Honey Balsamic Glazed Lamb Chops Recipe - Sticky Lamb Chops Recipe

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[Music] hey guys welcome back okay wait Claudia this is my son Christopher he's two years old he saw that amy filmed by myself so I had to take him out Chris say hello say hi today I'm going to show you my favorite way of making lamb chops this recipe was actually this recipe was suggested by one of you lovely subscribers and I can't wait to share with all of you so let's get started over here I have a rack of lamb and to get the perfect cut you're going to slice alongside each bone so go ahead and slice them up and once we have our meat all cut up and ready we're going to add some spices and in this bowl we have assorted spices we're using paprika garlic powder dried mustard dried thyme salt and pepper mix all these amazing flavors together to create on a romantic rub and sprinkle that over the lamb chops and you're going to get your hands dirty and rub your meat very nice and gentle okay they love to be touched so yeah do just that and you're going to flip them over and do the same thing on the other side [Music] next we're going to cover this with saran wrap and let us sit for at least an hour to infuse all those flavors if you have the time you can go more than an hour it's even perfect and then we're going to sear the lamb chops so I have olive oil heated up over medium-high heat go ahead and add the meat make sure you don't overcrowd your pan okay because you want this to have the perfect sear we're doing this year three minutes on each side the time depends on how you like your meat all right I like mine medium so three minutes was fair and we're looking for this nice golden-brown sear that is perfect be careful not to burn your meat next we're going to drain off any excess oil because we don't need all that we are adding some honey for a little sweetness and we're adding balsamic vinegar to balance the sweetness and add a little tang taste to the lamb chops alright next we're going to turn the meat around and coat them in all that delicious sauce [Music] so we're going to move the meat around until the sauce thickens and darkens and develops a nice sticky consistency just like that and the stick here the sauce gets the better the meat tastes just be careful not to burn the sauce that's it guys we are all set for dinner I saved mine with mashed potatoes and vegetables you can also set this over rice I think it will be delicious drizzle some of that delicious sauce over your meal and it is ready to be devoured the meat came out very tender and packed with amazing flavor this recipe is a great weekend dinner you can go wrong with it it is insanely delicious if you want the ingredients and measurements go ahead and check out the description box I have everything there [Music] thank you guys so much for spending time with me today if you ever try out this risk if you don't forget to let me know how you like it please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already yet because I have a lot more delicious recipes to come by
Channel: Cooking With Claudia
Views: 102,010
Rating: 4.947279 out of 5
Keywords: lamb chops, lamb chops recipes, lamb chops recipe, honey glazed lamb chops, honey glaze, honey balsamic glazed lamb chops, lamb, lamb recipes, best lamb chop recipe, best lamb chop, pan seared lamb chops, lamb rack, lamb rack recipes, good lamb chops recipes, great lamb chops recipes, easy lamb chops, easy lamb chops recipes, easy recipes, quick recipes, healthy recipes, easy dinner, dinner recipes, dinner ideas, grilled lamb chops
Id: tKkbs7N_b3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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