hypixel and he agreed to donate a part of what Hypixel makes through my credit code as well so make sure you use code squid at checkout he Then followed that video with a tweet on May 22nd of 2024 showing a donation to the charity of $10,700 Canadian doar one of the craziest moments though for squid kid is when everything came back full circle as we know he took his spot as number one pork rank just as unexpectedly as techno had taken his number one potato rank and funny enough the previous Pork King actually emailed squid kids saying hey squid this is MP4 the current second place holder in pork chop collection I was also first place a few weeks ago until you overtook me with a 28 million pork chop lead I've been grinding this collection for the better part of 4 years and have not seen your presence in it once until this week I assume the current situation I'm experiencing is kind of like what you felt when techno overtook your place 3 years ago of course nobody knows if that will Mark the the end of Squid's time on Sky Block or what exactly he plans to do moving forward all we do know is that he continues to stream a ton on Twitch not posting much to YouTube but his last video's ending did tie things up as far as the potato War goes we really were so so so so lucky to have someone like techno as a leader in our community again all the money I make from this video is going to the saroma foundation which I've attached to this video and I encourage you guys to donate to it as well if that's something you're interested in so thank you technoblade thanks for everything you did for me and thank you for everything you did for the community and with that I guess we'll just have to see where I'm a squid kid takes things next
Channel: Lando
Views: 49,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lando, Lando Minecraft, minecraft documentary, minecraft, minecraft documentaries, Lando documentaries, im a squid kid, technoblade, potato war, the potato war, hypixel, hypixel skyblock, im a squid kid technoblade, #1 potato rank, Technoblade, technoblade potato war, squid kid potato war, squid kid skyblock, squid kid potato, potato, minecraft potato, great potato war
Id: epmxiSblsKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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