Uncle Roger Become CEO For A Day

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Uncle Roger just moved to America and I'm running out of money so what better way to make money than to be CEO of my favorite Noodle and Dumpling company MAA just what's so difficult you're not even a good YouTube influencer how hard can being CEO be stop stop stop all CEO do is just meeting every day so welcome to Uncle Roger first spot meeting camera zoom out zoom out here my minion minion say hi say hi here you go Uncle Roger Uncle Ro CEO Roger to you have some respect so I'll start with an update on our performance so as you can see over the last couple of quarters dumplings sold have grown consistently the one thing I did have to mention for you is you see this uh flat couple quarters here that was last year when you came to our facility what happened there MSG nice this chart look good by business all about feeling don't ever display chart to Uncle Roger a meeting ever again otherwise you're going to get fired what have customer been saying about MAA need a wedgie dumpling ha Uncle rer glad you're ignoring these people soup dumpling cannot be vegetarian it going to taste like [ __ ] are you going to make vegetarian dumpling yes we are what no why why you cater to these people the joyless wean can I microwave this dumpling what the answer it doesn't work what happened to it it explodes in the microwave explode in microwave we should tell the weaken people to microwave dumpling let's destroy their house this is where we answer all of our customer support questions and comments right now someone's asking how do I cook soup dumpling so we can answer that one just scholle it high and then what else you say please stop having the customer support bot talk to me what you have chat GPT talk to your customer nobody like to talk to robot needs assistant come let's give him a call okay is this nephew Daniel this is Uncle Roger CEO of MAA dumpling company you bought some dumpling from our company correct I see you ask us question how to cook soup dumpling why are you so stupid maybe we should ask what's wrong no don't worry don't worry this this this guy he deser this are you talking to I didn't mute you on purpose [ __ ] you just put in water and steam you have steamer you have steam or not just Ste are you what's so difficult let me talk yeah no you don't deserve to talk to hum just talk to our robot hello hello okay he hung up why great so another thing that feels good is we have launched with a lot of Retail Partners last year uncor never hear of half of this company before you can't just put any local Mom and Pop shop on there what is we uh it's a online Chinese grocer really stupid name we exclamation mark must be small business correct stupid multibillion dollar company you want to focus on big company like Target oh there it is looks so good it looks so good in the Shelf see it does look good need a nephew come to Target to buy MAA it looks so much better than all the other thing like look at this who want to buy this [ __ ] glutenfree stuff sh ha no no we don't want that put that away we hide it behind this put it back there no no not putting it back there putting me right here to [ __ ] it screw your glutenfree stuff shell this what people should be eating I think we should just leave it it look good don't worry hi vegetarian [ __ ] nobody want that we replace this with MAA ah the cookbook section Uncle Joshua cookbook Uncle Goa cookbook Uncle Gordon and Uncle Nick foro but who is is that oh no Jamie Oliver here we have to fix this much better this question isn't this FAL advertising being authentic Chinese MAA very very authentic Chinese what this guy complaining about hi uh we authentic now you so much MSG send ah what is this media and PR for we got featured in many different Publications like and wine Fortune people every time Uncle Ro want to read review of restaurant I go to my favorite food publication People magazine hi uh having a tuming featured in People magazine it's like having my poetry featured in spots Illustrated that the wrong audience and who are you I'm Jen president at mil you know one of our anor's favorite President is Kim Jong-un you know him we're same same but different a lot of similarity between Mila and North Korea I had the Supreme leue leader of this company here are our top five performing videos first we have reusing steamer liners steamer liner your best performing ouo above Uncle Roger hi I was super surprised but it seems like this liner is reusable that ouo beat Uncle Roger what the hell needs assistant is this you in Theo that's me m notice how we get more view when you cover your face do that more okay and what weo is this one simu Uncle Roger why are you calling me I'm shooting a music video right now you used to be shangi now you sell dumpling why what happened well it's a great company it's got a great business model and the product is delicious but as Chief content officer what have you done you're asking me to justify my job to you what are you CEO or something yeah Uncle CEO for a Day first day on the job you serious you're not even a good YouTube influencer the cats with freaking laser pointer videos do