Homemade Beef Jerky .. what is the best way to make it?

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] heyy pitmasters today we want to make super delicious beef jerky [Music] look at these we got beautiful I of rounds perfect for beef jerky and autumn is coming you know it's getting colder and cooler and Easter is just one of the dishes that works really well with colder weather you can put it in a lunch bucket for your kids you can have it with a beer it's just a lot of fun to make it's tasty so let's just get started we want to get the beef into the marinade as soon as possible but of course we need to take it out of the package and start slicing I got my super slicer here and this is a little bit frozen in the middle so I made sure that it's not completely defrosted and that's gonna help while slicing it when it's just that little bit defrosted it's much easier to get a thinner cut of meat it's just gonna Pat it dry with a paper towel now before you start slicing your meat you're looking at the grain of the meat and in this case is running in this direction and over here a little bit different direction but big questions are we going to slice this with or against the grain you know what we're going to do both and find out afterwards which one is better so our first I have brown I'm going to be slicing with the grain there we go I got this super slicer and that's gonna enable me to get real thin slices now the first ones they're just gonna be hard to cut just take it slow look at that there's a lot of marbling here in this cut and if you can get a leaner cut than this please do so because that fat we love it when we are grilling our meat but when we are trying to evaporate moisture that's not gonna let go it's going to hold on it's not going to dry as well as the meat so as lean as possible on your cut square this up now just get this excess fat off here no not actually I'm actually not happy with this cut because if you look at this there's this giant grain running through here and this is this is something that you can't eat so that's not gonna work well in our beef jerky we want lean meat so I'm just gonna take another knife I'm gonna work this out this is not gonna work at all for our cut you can see it right here you can eat this side and you can eat this side but you can't eat the white stuff in the middle I'm gonna switch knives I'm gonna make sure that we get this out before we continue okay now we got a nice lean clean cut which we can actually use this is way better now what we are left with is like a big chunk here which we good you know slice with the grain but then it runs flat in the end so we slice it with the grain we're gonna end up with good piece here but in the end it's gonna be really thin so what we're going to do is we're not going to slice it with the grain anymore we're going to slice it against the grain so we get at least a decent cut until here so look at this we got one slice and this is against the grain and here we're going to do another slice and deadest with the grain with the grain and against the grain we got four bags here to slice with the grain and to slice against the grain now let's start working on a marinade for the first marinade is gonna be ketchup based marinade ketchup also known as kiss-up - and I'm using Coney mix thick sweet ketchup which is like the number one Indonesian ketchup I'm gonna show you guys how thick this actually is it's like almost like a syrup base and this stuff is so good this is high-quality version of ketchup to this I'm gonna add my boombastic barbecue rub it's got some Asian flavors in there so we'll go ketchup I also want to add a bit of hot sauce and in this case I'm using Tabasco habanero sauce you can use any kind you want we're also going to add a bit of wishes to sauce and we'll put in around the tablespoon or so now let's quickly mix that up what that is good well put this in the bag yeah yeah I screwed up that's that's good I can't fix that is it we can't go back this is this is what it is now the ones that we sliced with the gram we'll just put one marinade and the ones that we sliced against the grey one Mary don't laugh at me I'm just gonna take everything out put it in one bag get it over with now you really want to go in there with your hands and mix it all up make sure that you get your marinade everywhere I've never been that strong at science it's like like my Achilles heel in school it wasn't my Achilles heel it will always be my Achilles heel but I do like trying things and see how they work out but getting it right down to science so for our second marinade we're gonna use it a little bit more classic flavor I want to make a marinade which involves you don't know what this is a little bit of Cola and a little bit of bourbon mr. Lee Perkins's of Worcestershire sauce and superlicious barbecue rub we're going to put around five tablespoons of this in there so now we have a proper chemical reaction going on so I'll put this in our back we're our sliced meat let's mix it up make sure you get it everywhere so now we'll zip up our bags put them in the fridge and they only need around an hour so because the cuts of meat are so thin the marinating process only takes a little while our beef is marinated and it smells good even through the bag it's been in there for over an hour and it must be good right now and now I want to lay out that beef I just want to spread it out like that your fingertips this is the ketchup marinated beef we got our second layer of paper on and we press it really hard just to press out those flus let it be absorbed so now we're going to set up my special trick let's move this out of the way we roll out the tinfoil and just get some or something that elevates your rack and in this case we're using the Napoleon six six five prestige Pro which has a giant wreck the cool thing with a gas grill is you got