'365 Days' is WORSE than 50 Shades of Grey | Explained

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hi I'm wearing the Celine sciama shirt today so I can remind myself that good movies still exist so I've been asked by a shocking number of people to cover this movie because no one wants me to be happy so please like the video I'm sure it's not getting monetize so that would at least be some kind of compensation prize so it should be no shocker they were talking about 365 days which Netflix promoted a shocking amount on my homepage considering the subject matter like we've talked about Fifty Shades basically being porn but like this was pretty much porn and in general this entire movie just felt like a really amped up Fifty Shades of Grey some people are even claiming that it's the Fifty Shades movie that they always wanted praising it for its sex scenes it's more daring sex scenes than the entire Fifty Shades trilogy and others believe that this actually gives Fifty Shades a chance to not be seen as such a toxic disaster of a franchise so the movie itself is actually based on a trilogy of books written by a Polish woman whose name I'm sure I'm going to butcher here but it's lankan Lipinski who was not shockingly at all inspired by Fifty Shades of Grey when writing this trilogy of books it's also been heavily associated with Wattpad story tropes and there's actually translated versions of these novels on Wattpad basically what I'm saying is DJ just has a bunch of fanfiction Tropes so anyways let's get in to this story it starts in the Mediterranean these mobster gangster guys are having this big ol conversation this younger guy is spying on a girl who's on the beach and then we get this poetic line of women are heaven for the eyes hell for the soul and then he chimes in with and purgatory for the wallet so then they have this nice Lion King moment where dad's like you know one day all of this gangster Empire will be yours and then he gets shot it's like suddenly there's just blood all over the young dudes face minute turns out that the bullet went like through his dad and hit him too so then he thinks he's dying and we get this really dramatic orchestral music starting to play but I don't feel anything because I don't know or care about any of these characters but before we can you know dilly-dally or dwindle there too long the music flourishes into one of those you know very poppy songs that tends to accompany these types of movies and I found out that it was actually a song written and performed by the male lead and I guess there's actually multiple songs by him in this movie because isn't that just convenient that you can market your own album on this crazy movie that you're in I guess in a way it's a little bit like Twilight in that regard because there's actually a bunch of songs by Robert Pattinson in the first fright movie he didn't use it to release an album but hey man take advantage every opportunity you can do lucked out and got one step above a porno so he's got a really work to keep going up so much like Fifty Shades of Grey our lead is a men of international business except that international business is largely drugs and other gangster things like nightclubs after he does this weird thing where he's like bullying people in an office and seeming all lonely it cuts to the girl that he had been spying at on the beach getting home after a hard day tries making a move on her man who's like now we're leaving in the morning and you have a heart condition and you probably haven't packed for us yet you don't have to be in the mood to get to it all the time you're allowed to say no even as a guy but if you are with someone who's like you have impact for us kick that man child woman child to the curb that's okay she just takes care of herself which makes me think this would have been a really great time to have a sponsor that dealt in these tools but alas we do not know cuts back to our leading man on a plane it's been about five years since the shooting happened and he's kind of informed that somebody stole the entire shipping container of coke so he's so frustrated that he pulls these very thin airplane curtains and in his frustration he starts manhandling the flight attendant who just goes along with it and like yeah I'll give you a little blowy here and then chick gets oddly graphic it got it got unusually graphic yeah I assumed that they were able to get away with this kind of stuff because it didn't play in theaters but I guess it did in Poland and then a few other places internationally before hitting Netflix but I just imagine that yell James must be super jealous because I guess that like sex scenes in those movies were a big point of contention with her and the directors because she just wanted more either way I almost puked watching the scene and I've never found myself wishing to be watching Fifty Shades instead of something but you know here here we are so it's the hardy chicks birthday and they visit Sicily and somebody has bought her her favorite fancy alcohol and the boyfriends like it's no I wasn't me and then she goes to use the bathroom and then like surprise business moguls there are you lost baby girl she obviously doesn't know who he is so she just turns back around and then he's gone he just houdini'd the next is actually officially her birthday and her boyfriend had like abandoned her for most of the day and went on this walk to a location to see something that they were supposed to do together so she's super pissed off pushes him in the pool there was like a montage of her being upset before she gets like cornered in an alley and then it just fades to black and she wakes up the next morning in a