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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
call me hoops all right i'm max actually i kind of like willow can i be willow you be willow wade wade you know who you are of these two and that's not it no he's a basketball player his name is hoops all right that's fair enough why is it inverted ah what fresh hell is this inverted my x-axis on my mouse is inverted why why why would that be on by default oh okay game plan figure out where i am okay i'm fine probably what squished huh i think that was my menu do you guys have dialogue talking right now oh yeah yeah definitely what what kind of horror show this is my whole box is this i don't know this is not comfortable to look at this that's always meant for me there are only four characters just like there's five holes so someone's here maybe the antagonist was in this box the antagonist hit v to open your hot pouch ah my hot pouch this does look hot oh if you look up it's very pretty yeah this is this is cool oh that's beautiful that's huge haha bloody pulp hey guys i got a pebblet what oh it's a whacking pebblet oh my god i might whack you all right okay oh threaten me with a good time apparently the wait so is this a survival crafting game yeah maybe yeah like i would have known that well i thought you would have it i was like yeah who's fighting who's fighting an aphid oh is it you apparently it was me i was fighting an aphid oh it's so cute oh i could just oh you can see the house oh the laser this is honey i shrunk the kids guys i made a spit here a what holy [ __ ] that is a laser yeah look at that that's right i'm collecting all the sap on this stick all right as leader of this expedition i don't know if anyone elected you to be a leader it's not about elections climb the stick to the baseball i will not that's not what the leader has said the leader ooh i'm gonna go with the real leader here the leader has found the science equipment hello later analyze this rock good rock look look at that i could do that wow that's a good rock i have this rock and some sap yeah that's great good job there friend uh that's leader friend do you yeah respect our leader you douche you can just call me leader you don't have to dare do you speak the leader that way non-leader mark no i mean that's not my name at all i don't like being friendly with the lower class skus that work for me i like them to refer to me with respect and just call me leader i'm we're not friends in this situation i'm the leader listen wade my leader how do i make woven fiber um oh requires workbench oh cool hey mark did you find a workbench that the leader can use our leader is already using it leader is already uh no he's out here he's out here with me i'm pretty sure okay yeah i'm over here um excellent anyway i'm already independent along the way as the leader i'm going to elect bob to be the leader because he's further ahead he ran further ahead to catch up to you so therefore i feel like he's a better leader than me newly appointed leader well you know what uh co-leader i appreciate you i appreciate you saying that and uh i oh good the worker is out there killing bugs i've done it oh grass thank you for the pleasure i have a blade of grass i'm going to huck this at you [ __ ] [ __ ] that's not very nice i'm analyzing sap oh now i can make a pebblet x oh we can make a workbench now i already made a pebblet axe i am pioneering technology that you couldn't possibly understand did i make two pebblet axes accidentally i'm so confused i am so sorry oh hey some grass planks thank you i am so strong i'm lifting five of these all right let's you know let's just agree to disagree on this and let's but let's work together as a team i'm gonna later i'm gonna go ahead and say that's our strategy all right fair enough think of whatever title you want we all know who's in charge yeah it's me good let's work together hey look an aunt that can't be good he's pretty big he's over here i think they're fine oh hey look a fly that can't be good oh you're you're you're a little you're adorable how come hawk how did you do that that seemed unnecessarily uh violent so this ah that really seemed to injure you sir are we my health is seemingly low um are we trying to build a base i'm i'm actually yeah i think we're trying to build a base i think that's what's going on here i do believe i looked are there actually i thought i i i [ __ ] i [ __ ] my ex i could build a hammer no with woven fiber need the woven fibers uh yeah you can get fiber from picking up the reeds on the ground and then fiber yeah yeah i think i'll make a hammer if good let's head up to what do i need to make a hammer let's if one of us researches something something does it give it to everybody yes okay cool the research i think so yeah okay cool good i have nat fuzz and raw nat meat i killed a net did it die screaming it died squishing good maybe there's ants killing it do we need a spear to fight it all right never mind i killed the gnat but the ants the ants what about the ants there were many ants i don't even see an ant all right so how do we build like base stuff base building wow we probably haven't researched it yet i'm going to clear some space around this um science thing and i'm guessing that's a good place to start okay yeah so that'll be like our base yeah i'm real tuckered guys oh do we have an energy bar i see health oh i'm thirst i need to drink something apparently yeah uh mushroom 40 centimeters centimeters scott the scale of this is actually really cool okay there are mushrooms don't give water i don't think uh there must