better than you now you're telling me you could run a whole company I don't think so dude yeah we good friend now neph K don't insult me like that I helped to craft The Narrative of their latest marketing campaign which got over 30 million impressions online kind of a pretty big deal not bad not bad yeah I'd say so when was the last time you got 30 million impressions on any one of your videos maybe like 5 year ago anyway go shoot your music video Uncle you need to get back to being CEO it a tough job maybe you understand if you work one day in your life you know shooting music with it not work you just lip sinking hi all right you go back to being whatever the marketing influencer thing that you you go do so last holiday season we also launched the Hong Kong creamy corn soup dumpling very successful sold out in a couple weeks um and people seem to like it how many you sell I sold 20,000 bags trick question you should say good feeling you so good amount a good feeling last warning final warning noted president Jen why it blurry here what you going to sell next Japanese porn is it we came up with a product that we think you'll love Uncle Roger spicy crap noodle Uncle Roger got a lot of experience with crap you know sometimes I eat it also that right Uncle Roger actually in my kitchen trying to come up with the best noodle it has to be spicy but it has to taste good also don't worry Uncle Roger has one of the best chef on the internet here to taste test with me I just kidnapped him yesterday please welcome nephew Ken for are you ready to try Uncle roer why so weak spicy noodle are you good at spice no not at all it's going to mess you [Music] up yo look at this [Music] kit what you doing camera look what is this it's my kitchen what a neew never kidnapped teenager they the worst that why nobody come to save you that's spicy spicy that even eat it all the table eat it woo spicy spicy very spicy do some milk e some milk yeah o I want to try the oil oh you want to try the oil the evil auntie hot oil this inspired by my ex-wife Auntie Helen that a lot a lot ooh oh it's my throat see fire alarm go off that how spicy it is ha is so we see put some of my noodle tastes really good I like the flavor just really spicy if you want to be notified when Uncle Roger spicy noodle drops sign up to mailing list Link in description and don't tell any of the MAA people this but CEO Roger are giving you an authorized discount that right sign up to mailing list and we're going to give you code for 15% off everything on Mila shop now we go back to see if nephew K still suffering yeah come back where you going where you going nephew Ken I'm not done kidnapping you yet a common question that we usually get is people asking where their order is so maybe we can help them track it down but you give them tracking number correct yeah we do why they ask stupid question oh n Stacy I hear you have problem with out dumpling yeah I do I listen listen listen we actually want really want to mail dumpling to you you know but Uncle just Google map where you live and it's so terrible neighborhood your neighborhood so [ __ ] Postman don't want to go there why your order not there they're just people in car waiting for something what they waiting for salvation is it Uncle to think you should try to move to better neighborhood we should make the customers happy make customer happy why because everyone deserves soup dumplings finally Stacy everybody deserves to have soup dumpling this is Mila official stance how can we make this better stop the truck and give me my dumplings you want Uncle Roger to go go stop the truck for you yeah I'm I'm very is there something we can do yeah hello I really need my food I'm so hungry stop stop stop stop hi is this is this me out delivery no it's [Music] ups me out delivery go go take it five star customer service freeo being CEO actually more difficult than I thought not for me Uncle Roger prefer just talking [ __ ] on YouTube NE hit like on this video un going to resign if your food good every part meeting must have food you know otherwise I work for Jamie Oliver [Music] company oh it's really [Music] hot I have to make sure all this stuff is right the Workhorse of the company Farm Boy Workhorse yes I am and just like H we're going to keep you in the stable you're not meeting any client I'm okay with that sorry that ouo beat Uncle Roger what the hell okay fine is this you needs assistant that your face nice notice how weo do better when you cover your face see damn I'll call him on you'll go oh Chief content officer how you doing and then you say oh no it's you again Uncle Roger no sorry Roger I don't want to I don't know something about your influencer like like no I don't want to go to your comedy no Dum comedy show yes say that say that I I think between those two I think let's ins slate real quick yeah all right well thank you very much simu all right break a leg on your shoot see you all right guys take care bye
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 1,270,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: eO-P8j55biY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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