My Two-Ingredient Dough Cinnamon Rolls

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hi I'm Marianne otherwise known as weight watcher wifey on instagram welcome to my kitchen this afternoon I'm doing a little baking and what I'm making our cinnamon rolls now we all know about the two ingredient dough I've been making pizzas with it calzones dinner rolls and breakfast rolls and today I wanted to show you how to do the cinnamon rolls I make so of course two ingredient dough you start with two ingredients and the ingredients are self-rising flour and also nonfat plain Greek yogurt this is my yogurt of choice I love the taste I eat this plain with fruit it's delicious so we're gonna start out with equal portions of those two ingredients and what I'm doing is I'm using a cup of each because I'm going to make a large rectangle shape dough to go ahead and put my cinnamon sugar on and get that rolled up to cut into my cinnamon rolls I should say when I make something sweet with this dough I do add a teaspoon of some sugar substitute and I use trivia so I'm gonna add that to this dough and I'll go ahead and get that started right now so I'm going to measure out a cup of flour and I'm going to put that right into my bowl and now the yogurt goes into the bowl and again it's going to be the same measurement which will be one cup I can open it there we go I love this brand of yogurt if you just want to eat plain yogurt I think it has the best taste out of all of them and I've tried them all so here's the cup of nonfat Greek yogurt and that's gonna go into my bowl as well now I start mixing this with the spatula very gingerly I just start folding it in gently until a dough forms and then I'll turn it out onto my surface and I have this great spill pad that my husband bought me off of Amazon it really saves my counters and easy cleanup and I love it okay the dough is coming together you know what I need to take off my rings because they need to use my hands so those come off and now I can get my hands in here I'm gonna go ahead and then turn it out onto my pants and of course it's not together yet so I'm going to have to knead it with my hands so it becomes a nice smooth ball of dough make sure you get all the flour incorporated into the yogurt clean your hands now this dough is sticky so pretty soon I'm going to be I see it sticking right now so I'm going to be opening up my flour and go ahead and put some on my Silpat I'm gonna wash my hands first my hands are washed so I'm just gonna take a little bit of flour and put it onto my Silpat and now put some flour on my hands and now I should be good to go to knead the dough to make it a nice smooth dough and you can see it's coming together nicely the more you need it I find that the smoother it gets put a little more flour on here I'm gonna need it anyway when I roll it out with the rolling pin okay so I think this is nice it's a nice smooth ball of dough so I'm gonna make sure I have my flour around here because the next thing I'm going to do is roll this out I'm gonna start flattening it a bit clear my space and I just start rolling and turning it and I'm going to go for a rectangle shape so as I turn it I'm going to favor one side to get it longer and push that side out more so it starts getting into a rectangle this dough is pretty forgiving because you can fix it if you rip it it doesn't have to be perfect as a matter of fact when it make pizza I don't like a perfect crust okay so my dough is in a pretty good rectangle shape so the Citroen brown sugar you can find on Amazon or order it directly from the Sukhram website so I'm going to get a quarter cup of Sukhram which will be zero points into a little bowl and then I'm also going to add some cinnamon and then I'm just going to mix that up again this dough is one cup of self-rising flour one cup of nonfat Greek yogurt a teaspoon of trivia and then the filling will be cinnamon and brown sugar okay so that's mixed nicely and then what you're going to do is you're just going to spread it oops I've got something hard in there it's gonna spread it onto the dough so I like a lot of cinnamon sugar so I use a quarter cup 1/4 cup of Sukhram is actually going to be six servings because trivia night trivia excuse me sue Curran is measured by two teaspoons on the weight watcher app so you need 12 teaspoons or a quarter cup or four tablespoons it all equals out to 1/4 cup okay that's pretty good so now hopefully this is going to start rolling easily now if it rips no worries it's still gonna taste good but you start rolling on the long end and try to get it tight roll roll roll there we go now some of the cinnamon sugar will seep out that's okay I have a serrated knife and I don't want to cut through my silk pad so I'll be very careful but I'm gonna count the ends off because the ends usually don't have a lot of the cinnamon sugar filling okay then I look at it and I'm gonna measure it it is almost 16 inches so I'm gonna go right in half because I want to get 12 cinnamon rolls so that means this is in half I want to get 6 out of here so 1 2 3 yep 4 5 6 ok and then just cut and you'll see the cinnamon sugar filling and then I use a Silpat I'm just going to place them on my cookie sheet I went ahead and marked these off to make them equal in size I forgot to turn my oven on so I've got to do that 375 so I'm gonna go and do that and let my oven heat up while I finished cutting the cinnamon rolls here are my cinnamon rolls so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to flatten these out a bit to get them into a cinnamon roll shape like we're used to in a store or a bakery and I'll have more surface than for the egg wash so I'm going to go ahead and get an A and add a little water and brush the tops of these okay so I have an egg and I'm going to crack it in my bowl and whisk it add a little bit of water to it to thin it out and then get a pastry brush to brush it on so then all you want to do is just brush the tops of the cinnamon rolls so to recap the yogurt is zero the Truvia is zero the gold metal flower is going to be five points per half cup so we used a cup and then I used Sukhram brown sugar substitute that zero cinnamon and an egg wash that's all zero so so far the only points are from the self rising flour okay that looks pretty good these are ready for the oven so I'll bake these for 20 minutes in a 375 degree oven and it's ready take a peek at the cinnamon roll they're rising they look delicious they need to bake a little longer but I just wanted to make sure that they were rising while the cinnamon rolls finished baking I'm gonna go ahead and make the glaze to go over the warm rolls and I use powdered sugar and vanilla but what I'm going to do today is use a new product I just received which is swerve confectioner's sugar it's zero smart points so I'm going to use a quarter cup of that with a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a little water to get to the desired consistency that I'd like for in glaze okay here's the quarter cup I'm putting into a little bowl I'm going to add a teaspoon of vanilla extract oops and that's pouring on to my counter I'm making a mess but sometimes that happens no fears just wipe it up and then I'm gonna go ahead and add some water okay this is ready to go onto the warm cinnamon rolls once they come out of the oven okay the timer went off so it's time to get the cinnamon rolls and here they are they look fantastic so I think yep they're toasty brown on the bottom and they rose a little their little cinnamon rolls they're just bites but they're perfect for one smart point then I'm gonna go ahead and drizzle some icing onto the rolls how great do these cinnamon rolls look to ingredient dough 12 cinnamon rolls one SmartPoint each they make the perfect addition to your breakfast nighttime snack when you're looking for something sweet to satisfy that sweet tooth look at that wonderful glaze using over the warm cinnamon roll I don't know if I can resist no I can't oh my gosh make these mmm they are so good you can adapt this recipe by adding raisins or even chocolate chips like my grandmother used to do for me but these are perfect little cinnamon rolls so I will post the measurements to make these so you can do this yourself at home let me know if you adapted in any way let me know what you think if you like them thanks so much for stopping by my kitchen I hope you enjoyed have a great day remember to always do something time for another person ciao you
Channel: Italianwifey - Marianne
Views: 782,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y-J3PILIJ9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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