How Minecraft SMPs Changed

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if I were to ask you what an SMP is today you will probably think of something like the dream SMP or even the LIF steal SMP and while these servers are definitely valid they're sort of not the case anymore an SMP stands for survival multiplayer and it is basically a server where a group of people band together to create beautiful structures have massive Wars or just chill out and that is the magic of it watching people do this makes you feel involved and a personal sense of connection as a viewer but over time Minecraft spps have changed and I want to explore this however to do this we must go back to the beginning of everything back to 2010 on October 19th of 2010 a simple gaming video was posted onto YouTube this video would become known as the first episode of the Minecraft let's play series called minecrack which was uploaded by the YouTube channel called good boulderfist good was a World of Warcraft player and at a time this video was nothing out of the ordinary it was just a guy playing Minecraft and having a fun time while doing it and it stayed this way for a long time with the series having 61 episodes in total spanning 2 months the series was single player and good had truly achieved some cool things on it as the first season of Minecraft ended Good started getting a lot of recommendations from his viewers to add more people into the series and he ended up liking this idea a lot on the same day good would upload the beginning of the second seasar of Minecraft where he would add a player called madcow 21 who is one of his World of Warcraft friends and good said something quite interesting here the other person that's going to start off as let's play with me just join I gave him admin as well so that he can break blocks as well since there's something weird about that little area there looking back at this statement now you can't help but chuckle good seemingly having to give his friend operator status just so they can break blocks is such classic Minecraft you can also feel this old Minecraft energy with good and his friend having to talk in chat and not using any external means to voice call something about this is just so innocent and retro with the videos having minimal cuts and extremely prolonged gameplay Clips which really shows how long ago it was as the videos were recorded on version Alpha 1.2.5 keep in mind that back then there was really no way to know if your server would get griefed as there were no world protection plugins available online due to how young Minecraft was so good had to be very cautious when creating this S&P and as the episodes went on slowly he invited more of his friends along the way good would eventually invite J Sano 19 who was another Minecraft Let's Play YouTuber eager to join in on this new and interesting concept later goo decided to take the leap and give his audience a chance to join the server where he would invite a few more members and the server was finally looking like a true Multiplayer Survival Ral one of these eventual members was vintage beef a Minecraft Youtuber who had begun his career through the server as season 2 came to a close you could really feel that something special was being built here maybe it was the zebra house created by good himself or vintage beef Stone Mansion it was something about these builds that you could truly feel the personality of the person who built them and it set the server on a path to success season 3 of Minecraft was new and exciting this is because good had invited many more popular Minecraft content creators at the time people like Paul who was the original Minecraft tutorial dogm 77 a YouTuber who will create cool Farms generic b the man who started hermitcraft KJ Mack an individual that had the quest to walk all the way to the farlands and eos's lab just a guy who loved to play Minecraft and one dear to my heart these creators all work like a charm together and with Minecraft's eventual peak in 2013 the server had exploded this is because at the time Minecraft was the only place where a community of people had bound together to make something unique and it really showed that with the server reaching its peak in popularity it really seemed like like everything was going well with the server going into season 4 stronger than ever as they added a Minecraft Legend to the roster setling who was known for this crazy redstone contraptions but then something unexpected happened Minecraft season 5 was different it felt different in a sense that the world was limited in a 4,000 by 4,000 ver border box which expanded by five blocks every day this was an interesting move by Goo to try to bring the community together but it had the opposite effect making players bored and not wanting to play as much anymore soon after season 5 was released I already post was made talking about this specific issue and comparing the video output of minecrack between seasons 4 and 5 EO was one of the people who replied to this post stating that his days playing the server were numbered with most of the activity dwindling down leaving him as the only player on the server sometimes good also ended up replying to this Reddit post stating that he was completely against resetting the map as he wanted the server to be on only one map but a lot of people did not agree he also stated that he himself has been losing interest in the server and that fans should not expect any major builds from him another notable outcome of this Reddit post was dockham 77s reply to it stating that the Minecraft group had begun to refer to themselves as a multi-gaming network neglecting the vanilla Minecraft server and by doing that shattering the original view of the group as just friends having fun building things in Minecraft this was truly unexpected just a season ago Minecraft was the most popular s SMP series on YouTube but in a split second it all changed with everyone being fed up with the map and slowly quitting if you were to go to the Minecraft website at this time which was created as a outlet for the Minecraft members to share blog posts and connect