Uncle Roger Challenged by Gordon Ramsay!

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[Music] that's why it's a legacy oh you bring out the Best in Me got a legacy we be buing up a family you baby you're the TR ain't nobody El for me but you no [Music] hey what a do Legacy Family welcome to another video if you are new please hit subscribe and that like button also hit on that notification Bell so every time we upload a video you get to see it welcome back again to another video you guys so let's get right to the chase so last video Uncle Roger was getting called out by Gordon Ramsey yes I forgot his name but yes yeah yeah in this video you guys G R actually challenges Uncle Roger okay okay judgeing by the thumbnail but I don't know for what but let's see let's see where it goes from here guys Uncle Roger's getting his turn right now right yeah no I see that yeah I was about to say with Uncle Roger already like be roasting and it's like yeah now his turn is to get roasted hopefully we'll see we'll see what goes on this video guys but before we get started with the video like always go like And subscribe to this video yes sir let's get started let's do it hi yeah Uncle Roger stealing Uncle Roger catch PHR it's your favorite Chef Uncle Gordon now honestly you've given me such a pan in over the last 5 years it's now time for me to put you under pressure guess what I'd like you to attempt to cook my delicious La inspired crispy whole red snapper from my latest cookbook Uncharted thank you for your cookbook Garden but to be honest gon this to even look like cookbook Haya it just look like some random middleaged guy going travel what is this National Geographic yeah every time Uncle looking for good recipe my favorite place to go is National Geographic now I know you can do this but I can't wait to see if you can actually cook of course I can now I hear your Haya special is dropping on the 4th of June so nice go to know about my comedy special haa special dropping June 4th only available for 2 weeks so need and nephew if you haven't buy ticket go click Link in description buy it now so if you fail this cooking challenge maybe you need to stick to your day job young man bring it on Good Luck can't wait to see what you're going to do first we make dipping sauce for the fish G and give you all measurement for every single ingredient at and nephew just use feeling fish sauce lemon juice but ey chili garlic bit of water mixed together taste to see if need Improvement I think bit more fish sauce and lemon remember and nephew fish sauce very strong flavor but for Asian food Use the right amount not the the white amount perfect gon I know your recipe call for red snapper but Uncle Roger can't find anywhere near my house high yeah you send me cookbook next time you want to challenge me send me red snapper also uncer using cute head bream it okay replac it because it's similar meaty White Fish by the way meaty white should be uncle God the nickname it's so fresh no fishy smell at all and the scale not slimy look at the eye the eye not red at all that how you know Fish Fresh Fish Head so nice you look into the fish eye you can see the fish memory pain sadness and I didn't know that if the fish's eye is red it's not fresh I didn't know that like I I I did not know that now I know that if I look at fish like if the eyes are red I know that it's not yeah know that so the fish eyes got to be like clear and uh it's got to be nice and like see this is why you guys I don't buy the fish he does well when we normally buy a fish it's already fillet yeah so we don't really get to see the head it's already filleted and everything buying a whole fish you know it's a whole different story we don't really prep it here the have we should though I want to do it myself all in one make your food tastier try the fish a little bit because we want to make sure after frying it crispy you want the fish to be drier than my ex-wife Auntie Helen and we score the fish scoring just fancy cooking ter for cutting fish little bit so it cook better obvious that don't be lazy score both side season the fish with kosher sock feel free to be generous with it it don't matter you're not going to be too salty give the fish nice massage Uncle Roger imagining this fish to be like Auntie Esther and don't forget the inside of fish cavity also needs some FY to Sal pay that [ __ ] for just koser Sal not enough you also need to make [ __ ] good king of flavor the cocaine of cooking MSG season everything generously stuff the cavity with garlic ginger Thai Basel Lime Leaf for some nice Citrus flavor lemongrass Jamie Oliver love to spank lemongrass now I need to spank it food is for eating not for spanking just cut lemongrass instead of spanking just use your knife sit like that yeah that's all you guys crushing it release flavor just imagine lemon crust like your enemy stuff it in there Uncle watch worry all the stuff in there going to fall out when I fry it so use some skewer to sip it up when we stuff thing into fish cavity usually we use it when we steaming fish but deep H the moment fish go in walk all the stuff in there completely burnt not sure this so yeah deep fry with all that is a little bit uh not normal because I don't know I mean I guess I guess um I'm afraid all the stuff going to Bur especially the garlic especially also like the Lime Leaf because it's like it's a it's a leaf or no what is it that is yeah Lime Leaf so I it's not a leaf is it it's a stem of leaf right LEF no it's a leaf is it that's Lime Leaf it's Leaf oh no but I'm talking about the stick then lemongrass lemongrass lemongrass sorry lemongrass yeah so like lemongrass y'all like it I I think it will burn because it's your de stem like that's what I'm saying so that's why I'm like I feel like it would it would like get nasty my point my what I I'm afraid of is that