a lot of airflow with little heat that gives us the ability to control it and it's just the same thing as the oven and look at the grill surface that we have so let's put these on there so I'll put my across the grain over here now we'll start with our other marinated beef jerkey the cola superlicious totally different color these are sliced with the grain also you did a really good job positioning directly Thank You Morrison thank you for your beautiful culture mate how to make it look good for you now we'll put on another layer just to make sure we get it to dry and impress it really hard push out all those juices go first moisture Soph I'm getting a big whiff of bourbon well look at that ready to go on the grill so sliders right in now this looks like a proper beef jerky drying machine but I want to add a little bit of heat deflection right here I don't want to have the burnish getting all that heat up right on my beef I want to separate it so I'll put in one lay there and the heat will go up around the aluminum fold and then go over the beef now we'll close the lid and fire up one burner and this is where we need to be careful because I don't want to have a big amount of heat in there I just want to take it slow so we'll go with one burner for now let the airflow come up and with our hand we're going to check the temperature see if it's going real slow or not we definitely don't want to go over around eighty degrees Celsius and we're going to take out our smoker tray I'll put in some wood chips in this case I'm using Hickory because I like Hickory flavor I'll turn on the burner and now we wait for it to catch smoke and start heating up that grill so we let this barbecue run at around 50 degrees Celsius for five hours maybe more and time doesn't really matter what you're looking for is a way of beef jerky looks and let me get one of the grill grate what I'm looking for is when I hold it like this what happens does it bend down does it stay correct and in this case it's looking good it's dry in the center it's dry on the outside and this feels like almost letter e we don't want it to be completely hard we just want it to be a little soft still we got a nice red shining through of course we got a good color already from the marinade this is looking good so we're going to take this off and we definitely want to check each an individual piece to see if it's fully dried up if you pull it it starts to look like a dry letter so on this hand we got our Cola and bourbon version now I check each and individual one of them and we've still got a left a lot of left that needs to little bit more drying the ones that we flavor with Cola bourbon there are the ones that we cut with the grain and the one that we did with ketchup there cut against the grain now we're going to first try and see which one has the best pull to it the best jerk so let's start out with a ketchup which is cut against the grain nice stair shredding of the texture but also when you bite into it you're still biting into it for a long period of time and you're still chewing on it it's really something they could qualify as a good jerky that's a bit of sharpness at the end the habanero that we put in really really tasty now when we try sliced with the grain let me go this is actually really really funny this is again something that we didn't expect if you test these things then you know what works best but if you just assume some things you don't know so the one that we sliced with the grain you expect it to be much more tough much more harder to stretch but in reality it's easier to slice thin and look at that it just this apart and when you bite into it in your mouth you're able to cut through it with your teeth much easier it tastes like bourbon and coke you know it sounds stupid but it really does it's milder in flavor but you know it tastes like barbecue Cola bourbon really good so if you ask me pitmaster eggs how would you slice your beef jerky in the future I would say against the grain because I like that pool I like that jerk and I want it to be tough I wanted to have it in my mouth for a longer period of time if you like it to be tender go for slicing it with the grain you can slice it thinner it will be better flavor-wise this is hard for me because I like both I like that the heat that we get from the habanero sauce I like the sweetness but at the same time I like the Bourbon and it's really tough going I like them both I like them both but maybe your cameraman can tell us what he likes better what a piece [Music] yeah yeah I see that's a typical Dutch guy they like ketchup ketchup it is I love both but the ketchup it does have a like a sweet spot in my heart and with the habanero hot sauce in the end it's good like I hope you guys enjoyed this video recipe and I hope you guys are gonna leave me a big thumbs up and a comment down below let me know how do you like to slice your jerky and if you enjoyed this video then maybe you want to check out discord the link is down below in our video description it's a community where we all come together and share what we love to do most I wanna say a big thank you to our patrons and everybody that's a youtube member here and see you guys next time until then exmark lick and keep on grilling [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 425,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef jerky, jerky, beef, dried meat, biltong, homemade, how to make, recipe, bbq, barbecue, grill, napoleon grills, smoked beef jerky, smoked meat, smoked beef, winter recipe, autumn recipe, offset smoker, traeger, smoker, grillen, howtobbqright, klaus grillt, pitmaster, pitmasterx, baby back maniac, overview, test, experiment, cooking show, outdoor cooking, food network, 먹방, eating show, how to
Id: j-U_fP6qAVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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