Honor Magic6 Pro Vs Galaxy S24 Ultra Vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Camera Comparison

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hi everyone welcome back to another camera  comparison this time it is the new honor   magic 6 Pro up against the Samsung Galaxy s24  Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max so front-facing   cameras right now I'm swapping over the  audio sources so we can have a listen to   the microphones and see which one sounds the best  and with the cameras right here I'm shooting in   4k 60 frames per second so it should look really  nice and smooth and fluid there should be no drop   frames whatsoever and just moving around how do  they handle the sun pretty difficult to have it   behind me in that position and just a short  jog ahead testing out stabilization which one   here looks the stest of course you would try and  keep as still as possible when filming normally   but this is just for testing purposes of course  rear cameras now so we're looking at our main   cameras which have Optical image stabilization  with all three of them now I decided to shoot   the whole video and the footage in 4k 60 here so  that's why it should look a bit smoother that's   a good test to see if we get any Jing when  I pan around and a Sprint ahead now to test   stabilization and of course audio I'm swapping  over those audio sources so moving over now to   the ultra wide cameras across all three you can  do this on the fly with all of them and you can   see they all have a slightly different transition  if you're wondering where I'm filming this is a   place called Las rotors and this is at the end  of Dena in Costa Blanca Mediterranean coast of   Spain so electronic image stabilization with  those Ultra wides I'm going to go over to our   Zoom cameras now so five times with our iPhone  looking at the tower of iron five times here   with the s24 ultra and 2.6 is the default here  with the magic 6 Pro but I'll take that up now   to five times which is there we go that's five  and you can see doesn't I don't think it looks   quite as sharp but still seems to be okay but I  need to look at this on the screen so trying to   hold them as still as possible I'll take that  zoom up to now 10 times so this is 10 there we   go 10 times now with our magic 6 Pro and the  10 times preset that's with our s24 Ultra and   now with the iPhone 15 Pro Max that is whoops I  went a bit overboard there that is now 10 * 2 as   well looking at this Tower which dates back from  the 17th century I believe it is and back to our   main cameras now and just another little test of  stabilization there is no wind so we should not   have any wind noise at all when I move about  with these low light video performance so not   looking as good as daylight of course testing the  stability I'll go down these steps here into the darkness and now we can see here that  they really are struggling slightly   different white balance by the looks  of it and panning around here are we   getting any drop frames which one do  you think looks the clearest in low light and over to our steel shot so I'll start  out with portraits and remember all of this is   subjective I like the stitching across all three I  think they did an excellent job with this shot but   notice how the contrast and the white balance and  the exposures different across all of them I think   the Samsung's a little too bright I do like the  honor shot but I think it's the iPhone it's the   best here and then this low light selfy clearly  to me it's the iPhone that's also B the on is just   far too bright and looks a little bit washed out  and skin smoothing or something happening with the   Samsung again we're seeing a big difference with  the white balance the magic 6 Pro I find to be   just a little bit over exposed too bright although  the stitching is okay background blue looks nice   I think the stitching of my ERS here here is the  best with the iPhone however the colors skin tones   just come through a little bit more pleasant  with the s24 ultra which I think has taken out   when it comes to the rear portrait photos although  there is a little bit of noise happening bit more   noisier the sensor with the Samsung difficult  shot this HDR Ultra wide shot and the sun's   captured the best with the iPhone the magic 6 Pro  looks just a little bit too oversaturated look at   the it's a deep kind of blue it was actually  more like the Samsung or the Apple phone here   and cropping in you can see they're all capturing  a lot of details but the Samsung I feel just pulls   ahead here with a few more details in the shadows  the HDR being just slightly better keeping with   the ultrawide camera so this shot here they are  all very similar but again there's a bit of a   difference with the contrast more contrast being  applied darker Shadows with the iPhone but more   true to life color this is our one times shot here  the cameras and I think it's the Galaxy s24 that   looks the best there however y balance probably  the iPhone this is now five time zoom and I'm now   taking the five times zoom up to a 200% crop and  you can see that the magic 6 Pro is falling to   bits now because it's only got 2.5 times optical  zoom so the rest of it all digital clearly showing   it's breaking down there's a lot of color fringing  going on it's just not a good looking shot and   it's between the iPhone and the s24 Ultra which  I think is slightly ahead of the iPhone here   so for Zoom shots the s24 ultra the shot of this  tasty looking breakfast here well they're good on   all three of them notice the difference with the  contrast and when I crop in you start to see some   of the finer