room that she doesn't recognize so she tries to leave the room and it's locked and then hours later like I mean she had clearly woken up in the morning and then it's dark by the time the doors just mysteriously unlocked so she tries to run out before she comes across this massive portrait of herself on the wall and then dudes behind her again and here we had this are your loss perfect girl every time he says baby girl I die a little inside so he basically reveals that he has kidnapped her because he wants her to fall in love with him and the reason why he did it was because he thought he was dying in that moment in her face was the last one he kept seeing when he was bleeding out because he was obviously just stalking her on the beach with the binoculars so he's been obsessed with her for five years and just happened to see her at the airport and immediately dropped his plans and concocted this insane kidnapping thing and he must now have her but she's obviously like nobody owns me I'm not an object but then he's like no no of course not I'm just giving you a chance to fall in love with me in a completely organic way totally against your will so some motivation when she's like I have a boyfriend he's not the best but whatever he's like yeah he's way not just not the best here's some pictures of him with his business stuck in someone else's hoo-ha and like yeah there's no doubting that guys sucked ass but we are not going to romanticize the kidnapper we're just not doing that and he's already said a couple times that he won't do anything she doesn't want to or touch her when she just want to be touched but he's kind of saying a lot of this stuff while he has her pinned against the wall with his hand on her breasteses like you are literally doing something against her will right now while you're saying you won't do that exact thing no we need to stop this we need to stop making any of this okay this it's it's done we're done we've we've explored this enough this is none of this is okay like how do I live in a world where I'm watching something that makes Christian Grey look like a normal and adjusted healthy individual and even though he's saying that everything is gonna be in her control in her power he says some stuff about tying her up and not being nice about it I've just oh my god I guess he just kind of likes to do that in general because it cuts to see into this guy who's strapped up to this cement thing and apparently it's because he's the one who stole all the drugs from him but he also found out that this guy was like selling kids to a brothel to again they're trying to make him like sympathetic in some way it's like oh you know he's a criminal he's a gangster he deals drugs he's probably been involved with killing people he's literally kidnapped this woman but he killed the guy who was selling children to a brothel so really stand-up individual you're lucky he found you so either way she somehow manages to make it outside and when she's trying to escape she like stumbles upon them when they're assassinating this guy are killing this guy and she passes out because apparently she has a heart condition as we mentioned three times at this point so I'm assuming that's foreshadowing for something ESO has a pretty big temper one that's even worse than Christians so she's again like I'm not going anywheres with you when he's like we need to leave so slowly tomorrow and he pushes her on the bed and then she slaps him because you know he's some grown man just slammed you want to bend he threatens her with more violence take know people this is how you start healthy relationships but either way he gets her out of the house and she's just kind of like smirking and she drags him around and makes him buy a bunch of crap but then when she's trying on fancy lingerie he walks in the room and she's like get out or I guarantee you you'll never see any of this again and then he grabs by the neck pushes her against the wall and says I order it and I'm gonna take it when I want so she tries to run and the cops are like oh yeah we see that guy behind you and they just walk away so the cops in this entire location or apparently in this dude's pocket and again we get her lost baby girl and then he delivers just my favorite line of sometimes fighting is futile you have to accept the situation the fast that about it for you now that is right out of the Christian Grey handbook and then he says the words I love the most though you think I am it wasn't an offer it was an order look you can say whatever you want psycho but you're still a psycho through eating and he gets a text from this woman named Anna wonder where they got that name and his chicks clearly into him she's like why are you not replying I'm not giving up so we're like oh man we got a scorned ex-lover here that's also like fifty Shades but at this point he's kind enough to give her back her phone in her laptop which she's been asking for and she immediately calls her mom and I'm like wow that was so easy but then she's like uh him um I was offered a new job in Sicily for a year contract so I'm gonna be here for a while huh Stockholm Syndrome so she goes to sleep and then wakes up and he's like right there next to her so she goes to have a shower but the showers are like completely open so he goes and gets in the shower that's right next and I just saw lipstick I thought seeing Christian Grey's pubes were bad enough and I'm not prude but no I just I don't need I didn't need to see that and then he delivers just what has to be the greatest line in modern cinema why are you looking at it do you want to touch it I hate all of this just so much so he like moves over to her personal space like