Honest Trailers | Ahsoka

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[Music] in a franchise with zero new ideas okay one New Idea Star Wars Will Stop drawing from the classics in favor of those cartoons that came on after Ben 10 has your taste matured since then no all right then who wants to see some lightsaber tricks [Music] how inevitable Ahsoka get ready for a NOS back to basic Star Wars Adventure light sides and dark sides x-wings and Tie fighters and C droids and Aliens begging for the sweet release of merch click the shop tab to learn more but what really makes Ahsoka feel like that George Lucas original recipe is some of the worst dialogue since I don't like sand don't worry about me I'm not good should I be what worried nope uh I'm joking you're joking yeah I'm joking how can you joke at a time like this what would you prefer I don't know you want me to be more serious I prefer it stop I burned my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see hey that was from Andor you're right just wish she had changed a little that's ahoka is that a stingray trying to eat Tony the Tiger no it's Ahsoka Tano a compelling character as long as you don't count her first movie you're stuck with me Sky guy what did you just call me or this entire show all right then watch her cross her arms and monotone every word tell me what's going on and fight like someone who's afraid her tentacles will fly off if she moves too fast this absolute Charisma hole will meet her match in Sabine Ren a rebel straight out of rebellious characters Incorporated complete with purple hair Speeder bike and dual Jedi Mandalorian backstories like some kind of pirate ninja alone they're boring together they'll have the chemistry you'd expect of 2x co-workers on a road trip that will have fans everywhere wandering which one of them can sigh more the student has become the master long ago in a galaxy that's surprisingly clean now our heroes must stop the bad guys from building a portal to all the garbage hanging out of in the Star Wars extended Universe to do that they must boldly solve a bunch of stupid puzzles find the key looking for a key okay Crack the [Music] Code unlock the mini map and fast travel to the whale Point Intergalactic travel within a star whale now I really have done it all to rescue their buddies space Jesus do you think no the force is my Ally across eight episodes that are light on Story by TV standards but just just enough to fill an RPG fetch Quest oh cool they unlock the blade of talin does the damage scale with strength or decks finally gaze upon liveaction thrawn and his liveaction dad got also does the Empire not have a tailor what's going on here gr Smurf taret over here is the heir to the Empire with a plan to raise an army slightly less dangerous than butter but to do that he must team up with Morgan the space wh bch too hang on they have space witches now you're a witch an ancient people from a distant Galaxy okay so not witches just Ancient Aliens witchcraft or witches so witches my people were among the first to harness and ride the creatures in the days before time was counted okay you win I stopped carrying plus bringing some small shred of light to the dark side is Balin skull and the little sister he picked up along the way your ambition drives you in One Direction Direction take your place in the coming Empire and wanders around resigned to his fate speaking for the Star Wars fans trapped watching the same old drag it repeats again and again and again extend your big red Sabers for the return of Anakin Skywalker Hayden Christensen is back and eerily smoother than ever to play Ghost dad to Ahsoka in an extremely orange flashback I don't know this battle his Redemption Park is finally complete not because he apologized for being space Hitler no it's just enough time has passed that we're happy to see him again nope nope sorry still can't do it I hope ghost W beats him with a shoe by so get ready to pretend the last decade never happened and wrap yourself in a comforting blanket of 2014 Nostalgia just a little rusty for a show that's giving out more fan service than a sex worker at Celebration the night sister of damir three honored Chancellor a long time ago in a galaxy far far away Jason has abilities his father Kanan jarus was a Jedi okay until it's clear this franchise stalled out years ago and has been slowly rotting in the belly of a sarlac of its own creation who wants to see some more lightsaber tricks huh [Music] [Music] de starring Dawson's Creed Ren and snippy Dr screw Twilight breaking thraw Punisher star war zone Anya Taylor misery which better have my map key beards do not grow in space Any Given Sunday once in a blue goon chivalry is dead or two D nuts orange man good yamon nine clinch snails an actual coven of chaos and a perfect metaphor for Disney Star Wars Star Wars jumping the whale oh oh right cuz he turns into Darth Vader it's like poetry so they rhyme hey screen Junkies you know who needs therapy me you know who else Spider-Man we asked a clinical psychiatrist to put all movie versions of Peter on the couch to see what makes them tick in an all new episode click the Box on the right to watch now what the hell is an illuminum Falcon Crush kill destroy swag Crush kill destroy swag welcome to the new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new worst game ever
Channel: Screen Junkies
Views: 1,038,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screenjunkies, screen junkies, honest trailers, honest trailer, star wars, ahsoka, rebels, clone wars, star wars honest trailer, ahsoka honest trailer, ahsoka trailer, star wars trailer, honest trailers ahsoka season 1, honest trailer ahsoka season 1, disney
Id: pHXDbVRxojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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