What Happened To Lifesteal SMP’s Former Members

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[Music] life steal SMP had a Legendary Run But as time goes on more and more members have decided to leave the server for good some members Rage Quit While others were caught and exposed for some pretty messed up things and even saying the inward on camera so let's take it way back to the start because life steal once was great get get get get get him yo this no he's done he's done but that was before all of the drama that tore the server part it all started as a simple yet fun Anarchy SMP and quickly turned into one of the most elaborate and creative s smps when it comes to its storytelling creation and crazy complex War planning to better understand exactly why everyone left we need to go back 3 years into the past back to the early days of the server and how exactly it began specifically to the very first day of the LIF steal SMP life steal is No Ordinary World in fact it's a YouTuber Anarchy server and here if you kill a player you steal one of their permanent Hearts but let's not go back too early because season 1 wouldn't have any members leaving though that would change very quickly coming into season 2 YouTubers jetpacks and mic were the people who started the life steel SMP the idea of the server was proposed by parrot where if another player kills you you'll permanently lose a heart and they will gain yours and vice versa but going into season 2 they were certainly not expecting anyone to be leaving already however there were actually three players from Life steal as and P season 1 who didn't return for the second these players were Adrien guilty and redun although redun would return later and be a major player in season 3 both Adrians and guilty would not return for the rest of the season or in any of the following seasons of the LIF steal s SMP we don't exactly know the reasons for not continuing on the server despite being founding members but from what we can see from their Channel uploads it seems like both of them more so enjoyed playing on Minecraft hardcore mode which was probably the reason why they weren't making any content about the LIF steal S&P at all that along with the belief that the S&P would never really amount to anything made them skeptical and just decided to not be a part of it anymore now all the players were split onto teams because that's how the service storyline really started Adrians while he was on the server was part of the sour Pats nation and guilty was in the trio of gentleman Alliance however neither of them really played any sort of major role in season one major events so it wasn't the biggest loss for the server that they decided to leave something you should know and understand stand is the groups and alliances on the LIF steal S&P it'll be a reason that attributes to many creators disappearance from Life steal itself and later on it actually caused one of the biggest creators on the server to leave we'd first see the creation of the Jolly Ranchers which includes Rambo games the terrain and paaa you know after all that I think it's time to give our nation an official name although all of my ideas were shot down so we decided to go with Jolly Rancher opposing Jeff X's shower patch Kingdom which includes parrot the Beast WGY Opie and of course Adrians Sour Patch Kingdom would soon grow to be the largest group in the server having a total of 14 players by the end of the season as opposed to Jolly Ranchers six-player group the gentleman Alliance which of course guilty was a part of was only a three-person group having guid guilty and havenhand as we mentioned the ever so complicated storyline would start right away in season 1 and if we want to even try and understand why some of the members left we have to be somewhat caught up so in the battles of the ocean Monument parrot and his team fought against maik and the Jolly Ranchers outplaying them in literally every way due to the absurd amount of hearts that they gathered thanks to a heart Farm exploit that they discovered mik though quickly found an admin command buug and started exploiting it back against parrot during their second confrontation with the Jolly Ranchers parrot and his teammates still managed to win an uphill battle against mik leading to the end of the first season and as we know the end of Adrians guilty and redun along with this perro would now officially be running the server he became the new server owner and he would soon revamp the server to fix the main problem that was plaguing season 1 he got rid of admin command so there would be absolutely no more admin command abuse this time around so I became the new owner of the server starting life steal smpp season 2 and I promised never to let admin commands impact the server again and surely this would get more players to stick around right I mean they'd only lost three creators at this point so hopefully it wouldn't get too much worse but as I'm sure you know it would only get worse from here however it wouldn't start off too bad it was during this time that LIF steal snp's popularity picked up massively on both YouTube and twitch so season 2 would see the addition of many fresh faces being it subs MC Burkin Mick clutch mid my sticks pangie Planet Lord Prince Zam Rec RP 2 savai spectacle and sponer AKA dreams PVP P trainer and let me tell you you're going to want to remember the name sponer because he later leaves for a reason that isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows has recently come to my attention that the YouTuber by the name of spuna has been publicly exposed and also just um being made videos of accused and not only accused but also literally exposed for being a predator predator but before we dive into exactly what happened there let's take a look at all of the new faces and with them probably the most notable addition to the server was the player named clown Pierce who parro himself stated to be the best pvper in all of the SMP now season 2 was good in fact it was great for the