with the fan base you could find a highly professional outlook on the group and you could tell that this group was not the same group I have spent the last few minutes talking about and soon after this a blog post was posted onto the website talking about this significant change good had begun to seek sponsorships and brands for minecrack basically rebranding the entire group and server into a company that wants to have as much revenue as possible making the existing group members sign a contract to continue playing the server good had changed m track what went from a simple let's play series by a funny guy turned into an unsuccessful attempt at creating a standalone business out of a passionate group of Minecraft players and you can't help but find that tragic even though Minecraft ended in a huge failure it taught the community a valuable lesson that lesson being that if enough passionate players are united together they could make something beautiful and one group of people utilized this well hermitcraft began on April 13 of 2012 started by generic b way before he joined Minecraft the server was was made due to him wanting to join minecra but unfortunately was not invited so he decided to make his own SMP generic be would invite a lot of his friends to hermitcraft people like caralis who would do building tutorials Joe Hills who was a person known for playing Minecraft maps and most importantly Juma void who was known for his tutorials the first season of hermit crab was quite a mess with the server struggling with multiple map presets and a ton of lag due to this a lot of people would end up leaving during the first season as this was a New Concept at the time and there were no other smps other than minecrack season 2 started with generic b quitting hermitcraft to focus on minecra as he was finally invited this was quite unexpected and due to that the slowly expanding hermitcraft Community was left without a leading figure causing massive problems some of the most notable people joined at this time two of them being mumbo jumbo who was a YouTuber known for his Redstone Shenanigans and false symmetry A let's play YouTuber during season 2 his Zuma void would also step up and take the leading role for the server which the community desperately needed and although the server was not doing much better than in season 1 it was starting to show that something here could be special season 3 though would change everything as talked about before this season started during the time that minecra started to fall off and hermitcraft was Skyrocket to success this was because hermitcraft did not go down the same path Minecraft did focusing more on community stability and Collective decisions the server season was also held on Amplified terrain which was never done before on a Minecraft S&P it truly felt like nothing could stop it especially when EO and dock M77 joined hermitcraft after leaving minecra which would help the server reach even higher levels of popularity and this was true even in season 4 which was hosted on 1.9 the update that added elytras into the game allowing for many new play Styles and unique Shenanigans this season also started a new concept for the server called districts a way of dividing areas that had their purpose on a server as a lot more people joined like cupan who had one of the longest running Minecraft series and iscal who had done a lot of modad series hermitcraft was finally reaching the same Heights that Minecraft was and it showed us what a community of people can do if they're United by a burning passion for the game they love unfortunately after season 4 Minecraft would suffer as it had reached its lowest point in popularity and there were many reasons for this maybe it was the harsh backlash for the 1.9 combat update that reworked how combat worked in the game to make it based on delays maybe it was the rise of new games such as fortnite that took the Internet by a storm or maybe Minecraft had just reached the end of its cycle all in all Minecraft was considered the Dead game by the mainstream media and this obviously took a massive toll on hermitcraft and it was unfortunate as the serage has just started hitting that popularity create for years honestly it felt like the end for Minecraft content especially S&P content with the game Dead there was truly no hope for any of these creators to continue going as most would move on from Minecraft to other games or other niches but throughout all of this a lot of them persisted they kept going they kept riding this dying train of Minecraft content into the sunset but then a few years later something interesting would happen on May 6th of 2018 a video would be uploaded onto YouTube by a channel known as jat this video was titled a tribute to Minecraft and while initially it did not gain that much recognition it was a video detailing The Nostalgia of old Minecraft and its old content and going in depth about his own personal experience with the game which resonated with a lot of people on that same personal level as it slow the game popularity over time this video started to get a lot of the old players back into the game on March 1st of 2019 a new S&P called SMP live was created by a YouTuber known as C me Carson who at the time was known for making a bunch of these Weir little Discord skits where him and his friends would talk about random Topics in a very comedic at atmosphere this is why Carson creating an S&P felt weird and unexpected by this point the only successful s smps were made by people who already knew everything about Minecraft and were quite child friendly the hermitcraft members and even the Minecraft members did not even swear in their videos Carson on the other hand was a YouTuber known for his dark humor and vulgarity for comedic effect and a person like that creating a Minecraft SMP well let's just say that was not expected in any way S&P live began with a few rules set in place one of these rules was that whenever a person was playing on the server they had to be live streaming hence the name SMP live and it was also possible for the viewers of these streams to pay the streamer they