BBQ with Franklin - Beef Jerky

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[Music] back in the Chuck Wagon days a great way to preserve meat was to smoke it make beef jerky oh beef jerky I like it Everyone likes it it's great and it's not very hard to make got a couple flank steaks here you can get mostly anything you want pretty much what you're looking for is not a lot of fat you don't want a real marbled piece of meat so you want something pretty lean maybe skirt maybe flank somewhere around there it's pretty common to do a marinade maybe with soy sauce or liquid smoke or Teriyaki or any of that stuff but back in the old days I don't think they had teriyaki seasoning so we're not doing it that way this is going to be straight salt and pepper and smoke now you want to get this meat as cold as you can without freezing it we're going to slice this stuff really really thin so we want to get it really firm I am going to kind of go down at an angle a little bit we're going to cut it about qu inch slices Against the Grain a lot of beef jerky you would slice with the grain I prefer it against just so it's a little more tender so it's kind of moist on the inside it's not real leathery some of this if you do get a piece that has some of that fat on there just go ahead and trim it off it's not a big deal if you don't but you got a knife handy you might as well just trim a little bit it might be a little chewy on those fattier parts but you know that's okay a piece of beef jury that's got a little chew to it certainly isn't the worst thing in the world going to use two cooling racks I'm going to lay the meat out on one of them to go onto the smoker then we'll make a rub I'm going to use about half salt and half pepper but then a little bit more salt I'll shake it up there's not going to be a lot of flavor inside the meat so we're going to have to overcompensate with some extra rub we'll sprinkle the rub on pretty liberally then we're going to use the second cooling rack to flip the meat around and season the other side in the meantime going to let the meat sit out warm up room temperature while I start the fire we're cold smoking so we're going to keep everything under 150° and I'm going to go wash [Music] up ooh perfect 125° so I'm just going to pick up this tray of meat stick it in here if you want to be pretty heavy on the smoke you might might be looking at about 5 hours if you want to be a little more delicate maybe closer to three but either way it's your call put it in shut the lid walk away and [Music] maintain oh yeah okay so these things have been on for about 3 hours definitely on the lighter side of smokiness which is totally great for me good and pliable good color so let's get these things inside and get them in the [Music] dehydrator all righty so I'm going to put this beef jerky in the food dehydrator if you don't have a food dehydrator you can totally use your oven just put it on the warm setting you don't want it to get any hotter about 145 150 so anyway transfer this stuff over looks nice smells good too don't want to smush it in there too much you want to leave sort of some gaps MH it's going to slide this thing in put the front back on turn it to 1:45 and check back in the morning for [Applause] [Music] softness well 15 hours in it's time to check the jerky [Music] oo looks pretty good it's pliable not too leathery not too [Music] hard so it's about right so this stuff is already 15 hours in your stuff may take 12 hours it may take 20 hours you don't really know take it to the tenderness that you want it to I'm calling this jerky done [Music]
Channel: BBQwithFranklin
Views: 462,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beef (Food), beef jerky, Jerky (Dish), Food (TV Genre), Do It Yourself (Hobby), smoker, smoking meat, smoking, backyard, kitchen, cooking, preserving, recipe, cook, Barbecue, BBQ, butcher, butcher's knife, skirt steak, flank steak, salt, pepper, rub, chuckwagon, Steak (Food), KLRU (TV Station), PBS, Public Broadcasting Service (TV Network), Aaron Franklin, Franklin Barbecue, Austin, Texas (US State)
Id: AIuiDhcStsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2015
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