future of the S&P but it didn't feel like that to everyone with parrot as the leader of Li snp's new season several changes were made to the server a couple of these were the ability to withdraw hearts and use them as a consumable resource adding to the current Max Health pool of the players on top of that he also added another gameplay element in which players lose One max heart each time that they die taking the already difficult setting of The Life steel SMP to even greater Heights in terms of survivability life steal had a new feature that allowed players to withdraw their hearts as items we decided to give almost all of our hearts to Vortex bringing him all the way up to the max heart count of 20 however this change wasn't exactly great not only could clown Pierce still destroy all of his enemies who had Max Hearts but other players didn't like the changes and would peace out on the LIF steel S&P in season 2 as we saw only a handful of players didn't return but ending season 2 and coming into season 3 the numbers of non-returning players would increase a lot and actually doubling the amount of the previous season kman extreme is one of those players he would not return to the server and upon checking he hasn't really made any content regarding the life steal smnp but during his time on the server he was Allied with miles miles YouTube was another Minecraft YouTuber who was part of life steal season 2 but the reason he left is actually a bit more interesting he made a video of his journey and experience in life steal S&P season 2 but after taking a lot of L's from Mostly PVE related stuff he was down to only one remaining heart in his video why I got banned on life steal SMP he told everyone that being down to one heart is the cue for him to quit so was that it I had one heart there was nowhere I could go from this one heart is basically being already dead so what's even the point in trying at this point wait a minute see this would be great but I wasn't invited and as you can see right at the ending there he expressed the desire to play and join LIF steal S&P season 3 but apparently he wasn't invited at all so that was the end of it for him goo void would also not return for season 3 switching up his content and probably just not being invited back its Oasis though is one of the weirdest cases coming off the start of the server to be honest these cases would only get crazier and worse from here though but Oasis was another cont content creator who would not return for both seasons 3 and four for multiple reasons in his Twitter post back in December 2022 he posted a twit longer link regarding several frequently asked questions that fans would ask him and the twit longer link has actually been disabled since in summary he's not participating in life steal SMP due to a project that he's been working on called across the darkness which is also a video series about his experiences during LIF steal S&P season 2 however if you go and check out his channel he hasn't uploaded any anything except for one video checking the way back machine it seems like he deleted his previous videos and just decided to keep one public on the channel now his reasons for leaving the server seemed a lot deeper than others maybe he didn't feel comfortable or simply just had a bad encounter whatever the reason though he didn't make it clear publicly and probably for a good reason not to mention almost every video with anything to do with Oasis has since been deleted he basically erased himself off of YouTube itself some creators though were were simply just lazy and didn't see the vision of the LIF steel S&P server Osby despite being a founding member of season 1 would not be returning for season 3 he also only ever uploaded one video on his channel so there's that now for the real stuff this is where LIF steel S&P struck up some controversy and took a turn for the worst remember when I told you guys that we're going to get back to sponer later on well here we are and to be honest this section warrants a video of its own just for how crazy it is sponer is famously known to be dreams Minecraft trainer the man himself who made dream the Minecraft legend that he became sponer or spencor was one of the reasons I was able to get so good at 1.16 PVP because he sat there and taught me a lot of stuff because he he's a tryhard who plays all the time and dream and his coach sponer also shared a few other darker similarities because sponer didn't exactly have a clean past in fact it was a pretty disgusting past and a lot of his mistakes would soon surface online almost a year ago when a YouTuber named nine takes uploaded a video regarding sponer in this video he discussed a ton of the allegations made against sponer which would turn out to not exactly be allegations and more so just be terrible things that he did he says right after this sober feelings that I caught I was willing to throw out the Friendship this is just sult in the woundman you're saying because of how someone treated a woman you're willing to throw out a friendship and become aile and date an underaged girl what kind of delusional is this right as this was said sharpness hit sponer with you were going to get with her I'm telling you which sponer leads up with the heat I've been on offense about it because I know it was wrong so don't sit here and act like I had no hesitation it doesn't matter if you had hesitation or not you still acted on it how is this difficult for him to understand he's playing the moral cards when he already is morally wrong now this was definitely the worst thing that he did he was 18 years old messaging a 14-year-old but it wasn't actually the initial reason that he was kicked from the life steal SMP the initial reason was actually funny enough because he was caught in 4k saying the n-word on the life steal SMP you can search up and find that clip yourself but here's the gameplay of it on screen I have a feeling that YouTube wouldn't enjoy me including it with the audio so there's what happened to sponer and even