be there's water on the underside of some of the blades of grass i like to slurp some some droplets of water up there oh i see it's got to be like nice find bob you're a great leader this is adorable can i just say this but that's really pleasant it's it's literally just a survival crafty game but also it's adorable so i don't care hey there's an ant here looking at me is that bad hey he's not attacking me he looked at me and left i think we should probably not mess with the ants they seem like badass maybe not oh you're way up on the tippy top i'm on a blade i can see i'm uh i just walled my own bit let's make the house north or or the the pole that's at their the laser that's at the house that'll be like north to the south uh there's a shed there's three lasers uh there's a rake that'll lead up to the house that i think will let you get up there it's like a weather balloon there's so much stuff oh hey hey we're friends we're friends yeah definitely don't attack the ants because if they've got a colony that's going to be a big problem oh what's this what is dry how do we make that put it in the sun i might have fallen into a puddle of piss i'm thirsty hey does anyone have some sap yes oh god i i that was piss uh why why i drank it whoa what is this i'm analyzing the grass oh okay okay i thought we didn't analyze grass yet oh the plank yeah i found a tic tac container oh you can make triangle wall okay oh sorry no good stuff ice caps acorn shovel and eye patch oh eye patch yeah i've got i got those hopefully that's just cosmetic and not because we're gonna have eye injuries spider oh no oh no [Music] oh no i have everything i i can craft a workbench if i just pick up some grass planks did we unlock like the building buildings uh we have walls doors and that's it for base building but for utilities i can craft a workbench right now oh i see okay mark's figuring it out too so you place the things down and then you have to bring the resources and construct them but i was i was gonna no you're fine you're fine i was gonna tell you guys about it once i did it and i was gonna be like i discovered something and then but you didn't let me say it so it's like you said it not me it was a good discovery right right we all discover things in our own way well but in this way i was sure sure i had i was going to be like guys i made this a house as your leader i'm happy to give you credit that's very kind of your leader bob thank you the eye patch apparently gives plus attack that doesn't make sense are you guys carrying anything we haven't analyzed no not last time i checked nope i got nothing oh my god this door hates existing it is so okay no door on this not gonna have a door a door is no fun was it the place that you put the door oh it's because that thing is like clipping through it isn't it yeah try to place a door there it it won't i want to i want to do it come on baby very upset baby did you guys go into the computer case over here computer case hey leader bob uh hey look at this this is interesting i'm almost dead hang on wait for me all right oh i found that before ah our left leg man oh no wait that's that's not what i found never mind that's something else i don't uh i don't think this is doing anything maybe it's just a place to look at but no it's got to be something stab it hit it so why did you get in the way of where i was i pushed a button on the mysterious machine i knew stabbing it will work that's why i'm second in command everyone come up here okay i pushed the target button and now it's doing stuff oh oh oh can you push the button the shrink-o-matic do i have to hit it you have to eat it if it doesn't give you a prompt i don't know if it's going to work it doesn't give me a prompt maybe it's not dialed in there's a knob that says science it's all the way on off it needs to be up to max oh [ __ ] we got to turn that crank the science up get the hey you knocked me off p2 is fl is full p3 is flashing p1 is off okay maybe that's the problem something's obstructing oh that blade of grass is obstructing that and then the other ones oh okay and that laser is just kind of flashing so we have to fix that laser yeah that one no good okay this one's good okay what happens if i step in front of the laser if i look directly at it and begging me should we go towards that laser and see what the deal is yeah i guess yeah i've almost made it to the laser oh uh yeah we're on our way to help were you but we all agreed oh this looks like a job for the leader or the second in command or whatever you are do i keep dropping spears i swear i make spears and then they go away where does the spear go when you make it uh that's a great question i don't know i'm dead oh god you died the mites wait the mic was attacking wade attacked me i start attacking me too and i'm owning them like no wade attacks me i'm helping wade mark wade hate me i swear to you i saw we had to get rid of the monsters first i saw leader are you going to do anything about the betrayal that i just suffered at the hands of ah trail the betrayal that i suffered he come help me you do ungrateful followers i am on the way captain it's dark it's really dark in that hole i don't like that do we have any sap i got more set we should make a torch with some sap did the laser fix itself no i can see where the laser needs to be fixed um uh-oh um chop down the grass i'm on chop down the grass i'm on please please where are you i'm up above i'm on a blade of grass i fell down but i didn't follow all the way please 20 seconds i want sweet life nothing more than life i am floating how'd you get up there what is happening