Honey Butter Glazed Garlic Salmon

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what's good everybody welcome back to whip it up with jay today i have another delicious recipe for you guys we are going to be making a brown butter honey garlic salmon let that sink in how good does that sound let's get it going it's a super easy recipe you're gonna love it you're gonna love feeding your family with this it's absolutely delicious out of this world let's get started [Music] all right guys let's move on to the ingredients we're gonna be using two uh salmon fillets here we also have about two cloves of minced garlic this is about half of a lemon the juices of about half a lemon have some lemon slices this is about four tablespoons of honey um i don't know if i said it already but this is half a stick of butter we also have a mix of spices so this mix i have about half a teaspoon of salt half a teaspoon of pepper half a teaspoon of onion powder and one teaspoon of old bait and also you know your drink of choice whatever you like to drink you got to have something while you're cooking guys um i'm not going to get into the specifics but this is pretty tasty so let's get going all right first we're going to season our salmon fillets with that little seasoning to make sure i talk to you guys about i'm just gonna uh generously sprinkle it on the skin of the salmon here and we're gonna do that on both sides guys [Music] nice and simple recipe really easy takes no time at all to make this delicious dish i'm gonna flip it over and we're gonna do the same exact thing to the other side we're just gonna season it very generously on both sides of the salmon all right guys now that we have our salmon seasoned we're gonna move on to our brown butter sauce so i have my pan here we're gonna get it to around like a medium high or so and we're gonna brown that butter up and go from there guys all right so i got my pan to about a medium high or so like i said and we're gonna add that half a stick of butter we're gonna melt that down and we're gonna let that cook until it's nice and brown guys and like i said this is a super super easy dish and your family will love it your husband will love it your girlfriend will love it super easy this is a restaurant quality dish right out of your kitchen you don't need to go out to no restaurant um dealing with all that nonsense going on nowadays with the whole master you got mandatory masks here and there and all that stuff going on you can just sit at home and have yourself a restaurant party dish right out of your kitchen with ease don't got to go nowhere hear me all right now that our butter is starting to brown a little bit it's not all the way brown but brown a little bit i'm start adding some more of the ingredients so i'm gonna add in our garlic hear that sizzle you smell the aroma smelling so good already oh my god smells so good i don't know about you but i am a garlic lover a garlic lover and now we're gonna add some of that honey that sticky sticky honey gonna add that sweetness um if you know flavors there's nothing like that that little hint of sweet and saltiness mixed together i love that flavor profile it's super good and then we're gonna add our lemon juice [Music] and i'm gonna turn down the heat just a little bit and then add in our salmon [Music] now in goes in our salmon fillets [Music] there you go [Music] guys if you can smell aroma in this kitchen right now it smells so so good i can't wait for this to be finished um and and to bust down and to taste this salmon because it smells so good it's looking good already all right all right guys now it's been cooking on this one side for about about i would say three to four minutes ish and we're gonna give it that flip and oh oh do you see that color right there do you see that color on that salmon i wish he had some oh my god look at that look at that that looks so good oh my god that looks so good so so good oh my just going to grab some of that grab some of that butter i'll scoop a little bit on top look at that look at that oh my oh my goodness it's looking good smelling good look how sticky that butter is that's what that honeydew that sounds fun honeydew honey dude that's what that honey does to this to the cinnamon um it's just nice and sticky it looks so good right now so now after cooking the other side for about you know three to four minutes ish on that like medium medium high kind of depends on your stove i'm gonna add some of that lemon we're gonna add those lemon slices right in there and we're gonna put this in the oven on broil we're gonna put it on broil and we're gonna caramelize the top of the salmon real quick so we're gonna get in the oven get it on bro and caramelize that top and it's gonna be so good i promise you guys let's go [Music] guys this is a sneak peek while it's broiling look at that look at that caramelization going on right now looks and smells so good [Music] oh my goodness look at this guys look at that caramelization we got on that salmon there look at that looks so good let me plate this up for you guys [Music] real easy real simple super delicious dish and i'm just gonna garnish it right now with a little bit of parsley add a little bit of color to that thing just to make it pop off just to make it pop off look at that look at that i am ready to dig in look at this salmon guys look at this salmon it looks so good like i said a restaurant quality dish right out right out of your kitchen super easy super quick no effort whatsoever at all we're gonna give this thing a taste i'ma let you know how good this is i'm gonna let you know i'm gonna let you know look how good that looks i think dripping i'm dripping all over the counter tops all over the countertops [Music] that's so good that is so good oh my goodness look at that i'm sorry my phone is going off in the background but this thing is so flaky so delicious that sauce that brown butter sauce it's so good i might turn this dang video to a mukbang i need to stop we are so good guys all right let me stop before i turn this video into a mukbang hope you guys enjoyed i hope you guys try this at home this was so good so delicious like i said um hope you guys enjoyed watching make sure you like comment subscribe um hit that notification bell so you don't miss out on a video and i hope to see you guys on the next one whip it up with jay and i'm out
Channel: Whip It Up With Jay
Views: 1,151,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salmon recipe, baked salmon, baked salmon recipe, how to cook salmon in the oven, garlic salmon, mustard salmon, lemon garlic salmon, lemon garlic salmon with Mediterranean flavors, easy 5 ingredient salmon, browned butter honey garlic salmon, seared salmon with lemon pepper, fish recipes, baked fish recipes, crispy skin salmon, lemon pepper fish, salmon steaks, how to make fried fish
Id: HQUj9kPBqTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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