were watching to do what was known as a hit these hits were either killing another streamer or pranking them these concept were never done before as live streaming Minecraft was not that popular before this s SMP especially not paying streamers for events to happen making the S&P immediately stand out from the start as it allowed the audience to feel involved with the Creator they were watching and even had to say in the events that would happen the S&P began with a total of 10 founding members one one of them being J schlatt J schlatt began his journey on the S&P by screaming into everyone's ears with his funny mic as he proceeded to climb onto a mountain m out an entire base when suddenly a Minecraft Legend and Venom AKA his childhood hero joined the server proceeded to show up at his base with a sword said that his favorite music disc is stall which greatly anger schlatt who begged Carson to ban ant venom to know a whale in which he proceeded to commit suicide by jumping off of his base for some goddamn reason ending his stream what I just told you about was just day one of s SMP live only from two perspectives at most I think that honestly this was what really made s SMP live stand out from other s smps and made it very unique and enjoyable for the audience it was extremely fast and unpredictable with things happening left and right throughout the whole server s SMP live was also the first s SMP to introduce roleplay into the genre with a lot of its members stepping into their characters such as schlatt playing a scummy businessman trying to get people to buy his schlat coin a fake cryptocurrency or Carson's veir Andy cult Coalition that was made to stop all cults in the server while the S&P felt like it always had a story behind it it was never the case ashl publicly stated that none of the S&P was crypted it showed us that these types of s smps could succeed and that not everything had to be as friendly as hermitcraft or Minecraft were a lot of people say this SMP was one of the reasons Minecraft had been revived especially since it was very active during the time of PewDiePie's famous Minecraft series the server in tottal had over 100 unique people joining some of them being people like technoblade Captain Sparkles and even sky does m craft S&P live would eventually end with schlatt and ant venom slaying the Ender Dragon and settling their differences with schlatt throwing the stal disk into the void marking the end of the S&P live era while it was definitely not the biggest S&P it was one of the most impactful and would influence the next s smps going forward one of the members of S&P live vur suot was heavily inspired by the server and decided to create his own and on November 22nd of the same year with the help of Chip a person who made this Tweet Way prior to the involvement of wibur he established SMP Earth this SM be played on a massive 1 to 3,000 scale of Earth with every content and being replicated perfectly the factions plug-in was also added to help members create their own countries as it allowed claiming land and in doing so a way more fun experience S&P Earth was even more audience focused than S SMP live and that could be seen with the server having a d map which is basically a website where the viewer could see the full map of the server with a bonus that show the online players and their locations already a really fun and unique concept but there was something even more unique that was never done before up to that point chip had orchestrated an entire alternate reality game inside of the S&P and to be honest that is [ __ ] impressive if you are una aware an ARG is usually a story in which the reader in this case viewer can actually make an impact and this was especially drewing the way viewers helped find Clues by scouring the map for weird Shenanigans and so Mysteries by analyzing spectrograms of music discs and books found inside of the world the ARG in question was called the octangular ARG and some consider it to still be unsolved while S&P heard follow of a similar format to SMP live with a lot of his creator streaming it did not restrict the Creator from just playing without ever going live and it was way more easier and friendlier to get into as the average viewer with creators such as technoblade and Tomy in taking the initiative and truly expanded their careers with this s SMP by taking the concept of characters even further than S&P live did whether it was techno's massive Antarctic Empire that yearned for ver domination or tomin it stupid moves of making a business it was extremely entertaining to watch and made you feel like you were there with them by helping so the mystery that entangled the entire server and that is exactly why it's so unfortunate that the server had so many bugs and issues even from the beginning with the planes that were a very unique conent in theory allowing the player to quickly move to the skies but in practice they were extremely buggy and imp polished causing many issues another issue was that the end was not disabled and a group of creators saw this as a perfect opportunity to enter the end and defeat the dragon very early in the server's lifespan all of this would culminate into a very buggy but fun moon landing where the players had fought a modified Ender Dragon which was clearly unfinished following the moon landing the server slowly started to be become inactive and officially shut down without a proper send off due to a Cyber attack that took the server down suddenly s SMP Earth exists as a cautionary tale of how unfinished features and adding too much content can take down a YouTuber SMP and make it very boring to play but that did not mean it was a failure still ging millions of views and a massive fan base and it would even influence another S&P that was just around the corner during 2019 with the booming popularity of s SMP live and PewDiePie's Minecraft series a new YouTuber would seemingly rise out of nowhere and most of you probably know who he was dream began his Minecraft videos on July 9th of 2019 and instantly blew up with his PewDiePie seed videos later he was invited into Minecraft Monday as