Honda DIY Head Gasket - Vehicle Will Not Start Now

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viewers and welcome back to the something off - we got us a 2004 Honda Odyssey here that is an on note meaning it don't run this is those so this thing was dropped off yesterday trailer evidently it's had the head gaskets replaced I think it was a DIY job that's my understand about to the customer myself replace the head gaskets it's sat for like six or eight months I guess I don't know after the repair or something somewhere along there probably irrelevant but now it doesn't run and I guess they haven't had it running since they've done the head gaskets so here it is had some guys coming down for my brother shop let me push it in because me missus Oh didn't have enough beans to push it in whoa uh sounds like here oh boy well that doesn't really sound good folks classic dead hole so that sound the way it was cranking over I think we've heard a lot of this in other high do videos where there's actually a burnt valve or other videos in general where you crank it and it has that pretty distinct you know sound where you know you hear you know four five Pistons contributing and then one that doesn't so the starter kind of freewheels past it of course lots of variables here first thing because it's easiest thing that do we're going to check the mechanical timing on this engine I'm not even going to bother doing a relative compression test my ears are plugged but I can hear that it's not right and being that it just had head gaskets I guess we can cross our fingers that's just a timing issue hopefully it didn't crash the motor if the timing is off well lady I need to tell you so let me move the light here hopefully we can see this so our cam timing mark so you guys can see it there the dimple on the cover and the number one is lined up there and then we'll go back here to the rear head hon that's always good about this then we look through there hope you guys can see that in the mirrors a little pointer in the bottom of the cover there that's lined up with our mark however I'm not seeing the mark down here on our crankshaft so we should have some notches right there in the end of that pulley I think like a couple red marks and a white mark something like that right at the end of the pointer so it appears to me that cam the cam the timing is on but the crate timing must be off whether it got lined up initially with the wrong mark or what I don't know I'll tell you right now I borrow this engine over by hand you can feel it hit the valves I'm actually mechanically locks up and you can hear it the valves I'm gonna see if I can find the marks on that and a great pull ways out there right now the motor is locked right up and then you can spit it pass and then it locks up again and I believe that's our mercury there yeah so we're on I see the three notches yeah damage was done here let's pull back off it when they lock up like that that's usually not good I'll show you the marks here on the crank pulley we'll see what we got from our number four cylinder see if I can easily identify that marks here very good hopefully these will focus and show up for you so you see the three little notches and we've got the other white notch they're back by the pointer that's what we're looking for obviously with that lined up though you know our cam timing marks are off and just fired dantian over by hand you can tell you know it's by not pitting the bells you can hear the rocker arms tink when you crank it over there at this point I'm not gonna go any further with it until I talk to the customer you know we can you know if they want to know a hundred percent for sure did it do any damage the only thing we can do is pull the timing covers take the timing belt off at that point weekend you know use our cam gears you know flick it over do a leak down test on each cylinder to see how much leak down there is but being the engine bars over so hard obviously the cars already been cranked over you know even prior to coming here and effort to try to get it running you know if it's it only takes one time you know that's why we always preach it but time bailed on your all more a couple times by hand to make sure there's no binding because if you're doing it by hand you know you feel it oops that doesn't feel right you stop realign your timing marks double-check everything I like to say this point out to call the customer see what they want to do timing is clearly off on the engine potentially caused you know melt rain damage being that they just did the head gaskets I have to actually call and see what they want to do so here's the deal I talked to the customer of course he's a little upset you know what I don't blame he said he just had spent 600 bucks on these heads to have them redone you know new valves and everything they can't help sympathise for a guy like that kind of sucks but I told them that my outlook just my god oh my big belly doesn't feel good simply because you know it's mechanically binding when you turn it over that you know the odds of it not not having done any piston damage or valve damages is pretty low so I gave him the two options we can either you know just remove the timing belt I can you know spin the cam you know one cylinder at a time do a leak down test on it see you know see what kind of damage is done or just like the timing about back up and see you know what damage is done you know from there so in either case I think we're gonna end up having to do a leak down test on it to see you know what happened if you know perhaps and only you know trashed one head maybe both heads you know I don't know it's all speculating at this point so that's what we have to do I think you know it's a catch-22 I could probably put the timing belt on you know just line up the marks just as quick as I could just you know take it off per se so get up in the air here and I'll see what we can do it took a few minutes to knock the covers off so we can see the front here hopefully you guys can see this this is exactly what we were looking at through the little rubber plugs there we can see our mark there for number one we got the notch that lines up with the notch in the head and then we'll look at the back one here a little trick here to