A Tribute To Dream SMP

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there's a Minecraft server that's changed my life more than anything else in the world today we're going to talk about the good times the terrible times but why the dream SMP means so much to me my name is Tommy and this is a tribute to dream SMP [Music] I've always loved Minecraft smps I've tried to enjoy single players so many times but I just get bored even six years ago when I was 12 back on my Xbox 360. I'd never play Minecraft by myself my friends would be on my world where I'd make them go through hell because in my eyes that's what Minecraft is about that simple conflict that comes with having more diamonds than your friend the rules you can break if someone's pissed you off look I've never been a good Builder or very creative after every house I make is the exact same but knowing that I can work with other people on the server to make the experience better that's what I love about Minecraft it's social it's a real place so when I found Hypixel that changed everything Hypixel was more than an SMP it was a mega server it had hierarchy ranks lobbies you can make friends in competitive games you can make enemies in this server was my foray into the Minecraft Community I discovered the big dogs the people I wanted to be like someday and that glorious Crimson rank I could only dream of having you needed 30 subscribers to get YouTube rank on Hypixel and from then on that was my only goal in life I played on Hypixel for years and I loved every second of it grinding streaming meeting new people getting closer and closer to one day being one of the big dogs this was the dream and slowly it was coming true then a few years into Hypixel I found SMP live SMP live was nothing like Hypixel it wasn't about competitiveness or mini games it was Vanilla stripped down Minecraft server and had an emphasis on Comedy I've never seen anything like it through the server I found my three favorite YouTubers but none stood out more than Jay schlatt I would watch him for hours on end the timing of his jokes the bombastic personality just how effortlessly funny he was I wanted to be just like him I wanted to join SMP live so bad that I made a video three years ago about it don't don't watch it it's not good almost a year after I made that video I got invited to SMP Earth SMP Earth was Wilbur one of my other favorite YouTubers newest project as SMP live was coming to a close Wilbur wanted another space for creators to come together and this was it a huge map replicating Earth with modded planes a live updating map and techno planes I had to get in this was my chats and I did I barely made it into that server joining five minutes before the invites closed because I begged my friend who was in it but that server made all the difference to my life now every day I was streaming SMP Earth the second I got home from school I really should have been studying for my exams but streaming YouTube came first I was definitely being irresponsible but through the server I learned so much about YouTube met so many cool people it was great but just as abruptly as it started SMP Earth came to an end and looking back SMP Earth didn't have the same spark SMP live did people had done service before and the existence of them was getting tiring they all started to feel the same the problem wasn't the people or Minecraft it was just the timing the age of smps was coming to a close and I'd miss the boat even though I discovered so much about YouTube and streaming I'd never be among the big dogs the clock had ran out I couldn't help thinking every day while I was at school what if I'd have worked a little bit harder or been less cringy or on a few years earlier would I have been an SMP live but I've been one of the big YouTubers knowing I might not ever be able to be one of the big dogs well I guess it got me down but as the pandemic begun and all my exams were canceled I knew I had one last chance to really make this work yes the age of smps was over but maybe I still find something anything and then I met dream now we didn't really click at first he actually ignored my first message dream was a new YouTuber in the Minecraft space he'd figured out that people resonate most with the super simple basic content you didn't need a high budget you didn't need lots of editing you just needed some friends and a cool idea he started making Minecraft Manhunt videos the premise being some friends chase him around a Minecraft world while people's off insane plays even though it was easy to follow it felt super Grand like you were watching a movie but also just some friends [ __ ] around although it was exciting it didn't give dream a lot of space to be himself so much of the videos were focused on the Minecraft that its personality didn't shine through so to combat this on April 24th 2020 dream started streaming on a new Minecraft World with two of his friends now if this server wasn't anything special in fact it was boring dreams reluctant to add any mods to keep the server vanilla made for very slow talkative streams even though dream and his Pals were having fun the server definitely didn't stand out but then a big change happened I asked to join dream without hesitation said no I'd be too chaotic I'd ruin the relaxed Vibe and quite frankly I didn't know anyone on there well enough but after mulling it over for a few weeks I think dream realized that's