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Uncle Roger do a lot this year I cook I complain I get cancelled so here's some of my favorite moment nephew [ __ ] Jo going to do Q&A and sneak peek of ouo from next year but first let us roll intro that we haven't used in a while [Music] now hi yeah what is this Brokeback Mountain [ __ ] Cowboy can where you bringing me to this is grocery store what we're going to catch our own food Cowboy people catch their own food it called roping so how you do this you're throw it but you're not eating that no we're going to eat cat fries Rocky Mountain Oysters oyster our unle like oyster what I thought you going to give me oyster beef ball sa ha I mean it kind of look like chicken nugget we going to feated it to vegan people at any weekend in Oklahoma I'm a vegetarian what but cows eat grass I eat cows so see you're a vegetarian today you might want to put this in a restaurant Uncle Roger's fried tested that a good restaurant very catchy McDonald's should have this mcbos 1 two three hi it's your favorite Chef Uncle Gordon now honestly you've given me such a panning over the last 5 years it's now time for me to put you under pressure guess what I'd like you to attempt to cook my delicious L inspired crispy whole red snapper from my latest cookbook Uncharted I can't wait to see if you can actually cook of course I can es score the fish stuff the carot with garlic ginger Thai Bassel season the fish with COA salt but gon Just Kosher salt not enough you also need the mix Shi good ping of flavor the cocaine of cooking MSG F leave it in there for 10 minutes thank you for your cookbook gon but to be honest gon this don't even look like cookbook ha it just look like some random middleaged guy going [Music] traveling it looks so good gon what do you think what do you think ha Uncle Gordon never tell me what he think he not Asian but he act like Asian that there's one more thing you can do with a lobster you can hypnotize it or put it to sleep how Okay so this guy's alive you just let them watch one of your that how they sleep emotional damage that's good that's good you flip him down and put him on his face we're going to brush him between his eyes for a little bit and then he'll slowly relax okay he's asleep well now watch ready okay when you put him back down he's alive again huh this Lobster is so stupid let's put it outside down he fall asleep hi twist now you can break it by oh squirting for un you never seen this before if I can't make woman squir make lobster squir that a nice second place going to treat Lobster like my ex-wife okay Lobster thank you for your service and now it dead for all this rual so much fun Uncle Roger moved to LA now collab with people so easy before that I stuck on island known as the UK have to take this stupid boat across Atlantic Ocean to collab with people it's so cool it's so cool this year Uncle Roger get cancelled three times remember Uncle Gordon he got two walk he walk [ __ ] boy so I guess you can call uncle Roger cancellation [ __ ] boy this we so crazy uncle Ro get on BBC NBC CNN all the news Outlet Uncle don't watch I on there where you from are you from Boston uh originally from guango guango China China okay China good country good country good country good country woo we have to say that now correct all their phone listening all their phone listening this nephew got Huawei phone they all listening you use express VPN nice don't let your government hear that please all our phone tap into it Long Live presidency Long Live presidency Uncle Roger social credit got going up nice from China okay anyone anyone any and nephew from Taiwan not a real country not a real not a real country I hope one day you rejoin the Mother Land one China Uncle Raj are going to get cancel after tonight nice great good report for Uncle Roger okay dear CCP Uncle Roger good comrade good comrade don't make him disappear please thank God Uncle Roger didn't disappear as thank you to all my niece and nephew Uncle Roger put my high special back online for all of you to watch that right the haa special is now back streaming on vs for go check Link in description to find out how to watch it and here's some bonus clip never seen before it not going to be in higher special but it a good taste of what you're going to get but I want you guys to call every Asian guy you see Uncle Roger now okay that's how I know I've made it as an Asian Entertainer when I become the racial slur do you know how successful you have to be to be the racial slow of a race what do we used to call Asian guys Bruce Lee Jackie Chan Uncle Roger kung fu kung fu egg fire rice that's how we bully Asian kids in the future they come back from school crying they kept throwing orange polos at me Mom they kept asking me where I walk where am I walk and on the way to Boston one of the bags of Ms MSG broke in my luggage yeah CAU all over my clothes s and underwear so pretty delicious down there right now [Applause] okay tastiest [ __ ] you'll ever [Applause] give what is this Umami dick what is this all right I appreciate you ladies but you got to shut the [ __ ] up a little bit because CU you're recording something here you know we're going to have a comedy special it's marinating yes if you like those clip I guess you can get more