when it burns it's going to make the fish taste better yeah I see that but we'll see I see I'm going to make the fish more flavorful G let's see let's see how your recipe is done time to cook grab your walk walk not just for egg Fri rice is a nephew walk is most versatile kitchen appliance you see this [ __ ] throw away a saucepan don't need this just walk for everything all you need in kitchen is walk right cooker and white people walk AKA C iron skillet heat up your walk remember don't use olive oil for frying this vegetable oil wait for oil to get [Music] hot Garden traveling all over the world but he don't go to Malaysia ah this the one remember when Uncle Roger R real Garden making egg fire rice gon got two walk he a walk [ __ ] boy every page gon cooking out like a homeless oh my uncle Roger remember being married also every time wife argue with me I have to cook outside too so Uncle Roger feel your pink Gordon and his wife argue so much he published a whole book see that how you know oil hot enough but and nephew be very careful because once fish go in the oil going to squit out a little bit leave it in there for 10 minutes Uncle watch a living with my nephew Nigo so I cooking in his kitchen this look too nice to be kitchen nephew Nigel see here see see wallpaper in kitchen you [ __ ] up sof and squ on there and look at all his kitchen utensil look at this what is this white people [ __ ] the only Asian thing in this kitchen is my walk and look see how I feel like your Star Rice Asian Kitchen we store rice in big bag nephew [ __ ] Jo so white he deant his rice by are into this nephew Nigel start shopping in Chinatown stop shopping at Zara [Music] home what un to tell you all the stuff going to fall out stuff for what stuff for what lemong grass falling out garlic falling out [Music] it looks so good smells so good also what you think what you think that was good I good in Southeast Asia everybody eat fish with hand so pick [Music] in crunchy on outside nice and soft on inside water oh my God not bad not bad gon your cookbook not bad thank you for sending to Uncle Roger you NE you remember H special dropping June 4th go get ticket now where you from are you from Boston uh originally from guango guango China China okay China good country good country good country good country woo we have to say that now correct all the phone listening all the phone listening this nephew got Huawei phone they all listening you use express [Applause] VPN don't let your government hear that please all our phone tap into it Long Live presidency GL [Applause] presidency Uncle Roger social credit SC going up nice from China okay anyone anyone any and nephew from Taiwan not a real country not a real not a real country I hope one day you rejoin the Mother Land one China no no Don't Clap too hard this not political show no Uncle R are going to get cancell after tonight nice great good report for Uncle Roger okay dear CCP Uncle Roger good comrade good comrade don't make him disappear please if you like that clip buight the full show at moment. c/m Nitro or click Link in description sh we should just do that this whole show I know like do a do uh reaction of his uh his uh oh my gosh it's comedian like standup comedy and see what he does let's see if we can find it or the haa one that he yeah the Haya special that pretty cool yeah that was fun you guys I'm not going to lie that was a good one um I I kind of assumed with the fish that stuff was going to come out of it but I think still some stayed so some of that flavor prob was still there but yeah some I think yeah I don't think it's going to make it taste any different personally no but I mean I guess that that's what Gordan Ramsey's like recipes calling I guess that's why he was doing it so because mainly like how he went to Thailand the fish when it's deep fried it's a dipping sauce is kind like AAR well we hope you guys enjoy this video as much as we did like always you guys comment down below let us know what you guys want us to react react yes and again you guys Halloween's coming around the corner coming soon soon soon soon I was stay come around the mountain come no um definitely stupid we both we both did get late y'all yeah but Halloween is just around the corner you guys if there is something that you guys want us to react to that is like scary or just anything in general that you guys want us to react to even if it's on toob where anything that's fall anything like that let us know it's coming soon we definitely will react to it um we are going to do other things as far as like music we're still coming going to come out with that as well it's just something that we are trying to connect with and get everything all situated with that but we are definitely going to come with that soon and also Vlogs are coming as well you guys yes it's going to be it's it's coming it's coming everything's coming by time food travel challenges all that y'all it's coming it's coming in hot we coming in hot we coming in hot but we love you guys we'll see you guys in the next video yes you and I we fight sometimes I just just want us to survive we can Scream and Shout
Channel: R&A Reacts
Views: 105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family channel, family vlog, vlog, family time, family challenge, travel, food, fun, family activities, drama, uncle roger, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay cooking, gordon ramsay uncharted national geographic, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares, gordon ramsay likes the food, cooking, uncle roger gordon ramsay, ramsey, national geographic, recipes, hotel hell, chicken recipe, street food, kitchen nightmares full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen
Id: lJpiWwmh7YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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