well which was a tournament revolving around many game modes and Minecraft Monday was regarded by many to be another one of the reasons why Minecraft was revived this helped dream gain more popularity and in December of 2019 dream would upload the first Minecraft Manhunt Minecraft Manhunt was a massive success it was a series with a very simple premise of there being a speedrunner trying to beat the game by killing the ender dragon and a hunter who would chased them around trying their best to kill them despite the Simplicity this series worked like a charm because it was very easy to understand and had many opportunities for highly skillful gameplay and insane moments as the series gradually turned more extreme with multiple hunters chasing dream he was already regarded as one of the most influential Minecraft creators as his channel blew up immensely after this on April 24th of 2020 dream had a simple idea of creating a Minecraft server for him and his friend George not found to play on and this was the very first first instance of the now famous dream SMP and you could really feel that it was that same feeling of Innocence that good showed during the beginning of minecrack as this was just a server creator for fun Above All Else most likely to be scrapped later as the days went by however dream started inviting more of his friends to the server people like sapnap awesome dude and Callahan eventually one of the people that played SM would join the dream SMP and that person was Tommy in it Tommy was a wild card causing conflict immediately as he joined creating something known as a dis Saga this was the beginning beginning of something special for the dream SMP as after this Wilbur stood the creator of s SMP Earth would be invited and Wilbur at Tommy decided to do some quite nasty Shenanigans of the S&P which after they would be banished and they were forced to create their own Nation outside of the dream S&P sphere known as lanberg and this was when dream SMP really began to explode in popularity as a war would immediately emerge after this spanning multiple months of content with many new faces joining the most impactful being technoblade and jlot and unknowingly dream SMP began something unique and never seen before up to that point which was scripting stories and events to engage the viewer and create a more organized and plan out story line and you know this was really smart I mean it was really interesting to watch these people find ways to craft plot twist and interesting conflicts within the server this was especially true as vlood would take up the role of the lead writer this led to what I consider the peak of the dream SMP with Jad stepping back into his s SMP live character and taking over Lamberg renaming it to mberg and kicking out Tommy and vilber in which he proceeded to hold a full Festival only to reveal that he knew Tabo was a traitor all while a Revolution was brewing in the background where technoblade had a secret plan to bring Anarchy to the server this was all known as the Lamberg Revolution and as Willow proceeded to press the button to blow up mberg to bits technoblade was lecturing Tommy about the purpose of Good and Evil and would suddenly summon a Vitter that proceeded to destroy the landscape to Oblivion you can't tell me that this isn't great storytelling especially for a [ __ ] Minecraft SMP it was genuinely so good that you could feel something passionate was being cooked here with with the lore involving every member of the SMP and not disregarding any of them whether it was Tommy and Tabo and their friendship the Rivalry of technoblade and dream or vur and filza's Father and Son relationship no matter what part of the audience you were there was something for you and I think that is what made this S&P as big as it was as it would break the records of popularity everywhere this was definitely the case with fan content and dream SMP had a lot of fan content we are talking about stuff like weird and definitely not sexual Fanfictions absolutely Stellar fan art by extremely talented artists and even Community discussing what could be next in the story giving their own thoughts and inputs the sheer scale of the fan Community was not describable in words and it just kept growing a good way to show you exactly what I mean is by searching dream SMP animation into the YouTube search bar which shows his videos like the dream SMP hwk hunt which has over a whooping 30 million views or the dawn of the 16th animation with 26 million views these animations were made by the Creator called saddest and they were far from the only person making these with anim like Tommy in it joined the game getting over 6 million views or an animatic about a joke made by technoblade hitting 5 million views I could keep going and I will keep going because there's an animatic about Jad that inspired by that cringy song that is used in a Lorax that I definitely did not get addicted to while making this video having almost 10 million views it got so crazy that there's an actual goddamn [ __ ] dream SMP anime opening that is actually good this is absolutely crazy it just doesn't stop yeah I don't know how we got to this point but oh my my God this s SMP is something else unfortunately not all of this attention was positive as there was a group of people known as the dream SMP stand Community this community was regarded by many to be extremely toxic and ignorant and a lot of creators such as schlatt would experience massive online harassment and dissatisfaction from them ending with him leaving the S&P After the manberg Revolution a minority of the S&P members would also get into frequent dramas and disputes that I will not talk about inep here but it's worth noting that the S&P started to show cracks in his strong Foundation but the S&P kept going stronger than ever with the story moving forward steadily setting up Tommy as the true main character and dream as the main antagonist with everyone at the edge of the seats watching the massive raid on the new lber orchestrated by techno and dream waiting for the day when Tommy would finally take back his music discs the feeding dream