funnier when the allegations were 100% proved true he deleted everything from his channel and vanished from the internet completely and still to this day we haven't seen anything from him in a while so that's the main people who didn't return for season 3 but the start of season 3 wasn't the actual downfall of the life steal S&P they had some controversy in members who left sure but it was recoverable unlike what was yet to come on a positive note season 3 was probably the most stacked in terms of content and members so far new server rules were also implemented such as no netherite equipment except for their tools and banning the use of some potions combat logging was also added as a banable offense since this is a new season of LIF steal s SMP and it's raking in hundreds of thousands of views per video the server is of course going to see new faces the P editions this time around include bacon waffles Bry craft Don turn Mr Cube 6 Minecraft curios and red Dunes who yes was previously in season 1 but only logged into the server once there's also another addition to the server the LIF steal SMP guest which include blocka tubo and most notably dream snp's very own Tommy init Tommy init visited the LIF steel S&P server as a guest and this of course just blew it up to new heights season 3 is the most stacked that the server has ever been and the views were only on the rise not to mention heading into season 4 we'd see the least members leave that we ever had for this season surprisingly there's only one singular member who will not make an appearance and it's Minecraft curios even better for the public image of the server he didn't leave with any controversy at all it was simply due to him having a lack of time and on L you literally have to play for like 30 hours just to get a video out and and if I did that I just would have zero content for like a month and if I didn't post for a month for Minecraft C I probably lose like all my subscribers so I don't really want to do that so it's a question is how do can I play Liv steal while also posting normal content and I'm not sure what the answer is to that so really it's just about me not having enough time to play on the server actively while also posting my current content his Minecraft curio Twitter account was also suspended but now he goes under the name of Jamesy or baked he makes Minecraft kids content and was probably with the right decision to leave from the server when he did but other than that let's move on to season 4 of the life steal s SMP season 4 as I I said would retain basically all of the players from season 3 and will outnumber its previous season in terms of views and in-game events but this was also the time when bugs exploits and Bann items would surface and absolutely plague the server there was some Contraband items going around and despite weeks and weeks of effort to find these Contraband items and the Vault that they were stored at Parrot and his team would find absolutely nothing but not too long after they find spoke having something to do with leaving parrot to take a leave from the server in honor of his good friend spoke what I've realized is that if you're not on this server I don't think I can really have fun either I think I can stay the same parently all right you ready I'm ready see you later bye [Music] don't worry though because this wasn't parrot's official exit from LIF steal spoke would later invite parot back to the server by telling him about a brand new exploit that players would be able to use to their advantage and it was cross transferring items from other servers and being able to log in two servers at one time you currently have the other they like don't even you currently have the other world loaded so if you fall down you will land stand on like a tree or something bro what the heck is this parrot would later accuse a player named vitalacy saying that he's also capable of pulling off this exploit so in order to prevent this from happening and ruining the server par and spoke planned out the only thing that they could think of doing and vitalacy would get a ban from the server 2 months after vitaly's Force Bann from the server spoke would invite parrot back again to show him another new exploit but this time around spoke managed to trick Perry into giving him admin Powers starting a war on the server with illegal items and tons of glitches and exploits all of this made a series of events that would lead to Spokes death making the perfect opportunity to start the creation of Life steal S&P season 5 the season that however would see the most people leave and it was not good looks for Life steal by the most amount of creators I mean the most prominent creators in the space particularly Rec RP 2 paradex 2 and mutch vitalacy pafa and its Subs would also not return as regular LIF steal S&P players for this season but let's first dive into what happened with mutch mutch is a Minecraft Youtuber who joined the LIF steal SMP way back in season 2 and he was hyped to be there it was basically a dream to join this group of people but somehow it led to me being called a misogynist becoming the most hated person in the Minecraft community and being forced to leave the life seal SMP how the hell did this happen well throughout season 3 mutch would make seven videos about the S SMP and in season 4 he was part of some of the biggest major conflicts on the server and overall mutch was really active on the S SMP until August 3rd of 2023 when he responded to a Twitter thread Prince Zam one of LIF steal s sm's most prominent members quote retweeted him with a screenshot of mutch following Andrew Tate and whether you think that's an issue or not it's crazy that it was the reason he ended up leaving the LIF steal SMP but out of nowhere the situation had amassed over 100,000 views pretty freaking quickly and so my comments started flooding with people calling me a sex trafficking supporter misogynist woman hater simply for following injured tape now I feel like that says a lot about the Minecraft