Honda Civic Rear Struts : When The S.H.T.F.

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their viewers and welcome back to the cell phone auto channel we've got the old Ford hi new on the lift again it's a need of some rear struts the one on the right rear has been banging and clanging around back there for some time a few months let's be honest I've had the new parts for a few months and got some time to throw them in so let's get that job done I believe this whole process starts in the trunk here we'll get these wing nuts unscrewed I think it's for a cargo net that goes back here take the seats down because I think I may be wrong maybe maybe it's the access panel perhaps a look that's the wheel arch maybe you're wrong X is just the wheel arch I think they're up a little bit further let's put that back in I think I'm the Ford or there in the back let's go have a gander maybe yeah I can see one of them okay so we can see one the other one must be right behind this carpet yep it is so there's one know if you guys can see it or not back here so this is just what the seats fold down this is the seat belt one nut right there and there's another one we got to get through this access panel and then right behind you on the passenger side same thing alright so we don't have to pull any of the carpet out of the trunk just that little bit walk pick up of course this is kind of kind of old let's see what does doable right here looks like a 14 let me grab a grab a silent stick our light right there swivel extension get down there get them zipped off I think these things are pretty easy to change Oh next yes we're on it now all right of course it did not come out it's loose a freaking tree oh that's not bad we can access it through the back side as far as you know no no and then I'm just gonna go in here all right so it's just two not sticks 14 mil probably gonna be your best bet have a little swivel socket get in there flip around do it on the passenger side same thing same panel pull the rug back a little and you'll be good to go and two doors are fun especially when y'all ready I'm on the lift get it through here yeah you can get it right through there with a regular ratchet you don't got to get all silly when this rolls now come underneath the little guy 17 there this is the strut that's pretty well hammered just gets a listen to it awesome it's seized in the bushing so I could see the bolts the pull the threads of the bolt moving in its in the nut there which means the bolts moving but it's likely seized in the metal bushing sandwiched in the rubber the Lord half of the strut there so when all else fails get a bigger bar right let's see if we can't get it to crack free it probably won't I just want to make sure that the threaded portion continues to turn yeah it's spinning that whole bushing sometimes when you spin them out though you know it's it's encapsulated so hopefully a you know cracks loose when it gets enough pressure on it oh you son of a monkey that was a rookie mistake if I ever saw one did not plan on that to happen faulty Tommy I can't tell you the last time I broke the bowl off doing something stupid and that was clearly stupid alright well the big problem is I'm down here snap the bolt off I do not carry any fine thread metrics out here at the shop and messes always gone and I've got all three children here and this is my only ride what a I can't believe I just did that live on camera what you got here we gotta keep motoring it's first and foremost we've got to get this truck out got my fire extinguisher may I call my sister for me whoa my fire extinguisher me wanted we're just going to cut the bottom of the stroke slide it up out hopefully I got the right struts one piece there's rodeo can we like this don't be like new folks don't get a bigger bar get in there and just snip that bottom tab off now lift it off by there then we gotta cut that rubber off or burn it off or whatever [Music] that was a dumbest thing I've done quite some time [Music] I've been off smoking yeah it doesn't know should be cut firing up around and getting that out [Music] we get a pry bar here where's my vehicle yes [Music] typically they come down and out [Music] well I'd say well buzz still hot let me buzz the wheel off for the mats cut the back half of that bull horse you there [Applause] if we've got to have enough of the bolt and there we can just cut the rubber cut the bushy because we've got to get the full towel what's left of it snap that off you gotta slow down to go fast and I didn't pull the wheel off you probably can't see it's too hard to get the camera back in there but like I said it's gonna cut the backside off that backside off the bottom you'll see when I get it anyway we don't grab nothing hot plus I believe there is a warning on the strut that says do not heat cut warm all that stuff make sure that it's up in this situation make a little pop so don't be scared pinch me a little pinch all right there's one piece we chopped off sometimes I frustrate myself so now we're just down to the rubber and then the inner bushing this can be tricky because that rubber is usually pretty well bonded through the rubber bushing let's see if we can't get something metal here the easiest thing to do it doesn't burn it off it makes a mess it smokes and splatters I don't really know any other good way to get it off let someone do them we'll kick on the exhaust fan or heat it up it's gonna make some smoke but it's I guess the way to be efficient keep a hose handy case it all goes wrong oh yes now we're down to the rubber bushing all right should be anyways let's have a look yeah let me get a little screwdriver here [Applause] all right we'll be a little screwdriver sometime you can get up under the rubber bushing once you heat it up peel hide it away now it's craps hot on a good sign yet so use safety precautions that stink it smells like burning pyres reminds me of my youth yeah now good we just wanted to get through the pushing so I'm just going to take and slip the bushing hopefully that'll relieve the pressure off that we're gonna rotate it and then slid it again what's up in the lighting today with doing crappy work got crappy lighting it's a crappy video [Music] the other side's gonna suck worse to the gas tank I don't cut through the bolt just go