in the process and taking his last Cannon life the day that would make the dream s SMP the greatest s SMP of all time and then technoblade died and that never happened the morning I woke up and found out that technoblade had died was uncanny it was surreal at first seeing a notification on my phone letting me know that techno had posted a new video that was just titled so long nerds was uncanny technoblade was a Creator who has struggled with cancer for a good amount of time now and due to his sarcastic and comunic nature I assume this video was a joke and wasn't actually real but it wasn't a joke it was reality after this video several bad things happened in my life and while I really do not want to talk about them here looking back at this video I think it really conveyed a message reality hits it hits suddenly and without warning it can take away what we enjoy and love instantly that is how life works and this video says that perfectly dream SMP was never the same after techno's passing and unfortunately has started to drop in popularity rapidly the story couldn't really move forward as techno was actually one of the main writers and one of the most important characters in it and you could really feel that with its members slowly experienc a Justified burnout they didn't want to play on the dream S&P they were tired of playing on it fortunately the final battle did end up happening with the S&P members playing the Ender Dragon at the end as the server closed one last time but it just wasn't the same the server's popularity had already dwindled down and it just fell empty without technoblade and you could see that with the players of the server we had lost a Creator we loved but they had lost a close friend and I can only imagine what that may feel like for them the dream SMP was a huge part of the evolution of SMP content and probably a huge part in me and you as well and there is no denying that some may even say it was the biggest S&P of all time as it had broken multiple records that kept going for so long it was also in my opinion the last traditional s SMP and what comes next is quite shocking as it would change the S&P genre for better or worse after the fall of the dream SMP the landscape was left empty without any big S smps to follow of and enjoy and a group of friends who were just starting Minecraft YouTube decided to take the leap and create their own SMP which is how life steal S&P began it was started in July of 2021 by a Minecraft YouTuber called mapic but before I talk about it there is an interesting change I have to mention during this time more fast-paced and scriptive content was getting popular due to the influence of Mr Beast and other shenanigans that slowly changed the YouTube landscape and Minecraft was no exception to this especially what the dream SMP popularized before life steal a YouTuber called parrot would upload the school SMP videos which were obviously scripted videos about him playing on his school's Minecraft server and while that concept is interesting it was already done before many times as many other people would also do this at this time and it was a hint for what was to come Lifest steal S&P was like finding an oasis in the desert during this time however as it was was an S&P with a simple yet easy to get into concept that being stealing other players Hearts once you killed them and had a fun community of people to go around with although season one of Life seal was not good which is understandable as the members of the S&P were just stepping into what was truly possible and considering they were all mostly new crators the fact that they were able to do something this impressive to even get an S&P viral without already being popular and it was great as it allowed more people to get into this type of content creation life steel would not really blow up until season 2 where parrot would take ownership and new members would be added one of them being clown Peters a PVP God that played on a lot of YouTuber events before this time and a member who would prove to be a vital figure in the server the S SMP would really take off with this new cast and the videos were really interesting this s SMP was different from other s smps that we have discussed today as it involved many and I mean many wars and the use of exploits and cheats to get what the members wanted one example of this was when clown Pierce and peris team would schedule a massive battle in the former's base but unbeknown to him one of peris's team members would create a massive lag machine under his base causing his team members to crash despite this clown Pierce was able to fight back until one of his team members burned the cakes that were causing the lag and proceeded to kill and defeat every single one of peris's team members this style of content promoted more skill-based gameplay over storytelling as it showed the viewers that the people who were good at the game were the ones who are most likely going to win and while there isn't anything wrong with that it didn't really allow the other members to participate as much especially the ones who weren't good at PVP Liv steal SMP had five seasons in total with each one of them bringing something new to the table and the the server just kept getting bigger and bigger with even people like Tommy init and Tabo at one point appearing on the server as guests this Rise Of Life steal was the beginning of a new era for Minecraft s smps as it showed that anyone no matter who you are could create a Minecraft SMP and this is exactly where the problem lies during the early days of Life steel a smaller YouTuber by the name of Infamous JJ would start his own S&P called Dem SMP this s SMP was created for smaller content creators who did not have the privilege to join the Lifest steel S&P and had the same LIF steal function the main server had but with a few technical changes and you can not deny that this server was definitely a LIF steal copy although copying LIF steal would prove quite effective as demise SMP saw some success in his runtime and the weird thing is that demise SMP had its own community of fans who were eager for new content