super dream

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okay focus what do you see [Music] I've been over this intro like a million times and I can't get it right so I'm just gonna say it I've had a premonition what is it what is that what do you say you don't know what that is what is defined specifically define a premonition dream premonition is a vision a gut feeling or another experience that grants you knowledge of things that haven't happened yet that sounds like dumb boo boo because it is I'm not a superstitious person I would sooner go and read a my ankle then go and see a psychic for my own personal benefit but I will admit that some dreams do have some meaning behind them like how I can be stressed in real life about money and then I'm feeling and experiencing the same thing in a dream but the only difference is that I can fly and my dad is Santa oh there's some connection between the real world and the dream world there but to be able to tell the future in a dream that just doesn't make any sense so why am I here claiming such things as having a personal premonition dream cuz I don't really know any other way okay so here it is we fade in it's me the year was a couple years ago the place basement I've been playing Mario all day and I was doing very well for myself almost completing the entire game until I hit one castle level that was a little bit harder than average there was no checkpoint in this level we're really needed it so I did what anybody else would do after playing Mario for ten hours I went to bed and you know when you do like one thing all day almost obsessively and then you go to bed and you end up dreaming about it well that's what happened to me that night I dreamt of Mario hey it was me in that castle level again the sensation was as if I was watching myself play the level was exactly the same in the dream there was this brown snake block thing that you had to ride through the level you are tasked to stay on top of it without jumping off into a bunch of spikes and while doing that you're also responsible for dodging all of these spike balls and then the snake approaches this hole and it goes down the hole and you're supposed to get off and continue the level and that's where it would have been really nice to have a checkpoint so the level would have been easier manageable but in my dream it starts to go down and I don't get off i watch as I descend into the pit I should be getting off but I don't and that's common knowledge goes this is where Mario would die but in my dream the camera followed down the hole very unexpected did not expect I didn't expect it but there was descending and at the bottom there was a door and a checkpoint which is exactly what I needed but it was a dream the next day I get up and I go try to play again at this moment I remember the dream and I don't know why I tried it but I decided to copy what happened in my dream I bet you can tell where this is going I tried the dream thing in real life and it worked and now the level was gonna be a ton easier there's a couple of ways this could have happened but one sec let me paint you some perspective that's like you having a dream of you finding a secret box in your attic that you've never seen and it has like cheese in it maybe M&Ms doesn't matter you go and try to see in real life and it's actually there like how do you explain that how do you explain that how do you how do you do how do you how are you gonna do I can't that's what happened to me and I know I can't explain it perhaps you wonder this is all my unconscious mind telling me something from what I saw earlier in that day in my dream well let me tell you as did I look at a walkthrough or cheat sheet no did I get tips or advice from my friends or family no all I did that day was play Mario and eat and then sleep and ignoring the sad undertone of that day plan I had no exposure to anything that would hint my subconscious to tell me that in the dream either I have an actual third eye or that was a million in one coincidence who's gonna be the judge us right now on star and a coin is two-sided days hence it's three this one's 20 sided okay so I'm just gonna choose you let's do like 15 okay six wait how many sides it was an 802 you're at like 0% right yeah it's not very good no it's like the coin signifier I know - what are the chances zoom in on my face oh it didn't work him you were blurry it didn't work that's it in the end I beat the level with the new checkpoint and went on to beat the rest of the game I still don't believe in psychics or fortune tellers or this guy but that dream it raises questions [Music] thanks for watching check out this other video that I have and if you do then I will appear in your dreams and we can hang out but I will not stop farting
Channel: Ice Cream Sandwich
Views: 3,400,851
Rating: 4.9796758 out of 5
Keywords: animation, icecreamsandwich, ice cream sandwich, comics, dream, mario, funny, cartoon, dreams, meaning, video game, humor, story, comedy, checkpoint, sleep, castle, level, hole, play, dice
Id: 6-T-Rsoq5a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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