what the server needed it needed unpredictability it needed Chaos on the 4th of July 2020 dream nervously invited me to join his world and oh boy I didn't hold back five minutes on the server I killed George 10 minutes on the server and started a war 20 minutes on the server I've been banned the dream didn't keep me banned oh no no much to everyone's surprise dream like this element of chaos so he started adding some of my friends we played the server every day for weeks me and turbo logging on every night to tell jokes and piss people off and viewers were going up too I've never had more than a few thousand people watching me at once but now me and everyone else were starting to hit five six sometimes eight thousand viewers it was surreal during these early days of just pissing people off I found the most important item I'd ever find in Minecraft it wasn't some insane sword or an overpowered bow no it was music discs my music discs these discs became so genuinely important to me one of the first things me and turbo did together on the server was listen to the discs it was such a real sweet moment each time I played those discs I felt weirdly like I was able to take in to understand the experience I was having I know that's crazy but I mean it those Quiet Moments that really contrasted such loud energy-filled streams it meant a lot to me however knowing all of this dream did the unthinkable he stole both of my discs he [ __ ] up before I knew it me and turbo were headston oh and Dre by the way it's worth mentioning it's one of the greatest Minecraft players of all time we ended up night after night brawling it out in [ __ ] awesome genuinely difficult Minecraft PVP and holy [ __ ] did you just see that block clutch this server was amazing it was a mix of the combat I'd love done Hypixel and the chaos I'd love from SMP live it was authentic natural you couldn't make this up quite frankly you couldn't scrib this until we did after a few weeks on the server one of my good friends Wilbur joined he'd see me decking around and although he was quite frankly unimpressed he saw the potential the server had to offer there was no fixation on views or even quality it was just a Minecraft world full of nerds that are way too committed to this video game on the 24th of July 2020 I got this DM on Discord do a live tell me we're gonna sell drugs yep okay this is when [ __ ] hit the fan I drew cartel well it didn't go to plan me and Wilbur imprisoned by sapnap not even 20 minutes into the stream and genuinely it was a mess that's when we realized we didn't have to be in the dream SMP what if we made our own land our own SMP where we could sell drugs where satnap and dream had no way of stopping us we created a place that embodied all our ideals of Freedom Le manburg we built walls recruiter troops and even had babies what this was a nation unfortunately dream didn't like this one bit he hated that we defied his authority he really fell into the role of the [ __ ] evil antagonist and a few nights later dream began to destroy our new home and left an incredibly aggressive message I want to see White Flags White Flags outside your base by tomorrow at dawn or you are dead it was genuinely nerve-wracking these next few days were the most on the edge of my seat I've ever been while playing a video game I even woke up early each morning to plan secret tunnels under our Minecraft base listen I was taking this seriously and although it was just Minecraft it was now the most important thing in my life the dream wouldn't take the man book we were a well put together Nation all on the same page and there was no chance dream could take us down from any angle certainly not the inside you know done with the revolution boys it was never meant to be so we got betrayed by one of our own I mean our new dream is now evil but convincing a member of our nation to destroy us from within he was a psychopath and even worse in order to save Le manburg I had to give up my discs to dream since that's the only thing he wanted more than the man book I was heartbroken distraught but most of all I was angry dream would have to pay then a few months went by and the server sort of changed it stopped being about these great fully improvised law streams and had a more scripted feel before each major stream Wilbur would write up a really complicated treatment that let us know the plot points we had to hit otherwise the stream would have been a failure it was a lot of pressure the thing is though this change wasn't bad it made the server even cooler I remember running home from college booting up my OBS skimming through whatever Wilbur had wrote for us today and just going live that Simplicity that Wonder of what will happen next was so exciting yes the streams were scripted yes there was more pressure but things still went wrong we still improvised and made [ __ ] up the spark was still there and planning out the streams more only added to it hundreds of thousands of people were tuning in viewers ramping up to crazy amounts but the momentum didn't stop there the server kept ramping up in popularity now meaning there were constantly more expectations more demand and a whole lot more of you love I won't lie I was beginning to get seriously overwhelmed the expectations began to pile up on me the streams got planned out to a now stressful degree of detail and it was just a lot it was getting too much but in a brief moment of