community and you know everyone was turning their backs on me and I realized just how Petty the post of this screenshot actually was it literally had nothing to do with the situ situation that was happening and it was simply just zam's attempt at getting the entire Community to hate me and to get me kicked from Life seal and you know what bro it worked and in his last YouTube video he told everyone about his experiences during his time on the S SMP explaining how he felt left out a lot by his fellow content creators and how he felt unhappy because despite him getting hundreds of thousands of views on his videos he thought it was only because he was on life steal in the end he mentioned that he's now trying to improve his life despite leaving the server and that he thought the decision was for the better following this upload mutch received positive reception from it subs who is his teammate way back in season 2 and Minecraft curios who also shared a sentiments about feeling left out while playing on the LIF steal S&P speaking of its Subs he would also quit in the same time frame for mental health reasons in his Subs talks Channel he talked about his life plans pondering what exactly he should do next what's the next step what do I see myself doing in life that is Meaningful to me not necessarily meaningful to others don't care about what people say online like wow in order to be a good meaningful decent person in society you need to donate your left kidney to charity like no man you don't need to do that what you need to focus on is what is Meaningful to you and how to make a lifestyle around those meaningful things whatever exactly he's been doing since I do hope the best for him and as I mentioned after the ban from the server vitalacy also would say his last goodbyes moving into season 5 on May 13th Vitalis posted the video the story of my last block which is a twoe long journey of vitalacy in his quest to leave life steel SMP and content Creation in general for good as I move on to the next stage of my life I'm forever blessed to have you watching this video and for the thousands of friends I've made along this crazy content creation Journey since I was young I've always wanted to use my platform to empower others so check out these awesome underrated creators who have especially helped me get to this point pafa would also quit the server apparently due to the lack of enjoyment for S&P content in general however he did post a 2 and 1/2 hour long video about his journey in the S SMP but now for the real biggest losses that the server faced going into season 5 Rec RP and parrot left the server for good on December 3rd of 2023 recr posted a video about why he left the LIF Ste SMP in the video he mentioned how life steal was getting repetitive for him and he didn't like getting into conflicts with the people that he considers friends even though the conflict itself is basically just for Content he also said he didn't feel excited about the same repetitive cycle of joining a team getting betrayed and getting back on the Traer basically the storyline of every video I just didn't have any new video ideas that I was excited about I felt like I had done everything already I think this really shows in one of my last life steal videos where I killed people if they like pancakes better than waffles and this was my my main ditch effort to stray away from the typical life Steel video of like this guy betrayed me so I'm going to fight him back due to this he felt like life steal was ending for him so he decided to let everyone know about him leaving the server especially after taking into consideration how bold of a move this would be for him and so I sent them the message I wasn't going to be playing on the next season of Life seal and the worst part is I knew what this meant I wasn't going to be joining the VCS every day as much as I'm sure they would have welcomed me and we would have had fun we just didn't have that common interest of playing on the server and as the the months have gone by like that's true I I haven't talked to them nearly as much and finally we have per X2 per is probably one of the longest members on LIF steal SMP and for the last four seasons he's been the owner and one of the most if not the most popular content creator in all of the LIF steal S&P he was responsible for most of the changes in season 2 vowing not to have any more admin abuse that will take the fun out of the server he was also one of the main brains behind many of the snp's most cre creative traps on April 4th though it would all come to an end parrot would upload a 3-hour long journey of his humble beginnings as part of the sour patch Nation leading to his ownership of the life steel S&P and everything that would follow this video was basically a parting gift for all of the LIF steal S&P fans who would be missing the parrot Lifest steal videos greatly it's an emotional video for fans that hit the viewers in their fields involving their journey together and why they had to split up in the end eventually parro would leave the server once and for all to focus on other content but this is not the end for him at all in fact maybe just the start he's still posting videos trying to make them better and better each time with an insanely loyal fan base watching over 3our Minecraft videos it's nice to say he didn't go out on a bad note like some of the other creators in this video did if you guys did make it to this point in the video I would really appreciate if you would subscribe let me know what videos you want to see next and I will catch you guys all later thank you so much for watching let's get to 100,000 subscribers
Channel: Lando
Views: 221,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lando, lifesteal, lifesteal smp, parrot, rekrap, rekrap2, parrotx2, parrot lifesteal, rekrap lifesteal, What Happened To Lifesteal SMP’s Former Members, lifesteal smp members, LifeSteal
Id: sMU5K_m9auA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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