this man literally had her by the throat yesterday and he just did it again right now when she tried to walk away from him and again we get this based on thinking everything with the forest Owensboro point but don't worry he's not gonna do anything without her consent but don't provoke him I love the most though you think I am so any forces are on a plane and they actually have to strap her to a seat because she doesn't want to go so intensely like yeah definitely not gonna do anything against her will accept every single second there on screen together and again he immediately starts manhandling her breasts puts his hands down her pants even though even though he said he wouldn't touch her without permission and then has the audacity to pull the you have to earn the pleasure I hate this I'd honestly what is it with these movies ruining ice cream I swear to God there always has to be some weird overly sexualized ice-cream scene in these movies and I'm just I'm sick of it I get it dairy isn't good for you but this isn't the way Senate cuts to them in a bedroom and as much as I don't want to see the nudity I'm at least happy that they're not doing the typical American thing while they're fine showing an entire female body but won't show anything of a man I'm sure there are a lot of women out there who want to see a little bit of Wang and dude but I'm not one of them but it that's why you're in - congratulations here's the movie for you so again this dude is basically forcing himself on her he straps her up from her arms and her feet to this bed and has like a spreader bar that spreads and locks the more you struggle and that she's facing directly at a massive painting of himself petting a lion and then he again says that he'll do anything he wants with her love the most oh you think I am and then somehow there's just this random chick here and he's like I'm gonna show you what you're missing and I assumed he was gonna sleep with this chick in front of her but no he's gonna show her what she's missing by making these other girls suction I wanna throw up what was that supposed to show like I'm in if you were more really willing to play a ball and I couldn't pin your mouth on my she basically just had to watch another woman filleted him with a massive painting of himself as the backdrop so either way he gets on top of her again and realizes that she's just not down to ask for it so he lets her go and is all like we're going to a club so get yourself ready cuz that's exactly where I want to go after a spectacle like that is to the club so she puts on this skimpy little number and he's really upset about it and you know she's basically implying that once he gets the yes one time he'll do anything he wants with her whenever so we joke here but I do feel the need to clarify that that's not how consent works at any time you can retract consent if you want a situation to stop and saying yes to one thing is not saying yes to everything respect yourself respect your partners and be safe anyway she starts flirting with a bunch of other people at this club just to piss him off more and of course it creates a scenario where another guy that she was dancing near tries to force himself on her so psycho stalker shoots the guy in the hands and it turns out that he was in a rival family because isn't that always the way it works and then she apologizes because he's mad but then he's still slut-shamed her for the clothing she was wearing basically saying it was her fault that someone else tried to assault her because of who says romance is dead then they fight she falls into the ocean he jumps in and brings her out and she's suddenly like oh my god you saved me and even though he still really sucks she really sucks I'm just gonna say it there's entirely too much dick sucking in this movie I feel like there has to be actual real porn out there that has a better story than this but yeah they get to it and again I'm sure yell James is just green with envy at what this movie has been able to do and I'm green green with nausea because this turns into a Tosh around the boat I've literally taken three breaks while watching this movie I started it last night so it progresses on again like Fifty Shades there's a masquerade scene for some reason psycho doesn't wear a asking I don't know I guess he's too cool or something but oh my god guys I think she might be falling in love with him how romantic then of course the Anna chick that had been messaging him shows up and is like I'm the first in real love of this psycho boy because she's psycho girl it's great it's like a match made in heaven and then she threatens to kill Laura oh yeah I'm sorry the girl's name is Laura I've just been calling her Stockholm Sally in my head we're gonna keep doing that yeah turns to kill her and take everything important away from him and we find out that he had actually left her the day he realized that this chick landed in Sicily and for some reason this other and this Anna girl had stuck around even though he apparently had portraits of this woman all around his house for the past five years while trying to find her I think all these women need a swift lesson in something called self-respect before we can dwell on the murder threats too much they're on a one-way train to boomtown once again there is there's just no way this is staying monetized yeah I'm sure I'm trying so hard so he's suddenly like you're going back to Poland cuz he's clearly worried that something's gonna happen to her she gets back to Poland her friends like oh my god where have you been I thought you were kidnapped but then she's like haha no just fell in love because Martin pissed me off so then they sit around