of nephew Nigel in the higher special but if you don't like nephew Nigel Don't Worry Uncle rer also in the special you can catch it at v. events SL Mr Nigro Uncle Roger also get cancelled by Lao and Cambodia because I say this not all Southeast Asian country got good food you know you don't want food from Laos Cambodia what I love those countries food like [ __ ] version of Thai food even Cambodian Ministry of Tourism one apology from me hi what they say let Uncle Roger read it out you see they extremely disappointed in seeing ouo that wrongly evaluate Cambodian food on social media yeah ha that's so many word to say you don't like my joke and then this L Chef so pissed off she challenged Uncle Roger how I make you some L food I make it so nice and spicy your ass will be so hot so your lady b can feel it too after she done with you so today Uncle Roger fly all the way to the capital of Laos Minneapolis and I'm so happy you accepted my challenge for me to cook you authentic loud food cuz I cannot wait to see you cry today all right first dish I got for you is authentic La papaya salad oh papaya salad okay just like Thai food huh yeah this before it's called suu so la food uh we use it uh Vietnamese call it n and then Tai people call it I don't know what Tha people call it Tha people call this inferior do you know my people want to so bad you know what that means Tong F kick you in the mouth okay uh-huh like that grab the SAU yep yes nephew Nigel here taking over from Uncle Roger for a second because we're going to do a quick Q&A I posted my YouTube Community posts asking you guys if you have any questions for me Uncle Roger and here are some interesting ones how did you come to the conclusion to move out of the UK and why did you choose the United States was it for business opportunities or culture related hm I wanted to move out the UK because uh for YouTube at least for food YouTube there's just so much more things happening here right everybody who has the uncle title uh Gordon Ramsey is here Nick djavani Joshua Weisman Goa of course everybody's here like who who's in the UK it's just sorted food which which I love those guys but it's just one group of guys making things and there just not much that can happen and personally selfishly La just has way better Asian food than London or anywhere in the UK there's a Korea Town in La that's a Thai Town Chinatown Little Tokyo so there all these little places with all these amazing Asian food you can just walk in there without needing a reservation in London oh with Europe everything small and and Tiny you ever try to do like a big restaurant dinner in Europe try to go to Amsterdam and get a table for 12 people that's impossible because every European restaurant is just like a brick wall with six seats in there this you you can't do that every good restaurant is full there's a Korean restaurant in London everybody's told me to go there but I've tried so hard and every time I go there's just people queuing around the block and these are just unemployed students with nothing better to do the whole day the only thing in the schedule is stay in line and get a spot at this particular restaurant that gives it a sense of achievement for the whole day actually I have a serious question now that you're based in the US which is better American Chinese or Asian food or British this is hard British food I know the stereotype is they have no flavor and and unfortunately I think if you leave London that is kind of true no offense to the UK people uh American Chinese food has a time and a place okay I won't say I'm the biggest fan of American Chinese food but anytime I'm stuck in an airport if it's between Panda Express and Panera or Starbucks is Panda Express for me it's it's pretty decent you know I have to say I do enjoy the guilty play Panda Express you walk up to the counter there and there's just like meat and veg in a pot and the guy just Scoops it up for you uh we actually do that a lot in Malaysia too it's called D fun so like it's called like mix rice you know uh where you just go there and then you pick what you want the Hawker just Scoops things into a plate for you Panda Express reminds me of that it is Americanized it's very sweet a lot of sauce a lot of fat but yeah just hit the gym afterwards I don't know what to say will you ever try and make something difficult like rice tornado omelette or yango fried rice like an uncle Roger challenge video to defend your title Hey listen I came up with the uncle Roger character so I get to keep that Uncle title unconditionally okay nobody can take that away from me even if I mess every dish up but something difficult well Uncle Roger is going to review an AMU rice dish sometime next year that's in the plans and I think something difficult would be I think it would be super cool I think it would be one of the Milestone videos speaking of which Le us nicely into the next question what will be your 10 million special dish uh at this point if I could have it my way I would love to collab with Jamie Oliver at 10 million oh they would just break the internet wouldn't it or we could do a boxing match on Koger versus Jamie Oliver I will wear the orange Polo in the ring what do you think Jamie who knows maybe one day Jamie can actually earn the uncle title we'll