details I think that the iPhone and  the s24 ultra seem to be a little bit too bright   but take a look at the spoon you can see the fine  scratches on the spoon with the magic 6 Pro you   can see some details more of the banana and a few  other areas is where some of those details tend   to be a little bit lost with the Samsung and Apple  so I prefer the honor magic 6 Pro here and one of   the hardest photos for any cell phone and that's  a bright red Hibiscus flower indir sunlight I've   got the latest firmware on all of these phones  here and the Samsung did a terrible job there's   a lot of clipping going on it's just washed out it  doesn't look good it didn't even capture the tone   of that red correctly the iPhone did the magic 6  Pro did as well however there's the least amount   of clipping of those Reds with the iPhone so the  iPhone here gets the win at first glance these   look very similar to shots but no there is a big  difference take a look at the white wall in the   background you see the s24 ultra doesn't capture  any details there of that it's a bit overblowing   there and the magic 6 Pro is the one that does  surprise me here because the Vera had slightly   dirty white fur and that comes out with the  magic here you can see it you can see those extra   details you can see the details on the walls I  think it's a better looking shot it just captures   kind of what it looked like and the white balance  is also the more correct with the magic 6 Pro here   which I think is the best out of these three low  light photos here so straight away the Samsung   is third place here for me because look at the  night sky it's purple there's a lot of blotchiness   there's noise in there it doesn't look good white  balance is also off this shot should look quite   orangey from those LED lights and speaking of  those lights there's a lot of lens flare with the   iPhone in fact it ruins the shot you can see just  above where those LED lights are with that ball   all the just lens flare there just ruins the shot  so for me clearly here it's the magic 6 Pro that   has the best shot here for this particular scene  with this photo at first glance a lot of people   going to straight away go oh the Samsung because  it's the brightest it looks the best well don't be   fooled because when you start to look closely at  the photo you'll find that in fact the Samsung's   the worst here it's between the iPhone or the  honor now cropping into 200% they are really close   those two but I think the edge goes to the iPhone  have a look at the stones where the Olive Tree is   uh in the lower middle of the picture there just a  few more details there it's so close but I believe   it is the iPhone that has the slightly better low  light photo here same story again that yeah the   Samsung looks a bit brighter but the white balance  is completely off and it's not really a good shot   again cropping in here now to 200% you'll see  that there's a lot more detail with the iPhone   and the magic but it is the magic 6 Pro that has  The Sharper Image there a little bit more details   so gets the win with this low light shot then our  final low light sample here so I think it is again   the honor that is taking this one because of the  amount of details captured there's less noise the   Samsung's very noisy and yes I did clean the  lenses across all three of them and there's   a bit of noise coming through with the iPhone  the white balance is also a bit off to as well   I think it's more correct and the B overall shot  is from the honor and to quickly recap now so for   video performance I think front-facing camera  Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra was the more pleasant   the exposure of the iPhone was sometimes a little  bit too much the side of my head went a bit white   whereas the Samsung was better at handling that  but the rear camera video okay this is where   Android kind of failed a little bit I noticed  a lot more drop frames and some stammering when   panning around with the two Androids so it was  the rear camera's iPhone still seems to be the   video king for rear cameras at least ultrawide  uh zoom camera as well and just the general uh   4K 60 frames per second was the best there now  audio okay um it's kind of close but not really   I think yeah it was definitely the Samsung for me  that sounded the best those microphones very good   there and what about Stills so what we've just  seen now is low light performance definitely I   think overall that goes to the honor it does have  the brightest lens so it's no real surprise there   it is a very bright f1.4 uh if you're taking  photos a lot of selfies and portraits I think   the Samsung's um good skin tones better skin tones  although the in was the best with the iPhone and   if you're taking a lot of photos of very bright  flowers uh clearly that was the iPhone again   for me iPhone with the ultra white and white  balance tended to be a little bit better with   uh the iPhone and also the magic I felt that the  Samsung white balance was quite off at times and   a little bit of noise and oversharpening they  definitely have a bit of work to do to improve   things so do you agree with my findings here  with this camera comparison and if you do let   me know if you don't well tell me where I was  wrong and thanks a lot for watching this video
Channel: TechTablets
Views: 131,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techtablets, Magic6 Pro, Magic 6 Pro, honor magic6 pro, honor magic 6 pro, Magic6 Pro Vs, Magic 6 Pro Vs, iPhone 15 Pro Max Vs, Galaxy S24 Ultra Vs
Id: xARaaItZy18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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