reflection I realized how far I'd actually come I was now playing Minecraft making videos with my heroes Wilbur technoblade and even Jay schlatt oh let's pause this however cringey it might seem is my genuine hero you might already know this because this video is completely inspired by him but schlatt is my idol in the early quarantine I spend every night watching all of his channels I was in love with this content I wanted to be just like him now during the quarantine shlack followed me back probably a mistake on his end because I messaged him a lot a lot lots some might say it was a little clingy that I was a child that they'd be right just as the dream SMP was beginning to get huge while I was live schlatt finally messaged me back and joined the server this was the most surreal moment I mean probably of my entire life up to this point I was in quarantine so I wasn't getting recognized I only just started to understand the gravity of everything happening around me but this moment made it all clear my dreamer came true the feeling the reality of walking next to him doing jokes with him and Wilbur I was included in my favorite YouTubers friendship it just I couldn't have asked for anything more seeing that Minecraft sunset with schlatt who inspired so much of what I do that's what I needed if it had all stopped then in in that moment I would have been happy [Music] but it was not slowing down I now had a few million subscribers and every day I went into college I was getting more and more people coming up to me I was not at all ready for what was happening I tried to put that past me because no matter the numbers or recognition were still just some people making up a story and I knew my story needed to take a new Direction in the dream SMP you play a role my character Tommy is a version of myself however as time had gone on my character's rivalry with dream had gone far out of hand dream's character had really messed with me he trapped me in Exile made my friends turn on me he tormented me with war time and time again even this had been happening for six straight months my character was coming to the end of the line but now to match the real world expectations too I knew what it was time for it was time for a change it was time for a finale I spent a bit of time writing out a few of my own arcs but I knew for the finale it had to be different this time I needed to go bigger I needed to write a huge Standalone stream that will bring my character Arc to a peak and that was something only Wilbur had ever done with almost no experience I opened Google Docs and wrote out a plan for the dream SMP finale you know this whole server had started with me and turbo fighting dream because he stole my music discs here's the thing though even after six months of complex law writing I'd still never retrieve my discs now these weren't just discs anymore they were a symbol of victory of closure by character and quite frankly me rely quite a lot on the safety of those Minecraft items now it was the time for a final stand dreamer given as a compass to the disc's final location knowing me and turbo weren't strong enough to take him down by ourselves immediately we ventured out on one final voyage to get them back everyone on the server waved us goodbye since they knew we were sailing straight into our deaths me and turbo scaled the mountain only to find dreams standing there with my discs and his Nazarite ax it was a challenge ever so reminiscent of how the server first started we knew what we had to do an old-fashioned back to basic Minecraft Jewel this stream game this brawl was awesome dreams started to [ __ ] show off by playing the discs mid fight but I out played him I got it back I completely forgot about the story stuff my inner Star Wars player kicked in and I was still hitting Blockbusters but despite all of this dream defeated us took back the discs from me one final time and decided he was gonna take our last Cannon lives too me and turbo would be gone and I never win that is where my story ends but I can't lie I watched Avengers end game about a week before writing so the whole server arrived the report all saving us at the very last minute there was no plagiarism it's it's it's completely different block with only one Canon life left dream begged for mercy and because I'm a good guy I gave it to him dream was put in prison forever and me and turbo have finally won which left us right back where we started on the bench listening to my music discs that night was truly amazing stream had over 650 000 people watching at the beginning of the SMP only six months earlier I was getting 2 000 viewers at most which had never seen anything like this the most someone had was Ninja playing fortnite with Drake who literally tweeted out his stream and I broke that record I couldn't believe the amount of people that wanted to see the end of my story I still can't believe it I got awarded a world record for that stream yes a Guinness World Record for a twitch stream but what I was so amazed shocked and thankful for how twitch started to treat me like are you seeing this and my life was turning around you see I was in my third lockdown now and it was [ __ ] rough I wasn't allowed outside I couldn't see my crush at the time which was starting to go really well and I was just miserable but seeing how many people cared about the thing we were making changed my life I had no confidence at the beginning of