when i said that i was on the way i really wasn't on the way because i was mad because you weren't doing anything about wade but now that this is my last moments i want to say you forgive me i don't i curse him with the last of my breath careful bob i don't want you to get hurt you're already i wait you suck he dropped some grass chunks when he died i kicked the thimble there's quit and then there's super quit oh you can't respawn no i can respawn i'm fine uh the laser is still kind of flickering yeah you falling on the blade of grass did not seem to fix it all right listen wade we need to have a talk because you're i i did nothing to you and you're just being mean i'm just carrying out our leader's orders his orders were to be mean to me is that what it was bob was that your orders yeah you caught me all right fair enough as long as we're all the same hey uh hammerman i think you know what we need to do oh it's dark in this hole yeah that's why you got to follow the leader with the torch i died i came back i'm trying my best guys are you giving it are you giving it a full hold wade you gotta fully do that let a real man do this let me a real man show you how to hold it same for there we go all right onward all i want is some recognition guys that's that's all i've ever wanted yeah get back i recognize you thank you thank you thank you we might go and break this because i feel like this might be a rare material never mind i can't see i can't pick that thing i think we need to pick ax like we would have to have a pickup or a shovel shovel yeah something like that that's a craftable uh we can make a shovel if we have any acorn shells i can make a shell i don't have that i have mold okay i don't have any acorn shells do you russian bros and mark no no no no no would you like to come back down here after we get a shovel then wait what's a scab what the hell i discovered yeah i can't pick that thing there's something in the ground what what is that what something's digging in the dirt yeah we know uh it's fine no need to be such a baby wade oh the objective says investigate the machine further oh it's pretty oh i'm hungry that was a sad hungry we beat the game already pretty sure we beat the game yeah we beat the game guys i am most hungry my friends all right i'm gonna i'm gonna wait to eat until i get back and make a roasting spit and see what that does for us all right sounds good man is the exclamation point like our home thing no that's the machine which is now working right here uh get on the thing i think we're gonna we win oh wait did we do it yeah we did it this is it on my way maybe we should just one at a time just to see what kind of happens all right cool three two one what uh all right that's it that's the game thanks for watching guys all right [Music] oh no well that can't be good huh all right well that sounds like oh my god that ladybug oh no i think juicy juicy delicious bug that's what i'm thinking guys i'm real thirsty uh do we have anything droplets i bet this is she wants to see a ladybug would cough up some juice leader do i have authorization to attack this ladybug do it right the eyes co-authorization group it's glowing red eyes don't come again uh mark did you um did you make the ladybug dude the ladybug is the scariest thing don't attack a ladybug don't look at it it's terrifying dude you really pissed it off anyway that health bar that is a dark souls boss health bar that is that is terrifying oh don't i've fallen oh do you want me to get you up okay you don't mind i was i was waiting for it to de-aggro on you uh is it mad at me it was all it was making lots of dodge a [ __ ] no it's fine oh uh look out oh it's fine it's okay hi ladybug communicating oh it's inside of me i don't like that okay beautiful how do we get back to camp we're it's right over here that doesn't mean very much oh there you are we're on our way all right number one what is this raw science dew collector ooh that sounds like a good crafting thing to do oh yeah we definitely need some of that we need things we need weed stems and quartzite which we have and spider cells which we don't have i would imagine there's a uh a shitty structure here made of leaves and grass you know what it's very nice and i'm gonna put the cooking apparatus inside of it because it's such a nice little structure thank you thank you bob thank you the your leader approves thank you that means the world to me all right we have a cooking structure my dudes we do yeah i'll go get you some food bob wait if you're hungry i have food for you come here i'm uh never mind i ate it i'm quite wrong apparently if you put it in your hot bar and then try and put it in your hand you just immediately eat it that's my bad that's my bad i'm good i almost attacked the ant hi aunt i bet that ant's got some good meat on it i would imagine we really need one of them dew collectors yeah what do we need take stuff we definitely don't have are you sure about six six weed stems eight quart sites which we do have and five spider silks which we do not have i will brave the spider's nest for you bob there we go leadership inspires me to action uh well okay i will make you proud care just uh be chill i drank pee again but it's cool i'm in the middle of the forest at night what is that i found something [Music] oh that seems like a bad place mark if i had to guess oh that's a big deal mark are you finding friends yeah friends uh found a big spider but bob you wanted spider silk i will get we always desperately need the spider silk definitely risk your life for that i know i know all kinds of good stuff to make with spider