Hot Sauce Just Doesn't Work

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a week ago we did a tier list ranking hot ones hottest hot sauces as most of you know by now spicy food and hot sauce just doesn't work on me trying to kill me with hot sauce would be like trying to drown aquaman capsaicin just doesn't have an effect on me i'm impervious to it you could inject capsaicin directly into my veins and it'd feel like somebody just fed me a popsicle it's just it's pathetic so obviously with the tier list i was able to maintain composure and give an accurate scientifically backed rating for each hot sauce we've we mainly stuck with just their most extreme hot sauces the elite ones so like a hundred thousand plus scoville ratings and for those who don't know a hundred thousand scoville it's basically like a hot sauce made out of ice cubes it's real [ __ ] [ __ ] but then of course we ventured into the dangerous waters the shark infested territory we got up into the scoville ratings that are just outright illegal in some places of the world i imagine i'm talking the 5 million plus scoville rating hot sauces that's the kind of [ __ ] where your doctor will tell you if you eat it you're going to die you know you're at risk for stomach bleeding combustion and going straight to hell so the 5 million scoville it actually just tastes like sucking a fart out of satan's [ __ ] it's it's definitely not pleasant stuff but of course me given my x-men mutant ability my superhuman ability to tolerate spice i just didn't really feel it and my strength actually inspired tiana and danny to take on the hot ones hot sauces because they saw me and they said if charlie can do it we can do it so they wanted to rumble with the sauces so we filmed it and i want to show you that footage and then of course matt and i hop back in the crucible the thunder dome and we do some more of the last dab hot sauce as well just a whole bottle basically just basically chugging the bottle because we're just real men and we we showed them how it was done danny's bad at hot sauces too everyone laugh at him they will how are you with them tiana she's not good with him i'll answer for her okay i'm not great but i'm better than him yeah she's a lot better well no one's worse than me literally a baby like an infant if you put like number one wouldn't have his worst have a worse reaction than i did i mean it's still burning in my mouth now i honestly feel like though after these sauces i'm going to be stronger with spice i really think you will notice he's not gonna eat anything spicy for the next like year no he will because we're doing a hot thing each month i'm just thinking for next month i'm gonna stop coming because he's gonna make me do it every time i'm just gonna send somebody else in my place you have so much on there i know why you leave so much that's a baby dip compared to what yeah i don't know what that's about yeah that that doesn't count oh that's a baby dude if you're laughing at me from not being able to handle it you gotta do it real good yeah but there you go that's better i'm already sick ready i don't even remember number five anymore everything pre number nine is just a blur i feel like i blacked out danny's entering the avatar stage both are bad there's really no winning except by completing the trials right they stopped hurting me [Applause] did you even feel any tiana yeah well you handled that i mean my mouth is like on fire right now but i wasn't born with the right dna to handle the faster you swallow the worse it hurts in your throat too it's rough yeah you ready maybe nice he handled that very well i'll get more handle it better than you well everyone does i wasn't expecting this that smells what i meant in pain smells like my stomach just turned i don't want to smell it now because i'll do a couple more and as long as you oh i don't feel bad for tiana though give him get her you're wiping out the sauce you made me screw that is a white part of where the sauce wants you don't feel pain don't wipe it don't dead [ __ ] dug it do something no put it back in this whim ready no wanna count us down oh tastes like [ __ ] yeah that one tastes really they all taste like no one does take limey is that not the lime one i think they both have lime but the next one is even more limey yeah that tastes like [ __ ] they all taste this hurts face is what i would expect from like and it looks like something that's about to like kill someone yeah like he's decided he's going to murder somebody it shocks me every time i'm bad it hurts [ __ ] yeah at least that one's got a really late response though yeah oh jesus christ it's all in my left side my mouth well i don't think stop wiping if i see another [ __ ] one i'm going to flip the table over duncan no waiting look i'm not getting paid for this [ __ ] but you're proving a point i literally just did in this corner i took a little off no let me see i'm going to measure milliliters i want to see the displacement of the sauce [Music] dunk that [ __ ] chicken tinder yeah no wipe good technique you're up dunk that [ __ ] don't you dare