the SMP I didn't like how I looked or how I sounded but this SMP you all taught me it was okay to just be me that that's enough the dream SMP was a perfect storm of everything I could ever want and it made me happier than I could ever imagine but around then after that stream I think well for me the server gradually lost something it lost what it first started with that Indescribable spark I'd stop joining the server because I wanted to or because I was excited to play it just became routine the server almost felt like a museum the sheer level of expectation from the audience was so intimidating I felt too nervous to destroy anything I was worried about the backlash from blowing up someone's Minecraft base this time was stressful and as viewers went up I felt a constant pressure to live up to my last stream when I saw that number drop I knew I was doing something wrong I didn't feel like I was good enough it made no sense to me that millions of people were watching me but just me I refused to make any content by myself I always had to have another person in the video because I wasn't sure of myself every decision I made I ran by someone because in all honesty I was scared scared that all of this everything I'd worked for would disappear any second the success of the server became its detriment everyone became busy and much more successful and we all started on different things there wasn't enough time for the story anymore hell I stopped caring too I was vlogging hanging with my new friends and server was left behind I can't say I don't miss the simple days and streaming wasn't about viewers or quality it was just fun no matter what if I'd have had a [ __ ] anxious day I was just starting college so there were a lot of those or a great day it had always end by joining the server and just letting that weird story Take Me Away spending time every night telling jokes with some of my closest friends in the world and the coolest people I've ever met it meant everything to me sure it was just a Minecraft server but this was real this is What mattered and I think we all started to lose sight of that most of us stopped playing the server we were done with it except one player you despite everyone's lack of motivation kept screaming kept coming up with new story ideas and kept grinding that was until about 13 months ago because around that time we found out the tetna blade had a cancer the techno's unwillingness to show any signs of being affected by it may made all my worries vanish we joked about the dumbest way to clickbait I I mean it didn't even feel real it didn't feel real [Music] as soon as I heard the news the very first thing I did was log on to the SMP antenna blade joined SMP Earth for the last time left one final chest in his base with a goodbye note I just hoped he'd done the same I searched the server for so long that day looking for any note any last thing I might have missed in his base places he went most his last logon spot but there was nothing even though I was certain there was no secret note he'd left I kept searching until finally I sat down on the bench watched the sunset and listened to the discs and then I let it all out [Music] technoblade is the coolest [ __ ] person I've ever known I remember the morning he added me on Discord I was walking to school in the freezing cold hands shaking but it didn't matter because I was actually meeting technoblade the king of the Minecraft community and it was the biggest honor anyone could receive from being one of his biggest fans to one of his mates it was such a pleasure to have been in his life every stream he joined every video he was in he lit up the entire room and I'm forever grateful for the amount of time he'd give up just to come and make jokes with us we were the gang and he was and always will be my hero foreign server has taught me so much about who I am today and continues to help me discover who I want to be even when we stopped playing as much the community kept us going they started a new Minecraft era the incredible art posted every day by you guys the animation helped me see reflect and take in this server this experience thank you so much for making that it means so much I'm also so [ __ ] proud of my friends being able to see each and every one of them grow all of us in this boat together it was the best this whole experience can be super lonely but because of my friends it never ever was and I wouldn't have wished to spend it with anyone else I've had so much fun on this server and even though I thought it was for quite some time it definitely not finished as time goes on I I think we're all realizing how [ __ ] lucky we are to have been a part of this stupid miracle and that I really shouldn't take the server for granted things are changing we're all getting older ah I mean look at Phil but but just knowing that for the rest of my life there will always be this world I can run around and remember and relive all the memories we made so much more than enough [Music]
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 5,439,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, funniest minecraft video, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, dream smp, a tribute to minecraft, jschlatt, wilbur soot, technoblade, A Tribute to Dream SMP, How Dream SMP Changed My Life
Id: zm5BNaHeVzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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