see Jamie balls in your court let me know how you want to do this maybe I'm just too far gone from mending things with Jamie we'll see but 10 million if if if Jamie doesn't respond then it has to be something difficult right maybe one of the AMU rice dishes like like the previous question said or maybe like you know s helping that Chinese Uncle who just poured the broth into rice I have I have quite some ways to go to 10 million but maybe for 10 million I can just continue and devote some months to practicing that technique maybe I'll do that maybe I'll do the most difficult egg fried rice dish at 10 millon subscribers so back to you Uncle this year we have a few new Uncle like Uncle martinan one of the most popular Chinese beef dish from northern part of China gas Khan Mongolian beef Mongolian beef actually not from Mongolia and not from China also it more Chinese American dish on internet some people even say Mongolian beef actually from Taiwan that not true at all Haya Taiwan not even real country huh Uncle rer social credit Discord just gone up don't just sit there and stare at your beef don't go like that that's major difference between stir fry and stir fry he even have joke and English his second language that how cool he is peing is famous for two things picking man which is now all bones and picking duck what is King man why you show me picture of my ex-wife and Uncle wait chicken broth why you're making fire rice not soup this Chef like to talk [ __ ] also about other Chef uncle and him going to be best friend okay now finally he making fire rice he like he doing the side quest first but what he doing with soup no don't put it in rice it going to be soggy no no no this interesting Uncle Roger never see that technique before the soup have so much Umami flavor it coating every grain of rice I know I B from China but Uncle you're going to go to Black Market get fake passport fly to China to eat his fire rice all this Old Uncle better watch out you can lose title at any moment but this year we still have so many bad cooking hi Nella Lawson is Uncle rer favorite milal M I like to fire rice for okay over roll it like that wrong rolling method the way you can see the herbs and P it through this summer roll all [ __ ] don't see the H give the H close casket funeral and then wait cut it in four what you're going to do cut it cut it cut that cut what cut who cut summer roll what is this the most disgusting flaccid summer roll rice noodles and just rehydrate rehydrate correct okay but enough enough take it one what what what what you where you going take it out take it out hi we hydrate very nice what what wa where you going okay this is now perfect they don't need very we got perfect it broken as [Music] [ __ ] oh great get the daughter in Destroy Asian food together fun family activity garlic rice is a really big deal in Filipino cooking correct garlic rice classic Filipino dish so we're going to take another whole bulb of garlic crush it and throw it into chicken stock we're going to no no you don't boy GC ha garlic rice you just fried the garlic fried the rice and put together that it and I'm going to add coriander seed coriander seed no what the hell why you putting random [ __ ] into your R lid on you know the drill here the drill is to use rice cooker and let that finish with a nice fat sprinkle of toasted sesame no gives it a great extra crun oh my God this a nephew a clumpy rice with raw boy garlic and coriander seed lying around uncle is so upset I have to put my leg down from chair sometime in life you have to do things that scare you so today Uncle rer going to recreate Jamie Oliver Ramen why are you doing this but remember Ramen is the ultimate with the ultimate page and garnish Uncle rer never hear anyone call topping pimpit no no one says pimp page nobody did you know n and nephew spring onion is pimpit the first thing Jamie Ola put in his Ramen is sober [Music] no no now Jamie Oliver Ramen yeah yeah why you at other people restaurant is it because all your own restaurant closed down nephew James you looking forward to this no [Music] pimp and garnishes one of Japan's most treasur [Music] dishes no not good next year we have some Co Jo coming Uncle rer even found good job of being CEO of dumpling company but can I keep it I have to work with this one nephew everybody keep telling Uncle Roger he big deal Uncle Roger why are you calling me I'm shooting a music video right now hi Uncle Roger just want to know you used to be shangi now you sell dumpling why what happened well I'm sure you'll agree it's a great company it's got a great business model and the product is delicious yeah Uncle CEO for a Day first day on the job pretty impressive are you serious oh man they'll give those titles to anyone these days and Uncle Roger find this weird guy he like food a lot and want to film with Uncle Roger so together we make this one cool video Uncle rer can't wait to share with you hm what we doing in nephew Penny Studio I wonder this song go out to all the people who mess up Asian food especially you Jamie
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 959,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: fNiXswhpNXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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