Honda Ridgeline Poor Running - Misfire Low Cylinder Contribution

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viewers and welcome back to the semi-auto channel hi guys our hot one here today we got this oak 7 Honda Ridgeline it's got the 3 5 and of course and it's only got about 78 and some change on it for miles not a lot of miles for a Honda I'm not sure the story I'm told via the customer is took it in about 4,000 miles ago to have the hundred K service done at 17,000 74,000 miles you know whatever water pump timing belt that whole spiel did that at Honda where she's had it serviced and today it was new apparently he's never been to an independent repair shop like ourself so she took it there got it done and told me that after having the timing belt and water pump replace that it never seemed you know right since so she took it back had had them look at it and at that point they changed she showed me the receipt they put six spark plugs in it in a number five ignition coil so she went picked it up and again you know still told them that you know it just doesn't seem right you know since you've done the timing belt did she didn't feel that the spark plugs or anything made any improvement so like say she took it back and at that point they said lady you need an engine and she says well how much is that and they told her five grand for a used one some figure like that so she just like can't believe it so she brought it here actually she talked to a friend and her friend new guy new me whatever anyhow here it is and that's a story so I was like wow she couldn't really explain the sound or the noise or the symptom so I understand buy with it today early on today we're actually closed right now but it's like I can't go home - I know what's wrong with this thing so she stopped by when I go on a parking lot turn it up listen to it and it sounds normal sounds like a 3/5 but when you kind of listen to the exhaust you can hear it puttan you know like a single cylinder like low compression so like that's kind of weird put it in reverse and in Reverse if you have a door open the door - sits there you know just just shaking it tremor in you come out here you can see the engine sits there you know you can really hear it pretty pronounced like it does have low compression on one cylinder or at least that's what it sounds like you know I have no idea what it is and so I'm sinner I have a traverse and idle I'm like oh how come the engine light is not on Angela I mean it's it's clearly misfiring and then about 10 seconds later setting your idle in Reverse or 30 seconds later money light comes on search flash and bingo that gives us direction they easily could have found direction you know without that don't get me wrong but one thing I did notice which was kind of peculiar was shall I go to start it because like did - do you know how's that for sound effect it sounded to me like of course it starts quite quickly but it sounded to me like I had a cylinder with low compression not a dead mist and reason I said that is good I took it for a little zipper on the block I'll sippie's app and it seems to have okay power and a little misfire you give it a little bit of throttle seems to go away which is pretty pretty classic for you know low compression see it's line Subaru's when the valves leak on them you know older ones older twin cams you know they'd set their mandate shake like crazy at an idle you know we'll meet here get a little gas she'd smooth right out you know where you'd go so that's kind of where that so step one we're gonna take and just grab some codes out real quick I haven't looked at this yet but I kinda wanna know what I'm getting into you know whether we're going to be pulling ahead or play your Onix gonna you know coil its puked or you know what the story is you know how that could all this happen supposedly after a timing belt change unless you know somebody didn't line up the marks and things got whacked and then they lined up the marks to save their bacon and then says yeah it's like that when it came in I don't know I'm just speculating so that's real rats so step one where we're going to pull codes we're gonna see what cylinder is misfiring we know as a misfire code because the money light it's flashing step two we're going to do a relative compression test on it because I think when it cranks over that I can hear a dead cylinder but it starts so quickly I could be wrong so that's where we're at now I went fired up the auto and won't get you guys in the frame here that's what we've got your classic p 0 3 0 4 so a cylinder 4 misfire is what I come up with it's the only coda has stored in it [Applause] so that's that like I say I want to do a relative compression test so I'm going to grab the scope let's see if we can disable the fuel or spark or something here somehow I already tried putting this into clear flood mode good I wanted to hear the starter so I already you know when I started bringing out gasp all the way for cranked it wrong you know let's start right now a lot of you know a lot of domestics you could do that with and they won't they won't start so let's find some way to disable fuel pump find a fuse or something here in average forget we don't work on a lot of these so see if we can disable that some Howard made oh just pull its in and cover off and put us on plug with coils that are pretty easier very quickly I could just unplug the coils when I tell you from my lips almost 80,000 it regardless it's pretty low I unplug the coil so let's let's see if we can just listen to this hopefully the audio picked that up but that does not sound good folks that sounds but clearly like a bad cylinder so maybe we got altought will use the wheeze thats coefficient work good enough it's not a really great