silk okay i've got you i need to find its nest okay i don't know where the spider's nest is i don't think they call it a nest but i'm not finding either oh my god guys i found a raw science is that the pink glowy yeah i just found some of that too oh my god there's a tic tac box what the hell there are trail markers is a thing we can craft i wonder if that like means something uh i found a swirling purple vortex of energy [Music] [Music] i'm uh oh i've found something requires a higher tier tool there's a thing of mint here but you need a tier two hammer how in the hell i found uh something oh is it good it's a lab looks like a science lab guys the lean too the thing it keeps telling us to build would allow us to sleep through the night oh that's probably useful yeah but there's so much cool stuff to explore at night apparently probably true but we also set our spawn point all right you know what i'm not going to explore this without you guys it seems like important stuff i'm going to come back because it's scary in their spiders and i didn't get any spider silk bob but i'm nervous that i will be okay it's okay i still love you all right the lean i'm gonna put lean twos up inside of here i've got my own to place you can place one for mark if you want please i'll put marks over here put it next to your lean two so we can lean together do you have like a flashing red light in the bottom left underneath your food and drink yes what does that flashing indicate who knows guys i made it back hey i'm alive i'm gonna hit the sack where's mine oh you guys are cuddled up together oh you guys are oh what are we are we sleeping yeah i just have to wait for others stay close to the rest point well i wanted to lay next to bobber yeah we know wait wade's not gonna allow this to happen oh let's just let's just sleep okay we're all basically touching tootsies worst case here all right i'll sleep in listen leader mark what do you allow us to sleep sleep oh sorry i didn't know i had to press sleep hey oh i have the blinking red light now that's uh not good i don't i don't do nothing hunger blinking all right so if you if you have food stuff gib i have many many many mushrooms drop that's only one this is annoying how many mush you got bro i have many mush meat does spoil fast so if you ever get any meat you want to cook and eat that apparently if you hit grass that one of those little green aphids climb up it knocks it down and you can crush it and take its meat oh delicious all right i'm bringing you some oh apparently you don't cook mushrooms never mind i'm an [ __ ] hey mark you are your mushrooms back uh no i have acorn pieces oh you have acorn pieces yeah do you want them oh we needed those for something right yeah yeah we need some of that for some of the construction stuff okay do you need to science it oh yeah i will say just oh did you get a cap did you get a cab yeah yeah oh hell yeah bro yeah yeah yeah dude i got all this stuff oh it's gone all right we're good we're good oh kill kill meat delicious meat in here whoa the mushroom on the ground attracted the weevils mushroom wow there's another one oh you can also cook three things at a time guys we got a whole spit roast of weevil meats okay we don't need this many because it does expire or whatever but like i'm not gonna eat yet so i'm gonna need to eat there's there's some roasts on the spit take one one of those weevil roasts is like most of your most of your hunger what happens if you eat a spoiled i would imagine you bore oh the thirst the amount of thirst i feel how do i get you you gotta just whack the grass it's on it falls down and you slurp it up right off the dirt give me that wait the surface tension did you steal the wha wait wait wait what it must have uh evaporated you're just an [ __ ] what no where'd it go did mark chop one down and you straight up stole it i was jumping at it and pressing e and i didn't know he was going to chop that same one and then it must have evaporated you're just a jerk sap respawns on the tr on the stickies yeah i just got some more sap i'm not letting this go you're gonna have to let it go yeah well you need a snickers bar or something no i need water spawns on the leaves if you chop down one of the grasses it'll drop down so you can reach it how did you learn that common sense his great leader taught him interesting i'm gonna talk about i'm this spider's leg is really stupid got it poked in the butt i've hooked it in the butt i'm running away now oh god analyze i found out how to make acorn chest plates and leg plates mark where'd you get an acorn acorns are the shiz dude i was on an adventure and do you wish you knew i do wish i knew i'm assuming the direction of the giant acorn tree yes that is an acorn tree i fell in a hole boy i wish i could find water mark are you still on about that to be a little more proactive i think everyone else found their own water hey you discovered weed stuff i think that you guys are working against me i think that this is a conspiracy to always put me down even if i make a good contribution it's always just boo to me you know where's the friendship bob and i are working great together i don't know where where's the friend like hey mark did you make that spider silk you promised me where's the friendship i need water mark there's water everywhere hey mark do you know how you fell from a high point and died come here i got a gift for you no water i found it oh my goodness that took oh my god do you find extra water i need some water yeah mark don't hug it don't worry your own water you both cannot go have dry throats in hell like for all i