Honda DIY Head Gasket - Vehicle Will Not Start Now - Part II

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here we are the next day or the next couple days I don't remember which it's been a few days we've determined back in part one of the video that the problem should be on cylinder number two and it appears from that relative compression that you guys remember that we did there that the other cylinders appeared to be relatively the same to each other so that's good I think what we'll do just for the sake of video probably can sneak that valve cover off in the back to have a look without pulling the intake but the majority of the stuff that hooks to the intake is it's all loose so we'll this is if the little top cover off I'll pull the intake manifold off pull that valve cover off so we can get back there a little easier now granted we could you don't put number two up on top dead center we can use our front cam you know line up the number two which should make both valves closed get back there do a leak down where we know you know just from barn and over the probability that you know of Elvis smash is quite high but there is not chance that perhaps the valve adjustments like way off you don't know or perhaps way too tight not allowing the Elvis you know we don't know in either case even if we did a leak down and discovered that yeah it's leaking out of you know X Y Z or whatever we're still going to pull the valve cover to have a look so we can give this thing a full assessment and take it from there so let's get motoring [Music] saving that stuff so we'll just set it to the side 12 I'm just gonna leave the throttle body right on the intake and say most everything on this is already looser most of stuff is already on break posterior line PCB probably a couple coolant hoses which we remember discovered at part one where it felt when there's sprayed all over I just got them lightly stuck on there so we'll close the bolts out of the middle [Music] I want to set the whole intake right over here underneath you guys there's that so now now we can get to the rear valve cover easily which again is missing most of the bolts all bolts on where darkness I mention the part one you can feel frustration I think we should can work it on this baby so that's the PCV valve and was gonna stick that to the side and pull or quote pax take the bolts out of it bar the engine over see what the final verdict is yeah I can't really see we could get in there with a camera and have a physical look at the intake valves if we determine that's where the leak is we should be able to see them right down to the intake manifold core packs off and quantum pack notes are all loose also yeah so everybody's gonna ask so it is the Harbor Freight earthquake and everybody's going on my opinion but it's brand-new got a couple of them I don't have an opinion yet one thing I will say it doesn't have a light like most of its competitors do which may seem you know insignificant some folks but I do like having the light on the end of my cordless tools it's pretty helpful so there's all three of our ignition coils they were not very tight either I don't know if they're new grommets say don't appear to be I don't believe the arcs I think the honda ones are chrome but the aftermarket ones are like a goldish color we're gonna roll the engine over on the front kid I think we showed this another Honda videos it is all labeled one through six so we're just gonna roll it over get number two lined up with our timing mark here and that is right there so theoretically both belts on number two cylinders should be closed so we have lots of play and the number one intake there her number two intake does that mean the valve is stuck down because it spin over I don't new deals about like the correct latch on the exhaust valve so what we'll do at this point now we'll pull the spark plug out we'll do a leak down test on it I'm not going to be surprised to see air coming out of our intake it's hard to tell the overall heights just looking at the you know looking at the valve to see if it's physically down lower than the one beside it because I mean you're talking a great distance but the intake valve should be nowhere it's near this loose know what the speck is no sticker under the hood I'd have to look but we can see like you know the number one cylinder you know they still feel looser than they should be but obviously a lot of play there so let's pull that spark plug out with the leak down test see where it's coming from if it is the intake we'll have a gander down the hole with our camera see what we see been really nice to see just a mistake back here but you know I think we all knew what was coming I am shocked though so yeah the spark plug is soaking wet dripping with gas I am shocked to see that potentially we have a problem on one cylinder goes in there hook it up on the grab and air hose oh I love moisture about 95 percent blow by coming out on our intake just as we suspected now it's definitely hanging it up in that [Applause] yes sir I can't really see the sense that going any further this is probably one step further than what we had to go but it's obvious you know there's not a you know big chip off the valve that we could see I these valve stems on these valves are very tiny so you know when the piston came up you know of course the valves are on an angle it very easily could have met the valve stem and I believe that's more than likely the case because when we were whacking out of there with a hammer handle you could hear change tone just in the way it's sealed you know if we were able to push it down let it snap right up inside that guide you know perhaps a wedge up in there a little bit further but you know it's obviously not just you know being dragged over in my opinion if this was mine and I made this mistake and we know we whacked the back valves I would pull both heads you know regardless you know we have you know what appears to be you know a good sealing engine on the front the piston made contact with valves I would pull both heads having rechecked obviously you know the back one has to be done 100% for certain it would be I wouldn't feel comfortable without pulling both heads if I were to do this job I don't know if I'm gonna get this job or if the customers just gonna go at it you know get himself know that he knows where the timing marks are that's not up to me I was hired to diagnose it we did take and put the intake back on and the valve cover of course cart starts and runs now I might not put the tiny covers and stuff on it I'm talking if he's gonna take a home tear apart well we'll give him a head start I'm gonna leave it at that so well let me know what you guys think in the comment box below put it all down there questions comments criticisms concerns while you're down there click that subscribe button ring the bell find us on ourselves find us on patreon and just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 332,947
Rating: 4.9743662 out of 5
Id: 6kJrTNh_TXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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