school but there were good enough for this I feel bad really she's pretty upset because you know like she's never been to another shop always went to the dealer so you know now it sounds like they don't want nothing to do with her so that's kind of that kind of sucks I guess she's called you know they pretty much just told us this is that's the other road you need an engine take it or leave it have a nice day sayonara you know that whole spiel we're going to scope so I kind of thought you know but hey I'm just here to provide an answer I did not see on brain boys that she had from Honda but where they did a like a valve adjustment or anything so I wasn't sure if they did that it's part of the hundred case service for 74,000 miles here was whatever it is I peered they did just a time got water pump tensioner was on there of course the six spark plugs in the number five ignition coil for whatever reason who knows maybe didn't need that all knotted up here so I am I'll get this all straightened out we'll get the RO amp clamp jeez [Applause] now we'll be right back okay so here's the setup you know we've just got our black clamp here that zeroed out put to the single wire going to the starter you have current flow in this direction so that's we've got that facing and then we've got a trigger here on one of the coils so these coils are their own control modules they've got a power ground and then a control wire from the computer so we described we just use this cylinder right here in the front 50 to get to got that back probe we've got our scope set up now this probably is gonna be a very good picture this scope has no filter on it it's like always constantly in peak detect mode so usually it looks kind of crappy but if that's what we got out so so our channel one here or channel a is our current ramp or current clamp and channel B should be our trigger should be just like a square wave you know a little on-off trigger so that's it we'll take in did that to restart come here round here [Music] that should be plenty enough come over here to stop it now oh yes I'm Kenneth whoa crap that doesn't plug some just tripped over so yeah what did I do oh just our ground I shouldn't any matter okay let me set the camera down here yeah I'm not getting everybody bertigo why our signal wire doesn't look too good of course that's kind of the mo of the scope that's hopefully we can decipher throughout the hash oh we can so we can see this down so we can see that is our firing event huh it appears that we picked the number four cylinder so what do we have here and we get a pointing device so if that's our trigger so we've got one two three four five six one two three so we've got six events and appears that must be that front cylinder is the number four as long as our code rakes we had this code for number four misfire so we can see you know compression compression compression compression no compression and then we have this big peak in amperage here and I can only assume it's because the crankshaft picked up speed you know across this silicon this donor had no cloaking for the looks of it has some compression so the crankshaft picked up speed and then you know come up against a little higher amperage is my assumption that's just my first guess from looking at this so it's kind of kind of what that looks like for sure definitely is miss an event so it's kind of funny that we let's look up our fire in order real quick weekend yeah that so yeah we got to got lucky it's one of the front cylinders so we are on cylinder number four so taking a plugger trigger definitely a mechanical it's going to this out here we don't really need that in here anymore set that right out of our way now we'll take and pull our ignition coil out grab a compression get oh yeah I guess they put a they put a radiator into she told me if they put new radiator in sidenote let's pull pull that little guy out and see what's going on here welcome in a little belt [Applause] yeah needle a little bit more extension cry son edit timer to see my one great tape maybe they've already been down this road imagine if they told her that she needs a new engine they don't tell her why there so she needs a new engine [Applause] at least were gathering some data we'll give her money's worth and diagnosing of course she's like no shaking like she's all wet from having a coil unplugged obviously well let's see actually better move this stuff so let's grab a regular old mechanical compression gauge go old school on this pig and we'll see we'll see what we see it's not gonna be good though after I got a brand new one using this for one of our videos or somebody doing a running compression test with it the router yeah input and cylinder pressure transducer and you know hose let loose maybe I didn't do a video on it but that's what happened so I know we got new hose from our Mac man free not really might be 20 times more for this than we should have okay so there's that if that when folks can see it you guys see that good enough I guess I'm yeah i mean wailing over that's on like enough little toot [Applause] there she is you guys see that 90 psi it's about playing 90 lesson what it should be so anything good the air is going somewheres that's what we got to find out now I'll grab a leak down tester if we get this piston where eats me well here's my dog it appears that this valve cover comes off pretty easily from the looks of it so why don't we just have a little look I'm thinking this thing must have been about which is super weird it's particularly after a timing belt service if all the story's true I've no reason not to believe urges I can only relate to you what they tell me that's what I was told so I tell you what let's just pop this little valve cover off though we would make sure both