care that does not seem very did you get the weight stems wayne yeah i dropped them a whole bunch off right here at the beginning there's a team player thank you and i've got a present for mine i am no longer part of your group i am playing on my own in my own little world i am going to survive well somebody's a grumpy pants don't get watered before two minutes i'm going to not talk to you anymore i don't know what mark's so upset about oh there's water all around the base like a lot of water mark how far away are you i'm far enough away that i don't have to hear you guys i'm feeling like you could definitely hear us but oh cloverhood mark you're discovering stuff finally contributing clover pancho look at this guy nope not engaging not engaging it's okay buddy oh [ __ ] i found a spider not engaging oh hey mark mm-hmm not engaging you are engaging you are clearly talking in response to us which is engaging you're going to want 100 engaging why do you have your own workbench over here nah talking also did you know there's a big poisonous spider about three feet from you well i guess 10 centimeters from you mark watch out i'm concerned for your well-being not engaging there's a big scary spider right there [Music] mark what will it take to bring you back into the team i miss you ah mark can i get a hand hmm not engaging sorry i'm i'm on my own i tried to help you and i got killed yeah you described i asked you a question your loyal follower asked you a question mm-hmm this is a trick there's a trick it's not a trick i love you and i want to know how you're doing it's trick i was dead you're not dead you're fine i was dead i was dead i said past tense was i believe uh you got the water you requested so i don't know what you're all hot about yeah not engaging definitely feels like he's engaging doesn't it wade yeah he feels very combative right now i don't know why he's starting on all this drama okay how are you doing mark i'm fine but i'm not engaging you can engage if you want nope don't want to we could be friends again no we were apparently never friends to begin with oh no i'm thirsty mark how did you so bravely get your water earlier well doesn't matter how it'll be stolen away from you at the last moment well but i have to try even if i will be unjustly punished for my own efforts look up then does that resonate with you does that that feel bad just look up then have you figured out a way to harvest this uh spider web mark no i actually have no idea i really don't know but that's the only time i'm engaging with you now engagement is gone oh look i my i got a water and it dropped on the ground and then somehow wade drank it mark i'm in exactly the same boat as you hurts doesn't it it hurts it doesn't feel good it doesn't it doesn't feel good it feels bad even you could say yeah it feels bad it feels like if someone apologized maybe that there would be some more engaging happening i think i understand what he's upset about mark i am very sorry that i saw that water before you oh i spider oh my god wow that actually hurt a lot oh it's big i'm dead now i'm down and the spider is talking about where is it i will save you but wait did you stay out of my way i would make an apology for the amount of damage mark did to me though no no i think he i think he deserved that and i think you deserve that oh so we're even mark please revive me we're coming we are trying but you're very far away yeah well i was going towards the exclamation point like a good boy well i found that earlier anyway it was a lab and then i didn't go into it because i was waiting for my friends oh well i am your friend mark and i apologize on wade's behalf for being i am your friend i'm dead now respawn swap team quit super quit all right mark i'm boo i i'm trying sorry i took the water all right apology accepted whoa it didn't feel very good yeah well it felt good for me oh god oh my god i'm stuck not messing around oh that spider's fast one bait him away from my backpack and away from me why why wait i didn't know you were right there or your backpack i didn't just keep it true okay he's feasting on my corn that's what it does i will save you wade we are now best friends god get way up i'm about to go down i'm getting him up where's my last bastard i don't even have my stuff back yet it's just mercilessly chasing me all right all right mark it's on you i'm going to get away you want to get weighed i'll block it just run go bait it and then go at 90 degrees when it strikes wow um it's looking maybe it won't notice it or split it up idiot i'll go right oh i'm stuck i'm stuck okay we're spread out uh hey what you taught me hey i will go for a wait get wait i'm going wait it's least you sleep i lied okay you taught me it's on me it's on me going good going and got him i'll change it i'm down all right go for bob this seems familiar hmm this uh yeah maybe we should leave this area i don't know he's not he's not off me yet he's just watching me okay going runway run [ __ ] right we should get out of here wait run wait [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,134,590
Rating: 4.9599133 out of 5
Keywords: grounded, grounded game, grounded gameplay, grounded multiplayer, grounded online, grounded funny moments, crafting, survival, open world, honey i shrunk the kids, honey we shrunk ourselves, gaming, gameplay, new games, awesome games, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, markipliergame, markiplier game, markiplier gameplay, markiplier grounded, grounded markiplier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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