365 Days is the worst movie I have ever seen...

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MsSelinaKyle 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
you know having done as many of these videos as I have you'd think I'd be pretty much numb to everything at this point I mean I've done every Twilight movie the first two Fifty Shades movies I even sat through every episode of Riverdale all right I was pretty sure that I was invincible but then one day Netflix just had to show up and right in my face so 365 days is a Polish movie that came out on Netflix recently to rave reviews basically it's kind of like a social experiment to see if anyone could possibly make Fifty Shades of Grey even worse somehow and slight spoilers but they definitely succeeded so let's take a walk first things first we got to meet our main characters this guy is Massimo a tall dark and handsome Italian mafia boss dude man guy who whispers pretty much every single line in the entire movie and the girl in our story is Laura a Polish fast-talking no-nonsense executive who makes this face a lot now the thing about her as you may be shocked to learn is that recently she's become kind of disillusioned with her boyfriend and she's just looking for some excitement you know like every girl in every romance movies since like ever who's truly beautiful Salalah so after a really long drawn-out intro that goes on for about 15 minutes and tells us basically nothing about anything we fast-forward to Laura going to Italy for her 29th birthday now the first nights just hanging out with her friends and her boyfriend everyone's singing happy birthday and you know all that stuff that you just love doing when you're almost 30 but she heads up for a second to go to the bathroom and this is when our story finally gets going [Music] how you lost baby girl you know I'm I'm pretty sure there's no context in which are you lost the baby girl would not be the creepiest thing any woman's ever heard but anyway [Music] you know this is something that happens in every movie but I always crack myself I'm thinking about how anyone would actually do this like the girl runs into this handsome man of mystery and then turns her back for three seconds and the guys just like anyway so the next day we come to find out that Laura's boyfriend left her by herself from the morning on her own birthday to go and do something that I wasn't really paying attention to and naturally she's not too happy about it oh yeah either that reviews just 2017 legislative days Williams Edison of course it is everybody was doing used to some Chabert give me those ups Tom yeah yeah what should be in the bomb and then the entire rest of the day apparently she puts on her pajamas and wanders around whatever city they're in all night like some kind of nineties music video until this happens was it huh well I'm sure it's all gonna be fine now the next day I think she wakes up locked in a castle which is not a joke by the way this is actually what happens in the movie but then that night someone comes and unlocks the door leaving Belle to explore the beasts castle all by yourself that's when the movie goes from two [Music] are you lost vinegar would you freaking stop I mean when I first saw this dude like come on tall dark handsome he's rich like I thought it was gonna be some kind of dreamboat or something you know I mean but then he opens his mouth and just turns into Gilligan anyway so he throws out the baby girl line once again and the scene keeps going on see me sit down do you want to know why you're here or not well I'm just swinging in the dark here but I'm guessing it's because no one around you is allowed to say no ever what I'm about to tell he's so incredible did him okay not to get ahead of you here but every time a guy says he wants to tell me or show me something incredible I usually come out of it pretty disappointed all right so this better be a real zinger so Massimo tells us this story about how five years ago his dad was killed due to some mafia business and Massimo was also hurt in the kerfuffle but apparently before this all went down he saw Laura on the beach and he's been looking for her around the world ever since yeah so it turns out this entire movie is just one long glorified Craigslist misconnections ad you know like I mean this whole thing could have just as easily been like I saw you in line at Costco you have brown hair and your cart was full of more bulk ibuprofen than I've ever seen in my entire life you made eye contact with me for like half a second so please respond with what color stain I had on my shirt anyway so Massimo story ends and Laura gives us a pretty reasonable reaction nobody owns me I'm not an object you can't have me just like that not me and think that I am all yours you know that's why I'm getting you a chance to fall in love with me what is that even now to prove how serious he is he gives her an O so generous offer regarding the whole following a love thing you have 365 days I do anything so you can't fall in love with me it's next here on your birthday nothing change I'll set you free all right so I'm gonna kidnap you and keep you for a whole year and if you still don't follow up with me I'll set you free cos you know I'm such a nice guy you don't having covered as many of these kinds of movies as I have I've noticed that almost every single one of them is like ladies imagine your worst nightmare like getting kidnapped having a boyfriend who controls everything about your life and stares at you while you sleep every night or dating a guy who watches The Fast and Furious movies on ironically whatever now imagine if all this stuff happened to you but the guy was attractive I've been stuck inside so long at this point all day to anyone anyway so the next morning Laura wakes up in a room how are you feeling what is up with his dude I mean like what if Florida had one of those mid wake up farts you know like come on give a girl some space alright so the movie goes on like this for a while and we keep getting reassured that Massimo has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever like like seriously this guy makes Christian Grey look like a Disney Prince they keep having these conversations where it's just like I want french fries well I want chili fries and this is like most of the movie but anyway so Laura slowly is starting to come around after she realizes that she literally has no other choice and she does that thing every girl does you know where you just kind of play along and hope not to die so what do you actually do I do business outside I just saw how these kinds of movies the guy is always someone who like does business stuff and yet somehow has endless amounts of free time like where do I sign up for that job but anyway so then finally Massimo opens up to Laura and we get to know what the point of all this really is [Music] I like you to teach me how to be