valves are closing that cylinder good God isn't listen umber five where's our fire order yeah that's the number five he said that that was a brand new coil well let's just compare and that goes yeah I suppose it is so there's an old one there's a new one but it's kind of weird it's got a lot of a lot of crud on it for a new one not judging folks okay so that cylinder has looks like maybe a leaky very slightly leaky spark plug tube seal so that's where that craps coming from let me see I'll grab a ten millimeter and a blow now it will blow some of this junk off and it looks like one bolt here a couple on the front a couple right there a little wiring harness here sound do we have to rule this lady's day morning of coloring morning I want to ruin her Brunner evening or do our morning Landon I just feel like the Grim Reaper yeah well you just leave that hanging what does leave that little guy hanging we should go sneak that Bell cover out extension here we just use dinner all right there's that need a little bit of plier to the guess it looks like here's some here's some players lady none of this stuff appears to have been off so so I doubt that they went this far with it if they did maybe we'll get to be the hero make sure Bell was just over tight won't that be sweet I just feel brownie points please boils down just a smidge maybe huh doesn't matter why did we even do this okay [Applause] so do I lose them no I should just end the video right here when that just to make everybody happy maybe I will stay tuned for part 2 [Applause] oh I'm just I want to know as bad as you guys do know the feet of this old Pandu come on there little guy oh you can so let me tip this upside off camera just cuz we don't drive anything so that's what she looks like with seventy nine thousand miles of honda service trying to certify all that that number two so maybe this has been off before I just noticed ago that this is the number five spark plug tube seal the one I had all the crusty crusty crust in it that's kind of kind of wonky almost like it might have been put on incorrectly at some point I don't know need a light here's our light what silver we're working at this one this little guy here yeah that's our intake valves they both have a little bit of a little bit slop in them which is good that excessive amounts and we'll see see any broken valve spring we must be coming up on the exhaust stroke right now because oh yeah it looks like it's really the peak of the lobe and this is where your VTEC happens folks right there the Center rocker arm when that VTEC is rocking that baby's locked it that's what geez I let's enough about the VTEC and see if we can roll the engine over perhaps with a wrench congrat one here sighs maybe nineteen see we just turned apart sharing pop maybe that'll help us oh yeah is it turning that just comes no am i turning slopes I don't want the I don't want that's not come loose I just want the bells to go closed all we need is all four valves closed obviously do it down test those are still Tiger tight [Applause] [Applause] all right there look like you're on your way down or up rather can bounce right now [Applause] yeah let's just get those a little wiggle yeah they got played too so all of our valves are coming up fully well that's an assumption all of them have a little bit of lash no excessive lash which is good well to a certain degree that's good a lot of times what what we're checking there for just so you guys know if a valve is like you know pinned right over what will happen is you'll have like excessive valve lash because it doesn't return all the way back up so that's that's what we're that's what we're feeling for there you know I'm not going to stick a feeler gauge under it you can tell that you know the valve is that too far out adjustment but that doesn't really matter right now so all four valves are closed we can do a leak down test see where she's leaking I think we did this in our other kind of idiot meet a bunch of elves but that was a little civic broke timing belt crash bang boom my folks place you bet intake valve exhaust valve both piston piston rings well it's going to do where else can she go cylinder two cylinder what's it gonna be [Applause] we got a hundred psi in there all four valves are loose and we've got some blow by 80% to be exact or 78 to be more precise so that's a lot of blow by can be gone a couple places you going off the crank case which is possibility intake or exhaust so intake exhaust this thing to listen to I do hear some kissing in this vicinity well let's stick our ear on the intake tube first actually let's go things off that's easy enough and my tripod just broke now we got a bipod that's handy where things muffler oh my gosh you hear anything stick my ear up here exhaust sounds pretty quiet my ear let me come over here Lee rig up my busted up tripod we'll pull this to BA and have to listen there right weird no here of course the butterfly is shut what so let's go over here well folks that is a substantial amount of wool by today we're going to have to do we're going to pull the spark plug out of its companion cylinder let's be on a safe side [Music] it sounds like it's I'm gonna boil the drinking's I don't hear it coming out of the intake here which it would come right out of this you know port here I don't hear it or you're on the intake at all I don't hear it on the exhaust at all this is weird so just add precaution we are going to pull out number 5 spark plug this make sure adult that it's going over the other cell on their bot oh man they tighten that one I'm better we're safe than sorry you know it's gonna kind of psychic he really isn't now for you guys cuz I'll get a sweet video there's our number five even though we did some cranking on it she she still