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the heart helps pump your blood the lungs help you breathe in oxygen the appendix helps you self-destruct i've come close to meeting my demise a couple of times but somehow death can't really get a firm grasp on me and i am still here i ain't going out without a fight baby grab a snack get cozy because i'm about to tell you a tale about how i survived my first medical emergency but real quick you know how it is time to monetize my personal injuries has sponsored this video skillshare is an online learning platform for creative people who are learning new skills honing existing skills or just exploring their creativity is this creative skillshare has all kinds of classes it can teach you to animate cook you can even learn how to cosplay on skillshare and become your favorite superhero there's a lot to be interested on skillshare personally i would like to take this class on finding style and exercises to unlocking creative identity because look at their name also the content looks pretty good since skillshare is made for learning that means there are no ads and there's new premium classes always being added in my description there's a link for a one month free trial of skillshare for the first 1000 people that click on it thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video when this all happened my medical emergency i was still in college stupid oblivious to the doom that i was about to endure but happy bunch of friends and i woke up super early one day to be overachievers and go to an interactive programming workshop more than me my friends wanted to be over achievers i was lured in by free food all i had to do was show up pretend to follow along and then pack away as many calories as i could simple we all get there and things are going smoothly i'm enjoying several delicious pastries at no expense to myself but oh oh starting to feel a little gurgly my bowels were making a movement and i figured i probably ate something bad and went to the bathroom to relieve myself after going to the bathroom i felt much better oh free food i went back to the original plan having delicious and free oh it's back i was feeling really nasty again and it was stronger this time you know how sometimes your body's like oh i need to go to the bathroom this was more of like you need to go to the bathroom i better stop eating this stuff as the seminar went on i started to get more and more sick and looked more and more pale i would draw that here but you know you know it got so bad that i just left to go home at this point i lived off of campus and it took me like 20 minutes to walk home by foot but i was so sick i didn't even care i was so determined to get home and sleep through whatever the hell this was and just be done with it halfway through the walk home i was starting to feel really nauseous again though like throw up nauseous i hate throwing up however nature is strong and my stomach demanded a purge but then i saw a truck driving my way and i thought it would be really embarrassing to be seen throwing up on the side of the road at like eight in the morning so i just willed myself to not throw up i don't know how eventually i made it home still sick but at least i was in bed my roommate was home at the time and i told him about what was happening about all my symptoms the loss of free food which was the real tragedy let's be honest and my iron will that stopped me from throwing up somehow he let me rest which hardly happened because i did get sick in the bathroom a couple times i can't describe it accurately how terrible this felt i would not wish this on my greatest enemy later my rumor was talking to his then girlfriend and she was like uh that sounds a lot like appendicitis you should take him to the hospital hey andy we should uh we should go to the hospital why i'm gonna take you to the hospital and so he did at the hospital i'm asked a bunch of questions where does it hurt how long has it been hurting when did this start etc etc and then the doctor told me i think you have appendicitis we're gonna have to move you to urgent care what's appendicitis it's the infection and inflammation of the appendix failing to treat it can result in rupturing and infecting your entire body which is usually fatal what's an appendix it's a useless thin tube in your lower right abdomen it serves no function of the human body yeah so i was going through mountains of pain and suffering because this little tiny part of me that has no purpose was going haywire and could literally explode inside of me and kill me i was bitter but i had no other choice they admitted me to the hospital for emergency surgery this was not the plan i was supposed to be pretending to work while enjoying free breakfast not getting surgery i've never had a plan go that awry before hey guys let's go get some coffee together this was certainly not what i had in mind despite the increased suffering that's about to happen to me i think that i was really lucky if my roommate was out of the house at that point he might have never known and never been able to bring me to the hospital in the first place i would have just stayed in bed for the pain to pass and that my appendix would have exploded then i would have gotten a one-way free ticket to the riversticks so there's like no refunds or in the hospital they take me to the scanner room they needed to look inside of my sweet bod to assess the situation and to see how dire it was i didn't know how they figured this one out but i guess that i was too thin and that made the scanning more complex and the nurse was like you are much too compact and i'm like what does that mean and she was like this tube needs to go in your butt yeah my intestines were just too close together so the scan would be too hard to see and they needed to pump me full of some kind of liquid to expand my intestines to get a better look and determine if it was actually appendicitis and what the real issue is i don't know if that makes sense but that's what they said maybe i should have stayed home i mean what was i gonna say no i'm trying to not die here so that was a really unfun experience that i'm not gonna animate after that they confirmed that the situation was dire so after the skating room i was back in the hospital bed waiting for the next steps when i got a visit from the anesthesiologist we will call him john he and the surgeon were talking and i heard them say they needed to pump my stomach for safety if they put you under for surgery you need to have your stomach empty otherwise it can be dangerous again not sure why all i knew is that i was sick and that these people were just going to try to save me so everything was go at that point john then turns to me and says with some kind of twisted joy oh you're not gonna like this yeah well news flash john i'm not liking any of this i like free breakfast not surgery i didn't sign up for this crap so this tube has to go on your stomach to pump the stomach you have to have a tube push down your throat it's a long piece of plastic that you have to continuously swallow down until it reaches your stomach and then they can turn it on and get all of this stuff out of your stomach i don't think you need any convincing when i say that is terrible also you can do it wrong if you don't position your head correctly it can hit the back of your throat and make yourself vomit and guess what i did i threw up everywhere on myself on the nurses on the surgeon who was trying to help me with the tube i'm not gonna animate this either but all i know is that i have a distinct fear of tubes now what if i don't make it through this will i ever see you again finally i was rolled off to surgery and moved to the operating table oops one more touch to the back of the throat for good measure and that was the last thing i remember i was out that anesthesia it really does the job and then i woke up appendix appendix list i was cured i spent the next day healing a little bit my mom visited i watched cartoons on tv all day and i got soup and an icy pop and juice for meals which seemed like a lot of sugar for a hospital to give someone but hey this is america baby sugar is like our aspirin and i didn't mind i i just went through a lot my friends who were at the seminar thing collected all my stuff for me so no one would steal it which again it's really nice of them making this video makes me realize that i'm really lucky to have the people that i have in my life they look out for me thank you for looking out for me because if you weren't nature would probably have taken me by now if you are feeling nauseous and have pain in your lower right abdomen see a doctor if you guys were at my ama on discord a while back thank you very much for stopping by it turns out it's really hard to answer questions fast and i didn't get to all of them but it was really fun and if you missed it i announced it on my twitter and community page so go there and follow me
Channel: Ice Cream Sandwich
Views: 2,379,625
Rating: 4.9826336 out of 5
Id: NLffKOOyxwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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