see I don't know if you guys will be able to see this I'm gonna get the camera back here yeah you probably won't might take my word for it but there's a notch yeah you guys can see the notch you have to kind of follow it across you know pretending the number one there on the belt so that one's you know pretty close close enough for the time being anyways I believe that's the only mark on those rear rear ones and then we go down here and here is where a problem lay there lie the classic double marked prank sprocket let me get my stinking light sorry about the crappy video but you can see so we have the mark up there in the oil pump cover we have the triangle right there that is perfectly in line with the dot the crankshaft the only downside to that is the mark you're supposed to use is that mark right there the other triangle so it's triangle to triangle you know unfortunately that puts the tiding off you know what 90 degrees anyways all 90 so you know no I took a few Mets get here I'm gonna pull the tension off well advance the crankshaft there and beer line back up see what happens so I didn't show the process of taking the covers off guys don't feel like the heebie-jeebies or anything but there's the vibes you know when people like then I got a bad vibe this car is giving me bad vibes in the sense of I can feel the guy's frustration as I'm picking this thing apart it's missing the majority of the time you covered bowls a lot of stuffs broken bed not put back no missing clips I feel the frustration vibe coming off this man to aura I guess that's the proper term and it feel bad for me cuz I mean they're like that close to having it right but potentially could have cost you know serious damage we'll find out in a few minutes yes I don't know the whole story I did talk to him a lot because once you know we figure out what's going on find out more information really doesn't change the outcome what I feel everything I find super interesting and every single Bowl life touches like loose and falling out even this tensioner I've done in the bowl too tight most of the time encounter bolts if they were there they were super loose I don't know maybe they were onto something I'm not sure I don't know [Applause] so don't know we're gonna find out to lack store over in the junk drawer we need to find a grenade pin which I've done a couple times about the mundane but for whatever reason oh it's early Grenade pins back in here whenever I got a hundred level that one's gonna work just as loosely automatic tensioner just like the one we did in our on the three five video grand and I probably didn't show how to compress it because we likely put a brand new kid on it which is a matter of fact I know we then we put an Asian kid on it if I remember correctly so we're just gonna push this in slow and steady that wins the race make sure your holes are lined up if they're not you know because we're going to get it in we're gonna put the pin in it if the holes not lined up try to straighten it up right now you can stick the you know allen key drill bit whatever it is that you're using but just push them in slow close there she is there it is fully loaded get it worked out to the edge we're gonna that stuck back up the narrow at the time of Marc's line back up we'll pull a pin and then place your bets of course we don't know if there's anything else wrong with the band other than this the grenade pin has been pulled wheeler over a couple times here [Music] good compression on a few holes let's see it's liner marks back up that's pretty close there don't check our cams that drew us some marks on the timing belt there so we can hopefully see that a little bit I know sometimes coming off at an angle with the camera is a little tricky to see the marks I'm gonna go back down that rear one too you should be able to see that lines up you know straight across straight to the mark on the head so we're good there fingers crossed before we go cranking it over at holy man I just use the axle nut as a spacer there when I'm turning them over by hand I'm sure Hugh it's all good deflector on there looks like she's seen better days pulling back on it so I'll make sure you know what I'm gonna walk off or anything silly minded usually don't idle to good without the belt sound just FYI sometimes I'll have a real low-key idle at least this will give us an idea whether or not all things trashed steering belts out of the way that I want to take my chances I take it off but you got to pull the motor mouth to do that so I just don't want to get wrapped around them into tiny components here we're just going to zip tie the power steering belt over here to the AC line keep that all the way all right ladies and gentlemen place your bets wah-wah-wah I'll start some runs but you can hear it popping through the exhaust so I guess with all that being said we can at this point now do it so under leak down past course well we'll see what so here's a fire let's now if I do a little compression at this point crank it over do it sounds like stop leaking all over the place yeah here's something dripping on my floor any fries where'd that come from that it's coming out they never lose this to the throttle body yeah yeah both of the coolant was as rocks trauma bites a little spring Hannah things all over I'm not gonna really worry about that right now it obviously has a dead cylinder I wonder I don't believe these have a clear flood mode so we can't just crank it over well to disable the fuel injection crank it over to see what cylinders are dead kind of take it from there I think what I'll do you know perhaps at this point the best thing to do you know we know the Pistons in the valves we could feel it when we were turning it over by hand you know at this point maybe it's you know the best idea to call the customers okay here's what's going on or maybe we can find out which cylinders it is see if it's both heads and then call I guess that's play the best bet just thinking out loud here the best route is so we're not chosen to do here we're just going to use the Pico we're gonna do a compression check on the whole engine I pulled out the number four spark plug I installed the WPS 500 the pressure transducer I've hooked up to the batteries we're going to measure voltage draw