looks pretty looks pretty nothing this even that that's number four and number four it's not so pretty not being judgmental Steven facts let's go give her a little blast here and you can clearly see we still have the same amount of leak down so that means it's definitely not going into that other cylinder all the belts are closed now coming up intake not coming out of the exhaust what we can do temporarily we put our cover back on because we're done we've done seen everything we need to see so let's take pull this out real quick that way there we can capture if it is coming out of the valve cover we could capture that a little bit better that makes sense as far as capturing the air where's Belko Ramos anybody see milker so I guess I'm not really worried but it's not like it's like sleeping until it's fixed I really don't care about the poop seal or anything the fĂȘte profit so Honda that's not looking so good right now ladies gonna fix it but she wants to know what I want to know what's wrong with it you folks at home want to know what's wrong with it bring it around town let's grab the bolts one little oddball one well shorty she goes up in the back sure would be interesting to find out it's going off the crankcase huh I can only mean one thing you know like broken broken ring or something that's how active that just happened randomly if it's murder mystery will tear this ticket out with tear it down super weird there we go my torque wrench all right Matt torque factory specs slip this right back in real quick see if we can blow dry our hair with the lipstick tube or else think that some crankcase vent somewhere is LTI going over there to the to the intake okay we know our valves are closed we're gonna piston to move you know funnel so I can hear what's going on right here a little bit in there but nothing nothing crazy alright we're going to open this throttle and this should be straight in right that's just Cranky's gas all right well I hook the smoke machine - I took the air intake tube off because I wanted to make a hundred percent sure you know I pushed open that butterfly so I can hear on to be certain it's definitely not coming out of the intake that sounds pretty quiet you know very very faint so I put some smoking because that I can hear the air rushing visitors don't know where I didn't hear things honest I don't think stuck my ear up there pretty good usually with this much leak down you can hear I mean it just so look to see if it comes out the which holds gonna come out of come on one of them got to be going somewheres so hard fill up here for a little while I've got the intake tube off over there core so maybe you guys can barely see that in the corner there got the intake tube off link-building yeah they have two spark plugs out oil caps open smokers are smoking Oh Bazaar unless I can't hear and it is coming out the exhaust so we're waiting for this to fill up with smoke I know we're going to get bombarded with the fact that the piston is not all the way down or all the way up or wherever I guess that's supposed to be to do a leak down test to me that doesn't matter all it matters is that all four valves are closed we know that they are we've seen it we've got play in the rocker shafts or in them rocker arms we see that we've got you know a measurable amount of leak down so that's it it doesn't matter where the piston is we just want to seal the cylinder up the piston seals its entire stroke hopefully if not you've got a lot more problems and you know the list yeah so that's that's that I don't really care with business I just want to make sure all four valves are closed well that being said so far I'm not seeing nothing it's kind of put a few minutes minutes think should be limiting smoke on the intake see anything a rushing out of the crankcase hmm where is it going let's go back and look at the exhaust whoa oh my gosh almost oh oh now I'm gonna leave you folks back here I'm gonna go hook the air hose to it see what happens it should be pretty juice hold on here she goes what do to show I didn't see it do something cool well folks it's all over but the crying it's got a call the young lady tomorrow and give her the bad news eat breakfast first and wake up and then we'll make the dreaded phone call well that's that no more sense and beating it any further than we already have is leaking out of an exhaust valve for whatever reason we don't know dasu felt chipped is the edge of it broke off you know I guess that would be same as being chipped as it slightly bent and being held slightly open who knows but we do know it is 100% confirmed coming out the exhaust you can see it with the smoke machine they're clearly good visual representation so that's that super bizarre why did it happen I don't know the paper trail appears to have happened perhaps at the dealer when they did timing belt service and nobody wants to own up to it now I don't know I'm here to diagnose it anything I say is hearsay you know on and beyond that although we can do is look at the facts see what we got that's what we got so if we get the job which I'm certain that we will bring you guys along will yank the head off the old Han do since you want to do one head two heads no heads whatever and they will make a sweet video series out of ripping down the ridge line so stay tuned for that in the meantime Google+ Facebook check us out there if you haven't done that subscribe to our channel if you would and want to stay up to date don't want to miss upcoming videos like the one well hopefully we're going to have on this little guy and just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 981,425
Rating: 4.8866158 out of 5
Id: buqkld9DhY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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