and this content we were talking about was specialized in grabbing your attention quickly and keeping it throughout the whole video with click ba thumbnails and overthe toop acting life steel SMP also suffered from this to some extent but it wasn't as obvious as here this content can be referred to as slob content and it's impossible to ignore its influence on the S&P landscape as demise S&P would Inspire more smaller content creators to create their own SMP such as awaken S&P awaken SMP was an S&P which came out sometime after demise that took the LIF still concept even further adding heads into the game which would make traps really interesting as players would make scripted videos trapping other players and killing them and Awaken smpp was not the only one risen SMP was an S&P where the players were tasked with obtaining a crown that resided at spawn to have an epic battle of God knows what not to be confused with ryen SMP which is a Minecraft SMP that I don't even understand and then there's infused SMP which is a direct successor to demise SMP and God damn it just keeps going but I don't know if I should keep going you get the point Right Slots SMP was an S&P where killing someone would Grant you an inventory slot and this is just a surface there's so many smaller s smps such as hunted SMP where I don't even know what happens at all and just what is strength SMP I even search up poop SMP on YouTube as a joke and it [ __ ] came up someone please stop this hell even I made an S SMP at one point during this time which thankfully never gotone anywhere but the point stands what you may have noticed at this point is that all of these s smps are sort of the same they use the same content style they always have a Twist and they always have those goddamn subtitles that everybody uses most of these smps were made for views and money and there is no passion put into these videos this is especially true because every video revolves around Minecraft PVP and griefing this is because kids love to watch people fight and kill other people in this game as well as watch people grief and Destroy other people's work but that creates a big issue as mentioned before if you're not good at the game you will never be able to do anything leaving you without potential content as an S&P member and honestly that is quite stupid Minecraft is a Sandbox game where anything is possible and S smps prior to this showed us that you can truly do anything you can see insane builds and friendships form in hermitcraft or have a laugh with your friends on s SMP live or maybe you want to experience a really good storyline with a lot of action on the dream SMP these s smps offer none of that they're made with money in mind and when that happens the content you make starts getting stale and uninteresting this is exactly what happened to these smps as today less and less of them pop up Minecraft smps transformed into a business and it doesn't seem like that will change anytime soon now I would like you to imagine what good boulderfist may feel Good's idea of creating a business revolving around the Minecraft S&P was flawed and in the wrong time and was truly something nobody ever imagined would happen yet here we are it's weird to imagine what good may have done if he started today and while it's not a perfect replication of his idea it is similar as this slob content is created with the intent to make a lot of money minecrack was a server of impossible scale and at one point even the creator of Minecraft not himself joined to see what the commotion was about it got so insane that Minecraft actually influenced some of Mojang's development decisions before the studio was acquired by Microsoft but it's a different different time today we have many griefing protection plugins and we done op players just so they can break blocks anymore yet the legacy of Minecraft still lives on even in these videos made for views above passion because it was minecrack that started it but it's not all bad even if all these s smps were made just to get a lot of money there's still some interesting ones out there as we speak jlet has started a new s SMP called sdmp that has a similar vibe to S SMP live and long ago quaky one of the dream S&P members started a qmp which is a massive inra server that United a lot of people of different languages together and that is really impressive I will not go in depth about these SS as they are still quite new even though iron Mouse is in the qmp oh God I love Iron Mouse help me please a lot of people say that Minecraft content died with technoblade and while reality eventually does hit and things change some things forever stay the same whether for the good or bad there are many great s smps today such as hermitcraft which are to this day still creating great stuff and still gaining massive popularity no matter what anyone says Minecraft s smps will continue to be made and while most will be slop content even if Goods V of a business came true even if the whole landscape turns to a massive content machine that only exists to make money deep down there will always be passionate projects with passionate people who will continue to defy the corent landscape and create some amazing things and that is [ __ ] beautiful fellow Minecraft fans thank you for watching this video if you got this far consider subscribing with notifications on to not miss out on future videos similar to this one my Discord is also on the screen if you wish to talk to me this video was a long one and I felt like making it for a few years now ever since the new year off smps began I felt like I owed myself this video as I used to make Minecraft videos as well and seeing all this may me feel the need to cover it as always take care of yourselves and have a good night
Channel: tsu
Views: 271,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, SMP, Minecraft SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Dream SMP, SMPLive, Hermitcraft, Mindcrack, SMPEarth, Technoblade, Dream, TommyInnit, Parrot, Clownpierce
Id: HkcwHAcwvOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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