easy so hopefully now there's enough of a gun and we can rotate that sleeve a little bit oh I'm gonna get some kind of striking device [Music] [Music] I think somewhere the rubbers off well we rotated that a little bit now could you got to be able to cut more than more than 50% off it you know make sense get it off there [Music] and we got into the bold a little bit when you heat it up along that's what happens you just keep an eye on your kerf when you're cutting it there you should be able to see it now that whole thing should come off there we go and all the we're left with is the bolt [Music] [Music] yeah good enough let's go I feel like a pair of vise grips it should come right out I've been wrong before obviously yeah ten minutes ago [Applause] and then we just go through this whole process fun now we could elect at this point to weld a head back on the bolt we wanted to and then just zip it out Oh why why me [Music] I thought it's gonna be an easy job there's like three holes two knots in a bowl right that does they want to grab a hold of it you know so there it is it's out I did get a little bit close to it but like I say it's not like we're reusing it off now that's out unfortunately the driver side is doing the same exact thing except I'm not gonna be a complete and bust a head off the bolt however it's not going to change the process I have no idea how to get the bolt unstuck from the bushing short of you know spraying and trying it you know for days on end to get it to bust loose which I doubt we'll ever work so I'm just going to use the same process you know I'm gonna cut this strut right here across the top I'm going to cut it here get that half off you don't pull this little Halfmoon piece off take the wheel off now I'm going to the gas tanks right here so you have to you know use some common sense I'm going to get a little tin shield sticking up here to defer some of the heat or it's a direct somebody keep it off the tank basically not explored so don't do this at home don't take any of my advice but you know you can play use cutoff wheel or something like that so we're gonna just like to say where it's going to cut it you know cut it take time off coming out in the back side its strut out of my way and then you know get the bushing off get the inner sleeve off zip the bolt out all Zippy's app we plane over here zero huh you're what you're cooking Oh eat cooking virtual cooking not gonna look at me huh you can't look away all right so the driver's side is out the only thing I did different here Todd because I didn't get a cowboy on it and snap the head off to Holt I simply you know cut the bottom off the strut like we did the first time and instead of you know so this is the inner bushing instead of torching it in half you know once I got down to it I just heated heated that up grabbed it with a pair of vise grips and then spun the bolt out that would have been ideal that's what I would have done on the first side if I was to think a little bit but that's essentially how I cut the bottoms off and like that so this is the one that came off the driver's side yeah certainly there probably is other ways to go about it as far as getting that seized bushing you know to crack loose from the bolt I don't really know of any like I said if you have the time that you know just repeatedly spray it I mean it may take weeks months years I don't know what it would take because even once I got down to that bushing in that just trying to spin it out even though I mean think time you know obviously I cut torch off you know got the rubber off all that stuff it still wouldn't crack loose grab the vise grips spun it still wouldn't crack loose you know I had to heat the thing cherry-red and then you know it came right out and a whole lot of rust and dust came with it I am a little bit shocked to see that the bolt is just a plain straight shanked bolt typically a lot of times you'll see on Honda's particular like kind of front struts these bolts will have you know serrations cut through them to prevent them from seizing but you can see you get kind of an eye for it you know how shiny that is around the shank you know to give it give you an idea you know it was seized from here to here you know the whole length of it I think you got a pretty I mean it'd be that'd be pretty hopeful thinking that you know penetrating oil was eventually work its way into it obviously I don't have new bolts but I do know the Napa guy real well I just called him and I can say it's my mistake try get old my sister she's not answer her phone of course she knows if I'm calling her on a Sunday it's probably cuz I need something so I call him a nap that guy he's gonna run down to the Napa store even though they're closed get us a couple bolts which is super helpful get her back together I got myself some Gabrielle's fresh from the mainland HECO in China that says maybe China Bart english-speaking crowd from the mainland where 90% of our parts come from why did I choose these well they're cost-effective I was gonna put some struts in the back Monroe's you know KY bees whatever I don't care and I looked him up and they were like $48 I think that's my cost on them just for a plane strut Rock Auto had these on clearance not not returnable of course $54 and that was shipped and that's the whole strut mount spring the whole shebang so either way this seemed to be the most cost-effective so we're waiting for our bolts we're gonna get these shoved up in there prior to installing it of course you're gonna fluid filling the top of it where it meets the body that way keep it from rusting out now I have fluid filling the whole bottom of this car back when I first put it on the road so well stick that up in there put the bolts serve the nuts on it and wait for a NAPA guy this makes me feel guilty I'm not even using his struts now when you work by yourself you have to learn to adapt so I just have a pry bar sitting across the top of the brake drum just holding pressure up on that strut so we can go inside and get the two nuts on here to torque them to factory specs [Applause] there we go take it comes with new nylock nuts on those struts so what they can chuck our old ones at the other side put back together and I guess I would say if you're doing this and you're doing it at home and you don't