Grilled Lamb Chops & Honey Money Sauce

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today we will be grilling some Bonin lamp ribeye small but tasty [Music] so before we start to work on our lamb chops let's start to make our sauce I got this beautiful honey that I brought from Slovenia I actually got it from the brother of a big pitmaster there who keeps his own bees that's quite special honey now we're going to add some apple cider vinegar and that's about half the amount of honey then a tablespoon of washes the soy sauce and juice of a lime roll it around so the juices can come out easily and then 2 tablespoons of mustard and you see this is quiet of a sticky sauce and real thick because of the honey hasn't molten yet so what we'll do is we'll set this on a barbecue and that's actually why I'm using this tray because it's good on a barbecue and we'll heat this up so it gets an opportunity to mix properly but before we do that we'll add just a little bit more seasoning a bit of salt 2 pinches and a bit of black pepper I'll put this on the grill today we'll be using the commander Joe classic and I set it up for direct grilling one grill grate and a low position and the other at a high position well put this at the highest position and let it warm up just a little bit enough for the honey to melt while we are waiting for that I got some green asparagus that we're going to be prior to grill and the way we do that is by securing the green asparagus together look what's here the Monon this will make for easy grilling will keep together like this each of the grab won't fall within the great now we're going to slice our lamb chops look at how beautiful these are we're gonna cut these to create the chops like so this will do see your amount of time that it takes to cook dinner but at the same time will create a maximum surface for our sauce to go on look how cute these mini lamb rib eyes look and I bet there will be damn tasty all we need to do for the lamb chops before we start grilling is to just put a little bit of olive oil on them just to get a little bit of coding both sides then we'll put a little bit of salt for seasoning also both sides now they are ready to go on the grill but let's first take a look at our sauce well that is starting to look good you see the honey has become really fluid and really mixed together with the flavors of course you get the mustard that's still sticking but don't worry about that when we start brushing it on it will disappear so put the lamb chops on a grill grate so we're starting to hear that first sizzle and we'll put our green asparagus next to the sauce so they can start heating up as well you can already brush these with some of our basting sauce close the lid it helps with the cooking open the top fan fully we really want that power off the grill to sear the lamb chops finally turn the lamb chops over and this is fairly quick but what we're trying to do is make sure that we get a multiple rotation going and layer on the sauce as we go so brushing on first time [Music] close the lid again and you can literally wait for this to be ready flip them around again brush them again [Music] and a little bit on our asparagus let's not forget about those then we'll brush again I will keep on repeating the process until they're done and they have a nice layer of caramelized honey mustard sauce honey money sauce on them so we've been brushing and rotating our lamb chops for about five minutes now and they're starting to look good oh yeah that's it right there the cooking time really depends on how thick your lamb chops are and how high the temperature of your grill is but I got a pretty high temperature here let's say around 200 200 and it's 50 degrees Celsius these lamb chops are almost done now we're just gonna finish them off and spritz them with a little bit of Jack Daniels brush on a little bit more sauce and they're done now it's time to get our lamb chops off dip them in the sauce one last time there we go look at how beautiful this plate looks the lamb chops they look fantastic the honey really did its job and crusted on the lamb chops it builds up all this layer and brings together the mustard and the stall and the Worchester and everything packed right in there sticking to the meat and then this is a treat mmm that's definitely delicious any asparagus I cooked the perfection sweet juicy absolutely delicious I hope you guys liked this recipe and if you don't like lamb well there's not much lamb flavor here give it a try you won't be disappointed see you guys next time Cheers
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 29,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbecue, bbq, grill, smoke, low, and, slow, pitmasterx, bbqpitmasterx, lamb, lamb chops, grilled lamb, lamb stew, grilled asparagus, Grilled Lamb Chops & Honey Money Sauce
Id: GSGvtrJhpeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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