gentle what the heck does that even mean is that not just word-for-word a line from buting the beast what is this movie and of course Lois outside of reaction is instead of what she's really thinking which is why do I gotta fix you from what do I get out of it I don't got time to fix I'm sad or go fix yourself I got things to do so much like fifty Shades of Grey or any of these other kinds of movies things just go on like this for a while where there's a lot of back and forth between Massimo and Laura they keep playing these games with each other and somehow we're supposed to believe that there's no nonsense down to earth twenty-nine year old business executive is sort of kind of starting to a little bit maybe fall for a guy who says and does things like this are you lost baby girl are you lost if occur you had the bad reaction to the sedative I didn't know you have our problem that's why I'm getting you a chance to fall in love with me cuz I mean let me tell you I've tried doing in saying all this same stuff before and the only thing I have to show for it is like now I have to introduce myself to my neighbors now the big turning point of the movie comes when they're on a boat for whatever reason doesn't matter and they have a big fight because earlier Laura messed up a really big business deal for Massimo and she gets so upset that she falls off the boat and almost drowns in like four seconds somehow and Massimo jumps in to save her I'm so grateful that you're alive but at the same time I want to kill you you saved me thanks God that was so close we're so dissipating now this moment is when lower realizes that yeah you know like this Massimo guy may have kidnapped her forced her to do whatever he says doesn't let her have contact with the outside world and plagiarizes cheesy lines from 90s Disney movies but he's nice sometimes so golly gee I guess it's true love also just a quick tip if you do end up watching this movie I don't care who or where you are your parents will absolutely walk in the room during this boat scene but anyway so now they're all buddy-buddy skipping ahead a little bit due to a variety of reasons there's some tension among the Mafia families with Massimo having to take over for his dad and now Laura is kind of like getting in the middle of everything and long story short Laura gets sent back to Poland with no communication or anything from anyone for quite a while apparently so she catches up with her old friends and gets a total makeover Christ you know sometimes she's got to live laugh laugh you know I'm saying and runs into her old boyfriend and you know things are just kind of all over the place for a while we don't understand what you two are saying but it's rather clear that she wants you to leave so then her old boyfriend is all like her often walks away leaving Laura and Massimo to once again do the old devastating gu and after that's over we get the emotional climax of the movie [Music] and then almost immediately after this Massimo asked her to marry him and she's like yeah okay whatever now the very end of the movie I'm just gonna summarize a couple things here Laura's friend comes to be her bridesmaid and as they get to talking we all come to learn that Laura is pretty but she hasn't told Massimo yet it's a frivolous table other Dethklok Obama and as they're driving back from trying on wedding dresses we also learned that a rival Mafia family is going to assassinate Laura for whatever reason probably because she forgot to color her eyebrows too but hey that's none of my business but all the same that brings us to the final scene in the movie [Music] and yeah so that's that but like realtalk this movie is maybe one of the worst movies I've ever seen like like this makes fifty shades look like a masterpiece at the very least fifty shades sort of kind of makes sense about why characters do what they do but in 365 days maybe it's the editing or something I don't know but it's just like a bunch of random events told chronologically but putting them all together in one movie it just kind of feels like trying to remember a dream you had after you took a little too much melatonin there's not even really much else to say about it except people will watch anything I suppose now the thing about this movie besides the fact that it literally makes no sense there's no motivation for anyone to do anything there's no nothing makes sense this movie but the thing that really struck me is very strange so you look at Twilight and Twilight you know you have this old hundred year old vampire going after a seventeen year old girl so I mean Bella doesn't really have any personality or anything anyway but the idea that she's like this young teenager who very easily falls in love with this you know vampire guy like that makes sense right Fifty Shades of Grey right you have a 27 year old billionaire and then you have Anna Steele who is 22 I believe and she's a little bit older but still you know she's in college in the first movie and she's still young enough that she doesn't really know a whole lot about the world you have to remember that Christian Grey is her first boyfriend and all that but this movie right from the beginning we're introduced to Laura and she's this fast-talking no-nonsense down-to-earth executive who gets things done right and then as soon as she gets kidnapped she turns into Bella Swan she turns into a 17 year old girl and I mean you know sure she's like kidnapped and she has no freedom and all that so like maybe you can kind of see it that way but just the whole story as a whole right Massimo is like this mafia leader guy right he's running all these businesses he's a quote-unquote rich businessman Laura is specifically a very like successful executive and yet like there's no point in which her being an executive or whatever plays any part in this movie really at all the way that this movie could have differentiated so from all the other ones is if like halfway through or near the end whatever Massimo realized that like oh you know Laura is actually she's really good at business too and she can actually help out and then you know they kind of team up together and then Laura realizes what he's doing what's really going on and then she kind of gets more of a look behind the scene but what happens in this movie is like Laura's entire persona backstory everything is like thrown out and if it thinks watch everybody never get subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so don't miss any videos from me follow me on Twitter tweet me whatever you want I don't know just whatever you feel like I guess and above all let's everybody have a great day and I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 3,913,475
Rating: 4.9354887 out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, 365 Days Netflix
Id: mSiiicTK-C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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