have a torch or the ability to you know repair that bolt if it breaks which ultimately isn't a huge ordeal assuming you have a torch and some willingness to do it if I was doing this job simple hand tools I would try to get that bottom bolt loose first if you see that it's East just stop take it to a garage you know tell them what you're up against see if they have the ability to do it without you know making a big freakin circus out of it charging you you know tons of money it doesn't take that long just take torch cut it out you know you're five minutes you're still you know beating the book all that stuff so I just kind of try to you know plan that out you know so don't come inside and tear the inside apart until you know that lower volts gonna come loose on ya now what are you playing checking out a new game I told you we were only gonna be here a minute but its plans have changed you don't care that dia cuz you're plugged in right better go check on your brothers make sure they're not doing something ridiculous we doin havin what you doing you're watching somebody play a game huh that's funny we're just getting these over here I know what are you doing Gavin watch an arrow is it a child appropriate movie alright now that the struts in we've got the new bolts we've got to push down on the rear control arm a little bit to get the bolt hole to line up now these aftermarket struts are slightly longer than the OEM ones not uncommon to see so I'm gonna have a hard time reaching and pushing down on that knuckle and getting the Boulton myself so we've grabbed a little bar here I got the Wildman yeah I mean he's gonna help us pull this down so it's gotta come right up here right above the upper control arm I just got a block of wood on there then about it four five foot bar and then had a little you should have no weight the line that's up there oh no pull yeah buddy when I get some fluid film hopefully prevent this from happening again you saw a light on TV that's brighter than this yeah what was it call yeah I think you've tell me stories now I'm gonna give this little - okay hold on just look don't jerk it just pull down study on it buddy you're probably gonna have to use both hands there pal okay just a minute hold it right there can you hold it pretty sure looks like your trim right stay down hold steady okay all right well that was pretty simple they say what watch your eyes Phelps that's some slag of the nerves Oh of course we're gonna fluid film the whole thing once we get it done I'm gonna take just leave that bolt loose we're gonna set it down throw the floor jack under it get it up ride height best we can and then finish tightening that up loosen that up a little bit essentially gonna do the same thing on the other side Jack it up you have to turn the handle tighten it go keep going it's making you a little harder for you just like it all the weight up on it that's good that'll work no the yellow jet [Applause] was a quick peek at the brakes they were all new put new brakes wheel cylinders on it when I put the car over of course there's always good to have a little look and now I will reduce everything with the fluid film then keep it from rusting out of course very fluid filled up in between you know the strut where it meets the body and then on that lower bolt hopefully them starts never have to come back now you never know and that folks is that so that the simple process of putting rear struts on the back of your Honda Coupe a sometimes jobs don't always go how we want them to and I'm certainly not exempt from that as you can see fortunately is my card not a customer's car and I know better when we have you know leveraging device that is yay long however long that is pretty long you got to use your mind not your muscle or you're gonna end up doing a bonehead move like that which essentially didn't change you know the process in which we had to do in order to remove this one however it could have prevented you know having to use my phone a friend lifeline to have somebody go pick me up a couple you know twelve by one two five bolts because I don't stock any of the fine thread bolts and evidently Napa doesn't either cuz they go home from the tractor supply for me which you know case works out great if the bolts come out this is like a 10-minute job it's actually quite simple I would be curious to know in the comment box below what your method of getting the bolt out of a C's two bushing whether it's you know control arm bushing you know shock bushing strut bushing just like what we you know it just encountered you know what do you do like I say you know I alternative I could think you know you could use a cut-off wheel you know essentially cut the strut off like what we did probably a little bit safer you know but once that's often you know that want to do now you're still faced with you know the rubber and then the inner metal sleeve which is ultimately the problem which I suppose if you get the strut out of there that's half the battle now you can take like a you know dremel tool cutoff wheel whatever and cut that bushing and then perhaps you know get your you know trading oil or whatever in there you know snap on to us and vice grips which is semi counterproductive because that you know squeezes the outer bushing onto the bolt and what you're trying to remove I don't know I used torch did I use the torch for everything yeah be honest with you I want to leave it at that I'll wait and see what you guys say be sure to get the video of the thumbs up if you liked it and who doesn't like some torch action go down click that subscribe button ring the bell and just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 314,622
Rating: 4.9527931 out of 5
Keywords: 2001-2005, Honda, Strut, Struts, Repair, shock, shocks, replace, big dog, bigdog, bigdog50001, compressor, compress, big dog50001, fix, spring, mount, damper, suspension, how to replace struts, how to install struts, honda civic, civic, springs, coils, how to compress springs, briansmobile, accord, how to replace honda struts, replace rear struts, replace front struts, how to install honda struts, honda struts, how to replace honda civic struts, best honda strut video
Id: EkSWb02eSmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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