wipe don't you dare wipe don't you dare white oh she's shook shaking slime all right we're good i'm gonna wear a tissue after this one oh i'm getting tissues yeah i'm still kind of feeling the other one being honest i still feel all of them that one's a lingerie yeah that bad boy stays around way past his welcome they all start with a sip of milk first coating the throat interesting technique very brazen mmm bbq that's good that's good oh the murderer's back jesus [ __ ] fight yeah that's holy [ __ ] i don't remember that one hitting that quickly no neither oh it tastes like [ __ ] yeah it tastes like soup i thought that would taste funny the last one tasted better i think the last one tasted better he said he's worse than being sauces but this is i was so much worse he's doing well yeah he's just doing well you did take big bites i'll give you that i did the best i could i see charlie tearing up again actually it still hurts but it's like pts by far the worst one so well it's supposed to be talking makes it yeah don't don't bring air into your mouth oh i think bringing air in helps oh i think it makes it so much worse that's fair this is like the mirror image of you and i danny tiana you yeah yeah this one has not stopped getting worse jesus [ __ ] christ i don't remember that i really don't remember any of them though do we even do any sauces [Applause] speed running at jesus yeah i that's what i think too well but the quicker you get done like the less time it all sticks in your mouth not a rushing these little periods in between are like saving graces i don't know when tiana came the zin master of spice we had like mac and cheese the other day from a restaurant she said it was really spicy and i ate and i was like i feel [ __ ] you ready for number nine team i'm waiting on him because i can't eat it before he he's ready true i want a good clean dip yeah i want to see a good dip here no foul play no skipping i'm going small on this one that's fine that's fine let me see a good dunk oh don't you wipe that don't you like that that's still more than you had okay [Music] oh okay if i if i eat it i can't see his reaction okay well then he doesn't have a reaction it's he enters it it's an internal struggle you're not dying that's just the music from the washing machine that tastes [ __ ] terrible that one looks gross really oh and you guys have me having this much [ __ ] it was disgusting his jaw is quivering you got a terrible body was quivering that's just from i don't know anger anger that one tastes like that one's [ __ ] right it's hard how are you holding up tiana oh that one's getting too hard it's getting to her that's from you so [ __ ] hot number nine didn't play any games it does not give you something no breathing hurts yeah where's the milk i know the freezer they're showing more on this one oh danny's in the same state as always he's going kind of talking my mouth is just peeling apart layer by layer my heart danny's arms just fall off it just looks like he's starting to pray i became a religious at one point his eyes rolled back he found god and he came back to us he started speaking in tongues next did you want to do time with them no they could do it [Music] because it'll be the last thing i taste for 30 minutes there's like a whole there's two whole tenders i don't trust any of that it could be booby trap that's alright get your dip first yeah let me see a good different look put that bad boy back in there for a little shower baby bit yeah get that bad boy back in there how much are you taking that's charlie's dip so you can see the dips i just now noticed that you can't really see the dips let's see your dip charla i saw this scrape a little over oh my god you better do a real dip do whatever yeah these could sell a little do a dip all right now oh that's that's way more than yours okay i got a little i got a little confident there oh wow are you doing that yep uh oh my god matt if you do that i'll do this oh you're an animal you want a woman i have enough sinks in this house for us to always spit up are we throwing or not strolling why why do you want a mistake i'll swallow yeah follow why would you switch my chicken [Music] it's in my nose it's in my nose oh my god i think it's in my nose the swallowing is by far the worst part holy [ __ ] guys i gotta let you know after doing it once i think my body's leveled up i'm feeling pretty good i can't feel my arms anymore i see you tearing up over there actually danny's really thinking his way tearing up it's more like my whole body is just freezing oh all right talking hurts yeah i think not swallowing it was a great call yeah it definitely is did you swallow it you are super strong too well wow wow the milk helps [Laughter] [Music] you're handling it better than i thought you would danny i think number nine really yeah you had more of number nine yeah that's fair oh
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,484,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VWc5CkA5Nvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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