another way to through a relative compression test instead of using you know a current clamp you can also use voltage they have a special portion of the Pico scope where it's essentially going to measure you know the compression and this cylinder compare it to voltage drop you know every time that cylinder or every time the starter comes up on compression and then it's going to calculate a number for us and give us our compression spec all the way across the whole engine I personally noticed when you're using portion of it we'll get this set up here so we're gonna pick six cylinders alright it's gonna say I noticed when you're doing this if you pick a cylinder that's good the test is usually better so hopefully we're in a good cylinder here you can choose to use this test with or without the pressure transducer this is a 3.5 these are ten to one compression engine so there's that know if you're unsure if you have a Pico and you're unsure how to set up this data or aren't you're out a hookup your scope just come up to the help section go to about or not about don't listen you go to help and then contents and then you can pick tests and then compression tests and then you know you can go right down through it'll tell you you know I will tell you in this document you know how to hook out where the word for your leads and all that stuff so we're gonna click start now we're not done is I've already disabled the engine I unplugged all the coils cuz the reason you get to wants us to hold it sounds to me like we have at least one a dead one we can see on the screen here pretty decent all the way across that's that's just the calculated values no here's the beauty of it display raw data and okay so so we're looking on the screen hmm now our Peaks our red Peaks that is our pressure transducer that is cylinder number four now here when you're looking at relative compression we're going to be looking at the lower peak so it's gonna be just the opposite of using your amp clamp okay because you can see here our blue trace in the 12 volts and every time it comes up on compression you know voltage is going to go down with amperage is gonna go up so we'll look in the state line here so that one's good good good so I'm gonna before is good right here is our missing event so whatever cylinder is after number four and the firing line does that make sense so this would be you know one Songer two cylinder three four five six and then back at one here's the one that's missing two three four five six so all we have to do now let's get the firing order I can't think right now so we'll just go like this go for it - kind of in specs they used take time to memorize firing orders and stuff but I've learned don't memorize something you can look up they say one two three six right let's see one four two five three six so we can pop back here we've got one four two five three six one four two so it looks like cylinder number two is our one with little or no compression so it's pretty easy assuming all the rest of this process data here is correct we only have a problem on one head did it smash the valve do they have a valve over tightened you know hard to say at this point but listening to the engine cranking and looking at our data here I say it's worthwhile to investigate cylinder number two based on what we see hopefully you guys that have the Pico and a WPS 500 and utilize that feature on it I haven't gone through 100% and verified its accuracy as far as how it calculates however I have done my own relative compression test had a known pressure in that cylinder you know knew that I'll say silver number four was you know 195 pounds did my relative compression took the amperage you know cross multiply and cross multiply figure out your you know psi per amperage and then you can look at the amperage draw on each other cylinder and calculate it out and that's pretty accurate I mean that usually comes out with an you know five or six psi I think actually Ivan and I did that in one video did the calculation and then just verify it with a gauge and it was surprisingly active I assume this uses the same type of you know algorithm compares of no 1 psi 2 unknown you know voltage draw on the starter and then you know calculates the rest of it perhaps takes an average because of how long it had to crank the engine over what's it like beats eyeholes or something yeah eight cycles you know obviously calculate see rpm stuff like that which is relatively easy calculations when it knows when each compression stroke is out then how many time to turn them you know time all that stuff so I think what I'm gonna do at this point I'm gonna call it a night still deal on this whole side of saying I'm gonna go home get some dinner we now have direction we know unfortunately it's on the back thing because it always is and you know what we'll do I don't know if we need to sneak that valve cover off there you know perhaps pull the valve cover up and see this engine has to be very worried because every single bolt is loose even you know the spark plug goes loose you know the coil packs are loose the cams fry I want to turn the one cam and the bolt came out of it you know it's just pretty nervous about it you know hopefully for this guy's sake hopefully they screwed up the valve adjustment you know maybe it's too tight but you know we're spinning that engine over by hand I mean it was it would solid you know it's coming up against about hard if it comes down to where he asked to pull the head off you know what do you do at that point did you know do you pull the front head you don't want that NICTA you know the edges of the valves you know I don't know we'll cross that bridge when we get there it's any of our data I'll put it in the link in the description box below so you guys can go ahead and check that out hopefully understand it but it definitely makes a whole lot you know short cuts your whole process here cuz we pull one spark plug do the whole thing know what cylinder is bad and move on with our name and I will pick up on this tomorrow so see you guys then you [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 519,578
Rating: 4.935523 out of 5
Id: hFs91VXnEHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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