having gal chats about psycho and she delivers this the greatest line in which she says when you're with him you feel like a little girl and he makes all your sexual fantasies come true there are a lot of things that I just never want associated with each other and those two things are at the top of that list but her friend finally gets through to her being like what the hell is going on and she just immediately dumps out like I was kidnapped by a gangster and I fell in love with him you know Kayla's oldest time so they go on a pamper spa day and then they decide to go to the club and she got her hair cut and blonde defied and now no one will ever recognize her when they're at the club this other guy with a stupid haircut hits up her best friend so she's left alone for two seconds and somehow her ex-boyfriends there and like oh my god guys he managed to recognize her even with this crazy new disguise I'm shook and he's like oh my god it took you walking away to realize that I act they do love you even though I was sleeping with someone else so she's not having it she goes to leave but then of course he runs into the elevator after her because she didn't hit the close elevator but you always hit the close elevator button and then he follows her home and you never opened the door to your place if someone who is not taking no for an answer is following you home and they're like right behind you also you call the cops when somebody continues to follow you home against your will so they get to a fight of course Massey psycho is already in the room he's like I can't understand a damn thing you're saying but I think she's made it pretty clear that she doesn't want you around so she's mad that he had sent her back to Poland and didn't get in touch but it's all good because he's like I don't need 365 days because I already love you he asks her to marry him and she says yes it's been 2 months it is just like 50 shades of gray oh my god something go shopping again there are two lavish shopping trips in this singular movie that's a little story they're actually putting into it this movie could have been a tight hour-and-a-half of misery with ease so the planning the wedding and she's like I know that nobody from Poland can come because you don't want them to know what you do because for some reason that would come up at a wedding but I need my best friend there she already knows everything and thankfully the best friend is like you're an idiot you've known each other for two months is he forcing you into this what the hell is wrong with you are you pregnant and it turns out she is pregnant he doesn't know that but he'll wrap it up kids so they get the dress and her and her friend are driving through this crazy mountain headed back to his place this other mobster dude gets a call from someone that's like they're going to kill out on now so he speeds up he's trying to calm a Simo who's the psycho but because he's on the phone with Stockholm he can't get through to tell him because apparently the gangsters aren't rich enough for you know call waiting so then Stockholm Sally's SUV enters a tunnel and it doesn't come out the other side and it pans back to cops blocking off the tunnel and that's it fade to white movie over what did I just watch like I assumed that her heart condition was going to be the foreshadowing that led to her death or something but like she still apparently died but it's still not because of that like this this is so dumb good job psycho you got her killed because you got pissed off and shot some gangster hands and you had an ex-lover and rival family drama and all the data the goodies and thanks to Wikipedia I know that they have a sequel plan because again as I mentioned earlier this is a trilogy of books so maybe this chick isn't dead after all like did they get orders to kill a brunette so then they just killed the friend and left the other two people in the car alone I don't know and I don't want to know but I'm sure eventually I'm gonna have to find out right now the movie is delayed in production due to the pandemic I'm not reading the books they're also polish so it comes safe for now so in conclusion this is like the plot of all 350 shades put into one movie we've got a crazy ex the abusive behavior a touch of bad BDSM portrayals controlling behavior amped up to kidnapping horrible sex a sassy best friend stalking it's saturated with songs instead of score marriage babies and murder all the goodies I want to puke three times coincidentally that is the same number of times that there was nob to melt scenes I'm gonna go cry now anyways that is going to do it for today's video let me know what you guys are thinking any comments section down below if you watch this movie what did you think of it I know a lot of people were having it promoted to them on Netflix when it dropped let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below thank you as always to my patreon supporters subscribe to the channel if you're new liked the video if you're into that kind of thing I hope you're all having a fantastic day and we'll catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 1,379,211
Rating: 4.9353218 out of 5
Keywords: 365 days, 365 dni, netflix, worst movies, 50 shades of grey, fifty shades of grey, michele morrone, gross netflix, 365 days review, 365 days songs, worst of netflix, ending explained, massimo and laura, stockholm syndrome, 365 days is horrible, 365 days is weird, 365 days sequel, 365 days 2, bad movie review, twilight, el james, blanka lipińska, amanda the jedi, review, commentary, comedy
Id: athshgRc5AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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